#include <api-hal-power.h> #include <api-hal-clock.h> #include <api-hal-bt.h> #include <stm32wbxx_ll_rcc.h> #include <stm32wbxx_ll_pwr.h> #include <stm32wbxx_ll_hsem.h> #include <stm32wbxx_ll_cortex.h> #include <stm32wbxx_ll_gpio.h> #include <main.h> #include <hw_conf.h> #include <bq27220.h> #include <bq25896.h> typedef struct { volatile uint32_t insomnia; volatile uint32_t deep_insomnia; } ApiHalPower; static volatile ApiHalPower api_hal_power = { .insomnia = 0, .deep_insomnia = 1, }; const ParamCEDV cedv = { .cedv_conf.gauge_conf = { .CCT = 1, .CSYNC = 0, .EDV_CMP = 0, .SC = 1, .FIXED_EDV0 = 1, .FCC_LIM = 1, .FC_FOR_VDQ = 1, .IGNORE_SD = 1, .SME0 = 0, }, .full_charge_cap = 2100, .design_cap = 2100, .EDV0 = 3300, .EDV1 = 3321, .EDV2 = 3355, .EMF = 3679, .C0 = 430, .C1 = 0, .R1 = 408, .R0 = 334, .T0 = 4626, .TC = 11, .DOD0 = 4044, .DOD10 = 3905, .DOD20 = 3807, .DOD30 = 3718, .DOD40 = 3642, .DOD50 = 3585, .DOD60 = 3546, .DOD70 = 3514, .DOD80 = 3477, .DOD90 = 3411, .DOD100 = 3299, }; void HAL_RCC_CSSCallback(void) { // TODO: notify user about issue with HSE api_hal_power_reset(); } void api_hal_power_init() { LL_PWR_SMPS_SetMode(LL_PWR_SMPS_STEP_DOWN); bq27220_init(&cedv); bq25896_init(); } uint16_t api_hal_power_insomnia_level() { return api_hal_power.insomnia; } void api_hal_power_insomnia_enter() { api_hal_power.insomnia++; } void api_hal_power_insomnia_exit() { api_hal_power.insomnia--; } bool api_hal_power_sleep_available() { return api_hal_power.insomnia == 0; } bool api_hal_power_deep_sleep_available() { return api_hal_bt_is_alive() && api_hal_power.deep_insomnia == 0; } void api_hal_power_light_sleep() { __WFI(); } void api_hal_power_deep_sleep() { while( LL_HSEM_1StepLock(HSEM, CFG_HW_RCC_SEMID)); if (!LL_HSEM_1StepLock(HSEM, CFG_HW_ENTRY_STOP_MODE_SEMID)) { if(LL_PWR_IsActiveFlag_C2DS()) { // Release ENTRY_STOP_MODE semaphore LL_HSEM_ReleaseLock(HSEM, CFG_HW_ENTRY_STOP_MODE_SEMID, 0); // The switch on HSI before entering Stop Mode is required api_hal_clock_switch_to_hsi(); } } else { /** * The switch on HSI before entering Stop Mode is required */ api_hal_clock_switch_to_hsi(); } /* Release RCC semaphore */ LL_HSEM_ReleaseLock(HSEM, CFG_HW_RCC_SEMID, 0); // Prepare deep sleep LL_PWR_SetPowerMode(LL_PWR_MODE_STOP1); LL_LPM_EnableDeepSleep(); #if defined ( __CC_ARM) // Force store operations __force_stores(); #endif __WFI(); /* Release ENTRY_STOP_MODE semaphore */ LL_HSEM_ReleaseLock(HSEM, CFG_HW_ENTRY_STOP_MODE_SEMID, 0); while(LL_HSEM_1StepLock(HSEM, CFG_HW_RCC_SEMID)); if(LL_RCC_GetSysClkSource() != LL_RCC_SYS_CLKSOURCE_STATUS_PLL) { api_hal_clock_switch_to_pll(); } LL_HSEM_ReleaseLock(HSEM, CFG_HW_RCC_SEMID, 0); } void api_hal_power_sleep() { if(api_hal_power_deep_sleep_available()) { api_hal_power_deep_sleep(); } else { api_hal_power_light_sleep(); } } uint8_t api_hal_power_get_pct() { return bq27220_get_state_of_charge(); } uint8_t api_hal_power_get_bat_health_pct() { return bq27220_get_state_of_health(); } bool api_hal_power_is_charging() { return bq25896_is_charging(); } void api_hal_power_off() { bq25896_poweroff(); } void api_hal_power_reset() { NVIC_SystemReset(); } void api_hal_power_enable_otg() { bq25896_enable_otg(); } void api_hal_power_disable_otg() { bq25896_disable_otg(); } uint32_t api_hal_power_get_battery_remaining_capacity() { return bq27220_get_remaining_capacity(); } uint32_t api_hal_power_get_battery_full_capacity() { return bq27220_get_full_charge_capacity(); } float api_hal_power_get_battery_voltage(ApiHalPowerIC ic) { if (ic == ApiHalPowerICCharger) { return (float)bq25896_get_vbat_voltage() / 1000.0f; } else if (ic == ApiHalPowerICFuelGauge) { return (float)bq27220_get_voltage() / 1000.0f; } else { return 0.0f; } } float api_hal_power_get_battery_current(ApiHalPowerIC ic) { if (ic == ApiHalPowerICCharger) { return (float)bq25896_get_vbat_current() / 1000.0f; } else if (ic == ApiHalPowerICFuelGauge) { return (float)bq27220_get_current() / 1000.0f; } else { return 0.0f; } } float api_hal_power_get_battery_temperature(ApiHalPowerIC ic) { if (ic == ApiHalPowerICCharger) { // Linear approximation, +/- 5 C return (71.0f - (float)bq25896_get_ntc_mpct()/1000) / 0.6f; } else if (ic == ApiHalPowerICFuelGauge) { return ((float)bq27220_get_temperature() - 2731.0f) / 10.0f; } else { return 0.0f; } } float api_hal_power_get_usb_voltage(){ return (float)bq25896_get_vbus_voltage() / 1000.0f; } void api_hal_power_dump_state() { BatteryStatus battery_status; OperationStatus operation_status; if (bq27220_get_battery_status(&battery_status) == BQ27220_ERROR || bq27220_get_operation_status(&operation_status) == BQ27220_ERROR) { printf("Failed to get bq27220 status. Communication error.\r\n"); } else { printf( "bq27220: CALMD: %d, SEC0: %d, SEC1: %d, EDV2: %d, VDQ: %d, INITCOMP: %d, SMTH: %d, BTPINT: %d, CFGUPDATE: %d\r\n", operation_status.CALMD, operation_status.SEC0, operation_status.SEC1, operation_status.EDV2, operation_status.VDQ, operation_status.INITCOMP, operation_status.SMTH, operation_status.BTPINT, operation_status.CFGUPDATE ); // Battery status register, part 1 printf( "bq27220: CHGINH: %d, FC: %d, OTD: %d, OTC: %d, SLEEP: %d, OCVFAIL: %d, OCVCOMP: %d, FD: %d\r\n", battery_status.CHGINH, battery_status.FC, battery_status.OTD, battery_status.OTC, battery_status.SLEEP, battery_status.OCVFAIL, battery_status.OCVCOMP, battery_status.FD ); // Battery status register, part 2 printf( "bq27220: DSG: %d, SYSDWN: %d, TDA: %d, BATTPRES: %d, AUTH_GD: %d, OCVGD: %d, TCA: %d, RSVD: %d\r\n", battery_status.DSG, battery_status.SYSDWN, battery_status.TDA, battery_status.BATTPRES, battery_status.AUTH_GD, battery_status.OCVGD, battery_status.TCA, battery_status.RSVD ); // Voltage and current info printf( "bq27220: Full capacity: %dmAh, Design capacity: %dmAh, Remaining capacity: %dmAh, State of Charge: %d%%, State of health: %d%%\r\n", bq27220_get_full_charge_capacity(), bq27220_get_design_capacity(), bq27220_get_remaining_capacity(), bq27220_get_state_of_charge(), bq27220_get_state_of_health() ); printf( "bq27220: Voltage: %dmV, Current: %dmA, Temperature: %dC\r\n", bq27220_get_voltage(), bq27220_get_current(), (int)api_hal_power_get_battery_temperature(ApiHalPowerICFuelGauge) ); } printf( "bq25896: VBUS: %d, VSYS: %d, VBAT: %d, Current: %d, NTC: %ldm%%\r\n", bq25896_get_vbus_voltage(), bq25896_get_vsys_voltage(), bq25896_get_vbat_voltage(), bq25896_get_vbat_current(), bq25896_get_ntc_mpct() ); } void api_hal_power_enable_external_3_3v(){ LL_GPIO_SetOutputPin(PERIPH_POWER_GPIO_Port, PERIPH_POWER_Pin); } void api_hal_power_disable_external_3_3v(){ LL_GPIO_ResetOutputPin(PERIPH_POWER_GPIO_Port, PERIPH_POWER_Pin); }