/* USER CODE BEGIN Header */ /** ****************************************************************************** * @file hw_conf.h * @author MCD Application Team * @brief Configuration of hardware interface ****************************************************************************** * @attention * * <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2019 STMicroelectronics. * All rights reserved.</center></h2> * * This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license * SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * www.st.com/SLA0044 * ****************************************************************************** */ /* USER CODE END Header */ /* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/ #ifndef HW_CONF_H #define HW_CONF_H #include "FreeRTOSConfig.h" /****************************************************************************** * Semaphores * THIS SHALL NO BE CHANGED AS THESE SEMAPHORES ARE USED AS WELL ON THE CM0+ *****************************************************************************/ /** * Index of the semaphore used by CPU2 to prevent the CPU1 to either write or erase data in flash * The CPU1 shall not either write or erase in flash when this semaphore is taken by the CPU2 * When the CPU1 needs to either write or erase in flash, it shall first get the semaphore and release it just * after writing a raw (64bits data) or erasing one sector. * Once the Semaphore has been released, there shall be at least 1us before it can be taken again. This is required * to give the opportunity to CPU2 to take it. * On v1.4.0 and older CPU2 wireless firmware, this semaphore is unused and CPU2 is using PES bit. * By default, CPU2 is using the PES bit to protect its timing. The CPU1 may request the CPU2 to use the semaphore * instead of the PES bit by sending the system command SHCI_C2_SetFlashActivityControl() */ #define CFG_HW_BLOCK_FLASH_REQ_BY_CPU2_SEMID 7 /** * Index of the semaphore used by CPU1 to prevent the CPU2 to either write or erase data in flash * In order to protect its timing, the CPU1 may get this semaphore to prevent the CPU2 to either * write or erase in flash (as this will stall both CPUs) * The PES bit shall not be used as this may stall the CPU2 in some cases. */ #define CFG_HW_BLOCK_FLASH_REQ_BY_CPU1_SEMID 6 /** * Index of the semaphore used to manage the CLK48 clock configuration * When the USB is required, this semaphore shall be taken before configuring te CLK48 for USB * and should be released after the application switch OFF the clock when the USB is not used anymore * When using the RNG, it is good enough to use CFG_HW_RNG_SEMID to control CLK48. * More details in AN5289 */ #define CFG_HW_CLK48_CONFIG_SEMID 5 /* Index of the semaphore used to manage the entry Stop Mode procedure */ #define CFG_HW_ENTRY_STOP_MODE_SEMID 4 /* Index of the semaphore used to access the RCC */ #define CFG_HW_RCC_SEMID 3 /* Index of the semaphore used to access the FLASH */ #define CFG_HW_FLASH_SEMID 2 /* Index of the semaphore used to access the PKA */ #define CFG_HW_PKA_SEMID 1 /* Index of the semaphore used to access the RNG */ #define CFG_HW_RNG_SEMID 0 /****************************************************************************** * HW TIMER SERVER *****************************************************************************/ /** * The user may define the maximum number of virtual timers supported. * It shall not exceed 255 */ #define CFG_HW_TS_MAX_NBR_CONCURRENT_TIMER 6 /** * The user may define the priority in the NVIC of the RTC_WKUP interrupt handler that is used to manage the * wakeup timer. * This setting is the preemptpriority part of the NVIC. */ #define CFG_HW_TS_NVIC_RTC_WAKEUP_IT_PREEMPTPRIO (configLIBRARY_MAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY + 1) /* FreeRTOS requirement */ /** * The user may define the priority in the NVIC of the RTC_WKUP interrupt handler that is used to manage the * wakeup timer. * This setting is the subpriority part of the NVIC. It does not exist on all processors. When it is not supported * on the CPU, the setting is ignored */ #define CFG_HW_TS_NVIC_RTC_WAKEUP_IT_SUBPRIO 0 /** * Define a critical section in the Timer server * The Timer server does not support the API to be nested * The Application shall either: * a) Ensure this will never happen * b) Define the critical section * The default implementations is masking all interrupts using the PRIMASK bit * The TimerServer driver uses critical sections to avoid context corruption. This is achieved with the macro * TIMER_ENTER_CRITICAL_SECTION and TIMER_EXIT_CRITICAL_SECTION. When CFG_HW_TS_USE_PRIMASK_AS_CRITICAL_SECTION is set * to 1, all STM32 interrupts are masked with the PRIMASK bit of the CortexM CPU. It is possible to use the BASEPRI * register of the CortexM CPU to keep allowed some interrupts with high priority. In that case, the user shall * re-implement TIMER_ENTER_CRITICAL_SECTION and TIMER_EXIT_CRITICAL_SECTION and shall make sure that no TimerServer * API are called when the TIMER critical section is entered */ #define CFG_HW_TS_USE_PRIMASK_AS_CRITICAL_SECTION 1 /** * This value shall reflect the maximum delay there could be in the application between the time the RTC interrupt * is generated by the Hardware and the time when the RTC interrupt handler is called. This time is measured in * number of RTCCLK ticks. * A relaxed timing would be 10ms * When the value is too short, the timerserver will not be able to count properly and all timeout may be random. * When the value is too long, the device may wake up more often than the most optimal configuration. However, the * impact on power consumption would be marginal (unless the value selected is extremely too long). It is strongly * recommended to select a value large enough to make sure it is not too short to ensure reliability of the system * as this will have marginal impact on low power mode */ #define CFG_HW_TS_RTC_HANDLER_MAX_DELAY ( 10 * (LSI_VALUE/1000) ) /** * Interrupt ID in the NVIC of the RTC Wakeup interrupt handler * It shall be type of IRQn_Type */ #define CFG_HW_TS_RTC_WAKEUP_HANDLER_ID RTC_WKUP_IRQn /****************************************************************************** * HW UART *****************************************************************************/ #define CFG_HW_LPUART1_ENABLED 0 #define CFG_HW_LPUART1_DMA_TX_SUPPORTED 0 #define CFG_HW_USART1_ENABLED 1 #define CFG_HW_USART1_DMA_TX_SUPPORTED 1 /** * UART1 */ #define CFG_HW_USART1_PREEMPTPRIORITY 0x0F #define CFG_HW_USART1_SUBPRIORITY 0 /** < The application shall check the selected source clock is enable */ #define CFG_HW_USART1_SOURCE_CLOCK RCC_USART1CLKSOURCE_SYSCLK #define CFG_HW_USART1_BAUDRATE 115200 #define CFG_HW_USART1_WORDLENGTH UART_WORDLENGTH_8B #define CFG_HW_USART1_STOPBITS UART_STOPBITS_1 #define CFG_HW_USART1_PARITY UART_PARITY_NONE #define CFG_HW_USART1_HWFLOWCTL UART_HWCONTROL_NONE #define CFG_HW_USART1_MODE UART_MODE_TX_RX #define CFG_HW_USART1_ADVFEATUREINIT UART_ADVFEATURE_NO_INIT #define CFG_HW_USART1_OVERSAMPLING UART_OVERSAMPLING_8 #define CFG_HW_USART1_TX_PORT_CLK_ENABLE __HAL_RCC_GPIOB_CLK_ENABLE #define CFG_HW_USART1_TX_PORT GPIOB #define CFG_HW_USART1_TX_PIN GPIO_PIN_6 #define CFG_HW_USART1_TX_MODE GPIO_MODE_AF_PP #define CFG_HW_USART1_TX_PULL GPIO_NOPULL #define CFG_HW_USART1_TX_SPEED GPIO_SPEED_FREQ_VERY_HIGH #define CFG_HW_USART1_TX_ALTERNATE GPIO_AF7_USART1 #define CFG_HW_USART1_RX_PORT_CLK_ENABLE __HAL_RCC_GPIOB_CLK_ENABLE #define CFG_HW_USART1_RX_PORT GPIOB #define CFG_HW_USART1_RX_PIN GPIO_PIN_7 #define CFG_HW_USART1_RX_MODE GPIO_MODE_AF_PP #define CFG_HW_USART1_RX_PULL GPIO_NOPULL #define CFG_HW_USART1_RX_SPEED GPIO_SPEED_FREQ_VERY_HIGH #define CFG_HW_USART1_RX_ALTERNATE GPIO_AF7_USART1 #define CFG_HW_USART1_CTS_PORT_CLK_ENABLE __HAL_RCC_GPIOA_CLK_ENABLE #define CFG_HW_USART1_CTS_PORT GPIOA #define CFG_HW_USART1_CTS_PIN GPIO_PIN_11 #define CFG_HW_USART1_CTS_MODE GPIO_MODE_AF_PP #define CFG_HW_USART1_CTS_PULL GPIO_PULLDOWN #define CFG_HW_USART1_CTS_SPEED GPIO_SPEED_FREQ_VERY_HIGH #define CFG_HW_USART1_CTS_ALTERNATE GPIO_AF7_USART1 #define CFG_HW_USART1_DMA_TX_PREEMPTPRIORITY 0x0F #define CFG_HW_USART1_DMA_TX_SUBPRIORITY 0 #define CFG_HW_USART1_DMAMUX_CLK_ENABLE __HAL_RCC_DMAMUX1_CLK_ENABLE #define CFG_HW_USART1_DMA_CLK_ENABLE __HAL_RCC_DMA2_CLK_ENABLE #define CFG_HW_USART1_TX_DMA_REQ DMA_REQUEST_USART1_TX #define CFG_HW_USART1_TX_DMA_CHANNEL DMA2_Channel4 #define CFG_HW_USART1_TX_DMA_IRQn DMA2_Channel4_IRQn #define CFG_HW_USART1_DMA_TX_IRQHandler DMA2_Channel4_IRQHandler #endif /*HW_CONF_H */ /************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/