#include "app_common.h" #include "main.h" #include "app_entry.h" #include "app_ble.h" #include "ble.h" #include "tl.h" #include "cmsis_os.h" #include "shci_tl.h" #include "stm32_lpm.h" #include "app_debug.h" #include <api-hal.h> extern RTC_HandleTypeDef hrtc; #define POOL_SIZE (CFG_TLBLE_EVT_QUEUE_LENGTH*4U*DIVC(( sizeof(TL_PacketHeader_t) + TL_BLE_EVENT_FRAME_SIZE ), 4U)) PLACE_IN_SECTION("MB_MEM2") ALIGN(4) static uint8_t EvtPool[POOL_SIZE]; PLACE_IN_SECTION("MB_MEM2") ALIGN(4) static TL_CmdPacket_t SystemCmdBuffer; PLACE_IN_SECTION("MB_MEM2") ALIGN(4) static uint8_t SystemSpareEvtBuffer[sizeof(TL_PacketHeader_t) + TL_EVT_HDR_SIZE + 255U]; PLACE_IN_SECTION("MB_MEM2") ALIGN(4) static uint8_t BleSpareEvtBuffer[sizeof(TL_PacketHeader_t) + TL_EVT_HDR_SIZE + 255]; osMutexId_t MtxShciId; osSemaphoreId_t SemShciId; osThreadId_t ShciUserEvtProcessId; volatile static BleGlueStatus ble_glue_status = BleGlueStatusUninitialized; const osThreadAttr_t ShciUserEvtProcess_attr = { .name = CFG_SHCI_USER_EVT_PROCESS_NAME, .attr_bits = CFG_SHCI_USER_EVT_PROCESS_ATTR_BITS, .cb_mem = CFG_SHCI_USER_EVT_PROCESS_CB_MEM, .cb_size = CFG_SHCI_USER_EVT_PROCESS_CB_SIZE, .stack_mem = CFG_SHCI_USER_EVT_PROCESS_STACK_MEM, .priority = CFG_SHCI_USER_EVT_PROCESS_PRIORITY, .stack_size = CFG_SHCI_USER_EVT_PROCESS_STACK_SIZE }; static void ShciUserEvtProcess(void *argument); static void SystemPower_Config( void ); static void appe_Tl_Init( void ); static void APPE_SysStatusNot( SHCI_TL_CmdStatus_t status ); static void APPE_SysUserEvtRx( void * pPayload ); BleGlueStatus APPE_Status() { return ble_glue_status; } void APPE_Init() { ble_glue_status = BleGlueStatusStartup; SystemPower_Config(); /**< Configure the system Power Mode */ HW_TS_Init(hw_ts_InitMode_Full, &hrtc); /**< Initialize the TimerServer */ // APPD_Init(); api_hal_power_insomnia_enter(); appe_Tl_Init(); /* Initialize all transport layers */ /** * From now, the application is waiting for the ready event ( VS_HCI_C2_Ready ) * received on the system channel before starting the Stack * This system event is received with APPE_SysUserEvtRx() */ } /************************************************************* * * LOCAL FUNCTIONS * *************************************************************/ /** * @brief Configure the system for power optimization * * @note This API configures the system to be ready for low power mode * * @param None * @retval None */ static void SystemPower_Config(void) { // Select HSI as system clock source after Wake Up from Stop mode LL_RCC_SetClkAfterWakeFromStop(LL_RCC_STOP_WAKEUPCLOCK_HSI); /* Initialize the CPU2 reset value before starting CPU2 with C2BOOT */ LL_C2_PWR_SetPowerMode(LL_PWR_MODE_SHUTDOWN); } static void appe_Tl_Init( void ) { TL_MM_Config_t tl_mm_config; SHCI_TL_HciInitConf_t SHci_Tl_Init_Conf; /**< Reference table initialization */ TL_Init(); MtxShciId = osMutexNew( NULL ); SemShciId = osSemaphoreNew( 1, 0, NULL ); /*< Create the semaphore and make it busy at initialization */ /** FreeRTOS system task creation */ ShciUserEvtProcessId = osThreadNew(ShciUserEvtProcess, NULL, &ShciUserEvtProcess_attr); /**< System channel initialization */ SHci_Tl_Init_Conf.p_cmdbuffer = (uint8_t*)&SystemCmdBuffer; SHci_Tl_Init_Conf.StatusNotCallBack = APPE_SysStatusNot; shci_init(APPE_SysUserEvtRx, (void*) &SHci_Tl_Init_Conf); /**< Memory Manager channel initialization */ tl_mm_config.p_BleSpareEvtBuffer = BleSpareEvtBuffer; tl_mm_config.p_SystemSpareEvtBuffer = SystemSpareEvtBuffer; tl_mm_config.p_AsynchEvtPool = EvtPool; tl_mm_config.AsynchEvtPoolSize = POOL_SIZE; TL_MM_Init( &tl_mm_config ); TL_Enable(); } static void APPE_SysStatusNot( SHCI_TL_CmdStatus_t status ) { switch (status) { case SHCI_TL_CmdBusy: osMutexAcquire( MtxShciId, osWaitForever ); break; case SHCI_TL_CmdAvailable: osMutexRelease( MtxShciId ); break; default: break; } } /** * The type of the payload for a system user event is tSHCI_UserEvtRxParam * When the system event is both : * - a ready event (subevtcode = SHCI_SUB_EVT_CODE_READY) * - reported by the FUS (sysevt_ready_rsp == FUS_FW_RUNNING) * The buffer shall not be released * ( eg ((tSHCI_UserEvtRxParam*)pPayload)->status shall be set to SHCI_TL_UserEventFlow_Disable ) * When the status is not filled, the buffer is released by default */ static void APPE_SysUserEvtRx( void * pPayload ) { UNUSED(pPayload); /* Traces channel initialization */ // APPD_EnableCPU2( ); if (APP_BLE_Init()) { ble_glue_status = BleGlueStatusStarted; } else { ble_glue_status = BleGlueStatusBroken; } api_hal_power_insomnia_exit(); } /************************************************************* * * FREERTOS WRAPPER FUNCTIONS * *************************************************************/ static void ShciUserEvtProcess(void *argument) { UNUSED(argument); for(;;) { osThreadFlagsWait(1, osFlagsWaitAny, osWaitForever); shci_user_evt_proc(); } } /************************************************************* * * WRAP FUNCTIONS * *************************************************************/ void shci_notify_asynch_evt(void* pdata) { UNUSED(pdata); osThreadFlagsSet( ShciUserEvtProcessId, 1 ); } void shci_cmd_resp_release(uint32_t flag) { UNUSED(flag); osSemaphoreRelease( SemShciId ); } void shci_cmd_resp_wait(uint32_t timeout) { UNUSED(timeout); osSemaphoreAcquire( SemShciId, osWaitForever ); }