#!/usr/bin/env python3 import typing import subprocess import logging import time import os import socket from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from dataclasses import dataclass from flipper.app import App class Programmer(ABC): @abstractmethod def flash(self, bin: str) -> bool: pass @abstractmethod def probe(self) -> bool: pass @abstractmethod def get_name(self) -> str: pass @abstractmethod def set_serial(self, serial: str): pass @dataclass class OpenOCDInterface: name: str file: str serial_cmd: str additional_args: typing.Optional[list[str]] = None class OpenOCDProgrammer(Programmer): def __init__(self, interface: OpenOCDInterface): self.interface = interface self.logger = logging.getLogger("OpenOCD") self.serial: typing.Optional[str] = None def _add_file(self, params: list[str], file: str): params.append("-f") params.append(file) def _add_command(self, params: list[str], command: str): params.append("-c") params.append(command) def _add_serial(self, params: list[str], serial: str): self._add_command(params, f"{self.interface.serial_cmd} {serial}") def set_serial(self, serial: str): self.serial = serial def flash(self, bin: str) -> bool: i = self.interface if os.altsep: bin = bin.replace(os.sep, os.altsep) openocd_launch_params = ["openocd"] self._add_file(openocd_launch_params, i.file) if self.serial: self._add_serial(openocd_launch_params, self.serial) if i.additional_args: for a in i.additional_args: self._add_command(openocd_launch_params, a) self._add_file(openocd_launch_params, "target/stm32wbx.cfg") self._add_command(openocd_launch_params, "init") self._add_command(openocd_launch_params, f"program {bin} reset exit 0x8000000") # join the list of parameters into a string, but add quote if there are spaces openocd_launch_params_string = " ".join( [f'"{p}"' if " " in p else p for p in openocd_launch_params] ) self.logger.debug(f"Launching: {openocd_launch_params_string}") process = subprocess.Popen( openocd_launch_params, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) while process.poll() is None: time.sleep(0.25) print(".", end="", flush=True) print() success = process.returncode == 0 if not success: self.logger.error("OpenOCD failed to flash") if process.stdout: self.logger.error(process.stdout.read().decode("utf-8").strip()) return success def probe(self) -> bool: i = self.interface openocd_launch_params = ["openocd"] self._add_file(openocd_launch_params, i.file) if self.serial: self._add_serial(openocd_launch_params, self.serial) if i.additional_args: for a in i.additional_args: self._add_command(openocd_launch_params, a) self._add_file(openocd_launch_params, "target/stm32wbx.cfg") self._add_command(openocd_launch_params, "init") self._add_command(openocd_launch_params, "exit") self.logger.debug(f"Launching: {' '.join(openocd_launch_params)}") process = subprocess.Popen( openocd_launch_params, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, ) # Wait for OpenOCD to end and get the return code process.wait() found = process.returncode == 0 if process.stdout: self.logger.debug(process.stdout.read().decode("utf-8").strip()) return found def get_name(self) -> str: return self.interface.name def blackmagic_find_serial(serial: str): import serial.tools.list_ports as list_ports if serial and os.name == "nt": if not serial.startswith("\\\\.\\"): serial = f"\\\\.\\{serial}" ports = list(list_ports.grep("blackmagic")) if len(ports) == 0: return None elif len(ports) > 2: if serial: ports = list( filter( lambda p: p.serial_number == serial or p.name == serial or p.device == serial, ports, ) ) if len(ports) == 0: return None if len(ports) > 2: raise Exception("More than one Blackmagic probe found") # If you're getting any issues with auto lookup, uncomment this # print("\n".join([f"{p.device} {vars(p)}" for p in ports])) port = sorted(ports, key=lambda p: f"{p.location}_{p.name}")[0] if serial: if ( serial != port.serial_number and serial != port.name and serial != port.device ): return None if os.name == "nt": port.device = f"\\\\.\\{port.device}" return port.device def _resolve_hostname(hostname): try: return socket.gethostbyname(hostname) except socket.gaierror: return None def blackmagic_find_networked(serial: str): if not serial: serial = "blackmagic.local" # remove the tcp: prefix if it's there if serial.startswith("tcp:"): serial = serial[4:] # remove the port if it's there if ":" in serial: serial = serial.split(":")[0] if not (probe := _resolve_hostname(serial)): return None return f"tcp:{probe}:2345" class BlackmagicProgrammer(Programmer): def __init__( self, port_resolver, # typing.Callable[typing.Union[str, None], typing.Optional[str]] name: str, ): self.port_resolver = port_resolver self.name = name self.logger = logging.getLogger("BlackmagicUSB") self.port: typing.Optional[str] = None def _add_command(self, params: list[str], command: str): params.append("-ex") params.append(command) def _valid_ip(self, address): try: socket.inet_aton(address) return True except: return False def set_serial(self, serial: str): if self._valid_ip(serial): self.port = f"{serial}:2345" elif ip := _resolve_hostname(serial): self.port = f"{ip}:2345" else: self.port = serial def flash(self, bin: str) -> bool: if not self.port: if not self.probe(): return False # We can convert .bin to .elf with objcopy: # arm-none-eabi-objcopy -I binary -O elf32-littlearm --change-section-address=.data=0x8000000 -B arm -S app.bin app.elf # But I choose to use the .elf file directly because we are flashing our own firmware and it always has an elf predecessor. elf = bin.replace(".bin", ".elf") if not os.path.exists(elf): self.logger.error( f"Sorry, but Blackmagic can't flash .bin file, and {elf} doesn't exist" ) return False # arm-none-eabi-gdb build/f7-firmware-D/firmware.bin # -ex 'set pagination off' # -ex 'target extended-remote /dev/cu.usbmodem21201' # -ex 'set confirm off' # -ex 'monitor swdp_scan' # -ex 'attach 1' # -ex 'set mem inaccessible-by-default off' # -ex 'load' # -ex 'compare-sections' # -ex 'quit' gdb_launch_params = ["arm-none-eabi-gdb", elf] self._add_command(gdb_launch_params, f"target extended-remote {self.port}") self._add_command(gdb_launch_params, "set pagination off") self._add_command(gdb_launch_params, "set confirm off") self._add_command(gdb_launch_params, "monitor swdp_scan") self._add_command(gdb_launch_params, "attach 1") self._add_command(gdb_launch_params, "set mem inaccessible-by-default off") self._add_command(gdb_launch_params, "load") self._add_command(gdb_launch_params, "compare-sections") self._add_command(gdb_launch_params, "quit") self.logger.debug(f"Launching: {' '.join(gdb_launch_params)}") process = subprocess.Popen( gdb_launch_params, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) while process.poll() is None: time.sleep(0.5) print(".", end="", flush=True) print() if not process.stdout: return False output = process.stdout.read().decode("utf-8").strip() flashed = "Loading section .text," in output # Check flash verification if "MIS-MATCHED!" in output: flashed = False if "target image does not match the loaded file" in output: flashed = False if not flashed: self.logger.error("Blackmagic failed to flash") self.logger.error(output) return flashed def probe(self) -> bool: if not (port := self.port_resolver(self.port)): return False self.port = port return True def get_name(self) -> str: return self.name programmers: list[Programmer] = [ OpenOCDProgrammer( OpenOCDInterface( "cmsis-dap", "interface/cmsis-dap.cfg", "cmsis_dap_serial", ["transport select swd"], ), ), OpenOCDProgrammer( OpenOCDInterface( "stlink", "interface/stlink.cfg", "hla_serial", ["transport select hla_swd"] ), ), BlackmagicProgrammer(blackmagic_find_serial, "blackmagic_usb"), ] network_programmers = [ BlackmagicProgrammer(blackmagic_find_networked, "blackmagic_wifi") ] class Main(App): def init(self): self.subparsers = self.parser.add_subparsers(help="sub-command help") self.parser_flash = self.subparsers.add_parser("flash", help="Flash a binary") self.parser_flash.add_argument( "bin", type=str, help="Binary to flash", ) interfaces = [i.get_name() for i in programmers] interfaces.extend([i.get_name() for i in network_programmers]) self.parser_flash.add_argument( "--interface", choices=interfaces, type=str, help="Interface to use", ) self.parser_flash.add_argument( "--serial", type=str, help="Serial number or port of the programmer", ) self.parser_flash.set_defaults(func=self.flash) def _search_interface(self, serial: typing.Optional[str]) -> list[Programmer]: found_programmers = [] for p in programmers: name = p.get_name() if serial: p.set_serial(serial) self.logger.debug(f"Trying {name} with {serial}") else: self.logger.debug(f"Trying {name}") if p.probe(): self.logger.debug(f"Found {name}") found_programmers += [p] else: self.logger.debug(f"Failed to probe {name}") return found_programmers def _search_network_interface( self, serial: typing.Optional[str] ) -> list[Programmer]: found_programmers = [] for p in network_programmers: name = p.get_name() if serial: p.set_serial(serial) self.logger.debug(f"Trying {name} with {serial}") else: self.logger.debug(f"Trying {name}") if p.probe(): self.logger.debug(f"Found {name}") found_programmers += [p] else: self.logger.debug(f"Failed to probe {name}") return found_programmers def flash(self): start_time = time.time() bin_path = os.path.abspath(self.args.bin) if not os.path.exists(bin_path): self.logger.error(f"Binary file not found: {bin_path}") return 1 if self.args.interface: i_name = self.args.interface interfaces = [p for p in programmers if p.get_name() == i_name] if len(interfaces) == 0: interfaces = [p for p in network_programmers if p.get_name() == i_name] else: self.logger.info(f"Probing for interfaces...") interfaces = self._search_interface(self.args.serial) if len(interfaces) == 0: # Probe network blackmagic self.logger.info(f"Probing for network interfaces...") interfaces = self._search_network_interface(self.args.serial) if len(interfaces) == 0: self.logger.error("No interface found") return 1 if len(interfaces) > 1: self.logger.error("Multiple interfaces found: ") self.logger.error( f"Please specify '--interface={[i.get_name() for i in interfaces]}'" ) return 1 interface = interfaces[0] if self.args.serial: interface.set_serial(self.args.serial) self.logger.info( f"Flashing {bin_path} via {interface.get_name()} with {self.args.serial}" ) else: self.logger.info(f"Flashing {bin_path} via {interface.get_name()}") if not interface.flash(bin_path): self.logger.error(f"Failed to flash via {interface.get_name()}") return 1 flash_time = time.time() - start_time bin_size = os.path.getsize(bin_path) self.logger.info(f"Flashed successfully in {flash_time:.2f}s") self.logger.info(f"Effective speed: {bin_size / flash_time / 1024:.2f} KiB/s") return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": Main()()