#include "nfc_device.h" #include "assets_icons.h" #include "nfc_types.h" #include <lib/toolbox/path.h> #include <lib/toolbox/hex.h> #include <lib/nfc/protocols/nfc_util.h> #include <flipper_format/flipper_format.h> #define NFC_DEVICE_KEYS_FOLDER EXT_PATH("nfc/cache") #define NFC_DEVICE_KEYS_EXTENSION ".keys" static const char* nfc_file_header = "Flipper NFC device"; static const uint32_t nfc_file_version = 2; static const char* nfc_keys_file_header = "Flipper NFC keys"; static const uint32_t nfc_keys_file_version = 1; // Protocols format versions static const uint32_t nfc_mifare_classic_data_format_version = 2; static const uint32_t nfc_mifare_ultralight_data_format_version = 1; NfcDevice* nfc_device_alloc() { NfcDevice* nfc_dev = malloc(sizeof(NfcDevice)); nfc_dev->storage = furi_record_open(RECORD_STORAGE); nfc_dev->dialogs = furi_record_open(RECORD_DIALOGS); nfc_dev->load_path = furi_string_alloc(); nfc_dev->dev_data.parsed_data = furi_string_alloc(); return nfc_dev; } void nfc_device_free(NfcDevice* nfc_dev) { furi_assert(nfc_dev); nfc_device_clear(nfc_dev); furi_record_close(RECORD_STORAGE); furi_record_close(RECORD_DIALOGS); furi_string_free(nfc_dev->load_path); furi_string_free(nfc_dev->dev_data.parsed_data); free(nfc_dev); } static void nfc_device_prepare_format_string(NfcDevice* dev, FuriString* format_string) { if(dev->format == NfcDeviceSaveFormatUid) { furi_string_set(format_string, "UID"); } else if(dev->format == NfcDeviceSaveFormatBankCard) { furi_string_set(format_string, "Bank card"); } else if(dev->format == NfcDeviceSaveFormatMifareUl) { furi_string_set(format_string, nfc_mf_ul_type(dev->dev_data.mf_ul_data.type, true)); } else if(dev->format == NfcDeviceSaveFormatMifareClassic) { furi_string_set(format_string, "Mifare Classic"); } else if(dev->format == NfcDeviceSaveFormatMifareDesfire) { furi_string_set(format_string, "Mifare DESFire"); } else { furi_string_set(format_string, "Unknown"); } } static bool nfc_device_parse_format_string(NfcDevice* dev, FuriString* format_string) { if(furi_string_start_with_str(format_string, "UID")) { dev->format = NfcDeviceSaveFormatUid; dev->dev_data.protocol = NfcDeviceProtocolUnknown; return true; } if(furi_string_start_with_str(format_string, "Bank card")) { dev->format = NfcDeviceSaveFormatBankCard; dev->dev_data.protocol = NfcDeviceProtocolEMV; return true; } // Check Mifare Ultralight types for(MfUltralightType type = MfUltralightTypeUnknown; type < MfUltralightTypeNum; type++) { if(furi_string_equal(format_string, nfc_mf_ul_type(type, true))) { dev->format = NfcDeviceSaveFormatMifareUl; dev->dev_data.protocol = NfcDeviceProtocolMifareUl; dev->dev_data.mf_ul_data.type = type; return true; } } if(furi_string_start_with_str(format_string, "Mifare Classic")) { dev->format = NfcDeviceSaveFormatMifareClassic; dev->dev_data.protocol = NfcDeviceProtocolMifareClassic; return true; } if(furi_string_start_with_str(format_string, "Mifare DESFire")) { dev->format = NfcDeviceSaveFormatMifareDesfire; dev->dev_data.protocol = NfcDeviceProtocolMifareDesfire; return true; } return false; } static bool nfc_device_save_mifare_ul_data(FlipperFormat* file, NfcDevice* dev) { bool saved = false; MfUltralightData* data = &dev->dev_data.mf_ul_data; FuriString* temp_str; temp_str = furi_string_alloc(); // Save Mifare Ultralight specific data do { if(!flipper_format_write_comment_cstr(file, "Mifare Ultralight specific data")) break; if(!flipper_format_write_uint32( file, "Data format version", &nfc_mifare_ultralight_data_format_version, 1)) break; if(!flipper_format_write_hex(file, "Signature", data->signature, sizeof(data->signature))) break; if(!flipper_format_write_hex( file, "Mifare version", (uint8_t*)&data->version, sizeof(data->version))) break; // Write conters and tearing flags data bool counters_saved = true; for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) { furi_string_printf(temp_str, "Counter %d", i); if(!flipper_format_write_uint32( file, furi_string_get_cstr(temp_str), &data->counter[i], 1)) { counters_saved = false; break; } furi_string_printf(temp_str, "Tearing %d", i); if(!flipper_format_write_hex( file, furi_string_get_cstr(temp_str), &data->tearing[i], 1)) { counters_saved = false; break; } } if(!counters_saved) break; // Write pages data uint32_t pages_total = data->data_size / 4; if(!flipper_format_write_uint32(file, "Pages total", &pages_total, 1)) break; uint32_t pages_read = data->data_read / 4; if(!flipper_format_write_uint32(file, "Pages read", &pages_read, 1)) break; bool pages_saved = true; for(uint16_t i = 0; i < data->data_size; i += 4) { furi_string_printf(temp_str, "Page %d", i / 4); if(!flipper_format_write_hex(file, furi_string_get_cstr(temp_str), &data->data[i], 4)) { pages_saved = false; break; } } if(!pages_saved) break; // Write authentication counter uint32_t auth_counter = data->curr_authlim; if(!flipper_format_write_uint32(file, "Failed authentication attempts", &auth_counter, 1)) break; saved = true; } while(false); furi_string_free(temp_str); return saved; } bool nfc_device_load_mifare_ul_data(FlipperFormat* file, NfcDevice* dev) { bool parsed = false; MfUltralightData* data = &dev->dev_data.mf_ul_data; FuriString* temp_str; temp_str = furi_string_alloc(); uint32_t data_format_version = 0; do { // Read Mifare Ultralight format version if(!flipper_format_read_uint32(file, "Data format version", &data_format_version, 1)) { if(!flipper_format_rewind(file)) break; } // Read signature if(!flipper_format_read_hex(file, "Signature", data->signature, sizeof(data->signature))) break; // Read Mifare version if(!flipper_format_read_hex( file, "Mifare version", (uint8_t*)&data->version, sizeof(data->version))) break; // Read counters and tearing flags bool counters_parsed = true; for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) { furi_string_printf(temp_str, "Counter %d", i); if(!flipper_format_read_uint32( file, furi_string_get_cstr(temp_str), &data->counter[i], 1)) { counters_parsed = false; break; } furi_string_printf(temp_str, "Tearing %d", i); if(!flipper_format_read_hex( file, furi_string_get_cstr(temp_str), &data->tearing[i], 1)) { counters_parsed = false; break; } } if(!counters_parsed) break; // Read pages uint32_t pages_total = 0; if(!flipper_format_read_uint32(file, "Pages total", &pages_total, 1)) break; uint32_t pages_read = 0; if(data_format_version < nfc_mifare_ultralight_data_format_version) { pages_read = pages_total; } else { if(!flipper_format_read_uint32(file, "Pages read", &pages_read, 1)) break; } data->data_size = pages_total * 4; data->data_read = pages_read * 4; if(data->data_size > MF_UL_MAX_DUMP_SIZE || data->data_read > MF_UL_MAX_DUMP_SIZE) break; bool pages_parsed = true; for(uint16_t i = 0; i < pages_total; i++) { furi_string_printf(temp_str, "Page %d", i); if(!flipper_format_read_hex( file, furi_string_get_cstr(temp_str), &data->data[i * 4], 4)) { pages_parsed = false; break; } } if(!pages_parsed) break; // Read authentication counter uint32_t auth_counter; if(!flipper_format_read_uint32(file, "Failed authentication attempts", &auth_counter, 1)) auth_counter = 0; parsed = true; } while(false); furi_string_free(temp_str); return parsed; } static bool nfc_device_save_mifare_df_key_settings( FlipperFormat* file, MifareDesfireKeySettings* ks, const char* prefix) { bool saved = false; FuriString* key; key = furi_string_alloc(); do { furi_string_printf(key, "%s Change Key ID", prefix); if(!flipper_format_write_hex(file, furi_string_get_cstr(key), &ks->change_key_id, 1)) break; furi_string_printf(key, "%s Config Changeable", prefix); if(!flipper_format_write_bool(file, furi_string_get_cstr(key), &ks->config_changeable, 1)) break; furi_string_printf(key, "%s Free Create Delete", prefix); if(!flipper_format_write_bool(file, furi_string_get_cstr(key), &ks->free_create_delete, 1)) break; furi_string_printf(key, "%s Free Directory List", prefix); if(!flipper_format_write_bool(file, furi_string_get_cstr(key), &ks->free_directory_list, 1)) break; furi_string_printf(key, "%s Key Changeable", prefix); if(!flipper_format_write_bool( file, furi_string_get_cstr(key), &ks->master_key_changeable, 1)) break; if(ks->flags) { furi_string_printf(key, "%s Flags", prefix); if(!flipper_format_write_hex(file, furi_string_get_cstr(key), &ks->flags, 1)) break; } furi_string_printf(key, "%s Max Keys", prefix); if(!flipper_format_write_hex(file, furi_string_get_cstr(key), &ks->max_keys, 1)) break; for(MifareDesfireKeyVersion* kv = ks->key_version_head; kv; kv = kv->next) { furi_string_printf(key, "%s Key %d Version", prefix, kv->id); if(!flipper_format_write_hex(file, furi_string_get_cstr(key), &kv->version, 1)) break; } saved = true; } while(false); furi_string_free(key); return saved; } bool nfc_device_load_mifare_df_key_settings( FlipperFormat* file, MifareDesfireKeySettings* ks, const char* prefix) { bool parsed = false; FuriString* key; key = furi_string_alloc(); do { furi_string_printf(key, "%s Change Key ID", prefix); if(!flipper_format_read_hex(file, furi_string_get_cstr(key), &ks->change_key_id, 1)) break; furi_string_printf(key, "%s Config Changeable", prefix); if(!flipper_format_read_bool(file, furi_string_get_cstr(key), &ks->config_changeable, 1)) break; furi_string_printf(key, "%s Free Create Delete", prefix); if(!flipper_format_read_bool(file, furi_string_get_cstr(key), &ks->free_create_delete, 1)) break; furi_string_printf(key, "%s Free Directory List", prefix); if(!flipper_format_read_bool(file, furi_string_get_cstr(key), &ks->free_directory_list, 1)) break; furi_string_printf(key, "%s Key Changeable", prefix); if(!flipper_format_read_bool( file, furi_string_get_cstr(key), &ks->master_key_changeable, 1)) break; furi_string_printf(key, "%s Flags", prefix); if(flipper_format_key_exist(file, furi_string_get_cstr(key))) { if(!flipper_format_read_hex(file, furi_string_get_cstr(key), &ks->flags, 1)) break; } furi_string_printf(key, "%s Max Keys", prefix); if(!flipper_format_read_hex(file, furi_string_get_cstr(key), &ks->max_keys, 1)) break; ks->flags |= ks->max_keys >> 4; ks->max_keys &= 0xF; MifareDesfireKeyVersion** kv_head = &ks->key_version_head; for(int key_id = 0; key_id < ks->max_keys; key_id++) { furi_string_printf(key, "%s Key %d Version", prefix, key_id); uint8_t version; if(flipper_format_read_hex(file, furi_string_get_cstr(key), &version, 1)) { MifareDesfireKeyVersion* kv = malloc(sizeof(MifareDesfireKeyVersion)); memset(kv, 0, sizeof(MifareDesfireKeyVersion)); kv->id = key_id; kv->version = version; *kv_head = kv; kv_head = &kv->next; } } parsed = true; } while(false); furi_string_free(key); return parsed; } static bool nfc_device_save_mifare_df_app(FlipperFormat* file, MifareDesfireApplication* app) { bool saved = false; FuriString *prefix, *key; prefix = furi_string_alloc_printf("Application %02x%02x%02x", app->id[0], app->id[1], app->id[2]); key = furi_string_alloc(); uint8_t* tmp = NULL; do { if(app->key_settings) { if(!nfc_device_save_mifare_df_key_settings( file, app->key_settings, furi_string_get_cstr(prefix))) break; } if(!app->file_head) break; uint32_t n_files = 0; for(MifareDesfireFile* f = app->file_head; f; f = f->next) { n_files++; } tmp = malloc(n_files); int i = 0; for(MifareDesfireFile* f = app->file_head; f; f = f->next) { tmp[i++] = f->id; } furi_string_printf(key, "%s File IDs", furi_string_get_cstr(prefix)); if(!flipper_format_write_hex(file, furi_string_get_cstr(key), tmp, n_files)) break; bool saved_files = true; for(MifareDesfireFile* f = app->file_head; f; f = f->next) { saved_files = false; furi_string_printf(key, "%s File %d Type", furi_string_get_cstr(prefix), f->id); if(!flipper_format_write_hex(file, furi_string_get_cstr(key), &f->type, 1)) break; furi_string_printf( key, "%s File %d Communication Settings", furi_string_get_cstr(prefix), f->id); if(!flipper_format_write_hex(file, furi_string_get_cstr(key), &f->comm, 1)) break; furi_string_printf( key, "%s File %d Access Rights", furi_string_get_cstr(prefix), f->id); if(!flipper_format_write_hex( file, furi_string_get_cstr(key), (uint8_t*)&f->access_rights, 2)) break; uint16_t size = 0; if(f->type == MifareDesfireFileTypeStandard || f->type == MifareDesfireFileTypeBackup) { size = f->settings.data.size; furi_string_printf(key, "%s File %d Size", furi_string_get_cstr(prefix), f->id); if(!flipper_format_write_uint32( file, furi_string_get_cstr(key), &f->settings.data.size, 1)) break; } else if(f->type == MifareDesfireFileTypeValue) { furi_string_printf( key, "%s File %d Hi Limit", furi_string_get_cstr(prefix), f->id); if(!flipper_format_write_uint32( file, furi_string_get_cstr(key), &f->settings.value.hi_limit, 1)) break; furi_string_printf( key, "%s File %d Lo Limit", furi_string_get_cstr(prefix), f->id); if(!flipper_format_write_uint32( file, furi_string_get_cstr(key), &f->settings.value.lo_limit, 1)) break; furi_string_printf( key, "%s File %d Limited Credit Value", furi_string_get_cstr(prefix), f->id); if(!flipper_format_write_uint32( file, furi_string_get_cstr(key), &f->settings.value.limited_credit_value, 1)) break; furi_string_printf( key, "%s File %d Limited Credit Enabled", furi_string_get_cstr(prefix), f->id); if(!flipper_format_write_bool( file, furi_string_get_cstr(key), &f->settings.value.limited_credit_enabled, 1)) break; size = 4; } else if( f->type == MifareDesfireFileTypeLinearRecord || f->type == MifareDesfireFileTypeCyclicRecord) { furi_string_printf(key, "%s File %d Size", furi_string_get_cstr(prefix), f->id); if(!flipper_format_write_uint32( file, furi_string_get_cstr(key), &f->settings.record.size, 1)) break; furi_string_printf(key, "%s File %d Max", furi_string_get_cstr(prefix), f->id); if(!flipper_format_write_uint32( file, furi_string_get_cstr(key), &f->settings.record.max, 1)) break; furi_string_printf(key, "%s File %d Cur", furi_string_get_cstr(prefix), f->id); if(!flipper_format_write_uint32( file, furi_string_get_cstr(key), &f->settings.record.cur, 1)) break; size = f->settings.record.size * f->settings.record.cur; } if(f->contents) { furi_string_printf(key, "%s File %d", furi_string_get_cstr(prefix), f->id); if(!flipper_format_write_hex(file, furi_string_get_cstr(key), f->contents, size)) break; } saved_files = true; } if(!saved_files) { break; } saved = true; } while(false); free(tmp); furi_string_free(prefix); furi_string_free(key); return saved; } bool nfc_device_load_mifare_df_app(FlipperFormat* file, MifareDesfireApplication* app) { bool parsed = false; FuriString *prefix, *key; prefix = furi_string_alloc_printf("Application %02x%02x%02x", app->id[0], app->id[1], app->id[2]); key = furi_string_alloc(); uint8_t* tmp = NULL; MifareDesfireFile* f = NULL; do { app->key_settings = malloc(sizeof(MifareDesfireKeySettings)); memset(app->key_settings, 0, sizeof(MifareDesfireKeySettings)); if(!nfc_device_load_mifare_df_key_settings( file, app->key_settings, furi_string_get_cstr(prefix))) { free(app->key_settings); app->key_settings = NULL; break; } furi_string_printf(key, "%s File IDs", furi_string_get_cstr(prefix)); uint32_t n_files; if(!flipper_format_get_value_count(file, furi_string_get_cstr(key), &n_files)) break; tmp = malloc(n_files); if(!flipper_format_read_hex(file, furi_string_get_cstr(key), tmp, n_files)) break; MifareDesfireFile** file_head = &app->file_head; bool parsed_files = true; for(uint32_t i = 0; i < n_files; i++) { parsed_files = false; f = malloc(sizeof(MifareDesfireFile)); memset(f, 0, sizeof(MifareDesfireFile)); f->id = tmp[i]; furi_string_printf(key, "%s File %d Type", furi_string_get_cstr(prefix), f->id); if(!flipper_format_read_hex(file, furi_string_get_cstr(key), &f->type, 1)) break; furi_string_printf( key, "%s File %d Communication Settings", furi_string_get_cstr(prefix), f->id); if(!flipper_format_read_hex(file, furi_string_get_cstr(key), &f->comm, 1)) break; furi_string_printf( key, "%s File %d Access Rights", furi_string_get_cstr(prefix), f->id); if(!flipper_format_read_hex( file, furi_string_get_cstr(key), (uint8_t*)&f->access_rights, 2)) break; if(f->type == MifareDesfireFileTypeStandard || f->type == MifareDesfireFileTypeBackup) { furi_string_printf(key, "%s File %d Size", furi_string_get_cstr(prefix), f->id); if(!flipper_format_read_uint32( file, furi_string_get_cstr(key), &f->settings.data.size, 1)) break; } else if(f->type == MifareDesfireFileTypeValue) { furi_string_printf( key, "%s File %d Hi Limit", furi_string_get_cstr(prefix), f->id); if(!flipper_format_read_uint32( file, furi_string_get_cstr(key), &f->settings.value.hi_limit, 1)) break; furi_string_printf( key, "%s File %d Lo Limit", furi_string_get_cstr(prefix), f->id); if(!flipper_format_read_uint32( file, furi_string_get_cstr(key), &f->settings.value.lo_limit, 1)) break; furi_string_printf( key, "%s File %d Limited Credit Value", furi_string_get_cstr(prefix), f->id); if(!flipper_format_read_uint32( file, furi_string_get_cstr(key), &f->settings.value.limited_credit_value, 1)) break; furi_string_printf( key, "%s File %d Limited Credit Enabled", furi_string_get_cstr(prefix), f->id); if(!flipper_format_read_bool( file, furi_string_get_cstr(key), &f->settings.value.limited_credit_enabled, 1)) break; } else if( f->type == MifareDesfireFileTypeLinearRecord || f->type == MifareDesfireFileTypeCyclicRecord) { furi_string_printf(key, "%s File %d Size", furi_string_get_cstr(prefix), f->id); if(!flipper_format_read_uint32( file, furi_string_get_cstr(key), &f->settings.record.size, 1)) break; furi_string_printf(key, "%s File %d Max", furi_string_get_cstr(prefix), f->id); if(!flipper_format_read_uint32( file, furi_string_get_cstr(key), &f->settings.record.max, 1)) break; furi_string_printf(key, "%s File %d Cur", furi_string_get_cstr(prefix), f->id); if(!flipper_format_read_uint32( file, furi_string_get_cstr(key), &f->settings.record.cur, 1)) break; } furi_string_printf(key, "%s File %d", furi_string_get_cstr(prefix), f->id); if(flipper_format_key_exist(file, furi_string_get_cstr(key))) { uint32_t size; if(!flipper_format_get_value_count(file, furi_string_get_cstr(key), &size)) break; f->contents = malloc(size); if(!flipper_format_read_hex(file, furi_string_get_cstr(key), f->contents, size)) break; } *file_head = f; file_head = &f->next; f = NULL; parsed_files = true; } if(!parsed_files) { break; } parsed = true; } while(false); if(f) { free(f->contents); free(f); } free(tmp); furi_string_free(prefix); furi_string_free(key); return parsed; } static bool nfc_device_save_mifare_df_data(FlipperFormat* file, NfcDevice* dev) { bool saved = false; MifareDesfireData* data = &dev->dev_data.mf_df_data; uint8_t* tmp = NULL; do { if(!flipper_format_write_comment_cstr(file, "Mifare DESFire specific data")) break; if(!flipper_format_write_hex( file, "PICC Version", (uint8_t*)&data->version, sizeof(data->version))) break; if(data->free_memory) { if(!flipper_format_write_uint32(file, "PICC Free Memory", &data->free_memory->bytes, 1)) break; } if(data->master_key_settings) { if(!nfc_device_save_mifare_df_key_settings(file, data->master_key_settings, "PICC")) break; } uint32_t n_apps = 0; for(MifareDesfireApplication* app = data->app_head; app; app = app->next) { n_apps++; } if(!flipper_format_write_uint32(file, "Application Count", &n_apps, 1)) break; if(n_apps) { tmp = malloc(n_apps * 3); int i = 0; for(MifareDesfireApplication* app = data->app_head; app; app = app->next) { memcpy(tmp + i, app->id, 3); i += 3; } if(!flipper_format_write_hex(file, "Application IDs", tmp, n_apps * 3)) break; for(MifareDesfireApplication* app = data->app_head; app; app = app->next) { if(!nfc_device_save_mifare_df_app(file, app)) break; } } saved = true; } while(false); free(tmp); return saved; } bool nfc_device_load_mifare_df_data(FlipperFormat* file, NfcDevice* dev) { bool parsed = false; MifareDesfireData* data = &dev->dev_data.mf_df_data; memset(data, 0, sizeof(MifareDesfireData)); uint8_t* tmp = NULL; do { if(!flipper_format_read_hex( file, "PICC Version", (uint8_t*)&data->version, sizeof(data->version))) break; if(flipper_format_key_exist(file, "PICC Free Memory")) { data->free_memory = malloc(sizeof(MifareDesfireFreeMemory)); memset(data->free_memory, 0, sizeof(MifareDesfireFreeMemory)); if(!flipper_format_read_uint32( file, "PICC Free Memory", &data->free_memory->bytes, 1)) { free(data->free_memory); break; } } if(flipper_format_key_exist(file, "PICC Change Key ID")) { data->master_key_settings = malloc(sizeof(MifareDesfireKeySettings)); memset(data->master_key_settings, 0, sizeof(MifareDesfireKeySettings)); if(!nfc_device_load_mifare_df_key_settings(file, data->master_key_settings, "PICC")) { free(data->master_key_settings); data->master_key_settings = NULL; break; } } uint32_t n_apps; if(!flipper_format_read_uint32(file, "Application Count", &n_apps, 1)) break; if(n_apps) { tmp = malloc(n_apps * 3); if(!flipper_format_read_hex(file, "Application IDs", tmp, n_apps * 3)) break; bool parsed_apps = true; MifareDesfireApplication** app_head = &data->app_head; for(uint32_t i = 0; i < n_apps; i++) { MifareDesfireApplication* app = malloc(sizeof(MifareDesfireApplication)); memset(app, 0, sizeof(MifareDesfireApplication)); memcpy(app->id, &tmp[i * 3], 3); if(!nfc_device_load_mifare_df_app(file, app)) { free(app); parsed_apps = false; break; } *app_head = app; app_head = &app->next; } if(!parsed_apps) break; } parsed = true; } while(false); free(tmp); return parsed; } // Leave for backward compatibility bool nfc_device_load_bank_card_data(FlipperFormat* file, NfcDevice* dev) { bool parsed = false; EmvData* data = &dev->dev_data.emv_data; memset(data, 0, sizeof(EmvData)); uint32_t data_cnt = 0; FuriString* temp_str; temp_str = furi_string_alloc(); do { // Load essential data if(!flipper_format_get_value_count(file, "AID", &data_cnt)) break; data->aid_len = data_cnt; if(!flipper_format_read_hex(file, "AID", data->aid, data->aid_len)) break; if(!flipper_format_read_string(file, "Name", temp_str)) break; strlcpy(data->name, furi_string_get_cstr(temp_str), sizeof(data->name)); if(!flipper_format_get_value_count(file, "Number", &data_cnt)) break; data->number_len = data_cnt; if(!flipper_format_read_hex(file, "Number", data->number, data->number_len)) break; parsed = true; // Load optional data uint8_t exp_data[2] = {}; if(flipper_format_read_hex(file, "Exp data", exp_data, 2)) { data->exp_mon = exp_data[0]; data->exp_year = exp_data[1]; } if(flipper_format_read_uint32(file, "Country code", &data_cnt, 1)) { data->country_code = data_cnt; } if(flipper_format_read_uint32(file, "Currency code", &data_cnt, 1)) { data->currency_code = data_cnt; } } while(false); furi_string_free(temp_str); return parsed; } static void nfc_device_write_mifare_classic_block( FuriString* block_str, MfClassicData* data, uint8_t block_num) { furi_string_reset(block_str); bool is_sec_trailer = mf_classic_is_sector_trailer(block_num); if(is_sec_trailer) { uint8_t sector_num = mf_classic_get_sector_by_block(block_num); MfClassicSectorTrailer* sec_tr = mf_classic_get_sector_trailer_by_sector(data, sector_num); // Write key A for(size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(sec_tr->key_a); i++) { if(mf_classic_is_key_found(data, sector_num, MfClassicKeyA)) { furi_string_cat_printf(block_str, "%02X ", sec_tr->key_a[i]); } else { furi_string_cat_printf(block_str, "?? "); } } // Write Access bytes for(size_t i = 0; i < MF_CLASSIC_ACCESS_BYTES_SIZE; i++) { if(mf_classic_is_block_read(data, block_num)) { furi_string_cat_printf(block_str, "%02X ", sec_tr->access_bits[i]); } else { furi_string_cat_printf(block_str, "?? "); } } // Write key B for(size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(sec_tr->key_b); i++) { if(mf_classic_is_key_found(data, sector_num, MfClassicKeyB)) { furi_string_cat_printf(block_str, "%02X ", sec_tr->key_b[i]); } else { furi_string_cat_printf(block_str, "?? "); } } } else { // Write data block for(size_t i = 0; i < MF_CLASSIC_BLOCK_SIZE; i++) { if(mf_classic_is_block_read(data, block_num)) { furi_string_cat_printf(block_str, "%02X ", data->block[block_num].value[i]); } else { furi_string_cat_printf(block_str, "?? "); } } } furi_string_trim(block_str); } static bool nfc_device_save_mifare_classic_data(FlipperFormat* file, NfcDevice* dev) { bool saved = false; MfClassicData* data = &dev->dev_data.mf_classic_data; FuriString* temp_str; temp_str = furi_string_alloc(); uint16_t blocks = 0; // Save Mifare Classic specific data do { if(!flipper_format_write_comment_cstr(file, "Mifare Classic specific data")) break; if(data->type == MfClassicType1k) { if(!flipper_format_write_string_cstr(file, "Mifare Classic type", "1K")) break; blocks = 64; } else if(data->type == MfClassicType4k) { if(!flipper_format_write_string_cstr(file, "Mifare Classic type", "4K")) break; blocks = 256; } if(!flipper_format_write_uint32( file, "Data format version", &nfc_mifare_classic_data_format_version, 1)) break; if(!flipper_format_write_comment_cstr( file, "Mifare Classic blocks, \'??\' means unknown data")) break; bool block_saved = true; FuriString* block_str; block_str = furi_string_alloc(); for(size_t i = 0; i < blocks; i++) { furi_string_printf(temp_str, "Block %d", i); nfc_device_write_mifare_classic_block(block_str, data, i); if(!flipper_format_write_string(file, furi_string_get_cstr(temp_str), block_str)) { block_saved = false; break; } } furi_string_free(block_str); if(!block_saved) break; saved = true; } while(false); furi_string_free(temp_str); return saved; } static void nfc_device_load_mifare_classic_block( FuriString* block_str, MfClassicData* data, uint8_t block_num) { furi_string_trim(block_str); MfClassicBlock block_tmp = {}; bool is_sector_trailer = mf_classic_is_sector_trailer(block_num); uint8_t sector_num = mf_classic_get_sector_by_block(block_num); uint16_t block_unknown_bytes_mask = 0; furi_string_trim(block_str); for(size_t i = 0; i < MF_CLASSIC_BLOCK_SIZE; i++) { char hi = furi_string_get_char(block_str, 3 * i); char low = furi_string_get_char(block_str, 3 * i + 1); uint8_t byte = 0; if(hex_char_to_uint8(hi, low, &byte)) { block_tmp.value[i] = byte; } else { FURI_BIT_SET(block_unknown_bytes_mask, i); } } if(block_unknown_bytes_mask == 0xffff) { // All data is unknown, exit return; } if(is_sector_trailer) { MfClassicSectorTrailer* sec_tr_tmp = (MfClassicSectorTrailer*)&block_tmp; // Load Key A // Key A mask 0b0000000000111111 = 0x003f if((block_unknown_bytes_mask & 0x003f) == 0) { uint64_t key = nfc_util_bytes2num(sec_tr_tmp->key_a, sizeof(sec_tr_tmp->key_a)); mf_classic_set_key_found(data, sector_num, MfClassicKeyA, key); } // Load Access Bits // Access bits mask 0b0000001111000000 = 0x03c0 if((block_unknown_bytes_mask & 0x03c0) == 0) { mf_classic_set_block_read(data, block_num, &block_tmp); } // Load Key B // Key B mask 0b1111110000000000 = 0xfc00 if((block_unknown_bytes_mask & 0xfc00) == 0) { uint64_t key = nfc_util_bytes2num(sec_tr_tmp->key_b, sizeof(sec_tr_tmp->key_b)); mf_classic_set_key_found(data, sector_num, MfClassicKeyB, key); } } else { if(block_unknown_bytes_mask == 0) { mf_classic_set_block_read(data, block_num, &block_tmp); } } } static bool nfc_device_load_mifare_classic_data(FlipperFormat* file, NfcDevice* dev) { bool parsed = false; MfClassicData* data = &dev->dev_data.mf_classic_data; FuriString* temp_str; uint32_t data_format_version = 0; temp_str = furi_string_alloc(); uint16_t data_blocks = 0; memset(data, 0, sizeof(MfClassicData)); do { // Read Mifare Classic type if(!flipper_format_read_string(file, "Mifare Classic type", temp_str)) break; if(!furi_string_cmp(temp_str, "1K")) { data->type = MfClassicType1k; data_blocks = 64; } else if(!furi_string_cmp(temp_str, "4K")) { data->type = MfClassicType4k; data_blocks = 256; } else { break; } bool old_format = false; // Read Mifare Classic format version if(!flipper_format_read_uint32(file, "Data format version", &data_format_version, 1)) { // Load unread sectors with zero keys access for backward compatability if(!flipper_format_rewind(file)) break; old_format = true; } else { if(data_format_version < nfc_mifare_classic_data_format_version) { old_format = true; } } // Read Mifare Classic blocks bool block_read = true; FuriString* block_str; block_str = furi_string_alloc(); for(size_t i = 0; i < data_blocks; i++) { furi_string_printf(temp_str, "Block %d", i); if(!flipper_format_read_string(file, furi_string_get_cstr(temp_str), block_str)) { block_read = false; break; } nfc_device_load_mifare_classic_block(block_str, data, i); } furi_string_free(block_str); if(!block_read) break; // Set keys and blocks as unknown for backward compatibility if(old_format) { data->key_a_mask = 0ULL; data->key_b_mask = 0ULL; memset(data->block_read_mask, 0, sizeof(data->block_read_mask)); } parsed = true; } while(false); furi_string_free(temp_str); return parsed; } static void nfc_device_get_key_cache_file_path(NfcDevice* dev, FuriString* file_path) { uint8_t* uid = dev->dev_data.nfc_data.uid; uint8_t uid_len = dev->dev_data.nfc_data.uid_len; furi_string_set(file_path, NFC_DEVICE_KEYS_FOLDER "/"); for(size_t i = 0; i < uid_len; i++) { furi_string_cat_printf(file_path, "%02X", uid[i]); } furi_string_cat_printf(file_path, NFC_DEVICE_KEYS_EXTENSION); } static bool nfc_device_save_mifare_classic_keys(NfcDevice* dev) { FlipperFormat* file = flipper_format_file_alloc(dev->storage); MfClassicData* data = &dev->dev_data.mf_classic_data; FuriString* temp_str; temp_str = furi_string_alloc(); nfc_device_get_key_cache_file_path(dev, temp_str); bool save_success = false; do { if(!storage_simply_mkdir(dev->storage, NFC_DEVICE_KEYS_FOLDER)) break; if(!storage_simply_remove(dev->storage, furi_string_get_cstr(temp_str))) break; if(!flipper_format_file_open_always(file, furi_string_get_cstr(temp_str))) break; if(!flipper_format_write_header_cstr(file, nfc_keys_file_header, nfc_keys_file_version)) break; if(data->type == MfClassicType1k) { if(!flipper_format_write_string_cstr(file, "Mifare Classic type", "1K")) break; } else if(data->type == MfClassicType4k) { if(!flipper_format_write_string_cstr(file, "Mifare Classic type", "4K")) break; } if(!flipper_format_write_hex_uint64(file, "Key A map", &data->key_a_mask, 1)) break; if(!flipper_format_write_hex_uint64(file, "Key B map", &data->key_b_mask, 1)) break; uint8_t sector_num = mf_classic_get_total_sectors_num(data->type); bool key_save_success = true; for(size_t i = 0; (i < sector_num) && (key_save_success); i++) { MfClassicSectorTrailer* sec_tr = mf_classic_get_sector_trailer_by_sector(data, i); if(FURI_BIT(data->key_a_mask, i)) { furi_string_printf(temp_str, "Key A sector %d", i); key_save_success = flipper_format_write_hex( file, furi_string_get_cstr(temp_str), sec_tr->key_a, 6); } if(!key_save_success) break; if(FURI_BIT(data->key_b_mask, i)) { furi_string_printf(temp_str, "Key B sector %d", i); key_save_success = flipper_format_write_hex( file, furi_string_get_cstr(temp_str), sec_tr->key_b, 6); } } save_success = key_save_success; } while(false); flipper_format_free(file); furi_string_free(temp_str); return save_success; } bool nfc_device_load_key_cache(NfcDevice* dev) { furi_assert(dev); FuriString* temp_str; temp_str = furi_string_alloc(); MfClassicData* data = &dev->dev_data.mf_classic_data; nfc_device_get_key_cache_file_path(dev, temp_str); FlipperFormat* file = flipper_format_file_alloc(dev->storage); bool load_success = false; do { if(storage_common_stat(dev->storage, furi_string_get_cstr(temp_str), NULL) != FSE_OK) break; if(!flipper_format_file_open_existing(file, furi_string_get_cstr(temp_str))) break; uint32_t version = 0; if(!flipper_format_read_header(file, temp_str, &version)) break; if(furi_string_cmp_str(temp_str, nfc_keys_file_header)) break; if(version != nfc_keys_file_version) break; if(!flipper_format_read_string(file, "Mifare Classic type", temp_str)) break; if(!furi_string_cmp(temp_str, "1K")) { data->type = MfClassicType1k; } else if(!furi_string_cmp(temp_str, "4K")) { data->type = MfClassicType4k; } else { break; } if(!flipper_format_read_hex_uint64(file, "Key A map", &data->key_a_mask, 1)) break; if(!flipper_format_read_hex_uint64(file, "Key B map", &data->key_b_mask, 1)) break; uint8_t sectors = mf_classic_get_total_sectors_num(data->type); bool key_read_success = true; for(size_t i = 0; (i < sectors) && (key_read_success); i++) { MfClassicSectorTrailer* sec_tr = mf_classic_get_sector_trailer_by_sector(data, i); if(FURI_BIT(data->key_a_mask, i)) { furi_string_printf(temp_str, "Key A sector %d", i); key_read_success = flipper_format_read_hex( file, furi_string_get_cstr(temp_str), sec_tr->key_a, 6); } if(!key_read_success) break; if(FURI_BIT(data->key_b_mask, i)) { furi_string_printf(temp_str, "Key B sector %d", i); key_read_success = flipper_format_read_hex( file, furi_string_get_cstr(temp_str), sec_tr->key_b, 6); } } load_success = key_read_success; } while(false); furi_string_free(temp_str); flipper_format_free(file); return load_success; } void nfc_device_set_name(NfcDevice* dev, const char* name) { furi_assert(dev); strlcpy(dev->dev_name, name, NFC_DEV_NAME_MAX_LEN); } static void nfc_device_get_path_without_ext(FuriString* orig_path, FuriString* shadow_path) { // TODO: this won't work if there is ".nfc" anywhere in the path other than // at the end size_t ext_start = furi_string_search(orig_path, NFC_APP_EXTENSION); furi_string_set_n(shadow_path, orig_path, 0, ext_start); } static void nfc_device_get_shadow_path(FuriString* orig_path, FuriString* shadow_path) { nfc_device_get_path_without_ext(orig_path, shadow_path); furi_string_cat_printf(shadow_path, "%s", NFC_APP_SHADOW_EXTENSION); } bool nfc_device_save(NfcDevice* dev, const char* dev_name) { furi_assert(dev); bool saved = false; FlipperFormat* file = flipper_format_file_alloc(dev->storage); FuriHalNfcDevData* data = &dev->dev_data.nfc_data; FuriString* temp_str; temp_str = furi_string_alloc(); do { // Create nfc directory if necessary if(!storage_simply_mkdir(dev->storage, NFC_APP_FOLDER)) break; // First remove nfc device file if it was saved furi_string_printf(temp_str, "%s", dev_name); // Open file if(!flipper_format_file_open_always(file, furi_string_get_cstr(temp_str))) break; // Write header if(!flipper_format_write_header_cstr(file, nfc_file_header, nfc_file_version)) break; // Write nfc device type if(!flipper_format_write_comment_cstr( file, "Nfc device type can be UID, Mifare Ultralight, Mifare Classic")) break; nfc_device_prepare_format_string(dev, temp_str); if(!flipper_format_write_string(file, "Device type", temp_str)) break; // Write UID, ATQA, SAK if(!flipper_format_write_comment_cstr(file, "UID, ATQA and SAK are common for all formats")) break; if(!flipper_format_write_hex(file, "UID", data->uid, data->uid_len)) break; if(!flipper_format_write_hex(file, "ATQA", data->atqa, 2)) break; if(!flipper_format_write_hex(file, "SAK", &data->sak, 1)) break; // Save more data if necessary if(dev->format == NfcDeviceSaveFormatMifareUl) { if(!nfc_device_save_mifare_ul_data(file, dev)) break; } else if(dev->format == NfcDeviceSaveFormatMifareDesfire) { if(!nfc_device_save_mifare_df_data(file, dev)) break; } else if(dev->format == NfcDeviceSaveFormatMifareClassic) { // Save data if(!nfc_device_save_mifare_classic_data(file, dev)) break; // Save keys cache if(!nfc_device_save_mifare_classic_keys(dev)) break; } saved = true; } while(0); if(!saved) { dialog_message_show_storage_error(dev->dialogs, "Can not save\nkey file"); } furi_string_free(temp_str); flipper_format_free(file); return saved; } bool nfc_device_save_shadow(NfcDevice* dev, const char* path) { dev->shadow_file_exist = true; // Replace extension from .nfc to .shd if necessary FuriString* orig_path = furi_string_alloc(); furi_string_set_str(orig_path, path); FuriString* shadow_path = furi_string_alloc(); nfc_device_get_shadow_path(orig_path, shadow_path); bool file_saved = nfc_device_save(dev, furi_string_get_cstr(shadow_path)); furi_string_free(orig_path); furi_string_free(shadow_path); return file_saved; } static bool nfc_device_load_data(NfcDevice* dev, FuriString* path, bool show_dialog) { bool parsed = false; FlipperFormat* file = flipper_format_file_alloc(dev->storage); FuriHalNfcDevData* data = &dev->dev_data.nfc_data; uint32_t data_cnt = 0; FuriString* temp_str; temp_str = furi_string_alloc(); bool deprecated_version = false; if(dev->loading_cb) { dev->loading_cb(dev->loading_cb_ctx, true); } do { // Check existance of shadow file nfc_device_get_shadow_path(path, temp_str); dev->shadow_file_exist = storage_common_stat(dev->storage, furi_string_get_cstr(temp_str), NULL) == FSE_OK; // Open shadow file if it exists. If not - open original if(dev->shadow_file_exist) { if(!flipper_format_file_open_existing(file, furi_string_get_cstr(temp_str))) break; } else { if(!flipper_format_file_open_existing(file, furi_string_get_cstr(path))) break; } // Read and verify file header uint32_t version = 0; if(!flipper_format_read_header(file, temp_str, &version)) break; if(furi_string_cmp_str(temp_str, nfc_file_header) || (version != nfc_file_version)) { deprecated_version = true; break; } // Read Nfc device type if(!flipper_format_read_string(file, "Device type", temp_str)) break; if(!nfc_device_parse_format_string(dev, temp_str)) break; // Read and parse UID, ATQA and SAK if(!flipper_format_get_value_count(file, "UID", &data_cnt)) break; if(!(data_cnt == 4 || data_cnt == 7)) break; data->uid_len = data_cnt; if(!flipper_format_read_hex(file, "UID", data->uid, data->uid_len)) break; if(!flipper_format_read_hex(file, "ATQA", data->atqa, 2)) break; if(!flipper_format_read_hex(file, "SAK", &data->sak, 1)) break; // Load CUID uint8_t* cuid_start = data->uid; if(data->uid_len == 7) { cuid_start = &data->uid[3]; } data->cuid = (cuid_start[0] << 24) | (cuid_start[1] << 16) | (cuid_start[2] << 8) | (cuid_start[3]); // Parse other data if(dev->format == NfcDeviceSaveFormatMifareUl) { if(!nfc_device_load_mifare_ul_data(file, dev)) break; } else if(dev->format == NfcDeviceSaveFormatMifareClassic) { if(!nfc_device_load_mifare_classic_data(file, dev)) break; } else if(dev->format == NfcDeviceSaveFormatMifareDesfire) { if(!nfc_device_load_mifare_df_data(file, dev)) break; } else if(dev->format == NfcDeviceSaveFormatBankCard) { if(!nfc_device_load_bank_card_data(file, dev)) break; } parsed = true; } while(false); if(dev->loading_cb) { dev->loading_cb(dev->loading_cb_ctx, false); } if((!parsed) && (show_dialog)) { if(deprecated_version) { dialog_message_show_storage_error(dev->dialogs, "File format deprecated"); } else { dialog_message_show_storage_error(dev->dialogs, "Can not parse\nfile"); } } furi_string_free(temp_str); flipper_format_free(file); return parsed; } bool nfc_device_load(NfcDevice* dev, const char* file_path, bool show_dialog) { furi_assert(dev); furi_assert(file_path); // Load device data furi_string_set(dev->load_path, file_path); bool dev_load = nfc_device_load_data(dev, dev->load_path, show_dialog); if(dev_load) { // Set device name FuriString* filename; filename = furi_string_alloc(); path_extract_filename_no_ext(file_path, filename); nfc_device_set_name(dev, furi_string_get_cstr(filename)); furi_string_free(filename); } return dev_load; } bool nfc_file_select(NfcDevice* dev) { furi_assert(dev); // Input events and views are managed by file_browser FuriString* nfc_app_folder; nfc_app_folder = furi_string_alloc_set(NFC_APP_FOLDER); const DialogsFileBrowserOptions browser_options = { .extension = NFC_APP_EXTENSION, .skip_assets = true, .icon = &I_Nfc_10px, .hide_ext = true, .item_loader_callback = NULL, .item_loader_context = NULL, }; bool res = dialog_file_browser_show(dev->dialogs, dev->load_path, dev->load_path, &browser_options); furi_string_free(nfc_app_folder); if(res) { FuriString* filename; filename = furi_string_alloc(); path_extract_filename(dev->load_path, filename, true); strncpy(dev->dev_name, furi_string_get_cstr(filename), NFC_DEV_NAME_MAX_LEN); res = nfc_device_load_data(dev, dev->load_path, true); if(res) { nfc_device_set_name(dev, dev->dev_name); } furi_string_free(filename); } return res; } void nfc_device_data_clear(NfcDeviceData* dev_data) { if(dev_data->protocol == NfcDeviceProtocolMifareDesfire) { mf_df_clear(&dev_data->mf_df_data); } else if(dev_data->protocol == NfcDeviceProtocolMifareClassic) { memset(&dev_data->mf_classic_data, 0, sizeof(MfClassicData)); } else if(dev_data->protocol == NfcDeviceProtocolMifareUl) { mf_ul_reset(&dev_data->mf_ul_data); } else if(dev_data->protocol == NfcDeviceProtocolEMV) { memset(&dev_data->emv_data, 0, sizeof(EmvData)); } memset(&dev_data->nfc_data, 0, sizeof(FuriHalNfcDevData)); dev_data->protocol = NfcDeviceProtocolUnknown; furi_string_reset(dev_data->parsed_data); } void nfc_device_clear(NfcDevice* dev) { furi_assert(dev); nfc_device_set_name(dev, ""); nfc_device_data_clear(&dev->dev_data); dev->format = NfcDeviceSaveFormatUid; furi_string_reset(dev->load_path); } bool nfc_device_delete(NfcDevice* dev, bool use_load_path) { furi_assert(dev); bool deleted = false; FuriString* file_path; file_path = furi_string_alloc(); do { // Delete original file if(use_load_path && !furi_string_empty(dev->load_path)) { furi_string_set(file_path, dev->load_path); } else { furi_string_printf( file_path, "%s/%s%s", NFC_APP_FOLDER, dev->dev_name, NFC_APP_EXTENSION); } if(!storage_simply_remove(dev->storage, furi_string_get_cstr(file_path))) break; // Delete shadow file if it exists if(dev->shadow_file_exist) { if(use_load_path && !furi_string_empty(dev->load_path)) { nfc_device_get_shadow_path(dev->load_path, file_path); } else { furi_string_printf( file_path, "%s/%s%s", NFC_APP_FOLDER, dev->dev_name, NFC_APP_SHADOW_EXTENSION); } if(!storage_simply_remove(dev->storage, furi_string_get_cstr(file_path))) break; } deleted = true; } while(0); if(!deleted) { dialog_message_show_storage_error(dev->dialogs, "Can not remove file"); } furi_string_free(file_path); return deleted; } bool nfc_device_restore(NfcDevice* dev, bool use_load_path) { furi_assert(dev); furi_assert(dev->shadow_file_exist); bool restored = false; FuriString* path; path = furi_string_alloc(); do { if(use_load_path && !furi_string_empty(dev->load_path)) { nfc_device_get_shadow_path(dev->load_path, path); } else { furi_string_printf( path, "%s/%s%s", NFC_APP_FOLDER, dev->dev_name, NFC_APP_SHADOW_EXTENSION); } if(!storage_simply_remove(dev->storage, furi_string_get_cstr(path))) break; dev->shadow_file_exist = false; if(use_load_path && !furi_string_empty(dev->load_path)) { furi_string_set(path, dev->load_path); } else { furi_string_printf(path, "%s/%s%s", NFC_APP_FOLDER, dev->dev_name, NFC_APP_EXTENSION); } if(!nfc_device_load_data(dev, path, true)) break; restored = true; } while(0); furi_string_free(path); return restored; } void nfc_device_set_loading_callback(NfcDevice* dev, NfcLoadingCallback callback, void* context) { furi_assert(dev); dev->loading_cb = callback; dev->loading_cb_ctx = context; }