# File: List.py
# Author: Carl Allendorph
# Date: 05NOV2014
# Description:
#   This file contains the class for inspecting
# a FreeRTOS List Object

import gdb

from .Types import StdTypes

class ListInspector:
    """FreeRTOS List Inspector Object"""

    ListType = gdb.lookup_type("List_t")

    def __init__(self, handle):
        self._list = None
        #    print("List: Handle: %s" % handle)

    def Assign(self, listObj):
            if listObj.type == ListInspector.ListType:
                self._list = listObj
                raise TypeError("Invalid List Object Type!")
        except Exception as exc:
            # print(" Failed to assign from List object: %s" % str(exc))

        symbol, methodObj = gdb.lookup_symbol(listObj)
        if symbol != None:
            self._list = symbol.value()
            addrInt = int(listObj, 0)
            listObjPtr = gdb.Value(addrInt).cast(ListInspector.ListType.pointer())
            self._list = listObjPtr.dereference()

    def GetElements(self, CastTypeStr=None, startElem=1):
        """Get the Elements of the list as an array of
        gdb.Value type objects.
        @param CastTypeStr string name of the type of object that
          we will cast the void *pvOwner elements of the list to.
          User can also pass a L{gdb.Type} object as the type
          If None, we will simply cast to uint32_t and print these
          as hex values.
        @param startElem This is a flag to indicate whether
           we will start getting elements starting at 0 or 1. Note
           that this is to deal with some non-consistent behavior
           of some of the TCB Task lists.
        if self._list != None:

            CastType = None
            if CastTypeStr != None:
                if type(CastTypeStr) == str:
                        CastType = gdb.lookup_type(CastTypeStr).pointer()
                        print("Failed to find type: %s" % CastTypeStr)
                elif type(CastTypeStr) == gdb.Type:
                    CastType = CastTypeStr.pointer()

            resp = []
            numElems = self._list["uxNumberOfItems"]
            # print("List Elements: %d" % numElems)
            index = self._list["pxIndex"]

            if numElems > 0 and numElems < 200:

                if startElem == 0:
                    curr = index
                    curr = index["pxPrevious"]

                for i in range(0, numElems):
                    owner = curr["pvOwner"]

                    ownerObj = None
                    if CastType != None:
                        castObjPtr = owner.cast(CastType)
                        castObj = castObjPtr.dereference()
                        ownerObj = castObj
                        ownerUInt = owner.cast(StdTypes.uint32_t)
                        ownerObj = ownerUInt

                    itemVal = curr["xItemValue"]
                    resp.append((ownerObj, itemVal.cast(StdTypes.uint32_t)))

                    curr = curr["pxPrevious"]

            return resp

            raise ValueError("Invalid List Object - Possibly Failed to Initialize!")