/* USER CODE BEGIN Header */ /** ****************************************************************************** * @file user_diskio.c * @brief This file includes a diskio driver skeleton to be completed by the user. ****************************************************************************** * @attention * * <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2020 STMicroelectronics. * All rights reserved.</center></h2> * * This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license * SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * www.st.com/SLA0044 * ****************************************************************************** */ /* USER CODE END Header */ #ifdef USE_OBSOLETE_USER_CODE_SECTION_0 /* * Warning: the user section 0 is no more in use (starting from CubeMx version 4.16.0) * To be suppressed in the future. * Kept to ensure backward compatibility with previous CubeMx versions when * migrating projects. * User code previously added there should be copied in the new user sections before * the section contents can be deleted. */ /* USER CODE BEGIN 0 */ /* USER CODE END 0 */ #endif /* USER CODE BEGIN DECL */ /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "user_diskio.h" #include <furi_hal.h> /* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Disk status */ static volatile DSTATUS Stat = STA_NOINIT; static DSTATUS User_CheckStatus(BYTE lun) { UNUSED(lun); Stat = STA_NOINIT; if(BSP_SD_GetCardState() == MSD_OK) { Stat &= ~STA_NOINIT; } return Stat; } /* USER CODE END DECL */ /* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/ DSTATUS USER_initialize(BYTE pdrv); DSTATUS USER_status(BYTE pdrv); DRESULT USER_read(BYTE pdrv, BYTE* buff, DWORD sector, UINT count); #if _USE_WRITE == 1 DRESULT USER_write(BYTE pdrv, const BYTE* buff, DWORD sector, UINT count); #endif /* _USE_WRITE == 1 */ #if _USE_IOCTL == 1 DRESULT USER_ioctl(BYTE pdrv, BYTE cmd, void* buff); #endif /* _USE_IOCTL == 1 */ Diskio_drvTypeDef USER_Driver = { USER_initialize, USER_status, USER_read, #if _USE_WRITE USER_write, #endif /* _USE_WRITE == 1 */ #if _USE_IOCTL == 1 USER_ioctl, #endif /* _USE_IOCTL == 1 */ }; /* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * @brief Initializes a Drive * @param pdrv: Physical drive number (0..) * @retval DSTATUS: Operation status */ DSTATUS USER_initialize(BYTE pdrv) { /* USER CODE BEGIN INIT */ furi_hal_spi_acquire(&furi_hal_spi_bus_handle_sd_fast); furi_hal_sd_spi_handle = &furi_hal_spi_bus_handle_sd_fast; DSTATUS status = User_CheckStatus(pdrv); furi_hal_sd_spi_handle = NULL; furi_hal_spi_release(&furi_hal_spi_bus_handle_sd_fast); return status; /* USER CODE END INIT */ } /** * @brief Gets Disk Status * @param pdrv: Physical drive number (0..) * @retval DSTATUS: Operation status */ DSTATUS USER_status(BYTE pdrv) { /* USER CODE BEGIN STATUS */ UNUSED(pdrv); return Stat; /* USER CODE END STATUS */ } /** * @brief Reads Sector(s) * @param pdrv: Physical drive number (0..) * @param *buff: Data buffer to store read data * @param sector: Sector address (LBA) * @param count: Number of sectors to read (1..128) * @retval DRESULT: Operation result */ DRESULT USER_read(BYTE pdrv, BYTE* buff, DWORD sector, UINT count) { /* USER CODE BEGIN READ */ UNUSED(pdrv); DRESULT res = RES_ERROR; furi_hal_spi_acquire(&furi_hal_spi_bus_handle_sd_fast); furi_hal_sd_spi_handle = &furi_hal_spi_bus_handle_sd_fast; if(BSP_SD_ReadBlocks((uint32_t*)buff, (uint32_t)(sector), count, SD_DATATIMEOUT) == MSD_OK) { /* wait until the read operation is finished */ while(BSP_SD_GetCardState() != MSD_OK) { } res = RES_OK; } furi_hal_sd_spi_handle = NULL; furi_hal_spi_release(&furi_hal_spi_bus_handle_sd_fast); return res; /* USER CODE END READ */ } /** * @brief Writes Sector(s) * @param pdrv: Physical drive number (0..) * @param *buff: Data to be written * @param sector: Sector address (LBA) * @param count: Number of sectors to write (1..128) * @retval DRESULT: Operation result */ #if _USE_WRITE == 1 DRESULT USER_write(BYTE pdrv, const BYTE* buff, DWORD sector, UINT count) { /* USER CODE BEGIN WRITE */ /* USER CODE HERE */ UNUSED(pdrv); DRESULT res = RES_ERROR; furi_hal_spi_acquire(&furi_hal_spi_bus_handle_sd_fast); furi_hal_sd_spi_handle = &furi_hal_spi_bus_handle_sd_fast; if(BSP_SD_WriteBlocks((uint32_t*)buff, (uint32_t)(sector), count, SD_DATATIMEOUT) == MSD_OK) { /* wait until the Write operation is finished */ while(BSP_SD_GetCardState() != MSD_OK) { } res = RES_OK; } furi_hal_sd_spi_handle = NULL; furi_hal_spi_release(&furi_hal_spi_bus_handle_sd_fast); return res; /* USER CODE END WRITE */ } #endif /* _USE_WRITE == 1 */ /** * @brief I/O control operation * @param pdrv: Physical drive number (0..) * @param cmd: Control code * @param *buff: Buffer to send/receive control data * @retval DRESULT: Operation result */ #if _USE_IOCTL == 1 DRESULT USER_ioctl(BYTE pdrv, BYTE cmd, void* buff) { /* USER CODE BEGIN IOCTL */ UNUSED(pdrv); DRESULT res = RES_ERROR; BSP_SD_CardInfo CardInfo; if(Stat & STA_NOINIT) return RES_NOTRDY; furi_hal_spi_acquire(&furi_hal_spi_bus_handle_sd_fast); furi_hal_sd_spi_handle = &furi_hal_spi_bus_handle_sd_fast; switch(cmd) { /* Make sure that no pending write process */ case CTRL_SYNC: res = RES_OK; break; /* Get number of sectors on the disk (DWORD) */ case GET_SECTOR_COUNT: BSP_SD_GetCardInfo(&CardInfo); *(DWORD*)buff = CardInfo.LogBlockNbr; res = RES_OK; break; /* Get R/W sector size (WORD) */ case GET_SECTOR_SIZE: BSP_SD_GetCardInfo(&CardInfo); *(WORD*)buff = CardInfo.LogBlockSize; res = RES_OK; break; /* Get erase block size in unit of sector (DWORD) */ case GET_BLOCK_SIZE: BSP_SD_GetCardInfo(&CardInfo); *(DWORD*)buff = CardInfo.LogBlockSize; res = RES_OK; break; default: res = RES_PARERR; } furi_hal_sd_spi_handle = NULL; furi_hal_spi_release(&furi_hal_spi_bus_handle_sd_fast); return res; /* USER CODE END IOCTL */ } #endif /* _USE_IOCTL == 1 */ /************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/