#include <furi.h> #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* struct used for handling SPI info. */ typedef struct { SPI_HandleTypeDef* spi; PubSubCallback cb; void* ctx; } SpiHandle; /* For transmit/receive data use `spi_xfer` function. * `tx_data` and `rx_data` size must be equal (and equal `len`) * `cb` called after spi operation is completed, `(NULL, ctx)` passed to callback. */ bool spi_xfer( SPI_HandleTypeDef* spi, uint8_t* tx_data, uint8_t* rx_data, size_t len, PubSubCallback cb, void* ctx); /* Blocking verison: */ static inline bool spi_xfer_block(SPI_HandleTypeDef* spi, uint8_t* tx_data, uint8_t* rx_data, size_t len) { semaphoreInfo s; osSemaphore block = createSemaphoreStatic(s); if(!spi_xfer(spi, tx_data, rx_data, len, RELEASE_SEMAPHORE, (void*)block)) { osReleaseSemaphore(block); return false; } osWaitSemaphore(block); return false; } /* Common implementation of SPI bus: serial interface + CS pin */ typedef struct { GpioPin* cs; ///< CS pin ValueMutex* spi; ///< <SpiHandle*> } SpiBus; /* For dedicated work with one device there is `SpiDevice` entity. It contains ValueMutex around SpiBus: after you acquire device you can acquire spi to work with it (don't forget SPI bus is shared around many device, release it after every transaction as quick as possible). */ typedef struct { ValueMutex* bus; ///< <SpiBus*> } SpiDevice; ##SPI IRQ device /* Many devices (like CC1101 and NFC) present as SPI bus and IRQ line. For work with it there is special entity `SpiIrqDevice`. Use `subscribe_pubsub` for subscribinq to irq events. */ typedef struct { ValueMutex* bus; ///< <SpiBus*> PubSub* irq; } SpiIrqDevice; /* Special implementation of SPI bus: serial interface + CS, Res, D/I lines. */ typedef struct { GpioPin* cs; ///< CS pin GpioPin* res; ///< reset pin GpioPin* di; ///< D/I pin ValueMutex* spi; ///< <SPI_HandleTypeDef*> } DisplayBus; typedef struct { ValueMutex* bus; ///< <DisplayBus*> } DisplayDevice; /* # SPI devices (F2) * `/dev/sdcard` - SD card SPI, `SpiDevice` * `/dev/cc1101_bus` - Sub-GHz radio (CC1101), `SpiIrqDevice` * `/dev/nfc` - NFC (ST25R3916), `SpiIrqDevice` * `/dev/display` - `DisplayDevice` * `/dev/spiext` - External SPI (warning! Lock PA4, PA5, PA6, PA7) ### Application example ```C // Be careful, this function called from IRQ context void handle_irq(void* _arg, void* _ctx) { } void cc1101_example() { SpiIrqDevice* cc1101_device = open_input("/dev/cc1101_bus"); if(cc1101_device == NULL) return; // bus not available, critical error subscribe_pubsub(cc1101_device->irq, handle_irq, NULL); { // acquire device as device bus SpiBus* spi_bus = acquire_mutex(cc1101_device->bus, 0); if(spi_bus == NULL) { printf("Device busy\n"); // wait for device spi_bus = acquire_mutex_block(cc1101_device->bus); } // make transaction uint8_t request[4] = {0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF}; uint8_t response[4]; { SPI_HandleTypeDef* spi = acquire_mutex_block(spi_bus->spi); gpio_write(spi_bus->cs, false); spi_xfer_block(spi, request, response, 4); gpio_write(spi_bus->cs, true); release_mutex(cc1101_device->spi, spi); } // release device (device bus) release_mutex(cc1101_device->bus, spi_bus); } } ``` */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif