# CTO owns all the code by default * @glitchcore # unknow applications applications/** @glitchcore # assets and asset generator assets/** @skotopes # bootloader bootloader/** @skotopes firmware/targets/f4/api-hal/api-hal-boot.c @skotopes # debug tools debug/** @skotopes # local target firmware/targets/local/** @glitchcore # BLE firmware/targets/f4/ble-glue/** @skotopes applications/bt/** @skotopes # Sub-GHz applications/cc1101-workaround/** @glitchcore # Dolphin applications/dolphin/** @skotopes # GUI Stuff applications/gui/** @skotopes # iButton applications/ibutton/** @DrZlo13 # IR applications/irda/** @DrZlo13 # LF RFID applications/lf-rfid/** @glitchcore # Menu applications/menu/** @skotopes # NFC applications/nfc/** @skotopes # SD Card applications/sd-card-test/** @DrZlo13 # Some applications applications/music-player/** @DrZlo13