#include <api-hal-timebase.h> #include <api-hal-timebase-timer.h> #include <api-hal-power.h> #include <FreeRTOS.h> #include <cmsis_os.h> #define API_HAL_TIMEBASE_CLK_FREQUENCY 32768 #define API_HAL_TIMEBASE_TICK_PER_SECOND 1024 #define API_HAL_TIMEBASE_CLK_PER_TICK (API_HAL_TIMEBASE_CLK_FREQUENCY / API_HAL_TIMEBASE_TICK_PER_SECOND) #define API_HAL_TIMEBASE_TICK_PER_EPOCH (API_HAL_TIMEBASE_TIMER_MAX / API_HAL_TIMEBASE_CLK_PER_TICK) #define API_HAL_TIMEBASE_MAX_SLEEP (API_HAL_TIMEBASE_TICK_PER_EPOCH - 1) #ifdef API_HAL_TIMEBASE_DEBUG #include <stm32wbxx_ll_gpio.h> #define LED_GREEN_PORT GPIOA #define LED_GREEN_PIN LL_GPIO_PIN_2 #endif typedef struct { // Sleep control volatile uint16_t insomnia; // Tick counters volatile uint32_t in_sleep; volatile uint32_t in_awake; // Error counters volatile uint32_t sleep_error; volatile uint32_t awake_error; } ApiHalTimbase; ApiHalTimbase api_hal_timebase = { .insomnia = 0, .in_sleep = 0, .in_awake = 0, .sleep_error = 0, .awake_error = 0, }; void api_hal_timebase_init() { api_hal_timebase_timer_init(); LL_DBGMCU_APB1_GRP2_FreezePeriph(LL_DBGMCU_APB1_GRP2_LPTIM2_STOP); LL_LPTIM_EnableIT_CMPM(API_HAL_TIMEBASE_TIMER); LL_LPTIM_EnableIT_ARRM(API_HAL_TIMEBASE_TIMER); LL_LPTIM_SetAutoReload(API_HAL_TIMEBASE_TIMER, API_HAL_TIMEBASE_TIMER_MAX); LL_LPTIM_SetCompare(API_HAL_TIMEBASE_TIMER, API_HAL_TIMEBASE_CLK_PER_TICK); LL_LPTIM_StartCounter(API_HAL_TIMEBASE_TIMER, LL_LPTIM_OPERATING_MODE_CONTINUOUS); } uint16_t api_hal_timebase_insomnia_level() { return api_hal_timebase.insomnia; } void api_hal_timebase_insomnia_enter() { api_hal_timebase.insomnia++; } void api_hal_timebase_insomnia_exit() { api_hal_timebase.insomnia--; } void LPTIM2_IRQHandler(void) { // Autoreload const bool arrm_flag = LL_LPTIM_IsActiveFlag_ARRM(API_HAL_TIMEBASE_TIMER); if(arrm_flag) { LL_LPTIM_ClearFLAG_ARRM(API_HAL_TIMEBASE_TIMER); } if(LL_LPTIM_IsActiveFlag_CMPM(API_HAL_TIMEBASE_TIMER)) { LL_LPTIM_ClearFLAG_CMPM(API_HAL_TIMEBASE_TIMER); // Store important value uint16_t cnt = api_hal_timebase_timer_get_cnt(); uint16_t cmp = api_hal_timebase_timer_get_cmp(); uint16_t current_tick = cnt / API_HAL_TIMEBASE_CLK_PER_TICK; uint16_t compare_tick = cmp / API_HAL_TIMEBASE_CLK_PER_TICK; // Calculate error // happens when HAL or other high priority IRQ takes our time int32_t error = (int32_t)compare_tick - current_tick; api_hal_timebase.awake_error += ((error>0) ? error : -error); // Calculate and set next tick uint16_t next_tick = current_tick + 1; api_hal_timebase_timer_set_cmp(next_tick * API_HAL_TIMEBASE_CLK_PER_TICK); // Notify OS api_hal_timebase.in_awake ++; if (xTaskGetSchedulerState() != taskSCHEDULER_NOT_STARTED) { xPortSysTickHandler(); } } } static inline uint32_t api_hal_timebase_sleep(TickType_t expected_idle_ticks) { // Store important value before going to sleep const uint16_t before_cnt = api_hal_timebase_timer_get_cnt(); const uint16_t before_tick = before_cnt / API_HAL_TIMEBASE_CLK_PER_TICK; // Calculate and set next wakeup compare value const uint16_t expected_cnt = (before_tick + expected_idle_ticks - 2) * API_HAL_TIMEBASE_CLK_PER_TICK; api_hal_timebase_timer_set_cmp(expected_cnt); HAL_SuspendTick(); // Go to stop2 mode #ifdef API_HAL_TIMEBASE_DEBUG LL_GPIO_SetOutputPin(LED_GREEN_PORT, LED_GREEN_PIN); #endif api_hal_power_deep_sleep(); #ifdef API_HAL_TIMEBASE_DEBUG LL_GPIO_ResetOutputPin(LED_GREEN_PORT, LED_GREEN_PIN); #endif HAL_ResumeTick(); // Spin till we are in timer safe zone while(!api_hal_timebase_timer_is_safe()) {} // Store current counter value, calculate current tick const uint16_t after_cnt = api_hal_timebase_timer_get_cnt(); const uint16_t after_tick = after_cnt / API_HAL_TIMEBASE_CLK_PER_TICK; // Store and clear interrupt flags // we don't want handler to be called after renabling IRQ bool arrm_flag = LL_LPTIM_IsActiveFlag_ARRM(API_HAL_TIMEBASE_TIMER); // Calculate and set next wakeup compare value const uint16_t next_cmp = (after_tick + 1) * API_HAL_TIMEBASE_CLK_PER_TICK; api_hal_timebase_timer_set_cmp(next_cmp); // Calculate ticks count spent in sleep and perform sanity checks int32_t completed_ticks = arrm_flag ? (int32_t)before_tick - after_tick : (int32_t)after_tick - before_tick; return completed_ticks; } void vPortSuppressTicksAndSleep(TickType_t expected_idle_ticks) { if (!api_hal_power_deep_available() || api_hal_timebase.insomnia) { return; } // Limit mount of ticks to maximum that timer can count if (expected_idle_ticks > API_HAL_TIMEBASE_MAX_SLEEP) { expected_idle_ticks = API_HAL_TIMEBASE_MAX_SLEEP; } // Stop IRQ handling, no one should disturb us till we finish __disable_irq(); // Confirm OS that sleep is still possible // And check if timer is in safe zone // (8 clocks till any IRQ event or ongoing synchronization) if (eTaskConfirmSleepModeStatus() == eAbortSleep || !api_hal_timebase_timer_is_safe()) { __enable_irq(); return; } uint32_t completed_ticks = api_hal_timebase_sleep(expected_idle_ticks); assert(completed_ticks >= 0); // Reenable IRQ __enable_irq(); // Notify system about time spent in sleep if (completed_ticks > 0) { api_hal_timebase.in_sleep += completed_ticks; if (completed_ticks > expected_idle_ticks) { // We are late, count error api_hal_timebase.sleep_error += (completed_ticks - expected_idle_ticks); // Freertos is not happy when we overleep // But we are not going to tell her vTaskStepTick(expected_idle_ticks); } else { vTaskStepTick(completed_ticks); } } }