#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define UPDATE_POINTER_FILE_PATH "/" UPDATE_MANIFEST_POINTER_FILE_NAME static FATFS* pfs = NULL; #define CHECK_FRESULT(result) \ { \ if((result) != FR_OK) { \ return false; \ } \ } static bool flipper_update_mount_sd() { for(int i = 0; i < BSP_SD_MaxMountRetryCount(); ++i) { if(BSP_SD_Init((i % 2) == 0) != MSD_OK) { /* Next attempt will be without card reset, let it settle */ furi_delay_ms(1000); continue; } if(f_mount(pfs, "/", 1) == FR_OK) { return true; } } return false; } static bool flipper_update_init() { furi_hal_clock_init(); furi_hal_rtc_init(); furi_hal_interrupt_init(); furi_hal_spi_config_init(); MX_FATFS_Init(); if(!hal_sd_detect()) { return false; } pfs = malloc(sizeof(FATFS)); return flipper_update_mount_sd(); } static bool flipper_update_load_stage(const FuriString* work_dir, UpdateManifest* manifest) { FIL file; FILINFO stat; FuriString* loader_img_path; loader_img_path = furi_string_alloc_set(work_dir); path_append(loader_img_path, furi_string_get_cstr(manifest->staged_loader_file)); if((f_stat(furi_string_get_cstr(loader_img_path), &stat) != FR_OK) || (f_open(&file, furi_string_get_cstr(loader_img_path), FA_OPEN_EXISTING | FA_READ) != FR_OK)) { furi_string_free(loader_img_path); return false; } furi_string_free(loader_img_path); void* img = malloc(stat.fsize); uint32_t bytes_read = 0; const uint16_t MAX_READ = 0xFFFF; uint32_t crc = 0; do { uint16_t size_read = 0; if(f_read(&file, img + bytes_read, MAX_READ, &size_read) != FR_OK) { break; } crc = crc32_calc_buffer(crc, img + bytes_read, size_read); bytes_read += size_read; } while(bytes_read == MAX_READ); do { if((bytes_read != stat.fsize) || (crc != manifest->staged_loader_crc)) { break; } /* Point of no return. Literally * * NB: we MUST disable IRQ, otherwise handlers from flash * will change global variables (like tick count) * that are located in .data. And we move staged loader * to the same memory region. So, IRQ handlers will mess up * memmove'd .text section and ruin your day. * We don't want that to happen. */ __disable_irq(); memmove((void*)(SRAM1_BASE), img, stat.fsize); LL_SYSCFG_SetRemapMemory(LL_SYSCFG_REMAP_SRAM); furi_hal_switch((void*)SRAM1_BASE); return true; } while(false); free(img); return false; } static bool flipper_update_get_manifest_path(FuriString* out_path) { FIL file; FILINFO stat; uint16_t size_read = 0; char manifest_name_buf[UPDATE_OPERATION_MAX_MANIFEST_PATH_LEN] = {0}; furi_string_reset(out_path); CHECK_FRESULT(f_stat(UPDATE_POINTER_FILE_PATH, &stat)); CHECK_FRESULT(f_open(&file, UPDATE_POINTER_FILE_PATH, FA_OPEN_EXISTING | FA_READ)); do { if(f_read(&file, manifest_name_buf, UPDATE_OPERATION_MAX_MANIFEST_PATH_LEN, &size_read) != FR_OK) { break; } if((size_read == 0) || (size_read == UPDATE_OPERATION_MAX_MANIFEST_PATH_LEN)) { break; } furi_string_set(out_path, manifest_name_buf); furi_string_right(out_path, strlen(STORAGE_EXT_PATH_PREFIX)); } while(0); f_close(&file); return !furi_string_empty(out_path); } static UpdateManifest* flipper_update_process_manifest(const FuriString* manifest_path) { FIL file; FILINFO stat; CHECK_FRESULT(f_stat(furi_string_get_cstr(manifest_path), &stat)); CHECK_FRESULT(f_open(&file, furi_string_get_cstr(manifest_path), FA_OPEN_EXISTING | FA_READ)); uint8_t* manifest_data = malloc(stat.fsize); uint32_t bytes_read = 0; const uint16_t MAX_READ = 0xFFFF; do { uint16_t size_read = 0; if(f_read(&file, manifest_data + bytes_read, MAX_READ, &size_read) != FR_OK) { //-V769 break; } bytes_read += size_read; } while(bytes_read == MAX_READ); UpdateManifest* manifest = NULL; do { if(bytes_read != stat.fsize) { break; } manifest = update_manifest_alloc(); if(!update_manifest_init_mem(manifest, manifest_data, bytes_read)) { update_manifest_free(manifest); manifest = NULL; } } while(false); f_close(&file); free(manifest_data); return manifest; } void flipper_boot_update_exec() { if(!flipper_update_init()) { return; } FuriString* work_dir = furi_string_alloc(); FuriString* manifest_path = furi_string_alloc(); do { if(!flipper_update_get_manifest_path(manifest_path)) { break; } UpdateManifest* manifest = flipper_update_process_manifest(manifest_path); if(!manifest) { break; } path_extract_dirname(furi_string_get_cstr(manifest_path), work_dir); if(!flipper_update_load_stage(work_dir, manifest)) { update_manifest_free(manifest); } } while(false); furi_string_free(manifest_path); furi_string_free(work_dir); free(pfs); }