typedef struct hmac_context { void (*init_hash)(const struct hmac_context* context); void (*update_hash)( const struct hmac_context* context, const uint8_t* message, unsigned message_size); void (*finish_hash)(const struct hmac_context* context, uint8_t* hash_result); unsigned block_size; /* Hash function block size in bytes, eg 64 for SHA-256. */ unsigned result_size; /* Hash function result size in bytes, eg 32 for SHA-256. */ uint8_t* tmp; /* Must point to a buffer of at least (2 * result_size + block_size) bytes. */ } hmac_context; typedef struct hmac_sha256_context { hmac_context hmac_ctx; sha256_context sha_ctx; uint8_t tmp[32 * 2 + 64]; } hmac_sha256_context; void hmac_sha256_init(hmac_sha256_context* ctx, const uint8_t* K); void hmac_sha256_update( const hmac_sha256_context* ctx, const uint8_t* message, unsigned message_size); void hmac_sha256_finish(const hmac_sha256_context* ctx, const uint8_t* K, uint8_t* hash_result);