#include "lacrosse_tx.h" #define TAG "WSProtocolLaCrosse_TX" /* * Help * https://github.com/merbanan/rtl_433/blob/master/src/devices/lacrosse.c * * * LaCrosse TX 433 Mhz Temperature and Humidity Sensors. * - Tested: TX-7U and TX-6U (Temperature only) * - Not Tested but should work: TX-3, TX-4 * - also TFA Dostmann 30.3120.90 sensor (for e.g. 35.1018.06 (WS-9015) station) * - also TFA Dostmann 30.3121 sensor * Protocol Documentation: http://www.f6fbb.org/domo/sensors/tx3_th.php * Message is 44 bits, 11 x 4 bit nybbles: * [00] [cnt = 10] [type] [addr] [addr + parity] [v1] [v2] [v3] [iv1] [iv2] [check] * Notes: * - Zero Pulses are longer (1,400 uS High, 1,000 uS Low) = 2,400 uS * - One Pulses are shorter ( 550 uS High, 1,000 uS Low) = 1,600 uS * - Sensor id changes when the battery is changed * - Primary Value are BCD with one decimal place: vvv = 12.3 * - Secondary value is integer only intval = 12, seems to be a repeat of primary * This may actually be an additional data check because the 4 bit checksum * and parity bit is pretty week at detecting errors. * - Temperature is in Celsius with 50.0 added (to handle negative values) * - Humidity values appear to be integer precision, decimal always 0. * - There is a 4 bit checksum and a parity bit covering the three digit value * - Parity check for TX-3 and TX-4 might be different. * - Msg sent with one repeat after 30 mS * - Temperature and humidity are sent as separate messages * - Frequency for each sensor may be could be off by as much as 50-75 khz * - LaCrosse Sensors in other frequency ranges (915 Mhz) use FSK not OOK * so they can't be decoded by rtl_433 currently. * - Temperature and Humidity are sent in different messages bursts. */ #define LACROSSE_TX_GAP 1000 #define LACROSSE_TX_BIT_SIZE 44 #define LACROSSE_TX_SUNC_PATTERN 0x0A000000000 #define LACROSSE_TX_SUNC_MASK 0x0F000000000 #define LACROSSE_TX_MSG_TYPE_TEMP 0x00 #define LACROSSE_TX_MSG_TYPE_HUM 0x0E static const SubGhzBlockConst ws_protocol_lacrosse_tx_const = { .te_short = 550, .te_long = 1300, .te_delta = 120, .min_count_bit_for_found = 40, }; struct WSProtocolDecoderLaCrosse_TX { SubGhzProtocolDecoderBase base; SubGhzBlockDecoder decoder; WSBlockGeneric generic; uint16_t header_count; }; struct WSProtocolEncoderLaCrosse_TX { SubGhzProtocolEncoderBase base; SubGhzProtocolBlockEncoder encoder; WSBlockGeneric generic; }; typedef enum { LaCrosse_TXDecoderStepReset = 0, LaCrosse_TXDecoderStepCheckPreambule, LaCrosse_TXDecoderStepSaveDuration, LaCrosse_TXDecoderStepCheckDuration, } LaCrosse_TXDecoderStep; const SubGhzProtocolDecoder ws_protocol_lacrosse_tx_decoder = { .alloc = ws_protocol_decoder_lacrosse_tx_alloc, .free = ws_protocol_decoder_lacrosse_tx_free, .feed = ws_protocol_decoder_lacrosse_tx_feed, .reset = ws_protocol_decoder_lacrosse_tx_reset, .get_hash_data = ws_protocol_decoder_lacrosse_tx_get_hash_data, .serialize = ws_protocol_decoder_lacrosse_tx_serialize, .deserialize = ws_protocol_decoder_lacrosse_tx_deserialize, .get_string = ws_protocol_decoder_lacrosse_tx_get_string, }; const SubGhzProtocolEncoder ws_protocol_lacrosse_tx_encoder = { .alloc = NULL, .free = NULL, .deserialize = NULL, .stop = NULL, .yield = NULL, }; const SubGhzProtocol ws_protocol_lacrosse_tx = { .name = WS_PROTOCOL_LACROSSE_TX_NAME, .type = SubGhzProtocolWeatherStation, .flag = SubGhzProtocolFlag_433 | SubGhzProtocolFlag_315 | SubGhzProtocolFlag_868 | SubGhzProtocolFlag_AM | SubGhzProtocolFlag_Decodable, .decoder = &ws_protocol_lacrosse_tx_decoder, .encoder = &ws_protocol_lacrosse_tx_encoder, }; void* ws_protocol_decoder_lacrosse_tx_alloc(SubGhzEnvironment* environment) { UNUSED(environment); WSProtocolDecoderLaCrosse_TX* instance = malloc(sizeof(WSProtocolDecoderLaCrosse_TX)); instance->base.protocol = &ws_protocol_lacrosse_tx; instance->generic.protocol_name = instance->base.protocol->name; return instance; } void ws_protocol_decoder_lacrosse_tx_free(void* context) { furi_assert(context); WSProtocolDecoderLaCrosse_TX* instance = context; free(instance); } void ws_protocol_decoder_lacrosse_tx_reset(void* context) { furi_assert(context); WSProtocolDecoderLaCrosse_TX* instance = context; instance->header_count = 0; instance->decoder.parser_step = LaCrosse_TXDecoderStepReset; } static bool ws_protocol_lacrosse_tx_check_crc(WSProtocolDecoderLaCrosse_TX* instance) { if(!instance->decoder.decode_data) return false; uint8_t msg[] = { (instance->decoder.decode_data >> 36) & 0x0F, (instance->decoder.decode_data >> 32) & 0x0F, (instance->decoder.decode_data >> 28) & 0x0F, (instance->decoder.decode_data >> 24) & 0x0F, (instance->decoder.decode_data >> 20) & 0x0F, (instance->decoder.decode_data >> 16) & 0x0F, (instance->decoder.decode_data >> 12) & 0x0F, (instance->decoder.decode_data >> 8) & 0x0F, (instance->decoder.decode_data >> 4) & 0x0F}; uint8_t crc = subghz_protocol_blocks_add_bytes(msg, 9); return ((crc & 0x0F) == ((instance->decoder.decode_data) & 0x0F)); } /** * Analysis of received data * @param instance Pointer to a WSBlockGeneric* instance */ static void ws_protocol_lacrosse_tx_remote_controller(WSBlockGeneric* instance) { uint8_t msg_type = (instance->data >> 32) & 0x0F; instance->id = (((instance->data >> 28) & 0x0F) << 3) | (((instance->data >> 24) & 0x0F) >> 1); float msg_value = (float)((instance->data >> 20) & 0x0F) * 10.0f + (float)((instance->data >> 16) & 0x0F) + (float)((instance->data >> 12) & 0x0F) * 0.1f; if(msg_type == LACROSSE_TX_MSG_TYPE_TEMP) { //-V1051 instance->temp = msg_value - 50.0f; instance->humidity = WS_NO_HUMIDITY; } else if(msg_type == LACROSSE_TX_MSG_TYPE_HUM) { //ToDo for verification, records are needed with sensors maintaining temperature and temperature for this standard instance->humidity = (uint8_t)msg_value; } else { furi_crash("WS: WSProtocolLaCrosse_TX incorrect msg_type."); } instance->btn = WS_NO_BTN; instance->battery_low = WS_NO_BATT; instance->channel = WS_NO_CHANNEL; } void ws_protocol_decoder_lacrosse_tx_feed(void* context, bool level, uint32_t duration) { furi_assert(context); WSProtocolDecoderLaCrosse_TX* instance = context; switch(instance->decoder.parser_step) { case LaCrosse_TXDecoderStepReset: if((!level) && (DURATION_DIFF(duration, LACROSSE_TX_GAP) < ws_protocol_lacrosse_tx_const.te_delta * 2)) { instance->decoder.parser_step = LaCrosse_TXDecoderStepCheckPreambule; instance->header_count = 0; } break; case LaCrosse_TXDecoderStepCheckPreambule: if(level) { if((DURATION_DIFF(duration, ws_protocol_lacrosse_tx_const.te_short) < ws_protocol_lacrosse_tx_const.te_delta) && (instance->header_count > 1)) { instance->decoder.parser_step = LaCrosse_TXDecoderStepCheckDuration; instance->decoder.decode_data = 0; instance->decoder.decode_count_bit = 0; instance->decoder.te_last = duration; } else if(duration > (ws_protocol_lacrosse_tx_const.te_long * 2)) { instance->decoder.parser_step = LaCrosse_TXDecoderStepReset; } } else { if(DURATION_DIFF(duration, LACROSSE_TX_GAP) < ws_protocol_lacrosse_tx_const.te_delta * 2) { instance->decoder.te_last = duration; instance->header_count++; } else { instance->decoder.parser_step = LaCrosse_TXDecoderStepReset; } } break; case LaCrosse_TXDecoderStepSaveDuration: if(level) { instance->decoder.te_last = duration; instance->decoder.parser_step = LaCrosse_TXDecoderStepCheckDuration; } else { instance->decoder.parser_step = LaCrosse_TXDecoderStepReset; } break; case LaCrosse_TXDecoderStepCheckDuration: if(!level) { if(duration > LACROSSE_TX_GAP * 3) { if(DURATION_DIFF( instance->decoder.te_last, ws_protocol_lacrosse_tx_const.te_short) < ws_protocol_lacrosse_tx_const.te_delta) { subghz_protocol_blocks_add_bit(&instance->decoder, 1); instance->decoder.parser_step = LaCrosse_TXDecoderStepSaveDuration; } else if( DURATION_DIFF( instance->decoder.te_last, ws_protocol_lacrosse_tx_const.te_long) < ws_protocol_lacrosse_tx_const.te_delta) { subghz_protocol_blocks_add_bit(&instance->decoder, 0); instance->decoder.parser_step = LaCrosse_TXDecoderStepSaveDuration; } if((instance->decoder.decode_data & LACROSSE_TX_SUNC_MASK) == LACROSSE_TX_SUNC_PATTERN) { if(ws_protocol_lacrosse_tx_check_crc(instance)) { instance->generic.data = instance->decoder.decode_data; instance->generic.data_count_bit = LACROSSE_TX_BIT_SIZE; ws_protocol_lacrosse_tx_remote_controller(&instance->generic); if(instance->base.callback) instance->base.callback(&instance->base, instance->base.context); } } instance->decoder.decode_data = 0; instance->decoder.decode_count_bit = 0; instance->header_count = 0; instance->decoder.parser_step = LaCrosse_TXDecoderStepReset; break; } else if( (DURATION_DIFF(instance->decoder.te_last, ws_protocol_lacrosse_tx_const.te_short) < ws_protocol_lacrosse_tx_const.te_delta) && (DURATION_DIFF(duration, LACROSSE_TX_GAP) < ws_protocol_lacrosse_tx_const.te_delta * 2)) { subghz_protocol_blocks_add_bit(&instance->decoder, 1); instance->decoder.parser_step = LaCrosse_TXDecoderStepSaveDuration; } else if( (DURATION_DIFF(instance->decoder.te_last, ws_protocol_lacrosse_tx_const.te_long) < ws_protocol_lacrosse_tx_const.te_delta) && (DURATION_DIFF(duration, LACROSSE_TX_GAP) < ws_protocol_lacrosse_tx_const.te_delta * 2)) { subghz_protocol_blocks_add_bit(&instance->decoder, 0); instance->decoder.parser_step = LaCrosse_TXDecoderStepSaveDuration; } else { instance->decoder.parser_step = LaCrosse_TXDecoderStepReset; } } else { instance->decoder.parser_step = LaCrosse_TXDecoderStepReset; } break; } } uint8_t ws_protocol_decoder_lacrosse_tx_get_hash_data(void* context) { furi_assert(context); WSProtocolDecoderLaCrosse_TX* instance = context; return subghz_protocol_blocks_get_hash_data( &instance->decoder, (instance->decoder.decode_count_bit / 8) + 1); } SubGhzProtocolStatus ws_protocol_decoder_lacrosse_tx_serialize( void* context, FlipperFormat* flipper_format, SubGhzRadioPreset* preset) { furi_assert(context); WSProtocolDecoderLaCrosse_TX* instance = context; return ws_block_generic_serialize(&instance->generic, flipper_format, preset); } SubGhzProtocolStatus ws_protocol_decoder_lacrosse_tx_deserialize(void* context, FlipperFormat* flipper_format) { furi_assert(context); WSProtocolDecoderLaCrosse_TX* instance = context; return ws_block_generic_deserialize_check_count_bit( &instance->generic, flipper_format, ws_protocol_lacrosse_tx_const.min_count_bit_for_found); } void ws_protocol_decoder_lacrosse_tx_get_string(void* context, FuriString* output) { furi_assert(context); WSProtocolDecoderLaCrosse_TX* instance = context; furi_string_printf( output, "%s %dbit\r\n" "Key:0x%lX%08lX\r\n" "Sn:0x%lX Ch:%d Bat:%d\r\n" "Temp:%3.1f C Hum:%d%%", instance->generic.protocol_name, instance->generic.data_count_bit, (uint32_t)(instance->generic.data >> 32), (uint32_t)(instance->generic.data), instance->generic.id, instance->generic.channel, instance->generic.battery_low, (double)instance->generic.temp, instance->generic.humidity); }