#include "main.h" #include <furi_hal.h> #include <furi.h> #define SD_DUMMY_BYTE 0xFF const uint32_t SpiTimeout = 1000; uint8_t SD_IO_WriteByte(uint8_t Data); /****************************************************************************** BUS OPERATIONS *******************************************************************************/ /** * @brief SPI Write byte(s) to device * @param DataIn: Pointer to data buffer to write * @param DataOut: Pointer to data buffer for read data * @param DataLength: number of bytes to write * @retval None */ static void SPIx_WriteReadData(const uint8_t* DataIn, uint8_t* DataOut, uint16_t DataLength) { furi_check(furi_hal_spi_bus_trx( furi_hal_sd_spi_handle, (uint8_t*)DataIn, DataOut, DataLength, SpiTimeout)); } /** * @brief SPI Write a byte to device * @param Value: value to be written * @retval None */ __attribute__((unused)) static void SPIx_Write(uint8_t Value) { furi_check(furi_hal_spi_bus_tx(furi_hal_sd_spi_handle, (uint8_t*)&Value, 1, SpiTimeout)); } /****************************************************************************** LINK OPERATIONS *******************************************************************************/ /********************************* LINK SD ************************************/ /** * @brief Initialize the SD Card and put it into StandBy State (Ready for * data transfer). * @retval None */ void SD_IO_Init(void) { uint8_t counter = 0; /* SD chip select high */ hal_gpio_write(furi_hal_sd_spi_handle->cs, true); delay_us(10); /* Send dummy byte 0xFF, 10 times with CS high */ /* Rise CS and MOSI for 80 clocks cycles */ for(counter = 0; counter <= 200; counter++) { /* Send dummy byte 0xFF */ SD_IO_WriteByte(SD_DUMMY_BYTE); } } /** * @brief Set SD interface Chip Select state * @param val: 0 (low) or 1 (high) state * @retval None */ void SD_IO_CSState(uint8_t val) { /* Some SD Cards are prone to fail if CLK-ed too soon after CS transition. Worst case found: 8us */ if(val == 1) { delay_us(10); // Exit guard time for some SD cards hal_gpio_write(furi_hal_sd_spi_handle->cs, true); } else { hal_gpio_write(furi_hal_sd_spi_handle->cs, false); delay_us(10); // Entry guard time for some SD cards } } /** * @brief Write byte(s) on the SD * @param DataIn: Pointer to data buffer to write * @param DataOut: Pointer to data buffer for read data * @param DataLength: number of bytes to write * @retval None */ void SD_IO_WriteReadData(const uint8_t* DataIn, uint8_t* DataOut, uint16_t DataLength) { /* Send the byte */ SPIx_WriteReadData(DataIn, DataOut, DataLength); } /** * @brief Write a byte on the SD. * @param Data: byte to send. * @retval Data written */ uint8_t SD_IO_WriteByte(uint8_t Data) { uint8_t tmp; /* Send the byte */ SPIx_WriteReadData(&Data, &tmp, 1); return tmp; }