  * \attention
  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2020 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
  * Licensed under ST MYLIBERTY SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT (the "License");
  * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
  *        www.st.com/myliberty
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied,
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.

 *      PROJECT:   ST25R391x firmware
 *      Revision:
 *      LANGUAGE:  ISO C99

/*! \file rfal_rf.h
 *  \author Gustavo Patricio 
 *  \brief RF Abstraction Layer (RFAL)
 *  RFAL (RF Abstraction Layer) provides several functionalities required to 
 *  perform RF/NFC communications. <br>The RFAL encapsulates the different 
 *  RF ICs (ST25R3911, ST25R391x, etc) into a common and easy to use interface.
 *  It provides interfaces to configure the RF IC, set/get timings, modes, bit rates,
 *  specific handlings, execute listen mode, etc. 
 *  Furthermore it provides a common interface to perform a Transceive operations.
 *  The Transceive can be executed in a blocking or non blocking way.<br>
 *  Additionally few specific Transceive methods are available to cope with the
 *  specifics of these particular operations.
 *  The most common interfaces are:
 *    <br>&nbsp; rfalInitialize()
 *    <br>&nbsp; rfalSetFDTPoll()
 *    <br>&nbsp; rfalSetFDTListen()
 *    <br>&nbsp; rfalSetGT()
 *    <br>&nbsp; rfalSetBitRate()
 *    <br>&nbsp; rfalSetMode()
 *    <br>&nbsp; rfalFieldOnAndStartGT()
 *    <br>&nbsp; rfalFieldOff()
 *    <br>&nbsp; rfalStartTransceive()
 *    <br>&nbsp; rfalGetTransceiveStatus()
 *    <br>&nbsp; rfalTransceiveBlockingTxRx()
 *  An usage example is provided here: \ref exampleRfalPoller.c
 *  \example exampleRfalPoller.c
 * \addtogroup RFAL
 * @{
 * \addtogroup RFAL-HAL
 * \brief RFAL Hardware Abstraction Layer
 * @{
 * \addtogroup RF
 * \brief RFAL RF Abstraction Layer
 * @{

#ifndef RFAL_RF_H
#define RFAL_RF_H

#include "platform.h"
#include "st_errno.h"
#include "rfal_features.h"

#define RFAL_VERSION                               0x020200U                                    /*!< RFAL Current Version: v2.2.0                      */

#define RFAL_FWT_NONE                              0xFFFFFFFFU                                  /*!< Disabled FWT: Wait forever for a response         */
#define RFAL_GT_NONE                               RFAL_TIMING_NONE                             /*!< Disabled GT: No GT will be applied after Field On */

#define RFAL_TIMING_NONE                           0x00U                                        /*!< Timing disabled | Don't apply                     */

#define RFAL_1FC_IN_4096FC                         (uint32_t)4096U                              /*!< Number of 1/fc cycles in one 4096/fc              */
#define RFAL_1FC_IN_512FC                          (uint32_t)512U                               /*!< Number of 1/fc cycles in one 512/fc               */
#define RFAL_1FC_IN_64FC                           (uint32_t)64U                                /*!< Number of 1/fc cycles in one 64/fc                */
#define RFAL_1FC_IN_8FC                            (uint32_t)8U                                 /*!< Number of 1/fc cycles in one 8/fc                 */
#define RFAL_US_IN_MS                              (uint32_t)1000U                              /*!< Number of us in one ms                            */
#define RFAL_1MS_IN_1FC                            (uint32_t)13560U                             /*!< Number of 1/fc cycles in 1ms                      */
#define RFAL_BITS_IN_BYTE                          (uint16_t)8U                                 /*!< Number of bits in one byte                        */

#define RFAL_CRC_LEN                               2U                                           /*!< RF CRC LEN                                        */

/*! Default TxRx flags: Tx CRC automatic, Rx CRC removed, NFCIP1 mode off, AGC On, Tx Parity automatic, Rx Parity removed */

#define RFAL_LM_MASK_NFCA                          ((uint32_t)1U<<(uint8_t)RFAL_MODE_LISTEN_NFCA)        /*!< Bitmask for Listen Mode enabling NFCA    */
#define RFAL_LM_MASK_NFCB                          ((uint32_t)1U<<(uint8_t)RFAL_MODE_LISTEN_NFCB)        /*!< Bitmask for Listen Mode enabling NFCB    */
#define RFAL_LM_MASK_NFCF                          ((uint32_t)1U<<(uint8_t)RFAL_MODE_LISTEN_NFCF)        /*!< Bitmask for Listen Mode enabling NFCF    */
#define RFAL_LM_MASK_ACTIVE_P2P                    ((uint32_t)1U<<(uint8_t)RFAL_MODE_LISTEN_ACTIVE_P2P)  /*!< Bitmask for Listen Mode enabling AP2P    */

#define RFAL_LM_SENS_RES_LEN                       2U                                           /*!< NFC-A SENS_RES (ATQA) length                      */
#define RFAL_LM_SENSB_RES_LEN                      13U                                          /*!< NFC-B SENSB_RES (ATQB) length                     */
#define RFAL_LM_SENSF_RES_LEN                      19U                                          /*!< NFC-F SENSF_RES  length                           */
#define RFAL_LM_SENSF_SC_LEN                       2U                                           /*!< NFC-F System Code length                          */

#define RFAL_NFCID3_LEN                            10U                                          /*!< NFCID3 length                                     */
#define RFAL_NFCID2_LEN                            8U                                           /*!< NFCID2 length                                     */
#define RFAL_NFCID1_TRIPLE_LEN                     10U                                          /*!< NFCID1 length                                     */
#define RFAL_NFCID1_DOUBLE_LEN                     7U                                           /*!< NFCID1 length                                     */
#define RFAL_NFCID1_SINGLE_LEN                     4U                                           /*!< NFCID1 length                                     */


/*! Returns the maximum supported bit rate for RW mode. Caller must check if mode is supported before, as even if mode is not supported will return the min  */
#define rfalGetMaxBrRW()                     ( ((RFAL_SUPPORT_BR_RW_6780)  ? RFAL_BR_6780 : ((RFAL_SUPPORT_BR_RW_3390)  ? RFAL_BR_3390 : ((RFAL_SUPPORT_BR_RW_1695)  ? RFAL_BR_1695 : ((RFAL_SUPPORT_BR_RW_848)  ? RFAL_BR_848 : ((RFAL_SUPPORT_BR_RW_424)  ? RFAL_BR_424 : ((RFAL_SUPPORT_BR_RW_212)  ? RFAL_BR_212 : RFAL_BR_106 ) ) ) ) ) ) )

/*! Returns the maximum supported bit rate for AP2P mode. Caller must check if mode is supported before, as even if mode is not supported will return the min  */
#define rfalGetMaxBrAP2P()                   ( ((RFAL_SUPPORT_BR_AP2P_848) ? RFAL_BR_848  : ((RFAL_SUPPORT_BR_AP2P_424) ? RFAL_BR_424  : ((RFAL_SUPPORT_BR_AP2P_212) ? RFAL_BR_212  : RFAL_BR_106 ) ) ) )

/*! Returns the maximum supported bit rate for CE-A mode. Caller must check if mode is supported before, as even if mode is not supported will return the min  */
#define rfalGetMaxBrCEA()                    ( ((RFAL_SUPPORT_BR_CE_A_848) ? RFAL_BR_848  : ((RFAL_SUPPORT_BR_CE_A_424) ? RFAL_BR_424  : ((RFAL_SUPPORT_BR_CE_A_212) ? RFAL_BR_212  : RFAL_BR_106 ) ) ) )

/*! Returns the maximum supported bit rate for CE-B mode. Caller must check if mode is supported before, as even if mode is not supported will return the min  */
#define rfalGetMaxBrCEB()                    ( ((RFAL_SUPPORT_BR_CE_B_848) ? RFAL_BR_848  : ((RFAL_SUPPORT_BR_CE_B_424) ? RFAL_BR_424  : ((RFAL_SUPPORT_BR_CE_B_212) ? RFAL_BR_212  : RFAL_BR_106 ) ) ) )

/*! Returns the maximum supported bit rate for CE-F mode. Caller must check if mode is supported before, as even if mode is not supported will return the min  */
#define rfalGetMaxBrCEF()                    ( ((RFAL_SUPPORT_BR_CE_F_424) ? RFAL_BR_424  : RFAL_BR_212 ) )

#define rfalIsModeActiveComm( md )           ( ((md) == RFAL_MODE_POLL_ACTIVE_P2P) || ((md) == RFAL_MODE_LISTEN_ACTIVE_P2P) )                          /*!< Checks if mode md is Active Communication  */
#define rfalIsModePassiveComm( md )          ( !rfalIsModeActiveComm(md) )                                                                             /*!< Checks if mode md is Passive Communication */
#define rfalIsModePassiveListen( md )        ( ((md) == RFAL_MODE_LISTEN_NFCA) || ((md) == RFAL_MODE_LISTEN_NFCB) || ((md) == RFAL_MODE_LISTEN_NFCF) ) /*!< Checks if mode md is Passive Listen        */
#define rfalIsModePassivePoll( md )          ( rfalIsModePassiveComm(md) && !rfalIsModePassiveListen(md) )                                             /*!< Checks if mode md is Passive Poll          */

#define rfalConv1fcTo8fc( t )                (uint32_t)( (uint32_t)(t) / RFAL_1FC_IN_8FC )                               /*!< Converts the given t from 1/fc to 8/fc     */
#define rfalConv8fcTo1fc( t )                (uint32_t)( (uint32_t)(t) * RFAL_1FC_IN_8FC )                               /*!< Converts the given t from 8/fc to 1/fc     */

#define rfalConv1fcTo64fc( t )               (uint32_t)( (uint32_t)(t) / RFAL_1FC_IN_64FC )                              /*!< Converts the given t from 1/fc  to 64/fc   */
#define rfalConv64fcTo1fc( t )               (uint32_t)( (uint32_t)(t) * RFAL_1FC_IN_64FC )                              /*!< Converts the given t from 64/fc to 1/fc    */

#define rfalConv1fcTo512fc( t )              (uint32_t)( (uint32_t)(t) / RFAL_1FC_IN_512FC )                             /*!< Converts the given t from 1/fc  to 512/fc  */
#define rfalConv512fcTo1fc( t )              (uint32_t)( (uint32_t)(t) * RFAL_1FC_IN_512FC )                             /*!< Converts the given t from 512/fc to 1/fc   */

#define rfalConv1fcTo4096fc( t )             (uint32_t)( (uint32_t)(t) / RFAL_1FC_IN_4096FC )                            /*!< Converts the given t from 1/fc to 4096/fc  */
#define rfalConv4096fcTo1fc( t )             (uint32_t)( (uint32_t)(t) * RFAL_1FC_IN_4096FC )                            /*!< Converts the given t from 4096/fc to 1/fc  */

#define rfalConv1fcToMs( t )                 (uint32_t)( (uint32_t)(t) / RFAL_1MS_IN_1FC )                               /*!< Converts the given t from 1/fc to ms       */
#define rfalConvMsTo1fc( t )                 (uint32_t)( (uint32_t)(t) * RFAL_1MS_IN_1FC )                               /*!< Converts the given t from ms to 1/fc       */

#define rfalConv1fcToUs( t )                 (uint32_t)( ((uint32_t)(t) * RFAL_US_IN_MS) / RFAL_1MS_IN_1FC)              /*!< Converts the given t from 1/fc to us       */
#define rfalConvUsTo1fc( t )                 (uint32_t)( ((uint32_t)(t) * RFAL_1MS_IN_1FC) / RFAL_US_IN_MS)              /*!< Converts the given t from us to 1/fc       */

#define rfalConv64fcToMs( t )                (uint32_t)( (uint32_t)(t) / (RFAL_1MS_IN_1FC / RFAL_1FC_IN_64FC) )          /*!< Converts the given t from 64/fc to ms      */
#define rfalConvMsTo64fc( t )                (uint32_t)( (uint32_t)(t) * (RFAL_1MS_IN_1FC / RFAL_1FC_IN_64FC) )          /*!< Converts the given t from ms to 64/fc      */

#define rfalConvBitsToBytes( n )             (uint16_t)( ((uint16_t)(n)+(RFAL_BITS_IN_BYTE-1U)) / (RFAL_BITS_IN_BYTE) )  /*!< Converts the given n from bits to bytes    */
#define rfalConvBytesToBits( n )             (uint32_t)( (uint32_t)(n) * (RFAL_BITS_IN_BYTE) )                           /*!< Converts the given n from bytes to bits    */

/*! Computes a Transceive context \a ctx with default flags and the lengths 
 * in bytes with the given arguments
 *    \a ctx   : Transceive context to be assigned  
 *    \a tB    : txBuf the pointer to the buffer to be sent
 *    \a tBL   : txBuf length in bytes
 *    \a rB    : rxBuf the pointer to the buffer to place the received frame
 *    \a rBL   : rxBuf length in bytes
 *    \a rBL   : rxBuf length in bytes
 *    \a t     : FWT to be used on this transceive in 1/fc
#define rfalCreateByteTxRxContext( ctx, tB, tBL, rB, rBL, rdL, t ) \
    (ctx).txBuf     = (uint8_t*)(tB);                                      \
    (ctx).txBufLen  = (uint16_t)rfalConvBytesToBits(tBL);                  \
    (ctx).rxBuf     = (uint8_t*)(rB);                                      \
    (ctx).rxBufLen  = (uint16_t)rfalConvBytesToBits(rBL);                  \
    (ctx).rxRcvdLen = (uint16_t*)(rdL);                                    \
    (ctx).flags     = (uint32_t)RFAL_TXRX_FLAGS_DEFAULT;                   \
    (ctx).fwt       = (uint32_t)(t);

/*! Computes a Transceive context \a ctx using lengths in bytes 
 * with the given flags and arguments
 *    \a ctx   : Transceive context to be assigned  
 *    \a tB    : txBuf the pointer to the buffer to be sent
 *    \a tBL   : txBuf length in bytes
 *    \a rB    : rxBuf the pointer to the buffer to place the received frame
 *    \a rBL   : rxBuf length in bytes
 *    \a rBL   : rxBuf length in bytes
 *    \a t     : FWT to be used on this transceive in 1/fc
#define rfalCreateByteFlagsTxRxContext( ctx, tB, tBL, rB, rBL, rdL, fl, t ) \
    (ctx).txBuf     = (uint8_t*)(tB);                                       \
    (ctx).txBufLen  = (uint16_t)rfalConvBytesToBits(tBL);                   \
    (ctx).rxBuf     = (uint8_t*)(rB);                                       \
    (ctx).rxBufLen  = (uint16_t)rfalConvBytesToBits(rBL);                   \
    (ctx).rxRcvdLen = (uint16_t*)(rdL);                                     \
    (ctx).flags     = (uint32_t)(fl);                                       \
    (ctx).fwt       = (uint32_t)(t);

#define rfalLogE(...)             platformLog(__VA_ARGS__)        /*!< Macro for the error log method                  */
#define rfalLogW(...)             platformLog(__VA_ARGS__)        /*!< Macro for the warning log method                */
#define rfalLogI(...)             platformLog(__VA_ARGS__)        /*!< Macro for the info log method                   */
#define rfalLogD(...)             platformLog(__VA_ARGS__)        /*!< Macro for the debug log method                  */


/* RFAL Guard Time (GT) default values                 */
#define    RFAL_GT_NFCA                      rfalConvMsTo1fc(5U)     /*!< GTA  Digital 2.0 & B.2                                                                 */
#define    RFAL_GT_NFCB                      rfalConvMsTo1fc(5U)     /*!< GTB  Digital 2.0  & B.3                                                                 */
#define    RFAL_GT_NFCF                      rfalConvMsTo1fc(20U)    /*!< GTF  Digital 2.0  & B.4                                                                 */
#define    RFAL_GT_NFCV                      rfalConvMsTo1fc(5U)     /*!< GTV  Digital 2.0  & B.5                                                                 */
#define    RFAL_GT_PICOPASS                  rfalConvMsTo1fc(1U)     /*!< GT Picopass                                                                                      */
#define    RFAL_GT_AP2P                      rfalConvMsTo1fc(5U)     /*!< TIRFG  Ecma 340  11.1.1                                                                          */
#define    RFAL_GT_AP2P_ADJUSTED             rfalConvMsTo1fc(5U+25U) /*!< Adjusted GT for greater interoperability (Sony XPERIA P, Nokia N9, Huawei P2)                    */

/* RFAL Frame Delay Time (FDT) Listen default values   */
#define    RFAL_FDT_LISTEN_NFCA_POLLER       1172U    /*!< FDTA,LISTEN,MIN (n=9) Last bit: Logic "1" - tnn,min/2 Digital 1.1  6.10 ;  EMV CCP Spec Book D v2.01   */
#define    RFAL_FDT_LISTEN_NFCB_POLLER       1008U    /*!< TR0B,MIN         Digital 1.1  7.1.3 & A.3  ; EMV CCP Spec Book D v2.01 & Table A.5                     */
#define    RFAL_FDT_LISTEN_NFCF_POLLER       2672U    /*!< TR0F,LISTEN,MIN  Digital 1.1 & A.4                                                                     */
#define    RFAL_FDT_LISTEN_NFCV_POLLER       4310U    /*!< FDTV,LISTEN,MIN  t1 min       Digital 2.1  B.5  ;  ISO15693-3 2009  9.1                                          */
#define    RFAL_FDT_LISTEN_PICOPASS_POLLER   3400U    /*!< ISO15693 t1 min - observed adjustment                                                                           */
#define    RFAL_FDT_LISTEN_AP2P_POLLER       64U      /*!< FDT AP2P No actual FDTListen is required as fields switch and collision avoidance                               */
#define    RFAL_FDT_LISTEN_NFCA_LISTENER     1172U    /*!< FDTA,LISTEN,MIN  Digital 1.1  6.10                                                                              */
#define    RFAL_FDT_LISTEN_NFCB_LISTENER     1024U    /*!< TR0B,MIN         Digital 1.1  7.1.3 & A.3  ;  EMV CCP Spec Book D v2.01 & Table A.5                    */
#define    RFAL_FDT_LISTEN_NFCF_LISTENER     2688U    /*!< TR0F,LISTEN,MIN  Digital 2.1 & B.4                                                                     */
#define    RFAL_FDT_LISTEN_AP2P_LISTENER     64U      /*!< FDT AP2P No actual FDTListen exists as fields switch and collision avoidance                                    */

/*  RFAL Frame Delay Time (FDT) Poll default values    */
#define    RFAL_FDT_POLL_NFCA_POLLER         6780U    /*!< FDTA,POLL,MIN   Digital 1.1 & A.2                                                                     */
#define    RFAL_FDT_POLL_NFCA_T1T_POLLER     384U     /*!< RRDDT1T,MIN,B1  Digital 1.1  10.7.1 & A.5                                                                       */
#define    RFAL_FDT_POLL_NFCB_POLLER         6780U    /*!< FDTB,POLL,MIN = TR2B,MIN,DEFAULT Digital 1.1 7.9.3 & A.3  ;  EMVCo 3.0 FDTB,PCD,MIN  Table A.5                  */
#define    RFAL_FDT_POLL_NFCF_POLLER         6800U    /*!< FDTF,POLL,MIN   Digital 2.1  8.7.3 & B.4                                                                        */
#define    RFAL_FDT_POLL_NFCV_POLLER         4192U    /*!< FDTV,POLL  Digital 2.1  & B.5                                                                          */
#define    RFAL_FDT_POLL_PICOPASS_POLLER     1790U    /*!< FDT Max                                                                                                         */
#define    RFAL_FDT_POLL_AP2P_POLLER         0U       /*!< FDT AP2P No actual FDTPoll exists as fields switch and collision avoidance                                      */


/*! RFAL modes    */
typedef enum {
    RFAL_MODE_NONE                   = 0,    /*!< No mode selected/defined                                         */
    RFAL_MODE_POLL_NFCA              = 1,    /*!< Mode to perform as NFCA (ISO14443A) Poller (PCD)                 */
    RFAL_MODE_POLL_NFCA_T1T          = 2,    /*!< Mode to perform as NFCA T1T (Topaz) Poller (PCD)                 */
    RFAL_MODE_POLL_NFCB              = 3,    /*!< Mode to perform as NFCB (ISO14443B) Poller (PCD)                 */
    RFAL_MODE_POLL_B_PRIME           = 4,    /*!< Mode to perform as B' Calypso (Innovatron) (PCD)                 */
    RFAL_MODE_POLL_B_CTS             = 5,    /*!< Mode to perform as CTS Poller (PCD)                              */
    RFAL_MODE_POLL_NFCF              = 6,    /*!< Mode to perform as NFCF (FeliCa) Poller (PCD)                    */
    RFAL_MODE_POLL_NFCV              = 7,    /*!< Mode to perform as NFCV (ISO15963) Poller (PCD)                  */
    RFAL_MODE_POLL_PICOPASS          = 8,    /*!< Mode to perform as PicoPass / iClass Poller (PCD)                */
    RFAL_MODE_POLL_ACTIVE_P2P        = 9,    /*!< Mode to perform as Active P2P (ISO18092) Initiator               */
    RFAL_MODE_LISTEN_NFCA            = 10,   /*!< Mode to perform as NFCA (ISO14443A) Listener (PICC)              */
    RFAL_MODE_LISTEN_NFCB            = 11,   /*!< Mode to perform as NFCA (ISO14443B) Listener (PICC)              */
    RFAL_MODE_LISTEN_NFCF            = 12,   /*!< Mode to perform as NFCA (ISO15963) Listener (PICC)               */
    RFAL_MODE_LISTEN_ACTIVE_P2P      = 13    /*!< Mode to perform as Active P2P (ISO18092) Target                  */
} rfalMode;

/*! RFAL Bit rates    */
typedef enum {
    RFAL_BR_106                      = 0,    /*!< Bit Rate 106 kbit/s (fc/128)                                     */
    RFAL_BR_212                      = 1,    /*!< Bit Rate 212 kbit/s (fc/64)                                      */
    RFAL_BR_424                      = 2,    /*!< Bit Rate 424 kbit/s (fc/32)                                      */
    RFAL_BR_848                      = 3,    /*!< Bit Rate 848 kbit/s (fc/16)                                      */
    RFAL_BR_1695                     = 4,    /*!< Bit Rate 1695 kbit/s (fc/8)                                      */
    RFAL_BR_3390                     = 5,    /*!< Bit Rate 3390 kbit/s (fc/4)                                      */
    RFAL_BR_6780                     = 6,    /*!< Bit Rate 6780 kbit/s (fc/2)                                      */
    RFAL_BR_13560                    = 7,    /*!< Bit Rate 13560 kbit/s (fc)                                       */
    RFAL_BR_52p97                    = 0xEB, /*!< Bit Rate 52.97 kbit/s (fc/256) Fast Mode VICC->VCD               */
    RFAL_BR_26p48                    = 0xEC, /*!< Bit Rate 26,48 kbit/s (fc/512) NFCV VICC->VCD & VCD->VICC 1of4   */
    RFAL_BR_1p66                     = 0xED, /*!< Bit Rate 1,66 kbit/s (fc/8192) NFCV VCD->VICC 1of256             */
    RFAL_BR_KEEP                     = 0xFF  /*!< Value indicating to keep the same previous bit rate              */
} rfalBitRate;

/*! RFAL Compliance modes for upper modules  */
typedef enum {
    RFAL_COMPLIANCE_MODE_NFC,                /*!< Perform with NFC Forum 1.1 compliance                            */
    RFAL_COMPLIANCE_MODE_EMV,                /*!< Perform with EMVCo compliance                                    */
    RFAL_COMPLIANCE_MODE_ISO                 /*!< Perform with ISO10373 compliance                                 */

/*! RFAL main states flags    */
typedef enum {
    RFAL_STATE_IDLE                  = 0,
    RFAL_STATE_INIT                  = 1,
    RFAL_STATE_MODE_SET              = 2,
    RFAL_STATE_TXRX                  = 3,
    RFAL_STATE_LM                    = 4,
    RFAL_STATE_WUM                   = 5
} rfalState;

/*! RFAL transceive states    */
typedef enum {
    RFAL_TXRX_STATE_IDLE             = 0,
    RFAL_TXRX_STATE_INIT             = 1,
    RFAL_TXRX_STATE_START            = 2,
    RFAL_TXRX_STATE_TX_IDLE          = 11,
    RFAL_TXRX_STATE_TX_WAIT_GT       = 12,
    RFAL_TXRX_STATE_TX_WAIT_WL       = 15,
    RFAL_TXRX_STATE_TX_DONE          = 18,
    RFAL_TXRX_STATE_TX_FAIL          = 19,
    RFAL_TXRX_STATE_RX_IDLE          = 81,
    RFAL_TXRX_STATE_RX_DONE          = 89,
    RFAL_TXRX_STATE_RX_FAIL          = 90,
} rfalTransceiveState;

/*! RFAL transceive flags                                                                                                                    */
enum {
    RFAL_TXRX_FLAGS_CRC_TX_AUTO      = (0U<<0),   /*!< CRC will be generated automatic upon transmission                                     */
    RFAL_TXRX_FLAGS_CRC_TX_MANUAL    = (1U<<0),   /*!< CRC was calculated manually, included in txBuffer                                     */
    RFAL_TXRX_FLAGS_CRC_RX_KEEP      = (1U<<1),   /*!< Upon Reception keep the CRC in rxBuffer (reflected on rcvd length)                    */
    RFAL_TXRX_FLAGS_CRC_RX_REMV      = (0U<<1),   /*!< Enable CRC check and remove the CRC from rxBuffer                                     */
    RFAL_TXRX_FLAGS_NFCIP1_ON        = (1U<<2),   /*!< Enable NFCIP1 mode: Add SB(F0) and LEN bytes during Tx and skip SB(F0) byte during Rx */
    RFAL_TXRX_FLAGS_NFCIP1_OFF       = (0U<<2),   /*!< Disable NFCIP1 mode: do not append protocol bytes while Tx nor skip while Rx          */
    RFAL_TXRX_FLAGS_AGC_OFF          = (1U<<3),   /*!< Disable Automatic Gain Control, improving multiple devices collision detection        */
    RFAL_TXRX_FLAGS_AGC_ON           = (0U<<3),   /*!< Enable Automatic Gain Control, improving single device reception                      */
    RFAL_TXRX_FLAGS_PAR_RX_KEEP      = (1U<<4),   /*!< Disable Parity and CRC check and keep the Parity and CRC bits in the received buffer  */
    RFAL_TXRX_FLAGS_PAR_RX_REMV      = (0U<<0),   /*!< Enable Parity check and remove the parity bits from the received buffer               */
    RFAL_TXRX_FLAGS_PAR_TX_NONE      = (1U<<5),   /*!< Disable automatic Parity generation (ISO14443A) and use the one provided in the buffer*/
    RFAL_TXRX_FLAGS_PAR_TX_AUTO      = (0U<<5),   /*!< Enable automatic Parity generation (ISO14443A)                                        */
    RFAL_TXRX_FLAGS_NFCV_FLAG_MANUAL = (1U<<6),   /*!< Disable automatic adaption of flag byte (ISO15693) according to current comm params   */
    RFAL_TXRX_FLAGS_NFCV_FLAG_AUTO   = (0U<<6),   /*!< Enable automatic adaption of flag byte (ISO115693) according to current comm params   */

/*! RFAL error handling                                                                                                                      */
typedef enum {
    RFAL_ERRORHANDLING_NONE          = 0,         /*!< No special error handling will be performed                                           */
    RFAL_ERRORHANDLING_NFC           = 1,         /*!< Error handling set to perform as NFC compliant device                                 */
    RFAL_ERRORHANDLING_EMVCO         = 2          /*!< Error handling set to perform as EMVCo compliant device                               */
} rfalEHandling;

/*! Struct that holds all context to be used on a Transceive                                                */
typedef struct {
    uint8_t*              txBuf;                  /*!< (In)  Buffer where outgoing message is located       */
    uint16_t              txBufLen;               /*!< (In)  Length of the outgoing message in bits         */
    uint8_t*              rxBuf;                  /*!< (Out) Buffer where incoming message will be placed   */
    uint16_t              rxBufLen;               /*!< (In)  Maximum length of the incoming message in bits */
    uint16_t*             rxRcvdLen;              /*!< (Out) Actual received length in bits                 */
    uint32_t              flags;                  /*!< (In)  TransceiveFlags indication special handling    */
    uint32_t              fwt;                    /*!< (In)  Frame Waiting Time in 1/fc                     */
} rfalTransceiveContext;

/*! System callback to indicate an event that requires a system reRun        */
typedef void (* rfalUpperLayerCallback)(void);

/*! Callback to be executed before a Transceive                              */
typedef void (* rfalPreTxRxCallback)(void);

/*! Callback to be executed after a Transceive                               */
typedef void (* rfalPostTxRxCallback)(void);

/*  ISO14443A                                                                  */

/*! RFAL ISO 14443A Short Frame Command */
typedef enum
     RFAL_14443A_SHORTFRAME_CMD_WUPA = 0x52,  /*!< ISO14443A WUPA / NFC-A ALL_REQ  */
     RFAL_14443A_SHORTFRAME_CMD_REQA = 0x26   /*!< ISO14443A REQA / NFC-A SENS_REQ */    
} rfal14443AShortFrameCmd;


/*  FeliCa                                                                     */

#define RFAL_FELICA_LEN_LEN                        1U                                           /*!< FeliCa LEN byte length                                              */
#define RFAL_FELICA_POLL_REQ_LEN                   (RFAL_FELICA_LEN_LEN + 1U + 2U + 1U + 1U)    /*!< FeliCa Poll Request length (LEN + CMD + SC + RC + TSN)              */
#define RFAL_FELICA_POLL_RES_LEN                   (RFAL_FELICA_LEN_LEN + 1U + 8U + 8U + 2U)    /*!< Maximum FeliCa Poll Response length (LEN + CMD + NFCID2 + PAD + RD) */
#define RFAL_FELICA_POLL_MAX_SLOTS                 16U                                          /*!< Maximum number of slots (TSN) on FeliCa Poll                        */

/*! NFC-F RC (Request Code) codes  NFC Forum Digital 1.1 Table 42                                                                                                        */
    RFAL_FELICA_POLL_RC_NO_REQUEST        =     0x00,                                           /*!< RC: No System Code information requested                            */
    RFAL_FELICA_POLL_RC_SYSTEM_CODE       =     0x01,                                           /*!< RC: System Code information requested                               */
    RFAL_FELICA_POLL_RC_COM_PERFORMANCE   =     0x02                                            /*!< RC: Advanced protocol features supported                            */

/*! NFC-F TSN (Time Slot Number) codes  NFC Forum Digital 1.1 Table 43   */
typedef enum 
    RFAL_FELICA_1_SLOT    =  0,   /*!< TSN with number of Time Slots: 1  */
    RFAL_FELICA_2_SLOTS   =  1,   /*!< TSN with number of Time Slots: 2  */
    RFAL_FELICA_4_SLOTS   =  3,   /*!< TSN with number of Time Slots: 4  */
    RFAL_FELICA_8_SLOTS   =  7,   /*!< TSN with number of Time Slots: 8  */
    RFAL_FELICA_16_SLOTS  =  15   /*!< TSN with number of Time Slots: 16 */
} rfalFeliCaPollSlots;

/*! NFCF Poll Response  NFC Forum Digital 1.1 Table 44 */
typedef uint8_t rfalFeliCaPollRes[RFAL_FELICA_POLL_RES_LEN];


/*  Listen Mode                                                                */  

/*! RFAL Listen Mode NFCID Length */
typedef enum 
    RFAL_LM_NFCID_LEN_04  = RFAL_NFCID1_SINGLE_LEN, /*!< Listen mode indicates  4 byte NFCID */
    RFAL_LM_NFCID_LEN_07  = RFAL_NFCID1_DOUBLE_LEN, /*!< Listen mode indicates  7 byte NFCID */
    RFAL_LM_NFCID_LEN_10  = RFAL_NFCID1_TRIPLE_LEN, /*!< Listen mode indicates 10 byte NFCID */   
} rfalLmNfcidLen;

/*! RFAL Listen Mode States */
typedef enum 
    RFAL_LM_STATE_NOT_INIT              = 0x00,     /*!< Not Initialized state                       */
    RFAL_LM_STATE_POWER_OFF             = 0x01,     /*!< Power Off state                             */
    RFAL_LM_STATE_IDLE                  = 0x02,     /*!< Idle state  Activity 1.1  5.2               */
    RFAL_LM_STATE_READY_A               = 0x03,     /*!< Ready A state  Activity 1.1  5.3 5.4 & 5.5  */
    RFAL_LM_STATE_READY_B               = 0x04,     /*!< Ready B state  Activity 1.1  5.11 5.12      */
    RFAL_LM_STATE_READY_F               = 0x05,     /*!< Ready F state  Activity 1.1  5.15           */
    RFAL_LM_STATE_ACTIVE_A              = 0x06,     /*!< Active A state  Activity 1.1  5.6           */
    RFAL_LM_STATE_CARDEMU_4A            = 0x07,     /*!< Card Emulation 4A state  Activity 1.1  5.10 */
    RFAL_LM_STATE_CARDEMU_4B            = 0x08,     /*!< Card Emulation 4B state  Activity 1.1  5.14 */
    RFAL_LM_STATE_CARDEMU_3             = 0x09,     /*!< Card Emulation 3 state  Activity 1.1  5.18  */
    RFAL_LM_STATE_TARGET_A              = 0x0A,     /*!< Target A state  Activity 1.1  5.9           */
    RFAL_LM_STATE_TARGET_F              = 0x0B,     /*!< Target F state  Activity 1.1  5.17          */
    RFAL_LM_STATE_SLEEP_A               = 0x0C,     /*!< Sleep A state  Activity 1.1  5.7            */
    RFAL_LM_STATE_SLEEP_B               = 0x0D,     /*!< Sleep B state  Activity 1.1  5.13           */
    RFAL_LM_STATE_READY_Ax              = 0x0E,     /*!< Ready A* state  Activity 1.1  5.3 5.4 & 5.5 */
    RFAL_LM_STATE_ACTIVE_Ax             = 0x0F,     /*!< Active A* state  Activity 1.1  5.6          */
    RFAL_LM_STATE_SLEEP_AF              = 0x10,     /*!< Sleep AF state  Activity 1.1  5.19          */
} rfalLmState;

/*! RFAL Listen Mode Passive A configs */
typedef struct 
    rfalLmNfcidLen   nfcidLen;                        /*!< NFCID Len (4, 7 or 10 bytes)              */
    uint8_t          nfcid[RFAL_NFCID1_TRIPLE_LEN];   /*!< NFCID                                     */
    uint8_t          SENS_RES[RFAL_LM_SENS_RES_LEN];  /*!< NFC-106k; SENS_REQ Response               */
    uint8_t          SEL_RES;                         /*!< SEL_RES (SAK) with complete NFCID1 (UID)  */
} rfalLmConfPA;

/*! RFAL Listen Mode Passive B configs */
typedef struct 
    uint8_t          SENSB_RES[RFAL_LM_SENSB_RES_LEN];  /*!< SENSF_RES                               */
} rfalLmConfPB;

/*! RFAL Listen Mode Passive F configs */
typedef struct 
    uint8_t          SC[RFAL_LM_SENSF_SC_LEN];          /*!< System Code to listen for               */
    uint8_t          SENSF_RES[RFAL_LM_SENSF_RES_LEN];  /*!< SENSF_RES                               */
} rfalLmConfPF;


/*  Wake-Up Mode                                                               */  

#define RFAL_WUM_REFERENCE_AUTO           0xFFU      /*!< Indicates new reference is set by the driver*/

/*! RFAL Wake-Up Mode States */
typedef enum 
    RFAL_WUM_STATE_NOT_INIT              = 0x00,     /*!< Not Initialized state                       */
    RFAL_WUM_STATE_ENABLED               = 0x01,     /*!< Wake-Up mode is enabled                     */
    RFAL_WUM_STATE_ENABLED_WOKE          = 0x02,     /*!< Wake-Up mode enabled and has received IRQ(s)*/
} rfalWumState;

/*! RFAL Wake-Up Period/Timer */
typedef enum 
    RFAL_WUM_PERIOD_10MS      = 0x00,     /*!< Wake-Up timer 10ms                          */
    RFAL_WUM_PERIOD_20MS      = 0x01,     /*!< Wake-Up timer 20ms                          */
    RFAL_WUM_PERIOD_30MS      = 0x02,     /*!< Wake-Up timer 30ms                          */
    RFAL_WUM_PERIOD_40MS      = 0x03,     /*!< Wake-Up timer 40ms                          */
    RFAL_WUM_PERIOD_50MS      = 0x04,     /*!< Wake-Up timer 50ms                          */
    RFAL_WUM_PERIOD_60MS      = 0x05,     /*!< Wake-Up timer 60ms                          */
    RFAL_WUM_PERIOD_70MS      = 0x06,     /*!< Wake-Up timer 70ms                          */
    RFAL_WUM_PERIOD_80MS      = 0x07,     /*!< Wake-Up timer 80ms                          */
    RFAL_WUM_PERIOD_100MS     = 0x10,     /*!< Wake-Up timer 100ms                         */
    RFAL_WUM_PERIOD_200MS     = 0x11,     /*!< Wake-Up timer 200ms                         */
    RFAL_WUM_PERIOD_300MS     = 0x12,     /*!< Wake-Up timer 300ms                         */
    RFAL_WUM_PERIOD_400MS     = 0x13,     /*!< Wake-Up timer 400ms                         */
    RFAL_WUM_PERIOD_500MS     = 0x14,     /*!< Wake-Up timer 500ms                         */
    RFAL_WUM_PERIOD_600MS     = 0x15,     /*!< Wake-Up timer 600ms                         */
    RFAL_WUM_PERIOD_700MS     = 0x16,     /*!< Wake-Up timer 700ms                         */
    RFAL_WUM_PERIOD_800MS     = 0x17,     /*!< Wake-Up timer 800ms                         */
} rfalWumPeriod;

/*! RFAL Wake-Up Period/Timer */
typedef enum 
    RFAL_WUM_AA_WEIGHT_4       = 0x00,     /*!< Wake-Up Auto Average Weight 4              */
    RFAL_WUM_AA_WEIGHT_8       = 0x01,     /*!< Wake-Up Auto Average Weight 8              */
    RFAL_WUM_AA_WEIGHT_16      = 0x02,     /*!< Wake-Up Auto Average Weight 16             */
    RFAL_WUM_AA_WEIGHT_32      = 0x03,     /*!< Wake-Up Auto Average Weight 32             */
} rfalWumAAWeight;

/*! RFAL Wake-Up Mode configuration */
typedef struct 
    rfalWumPeriod        period;     /*!< Wake-Up Timer period;how often measurement(s) is performed */
    bool                 irqTout;    /*!< IRQ at every timeout will refresh the measurement(s)       */
    bool                 swTagDetect;/*!< Use SW Tag Detection instead of HW Wake-Up mode            */
        bool             enabled;    /*!< Inductive Amplitude measurement enabled                   */
        uint8_t          delta;      /*!< Delta between the reference and measurement to wake-up    */
        uint16_t         reference;  /*!< Reference to be used;RFAL_WUM_REFERENCE_AUTO sets it auto */
        bool             autoAvg;    /*!< Use the HW Auto Averaging feature                         */
        bool             aaInclMeas; /*!< When AutoAvg is enabled, include IRQ measurement          */
        rfalWumAAWeight  aaWeight;   /*!< When AutoAvg is enabled, last measure weight              */
    }indAmp;                         /*!< Inductive Amplitude Configuration                         */
        bool             enabled;    /*!< Inductive Phase measurement enabled                       */
        uint8_t          delta;      /*!< Delta between the reference and measurement to wake-up    */
        uint16_t         reference;  /*!< Reference to be used;RFAL_WUM_REFERENCE_AUTO sets it auto */
        bool             autoAvg;    /*!< Use the HW Auto Averaging feature                         */
        bool             aaInclMeas; /*!< When AutoAvg is enabled, include IRQ measurement          */
        rfalWumAAWeight  aaWeight;   /*!< When AutoAvg is enabled, last measure weight              */
    }indPha;                         /*!< Inductive Phase Configuration                             */
        bool             enabled;    /*!< Capacitive measurement enabled                            */
        uint8_t          delta;      /*!< Delta between the reference and measurement to wake-up    */
        uint16_t         reference;  /*!< Reference to be used;RFAL_WUM_REFERENCE_AUTO sets it auto */
        bool             autoAvg;    /*!< Use the HW Auto Averaging feature                         */
        bool             aaInclMeas; /*!< When AutoAvg is enabled, include IRQ measurement          */
        rfalWumAAWeight  aaWeight;   /*!< When AutoAvg is enabled, last measure weight              */
    }cap;                            /*!< Capacitive Configuration                                  */
} rfalWakeUpConfig;



 * \brief  RFAL Initialize
 * Initializes RFAL layer and the ST25R391x
 * Ensures that ST25R391x is properly connected and returns error if any problem 
 * is detected
 * \warning rfalAnalogConfigInitialize() should be called before so that 
 *           the Analog config table has been previously initialized.
 * \return ERR_HW_MISMATCH  : Expected HW do not match or communication error
 * \return ERR_NONE         : No error
ReturnCode rfalInitialize( void );

 * \brief  RFAL Calibrate 
 * Performs necessary calibration of RF chip in case it is indicated by current
 * register settings. E.g. antenna calibration and regulator calibration
 * \return ERR_WRONG_STATE  : RFAL not initialized
 * \return ERR_NONE         : No error
ReturnCode rfalCalibrate( void );

 * \brief  RFAL Adjust Regulators 
 * Adjusts ST25R391x regulators 
 * \param[out]  result : the result of the calibrate antenna in mV
 *                       NULL if result not requested
 * \return ERR_WRONG_STATE  : RFAL not initialized
 * \return ERR_NONE         : No error
ReturnCode rfalAdjustRegulators( uint16_t* result );

 * \brief RFAL Set System Callback
 * Sets a callback for the driver to call when an event has occurred that 
 * may require the system to be notified
 * \param[in]  pFunc : method pointer for the upper layer callback 
void rfalSetUpperLayerCallback( rfalUpperLayerCallback pFunc );

 * \brief RFAL Set Pre Tx Callback
 * Sets a callback for the driver to call before a Transceive 
 * \param[in]  pFunc : method pointer for the Pre Tx callback 
void rfalSetPreTxRxCallback( rfalPreTxRxCallback pFunc );

 * \brief RFAL Set Post Tx Callback
 * Sets a callback for the driver to call after a Transceive 
 * \param[in]  pFunc : method pointer for the Post Tx callback 
void rfalSetPostTxRxCallback( rfalPostTxRxCallback pFunc );

 * \brief  RFAL Deinitialize
 * Deinitializes RFAL layer and the ST25R391x
 * \return ERR_NONE : No error
ReturnCode rfalDeinitialize( void );

 * \brief  RFAL Set Mode
 * Sets the mode that RFAL will operate on the following communications.
 * Proper initializations will be performed on the ST25R391x
 * \warning bit rate value RFAL_BR_KEEP is not allowed, only in rfalSetBitRate()
 * \warning the mode will be applied immediately on the RFchip regardless of 
 *          any ongoing operations like Transceive, ListenMode
 * \param[in]  mode : mode for the RFAL/RFchip to perform
 * \param[in]  txBR : transmit bit rate
 * \param[in]  rxBR : receive bit rate 
 * \see rfalIsGTExpired
 * \see rfalMode
 * \return ERR_WRONG_STATE  : RFAL not initialized
 * \return ERR_PARAM        : Invalid parameter
 * \return ERR_NONE         : No error
ReturnCode rfalSetMode( rfalMode mode, rfalBitRate txBR, rfalBitRate rxBR );

 * \brief  RFAL Get Mode
 * Gets the mode that RFAL is set to operate
 * \see rfalMode
 * \return rfalMode : The current RFAL mode
rfalMode rfalGetMode( void );

 * \brief  RFAL Set Bit Rate
 * Sets the Tx and Rx bit rates with the given values 
 * The bit rate change is applied on the RF chip remaining in the same  
 * mode previous defined with rfalSetMode()
 * If no mode is defined bit rates will not be applied and an error 
 * is returned
 * \param[in]  txBR : transmit bit rate
 * \param[in]  rxBR : receive bit rate 
 * \see rfalSetMode
 * \see rfalMode
 * \see rfalBitRate
 * \return ERR_WRONG_STATE     : RFAL not initialized
 * \return ERR_PARAM           : Invalid parameter
 * \return ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED : Mode not implemented
 * \return ERR_NONE            : No error
ReturnCode rfalSetBitRate( rfalBitRate txBR, rfalBitRate rxBR );

 * \brief  RFAL Get Bit Rate
 * Gets the Tx and Rx current bit rates 
 * If RFAL is not initialized or mode not set the bit rates return will 
 * be invalid RFAL_BR_KEEP
 * \param[out]  txBR : RFAL's current Tx Bit Rate
 * \param[out]  rxBR : RFAL's current Rx Bit Rate
 * \see rfalSetBitRate
 * \see rfalBitRate
 * \return ERR_WRONG_STATE  : RFAL not initialized or mode not set
 * \return ERR_NONE         : No error
ReturnCode rfalGetBitRate( rfalBitRate *txBR, rfalBitRate *rxBR );

 * \brief Set Error Handling Mode
 *  Sets the error handling mode to be used by the RFAL
 * \param[in]  eHandling : the error handling mode
void rfalSetErrorHandling( rfalEHandling eHandling );

 * \brief Get Error Handling Mode
 *  Gets the error handling mode currently used by the RFAL 
 * \return rfalEHandling : Current error handling mode
rfalEHandling rfalGetErrorHandling( void );

 * \brief Set Observation Mode
 * Sets ST25R391x observation modes for RF debug purposes
 * \param[in]  txMode : the observation mode to be used during transmission
 * \param[in]  rxMode : the observation mode to be used during reception
 * \warning The Observation Mode is an advanced feature and should be set 
 *          according to the documentation of the part number in use.
 *          Please refer to the corresponding Datasheet or Application Note(s)
void rfalSetObsvMode( uint8_t txMode, uint8_t rxMode );

 * \brief Get Observation Mode
 * Gets ST25R391x the current configured observation modes
 * \param[in]  txMode : the current observation mode configured for transmission
 * \param[in]  rxMode : the current observation mode configured for reception
void rfalGetObsvMode( uint8_t* txMode, uint8_t* rxMode );

 * \brief Disable Observation Mode
 * Disables the ST25R391x observation mode
void rfalDisableObsvMode( void );

 * \brief  RFAL Set FDT Poll
 * Sets the Frame Delay Time (FDT) to be used on the following
 * communications.
 * FDT Poll is the minimum time following a Poll Frame during 
 * which no subsequent Poll Frame can be sent (without a response from 
 * the Listener in between)
 * FDTx,PP,MIN - Digital 1.1  6.10.2  &  7.9.2  &  8.7.2
 * \param[in]  FDTPoll : Frame Delay Time in 1/fc cycles
void rfalSetFDTPoll( uint32_t FDTPoll );

 * \brief  RFAL Set FDT Poll
 * Gets the current Frame Delay Time (FDT) 
 * FDT Poll is the minimum time following a Poll Frame during 
 * which no subsequent Poll Frame can be sent (without a response from 
 * the Listener in between)
 * FDTx,PP,MIN - Digital 1.1  6.10.2  &  7.9.2  &  8.7.2
 * \return FDT : current FDT value in 1/fc cycles
uint32_t rfalGetFDTPoll( void );

 * \brief  RFAL Set FDT Listen
 * Sets the Frame Delay Time (FDT) Listen minimum to be used on the 
 * following communications.
 * FDT Listen is the minimum time between a Poll Frame and a Listen Frame
 * FDTx,LISTEN,MIN - Digital 1.1  6.10.1  &  7.9.1  &  8.7.1
 * \param[in]  FDTListen : Frame Delay Time in 1/fc cycles
void rfalSetFDTListen( uint32_t FDTListen );

 * \brief  RFAL Set FDT Listen
 * Gets the Frame Delay Time (FDT) Listen minimum  
 * FDT Listen is the minimum time between a Poll Frame and a Listen Frame
 * FDTx,LISTEN,MIN - Digital 1.1  6.10.1  &  7.9.1  &  8.7.1
 * \return FDT : current FDT value in 1/fc cycles
uint32_t rfalGetFDTListen( void );

 * \brief  RFAL Get GT
 * Gets the current Guard Time (GT)
 * GT is the minimum time when a device in Listen Mode is exposed to an 
 * unmodulated carrier
 * \return GT :  Guard Time in 1/fc cycles
uint32_t rfalGetGT( void );

 * \brief  RFAL Set GT
 * Sets the Guard Time (GT) to be used on the following communications.
 * GT is the minimum time when a device in Listen Mode is exposed to an 
 * unmodulated carrier
 * \param[in]  GT : Guard Time in 1/fc cycles
 *                  RFAL_GT_NONE if no GT should be applied
void rfalSetGT( uint32_t GT );

 * \brief  RFAL Is GT expired 
 * Checks whether the GT timer has expired
 * \return true  : GT has expired or not running
 * \return false : GT is still running
bool rfalIsGTExpired( void );

 * \brief  RFAL Turn Field On and Start GT
 * Turns the Field On, performing Initial Collision Avoidance
 * After Field On, if GT was set before, it starts the GT timer to be 
 * used on the following communications.
 * \return ERR_RF_COLLISION : External field detected
 * \return ERR_NONE         : Field turned On
ReturnCode rfalFieldOnAndStartGT( void );

 * \brief  RFAL Turn Field Off
 * Turns the Field Off  
 * \return ERR_NONE : Field turned Off
ReturnCode rfalFieldOff( void );

 *  Transceive                                                               *  

 * \brief  RFAL Set transceive context
 * Set the context that will be used for the following Transceive
 * Output and input buffers have to be passed and all other details prior to 
 * the Transceive itself has been started
 * This method only sets the context, once set rfalWorker has
 * to be executed until is done
 * \param[in]  ctx : the context for the following Transceive
 * \see  rfalWorker
 * \see  rfalGetTransceiveStatus
 * \return ERR_NONE        : Done with no error
 * \return ERR_WRONG_STATE : Not initialized properly 
 * \return ERR_PARAM       : Invalid parameter or configuration
ReturnCode rfalStartTransceive( const rfalTransceiveContext *ctx );

 * \brief  Get Transceive State
 * Gets current Transceive internal State
 * \return rfalTransceiveState : the current Transceive internal State
rfalTransceiveState rfalGetTransceiveState( void );

 * \brief  Get Transceive Status
 * Gets current Transceive status
 * \return  ERR_NONE         : Transceive done with no error
 * \return  ERR_BUSY         : Transceive ongoing
 * \return  ERR_XXXX         : Error occurred
 * \return  ERR_TIMEOUT      : No response
 * \return  ERR_FRAMING      : Framing error detected
 * \return  ERR_PAR          : Parity error detected
 * \return  ERR_CRC          : CRC error detected
 * \return  ERR_LINK_LOSS    : Link Loss - External Field is Off
 * \return  ERR_RF_COLLISION : Collision detected
 * \return  ERR_IO           : Internal error
ReturnCode rfalGetTransceiveStatus( void );

 * \brief  Is Transceive in Tx
 * Checks if Transceive is in Transmission state
 * \return true   Transmission ongoing
 * \return false  Not in transmission state
bool rfalIsTransceiveInTx( void );

 * \brief  Is Transceive in Rx
 * Checks if Transceive is in Reception state 
 * \return true   Transmission done/reception ongoing
 * \return false  Not in reception state
bool rfalIsTransceiveInRx( void );

 * \brief  Get Transceive RSSI
 * Gets the RSSI value of the last executed Transceive in mV
 * \param[out]  rssi : RSSI value
 * \return  ERR_NOTSUPP : Feature not supported
 * \return  ERR_PARAM   : Invalid parameter
 * \return  ERR_NONE    : No error
ReturnCode rfalGetTransceiveRSSI( uint16_t *rssi );

 *  \brief RFAL Worker
 *  This runs RFAL layer, which drives the actual Transceive procedure
 *  It MUST be executed frequently in order to execute the RFAL internal
 *  states and perform the requested operations
void rfalWorker( void );

 *  ISO1443A                                                                 *  

 *  \brief Transceives an ISO14443A ShortFrame  
 *  Sends REQA to detect if there is any PICC in the field 
 * \param[in]  txCmd:     Command to be sent:
 *                           0x52 WUPA / ALL_REQ
 *                           0x26 REQA / SENS_REQ
 * \param[in]  txCmd    : type of short frame to be sent REQA or WUPA                          
 * \param[out] rxBuf    : buffer to place the response
 * \param[in]  rxBufLen : length of rxBuf
 * \param[out] rxRcvdLen: received length
 * \param[in]  fwt      : Frame Waiting Time in 1/fc
 * \warning If fwt is set to RFAL_FWT_NONE it will make endlessly for 
 *         a response, which on a blocking method may not be the 
 *         desired usage 
 * \return ERR_NONE if there is response
 * \return ERR_TIMEOUT if there is no response
 * \return ERR_COLLISION collision has occurred
ReturnCode rfalISO14443ATransceiveShortFrame( rfal14443AShortFrameCmd txCmd, uint8_t* rxBuf, uint8_t rxBufLen, uint16_t* rxRcvdLen, uint32_t fwt );

 * \brief Sends an ISO14443A Anticollision Frame 
 * This is use to perform ISO14443A anti-collision. 
 * \note Anticollision is sent without CRC
 * \param[in]   buf        : reference to ANTICOLLISION command (with known UID if any) to be sent (also out param)
 *                           reception will be place on this buf after bytesToSend 
 * \param[in]   bytesToSend: reference number of full bytes to be sent (including CMD byte and SEL_PAR)
 *                           if a collision occurs will contain the number of clear bytes  
 * \param[in]   bitsToSend : reference to number of bits (0-7) to be sent; and received (also out param)
 *                           if a collision occurs will indicate the number of clear bits (also out param)
 * \param[out]  rxLength   : reference to the return the received length
 * \param[in]   fwt        : Frame Waiting Time in 1/fc
 * \return ERR_NONE if there is no error
ReturnCode rfalISO14443ATransceiveAnticollisionFrame( uint8_t *buf, uint8_t *bytesToSend, uint8_t *bitsToSend, uint16_t *rxLength, uint32_t fwt );

 *  FeliCa                                                                   *  

 * \brief FeliCa Poll 
 * Sends a Poll Request and collects all Poll Responses according to the 
 * given slots  
 * \param[in]   slots             : number of slots for the Poll Request
 * \param[in]   sysCode           : system code (SC) for the Poll Request  
 * \param[in]   reqCode           : request code (RC) for the Poll Request
 * \param[out]  pollResList       : list of all responses
 * \param[in]   pollResListSize   : number of responses that can be placed in pollResList 
 * \param[out]  devicesDetected   : number of cards found
 * \param[out]  collisionsDetected: number of collisions detected
 * \return ERR_NONE if there is no error
 * \return ERR_TIMEOUT if there is no response
ReturnCode rfalFeliCaPoll( rfalFeliCaPollSlots slots, uint16_t sysCode, uint8_t reqCode, rfalFeliCaPollRes* pollResList, uint8_t pollResListSize, uint8_t *devicesDetected, uint8_t *collisionsDetected );

 *  ISO15693                                                                 *  

 * \brief Sends an ISO15693 Anticollision Frame 
 * This send the Anticollision|Inventory frame (INVENTORY_REQ)
 * \warning rxBuf must be able to contain the payload and CRC
 * \param[in]  txBuf        : Buffer where outgoing message is located
 * \param[in]  txBufLen     : Length of the outgoing message in bytes
 * \param[out] rxBuf        : Buffer where incoming message will be placed
 * \param[in]  rxBufLen     : Maximum length of the incoming message in bytes
 * \param[out] actLen       : Actual received length in bits
 * \return  ERR_NONE        : Transceive done with no error
 * \return  ERR_WRONG_STATE : RFAL not initialized or mode not set
 * \return  ERR_IO          : Internal error
ReturnCode rfalISO15693TransceiveAnticollisionFrame( uint8_t *txBuf, uint8_t txBufLen, uint8_t *rxBuf, uint8_t rxBufLen, uint16_t *actLen );

 * \brief Sends an ISO15693 Anticollision EOF
 * This sends the Anticollision|Inventory EOF used as a slot marker
 * \warning rxBuf must be able to contain the payload and CRC
 * \param[out] rxBuf        : Buffer where incoming message will be placed
 * \param[in] rxBufLen      : Maximum length of the incoming message in bytes
 * \param[out] actLen       : Actual received length in bits
 * \return  ERR_NONE        : Transceive done with no error
 * \return  ERR_WRONG_STATE : RFAL not initialized or mode not set
 * \return  ERR_IO          : Internal error
ReturnCode rfalISO15693TransceiveEOFAnticollision( uint8_t *rxBuf, uint8_t rxBufLen, uint16_t *actLen );

 * \brief Sends an ISO15693 EOF
 * This is method sends an ISO15693 (EoF) used for a Write operation
 * \warning rxBuf must be able to contain the payload and CRC
 * \param[out] rxBuf        : Buffer where incoming message will be placed
 * \param[in] rxBufLen      : Maximum length of the incoming message in bytes
 * \param[out] actLen       : Actual received length in bytes
 * \return  ERR_NONE        : Transceive done with no error
 * \return  ERR_IO          : Internal error
ReturnCode rfalISO15693TransceiveEOF( uint8_t *rxBuf, uint8_t rxBufLen, uint16_t *actLen );

 * \brief Transceive Blocking Tx 
 * This is method triggers a Transceive and executes it blocking until the 
 * Tx has been completed
 * \param[in]  txBuf    : Buffer where outgoing message is located
 * \param[in]  txBufLen : Length of the outgoing message in bytes
 * \param[out] rxBuf    : Buffer where incoming message will be placed
 * \param[in]  rxBufLen : Maximum length of the incoming message in bytes
 * \param[out] actLen   : Actual received length in bits
 * \param[in]  flags    : TransceiveFlags indication special handling
 * \param[in]  fwt      : Frame Waiting Time in 1/fc
 * \return  ERR_NONE         : Transceive done with no error
 * \return  ERR_BUSY         : Transceive ongoing
 * \return  ERR_XXXX         : Error occurred
 * \return  ERR_LINK_LOSS    : Link Loss - External Field is Off
 * \return  ERR_RF_COLLISION : Collision detected
 * \return  ERR_IO           : Internal error
ReturnCode rfalTransceiveBlockingTx( uint8_t* txBuf, uint16_t txBufLen, uint8_t* rxBuf, uint16_t rxBufLen, uint16_t* actLen, uint32_t flags, uint32_t fwt );

 * \brief Transceive Blocking Rx 
 * This is method executes the reception of an ongoing Transceive triggered 
 * before by rfalTransceiveBlockingTx()
 * \return  ERR_NONE         : Transceive done with no error
 * \return  ERR_BUSY         : Transceive ongoing
 * \return  ERR_XXXX         : Error occurred
 * \return  ERR_TIMEOUT      : No response
 * \return  ERR_FRAMING      : Framing error detected
 * \return  ERR_PAR          : Parity error detected
 * \return  ERR_CRC          : CRC error detected
 * \return  ERR_LINK_LOSS    : Link Loss - External Field is Off
 * \return  ERR_RF_COLLISION : Collision detected
 * \return  ERR_IO           : Internal error
ReturnCode rfalTransceiveBlockingRx( void );

 * \brief Transceive Blocking 
 * This is method triggers a Transceive and executes it blocking until it 
 * has been completed
 * \param[in]  txBuf    : Buffer where outgoing message is located
 * \param[in]  txBufLen : Length of the outgoing message in bytes
 * \param[out] rxBuf    : Buffer where incoming message will be placed
 * \param[in]  rxBufLen : Maximum length of the incoming message in bytes
 * \param[out] actLen   : Actual received length in bytes
 * \param[in]  flags    : TransceiveFlags indication special handling
 * \param[in]  fwt      : Frame Waiting Time in 1/fc
 * \return  ERR_NONE         : Transceive done with no error
 * \return  ERR_BUSY         : Transceive ongoing
 * \return  ERR_XXXX         : Error occurred
 * \return  ERR_TIMEOUT      : No response
 * \return  ERR_FRAMING      : Framing error detected
 * \return  ERR_PAR          : Parity error detected
 * \return  ERR_CRC          : CRC error detected
 * \return  ERR_LINK_LOSS    : Link Loss - External Field is Off
 * \return  ERR_RF_COLLISION : Collision detected
 * \return  ERR_IO           : Internal error
ReturnCode rfalTransceiveBlockingTxRx( uint8_t* txBuf, uint16_t txBufLen, uint8_t* rxBuf, uint16_t rxBufLen, uint16_t* actLen, uint32_t flags, uint32_t fwt );

 *  Listen Mode                                                              *  

 * \brief Is external Field On
 * Checks if external field (other peer/device) is on/detected
 * \return true  External field is On
 * \return false No external field is detected
bool rfalIsExtFieldOn( void );

 * \brief Listen Mode start
 * Configures RF Chip to go into listen mode enabling the given technologies
 * \param[in]  lmMask:    mask with the enabled/disabled listen modes
 *                        use: RFAL_LM_MASK_NFCA ; RFAL_LM_MASK_NFCB ; 
 *                             RFAL_LM_MASK_NFCF ; RFAL_LM_MASK_ACTIVE_P2P 
 * \param[in]  confA:     pointer to Passive A configurations (NULL if disabled)
 * \param[in]  confB:     pointer to Passive B configurations (NULL if disabled)
 * \param[in]  confF:     pointer to Passive F configurations (NULL if disabled)
 * \param[in]  rxBuf:     buffer to place incoming data
 * \param[in]  rxBufLen:  length in bits of rxBuf
 * \param[in]  rxLen:     pointer to write the data length in bits placed into rxBuf
 * \return ERR_PARAM    Invalid parameter
 * \return ERR_REQUEST  Invalid listen mode mask
 * \return ERR_NONE     Done with no error
ReturnCode rfalListenStart( uint32_t lmMask, const rfalLmConfPA *confA, const rfalLmConfPB *confB, const rfalLmConfPF *confF, uint8_t *rxBuf, uint16_t rxBufLen, uint16_t *rxLen );

 * \brief Listen Mode start Sleeping
ReturnCode rfalListenSleepStart( rfalLmState sleepSt, uint8_t *rxBuf, uint16_t rxBufLen, uint16_t *rxLen );

 * \brief Listen Mode Stop
 * Disables the listen mode on the RF Chip 
 * \warning the listen mode will be disabled immediately on the RFchip regardless 
 *          of any ongoing operations like Transceive
 * \return ERR_NONE Done with no error
ReturnCode rfalListenStop( void );

 * \brief Listen Mode get state
 * Sets the new state of the Listen Mode and applies the necessary changes 
 * on the RF Chip
 * \param[out]  dataFlag: indicates that Listen Mode has rcvd data and caller
 *                         must process it. The received message is located
 *                         at the rxBuf passed on rfalListenStart().
 *                         rfalListenSetState() will clear this flag
 *                         if NULL output parameter will no be written/returned
 * \param[out]  lastBR:   bit rate detected  of the last initiator request 
 *                         if NULL output parameter will no be written/returned
 * \return rfalLmState  RFAL_LM_STATE_NOT_INIT : LM not initialized properly
 *                      Any Other              : LM State
rfalLmState rfalListenGetState( bool *dataFlag, rfalBitRate *lastBR );

 * \brief Listen Mode set state
 * Sets the new state of the Listen Mode and applies the necessary changes 
 * on the RF Chip
 * \param[in] newSt : New state to go to
 * \return ERR_WRONG_STATE : Not initialized properly
 * \return ERR_PARAM       : Invalid parameter
 * \return ERR_NONE        : Done with no error
ReturnCode rfalListenSetState( rfalLmState newSt );

 *  Wake-Up Mode                                                             *  

 * \brief Wake-Up Mode Start
 * Sets the RF Chip in Low Power Wake-Up Mode according to the given 
 * configuration.
 * \param[in] config       : Generic Wake-Up configuration provided by lower 
 *                            layers. If NULL will automatically configure the 
 *                            Wake-Up mode
 * \return ERR_WRONG_STATE : Not initialized properly
 * \return ERR_PARAM       : Invalid parameter
 * \return ERR_NONE        : Done with no error
ReturnCode rfalWakeUpModeStart( const rfalWakeUpConfig *config );

 * \brief Wake-Up Has Woke
 * Returns true if the Wake-Up mode is enabled and it has already received 
 * the indication from the RF Chip that the surrounding environment has changed
 * and flagged at least one wake-Up interrupt
 * \return true  : Wake-Up mode enabled and has received a wake-up IRQ
 * \return false : no Wake-Up IRQ has been received
bool rfalWakeUpModeHasWoke( void );

 * \brief Wake-Up Mode Stop
 * Stops the Wake-Up Mode
 * \return ERR_WRONG_STATE : Not initialized properly
 * \return ERR_PARAM       : Invalid parameter
 * \return ERR_NONE        : Done with no error
ReturnCode rfalWakeUpModeStop( void );

 * \brief Low Power Mode Start
 * Sets the RF Chip in Low Power Mode. 
 * In this mode the RF Chip is placed in Low Power Mode, similar to Wake-up 
 * mode but no operation nor period measurement is performed.
 * Mode must be terminated by rfalLowPowerModeStop()
 * \return ERR_WRONG_STATE : Not initialized properly
 * \return ERR_PARAM       : Invalid parameter
 * \return ERR_NONE        : Done with no error
ReturnCode rfalLowPowerModeStart( void );

 * \brief Low Power Mode Stop
 * Stops the Low Power Mode re-enabling the device
 * \return ERR_WRONG_STATE : Not initialized properly
 * \return ERR_PARAM       : Invalid parameter
 * \return ERR_NONE        : Done with no error
ReturnCode rfalLowPowerModeStop( void );

#endif /* RFAL_RF_H */

  * @}
  * @}
  * @}