#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#include <m-string.h>
#include "filesystem_api_defines.h"
#include "storage_sd_api.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

typedef struct Storage Storage;

/** Allocates and initializes a file descriptor
 * @return File*
File* storage_file_alloc(Storage* storage);

/** Frees the file descriptor. Closes the file if it was open.
void storage_file_free(File* file);

typedef enum {
} StorageEventType;

typedef struct {
    StorageEventType type;
} StorageEvent;

 * Get storage pubsub.
 * Storage will send StorageEvent messages.
 * @param storage 
 * @return FuriPubSub* 
FuriPubSub* storage_get_pubsub(Storage* storage);

/******************* File Functions *******************/

/** Opens an existing file or create a new one.
 * @param file pointer to file object.
 * @param path path to file 
 * @param access_mode access mode from FS_AccessMode 
 * @param open_mode open mode from FS_OpenMode 
 * @return success flag. You need to close the file even if the open operation failed.
bool storage_file_open(
    File* file,
    const char* path,
    FS_AccessMode access_mode,
    FS_OpenMode open_mode);

/** Close the file.
 * @param file pointer to a file object, the file object will be freed.
 * @return success flag
bool storage_file_close(File* file);

/** Tells if the file is open
 * @param file pointer to a file object
 * @return bool true if file is open
bool storage_file_is_open(File* file);

/** Tells if the file is a directory
 * @param file pointer to a file object
 * @return bool true if file is a directory
bool storage_file_is_dir(File* file);

/** Reads bytes from a file into a buffer
 * @param file pointer to file object.
 * @param buff pointer to a buffer, for reading
 * @param bytes_to_read how many bytes to read. Must be less than or equal to the size of the buffer.
 * @return uint16_t how many bytes were actually readed
uint16_t storage_file_read(File* file, void* buff, uint16_t bytes_to_read);

/** Writes bytes from a buffer to a file
 * @param file pointer to file object.
 * @param buff pointer to buffer, for writing
 * @param bytes_to_write how many bytes to write. Must be less than or equal to the size of the buffer.
 * @return uint16_t how many bytes were actually written
uint16_t storage_file_write(File* file, const void* buff, uint16_t bytes_to_write);

/** Moves the r/w pointer 
 * @param file pointer to file object.
 * @param offset offset to move the r/w pointer
 * @param from_start set an offset from the start or from the current position
 * @return success flag
bool storage_file_seek(File* file, uint32_t offset, bool from_start);

/** Gets the position of the r/w pointer 
 * @param file pointer to file object.
 * @return uint64_t position of the r/w pointer 
uint64_t storage_file_tell(File* file);

/** Truncates the file size to the current position of the r/w pointer
 * @param file pointer to file object.
 * @return bool success flag
bool storage_file_truncate(File* file);

/** Gets the size of the file
 * @param file pointer to file object.
 * @return uint64_t size of the file
uint64_t storage_file_size(File* file);

/** Writes file cache to storage
 * @param file pointer to file object.
 * @return bool success flag
bool storage_file_sync(File* file);

/** Checks that the r/w pointer is at the end of the file
 * @param file pointer to file object.
 * @return bool success flag
bool storage_file_eof(File* file);

/******************* Dir Functions *******************/

/** Opens a directory to get objects from it
 * @param app pointer to the api
 * @param file pointer to file object.
 * @param path path to directory
 * @return bool success flag. You need to close the directory even if the open operation failed.
bool storage_dir_open(File* file, const char* path);

/** Close the directory. Also free file handle structure and point it to the NULL.
 * @param file pointer to a file object.
 * @return bool success flag
bool storage_dir_close(File* file);

/** Reads the next object in the directory
 * @param file pointer to file object.
 * @param fileinfo pointer to the readed FileInfo, may be NULL
 * @param name pointer to name buffer, may be NULL
 * @param name_length name buffer length
 * @return success flag (if the next object does not exist, it also returns false and sets the file error id to FSE_NOT_EXIST)
bool storage_dir_read(File* file, FileInfo* fileinfo, char* name, uint16_t name_length);

/** Rewinds the read pointer to first item in the directory
 * @param file pointer to file object.
 * @return bool success flag
bool storage_dir_rewind(File* file);

/******************* Common Functions *******************/

/** Retrieves information about a file/directory
 * @param app pointer to the api
 * @param path path to file/directory
 * @param fileinfo pointer to the readed FileInfo, may be NULL
 * @return FS_Error operation result
FS_Error storage_common_stat(Storage* storage, const char* path, FileInfo* fileinfo);

/** Removes a file/directory from the repository, the directory must be empty and the file/directory must not be open
 * @param app pointer to the api
 * @param path 
 * @return FS_Error operation result
FS_Error storage_common_remove(Storage* storage, const char* path);

/** Renames file/directory, file/directory must not be open
 * @param app pointer to the api
 * @param old_path old path
 * @param new_path new path
 * @return FS_Error operation result
FS_Error storage_common_rename(Storage* storage, const char* old_path, const char* new_path);

/** Copy file, file must not be open
 * @param app pointer to the api
 * @param old_path old path
 * @param new_path new path
 * @return FS_Error operation result
FS_Error storage_common_copy(Storage* storage, const char* old_path, const char* new_path);

/** Creates a directory
 * @param app pointer to the api
 * @param path directory path
 * @return FS_Error operation result
FS_Error storage_common_mkdir(Storage* storage, const char* path);

/** Gets general information about the storage
 * @param app pointer to the api
 * @param fs_path the path to the storage of interest
 * @param total_space pointer to total space record, will be filled
 * @param free_space pointer to free space record, will be filled
 * @return FS_Error operation result
FS_Error storage_common_fs_info(
    Storage* storage,
    const char* fs_path,
    uint64_t* total_space,
    uint64_t* free_space);

/******************* Error Functions *******************/

/** Retrieves the error text from the error id
 * @param error_id error id
 * @return const char* error text
const char* storage_error_get_desc(FS_Error error_id);

/** Retrieves the error id from the file object
 * @param file pointer to file object. Pointer must not point to NULL. YOU CANNOT RETREIVE THE ERROR ID IF THE FILE HAS BEEN CLOSED
 * @return FS_Error error id
FS_Error storage_file_get_error(File* file);

/** Retrieves the internal (storage-specific) error id from the file object
 * @param file pointer to file object. Pointer must not point to NULL. YOU CANNOT RETREIVE THE INTERNAL ERROR ID IF THE FILE HAS BEEN CLOSED
 * @return FS_Error error id
int32_t storage_file_get_internal_error(File* file);

/** Retrieves the error text from the file object
 * @param file pointer to file object. Pointer must not point to NULL. YOU CANNOT RETREIVE THE ERROR TEXT IF THE FILE HAS BEEN CLOSED
 * @return const char* error text
const char* storage_file_get_error_desc(File* file);

/******************* SD Card Functions *******************/

/** Formats SD Card
 * @param api pointer to the api
 * @return FS_Error operation result
FS_Error storage_sd_format(Storage* api);

/** Will unmount the SD card
 * @param api pointer to the api
 * @return FS_Error operation result
FS_Error storage_sd_unmount(Storage* api);

/** Retrieves SD card information
 * @param api pointer to the api
 * @param info pointer to the info
 * @return FS_Error operation result
FS_Error storage_sd_info(Storage* api, SDInfo* info);

/** Retrieves SD card status
 * @param api pointer to the api
 * @return FS_Error operation result
FS_Error storage_sd_status(Storage* api);

/***************** Simplified Functions ******************/

 * Removes a file/directory from the repository, the directory must be empty and the file/directory must not be open
 * @param storage pointer to the api
 * @param path 
 * @return true on success or if file/dir is not exist
bool storage_simply_remove(Storage* storage, const char* path);

 * Removes a file/directory from the repository, the directory can be not empty
 * @param storage pointer to the api
 * @param path
 * @return true on success or if file/dir is not exist
bool storage_simply_remove_recursive(Storage* storage, const char* path);

 * Creates a directory
 * @param storage 
 * @param path 
 * @return true on success or if directory is already exist
bool storage_simply_mkdir(Storage* storage, const char* path);

 * @brief Get next free filename.
 * @param storage
 * @param dirname 
 * @param filename 
 * @param fileextension 
 * @param nextfilename return name
void storage_get_next_filename(
    Storage* storage,
    const char* dirname,
    const char* filename,
    const char* fileextension,
    string_t nextfilename);

#ifdef __cplusplus