#include "irda.h" #include "furi/check.h" #include "irda_common_i.h" #include "irda_protocol_defs_i.h" #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <furi.h> #include "irda_i.h" #include <api-hal-irda.h> struct IrdaDecoderHandler { void** ctx; }; typedef struct { IrdaAlloc alloc; IrdaDecode decode; IrdaReset reset; IrdaFree free; } IrdaDecoders; typedef struct { IrdaEncoderReset reset; IrdaAlloc alloc; IrdaEncode encode; IrdaFree free; } IrdaEncoders; typedef struct { IrdaProtocol protocol; const char* name; IrdaDecoders decoder; IrdaEncoders encoder; uint8_t address_length; uint8_t command_length; } IrdaProtocolImplementation; struct IrdaEncoderHandler { void* encoder; IrdaProtocol protocol; }; // TODO: replace with key-value, Now we refer by enum index, which is dangerous. static const IrdaProtocolImplementation irda_protocols[] = { // #0 { .protocol = IrdaProtocolNEC, .name = "NEC", .decoder = { .alloc = irda_decoder_nec_alloc, .decode = irda_decoder_nec_decode, .reset = irda_decoder_nec_reset, .free = irda_decoder_nec_free}, .encoder = { .alloc = irda_encoder_nec_alloc, .encode = irda_encoder_nec_encode, .reset = irda_encoder_nec_reset, .free = irda_encoder_nec_free}, .address_length = 2, .command_length = 2, }, // #1 - have to be after NEC { .protocol = IrdaProtocolNECext, .name = "NECext", .decoder = { .alloc = irda_decoder_necext_alloc, .decode = irda_decoder_nec_decode, .reset = irda_decoder_nec_reset, .free = irda_decoder_nec_free}, .encoder = { .alloc = irda_encoder_necext_alloc, .encode = irda_encoder_nec_encode, .reset = irda_encoder_necext_reset, .free = irda_encoder_nec_free}, .address_length = 4, .command_length = 2, }, // #2 { .protocol = IrdaProtocolSamsung32, .name ="Samsung32", .decoder = { .alloc = irda_decoder_samsung32_alloc, .decode = irda_decoder_samsung32_decode, .reset = irda_decoder_samsung32_reset, .free = irda_decoder_samsung32_free}, .encoder = { .alloc = irda_encoder_samsung32_alloc, .encode = irda_encoder_samsung32_encode, .reset = irda_encoder_samsung32_reset, .free = irda_encoder_samsung32_free}, .address_length = 2, .command_length = 2, }, // #3 { .protocol = IrdaProtocolRC6, .name = "RC6", .decoder = { .alloc = irda_decoder_rc6_alloc, .decode = irda_decoder_rc6_decode, .reset = irda_decoder_rc6_reset, .free = irda_decoder_rc6_free}, .encoder = { .alloc = irda_encoder_rc6_alloc, .encode = irda_encoder_rc6_encode, .reset = irda_encoder_rc6_reset, .free = irda_encoder_rc6_free}, .address_length = 2, .command_length = 2, }, }; const IrdaMessage* irda_decode(IrdaDecoderHandler* handler, bool level, uint32_t duration) { furi_assert(handler); IrdaMessage* message = NULL; IrdaMessage* result = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < COUNT_OF(irda_protocols); ++i) { if (irda_protocols[i].decoder.decode) { message = irda_protocols[i].decoder.decode(handler->ctx[i], level, duration); if (!result && message) { message->protocol = irda_protocols[i].protocol; result = message; } } } return result; } IrdaDecoderHandler* irda_alloc_decoder(void) { IrdaDecoderHandler* handler = furi_alloc(sizeof(IrdaDecoderHandler)); handler->ctx = furi_alloc(sizeof(void*) * COUNT_OF(irda_protocols)); for (int i = 0; i < COUNT_OF(irda_protocols); ++i) { handler->ctx[i] = 0; if (irda_protocols[i].decoder.alloc) handler->ctx[i] = irda_protocols[i].decoder.alloc(); } return handler; } void irda_free_decoder(IrdaDecoderHandler* handler) { furi_assert(handler); furi_assert(handler->ctx); for (int i = 0; i < COUNT_OF(irda_protocols); ++i) { if (irda_protocols[i].decoder.free) irda_protocols[i].decoder.free(handler->ctx[i]); } free(handler->ctx); free(handler); } void irda_reset_decoder(IrdaDecoderHandler* handler) { for (int i = 0; i < COUNT_OF(irda_protocols); ++i) { if (irda_protocols[i].decoder.reset) irda_protocols[i].decoder.reset(handler->ctx[i]); } } IrdaEncoderHandler* irda_alloc_encoder(void) { IrdaEncoderHandler* handler = furi_alloc(sizeof(IrdaEncoderHandler)); handler->encoder = NULL; handler->protocol = IrdaProtocolUnknown; return handler; } void irda_free_encoder(IrdaEncoderHandler* handler) { furi_assert(handler); if (handler->encoder) { furi_assert(irda_is_protocol_valid(handler->protocol)); furi_assert(irda_protocols[handler->protocol].encoder.free); irda_protocols[handler->protocol].encoder.free(handler->encoder); } free(handler); } void irda_reset_encoder(IrdaEncoderHandler* handler, const IrdaMessage* message) { furi_assert(handler); furi_assert(message); furi_assert(irda_is_protocol_valid(message->protocol)); furi_assert(irda_protocols[message->protocol].encoder.reset); furi_assert(irda_protocols[message->protocol].encoder.alloc); /* Realloc encoder if different protocol set */ if (message->protocol != handler->protocol) { if (handler->encoder != NULL) { furi_assert(handler->protocol != IrdaProtocolUnknown); irda_protocols[handler->protocol].encoder.free(handler->encoder); } handler->encoder = irda_protocols[message->protocol].encoder.alloc(); handler->protocol = message->protocol; } irda_protocols[handler->protocol].encoder.reset(handler->encoder, message); } IrdaStatus irda_encode(IrdaEncoderHandler* handler, uint32_t* duration, bool* level) { furi_assert(handler); furi_assert(irda_is_protocol_valid(handler->protocol)); furi_assert(irda_protocols[handler->protocol].encoder.encode); IrdaStatus status = irda_protocols[handler->protocol].encoder.encode(handler->encoder, duration, level); furi_assert(status != IrdaStatusError); return status; } bool irda_is_protocol_valid(IrdaProtocol protocol) { return (protocol >= 0) && (protocol < COUNT_OF(irda_protocols)); } IrdaProtocol irda_get_protocol_by_name(const char* protocol_name) { for (int i = 0; i < COUNT_OF(irda_protocols); ++i) { if (!strcmp(irda_protocols[i].name, protocol_name)) return i; } return IrdaProtocolUnknown; } const char* irda_get_protocol_name(IrdaProtocol protocol) { if (irda_is_protocol_valid(protocol)) return irda_protocols[protocol].name; else return "Invalid"; } uint8_t irda_get_protocol_address_length(IrdaProtocol protocol) { if (irda_is_protocol_valid(protocol)) return irda_protocols[protocol].address_length; else return 0; } uint8_t irda_get_protocol_command_length(IrdaProtocol protocol) { if (irda_is_protocol_valid(protocol)) return irda_protocols[protocol].command_length; else return 0; }