#!/usr/bin/env python """ This file is part of PyCortexMDebug PyCortexMDebug is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. PyCortexMDebug is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PyCortexMDebug. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. """ import gdb import struct DWT_CTRL = 0xE0001000 DWT_CYCCNT = 0xE0001004 DWT_CPICNT = 0xE0001008 DWT_EXTCNT = 0xE000100C DWT_SLEEPCNT = 0xE0001010 DWT_LSUCNT = 0xE0001014 DWT_FOLDCNT = 0xE0001018 DWT_PCSR = 0xE000101C prefix = "dwt : " class DWT(gdb.Command): clk = None is_init = False def __init__(self): gdb.Command.__init__(self, "dwt", gdb.COMMAND_DATA) @staticmethod def read(address, bits=32): """Read from memory (using print) and return an integer""" value = gdb.selected_inferior().read_memory(address, bits / 8) return struct.unpack_from("<i", value)[0] @staticmethod def write(address, value, bits=32): """Set a value in memory""" gdb.selected_inferior().write_memory(address, bytes(value), bits / 8) def invoke(self, args, from_tty): if not self.is_init: self.write(0xE000EDFC, self.read(0xE000EDFC) | (1 << 24)) self.write(DWT_CTRL, 0) self.is_init = True s = list(map(lambda x: x.lower(), str(args).split(" "))) # Check for empty command if s[0] in ["", "help"]: self.print_help() return () if s[0] == "cyccnt": if len(s) > 1: if s[1][:2] == "en": self.cyccnt_en() elif s[1][0] == "r": self.cyccnt_reset() elif s[1][0] == "d": self.cyccnt_dis() gdb.write( prefix + "CYCCNT ({}): ".format("ON" if (self.read(DWT_CTRL) & 1) else "OFF") + self.cycles_str(self.read(DWT_CYCCNT)) ) elif s[0] == "reset": if len(s) > 1: if s[1] == "cyccnt": self.cyccnt_reset() gdb.write(prefix + "CYCCNT reset\n") if s[1] == "counters": self.cyccnt_reset() gdb.write(prefix + "CYCCNT reset\n") else: self.cyccnt_reset() gdb.write(prefix + "CYCCNT reset\n") else: # Reset everything self.cyccnt_reset() gdb.write(prefix + "CYCCNT reset\n") elif s[0] == "configclk": if len(s) == 2: try: self.clk = float(s[1]) except: self.print_help() else: self.print_help() else: # Try to figure out what stupid went on here gdb.write(args) self.print_help() @staticmethod def complete(text, word): text = str(text).lower() s = text.split(" ") commands = ["configclk", "reset", "cyccnt"] reset_commands = ["counters", "cyccnt"] cyccnt_commands = ["enable", "reset", "disable"] if len(s) == 1: return filter(lambda x: x.startswith(s[0]), commands) if len(s) == 2: if s[0] == "reset": return filter(lambda x: x.startswith(s[1]), reset_commands) if s[0] == "cyccnt": return filter(lambda x: x.startswith(s[1]), cyccnt_commands) def cycles_str(self, cycles): if self.clk: return "%d cycles, %.3es\n" % (cycles, cycles * 1.0 / self.clk) else: return "%d cycles" def cyccnt_en(self): self.write(DWT_CTRL, self.read(DWT_CTRL) | 1) def cyccnt_dis(self): self.write(DWT_CTRL, self.read(DWT_CTRL) & 0xFFFFFFFE) def cyccnt_reset(self, value=0): self.write(DWT_CYCCNT, value) def cpicnt_reset(self, value=0): self.write(DWT_CPICNT, value & 0xFF) @staticmethod def print_help(): gdb.write("Usage:\n") gdb.write("=========\n") gdb.write("dwt:\n") gdb.write("\tList available peripherals\n") gdb.write("dwt configclk [Hz]:\n") gdb.write("\tSet clock for rendering time values in seconds\n") gdb.write("dwt reset:\n") gdb.write("\tReset everything in DWT\n") gdb.write("dwt reset counters:\n") gdb.write("\tReset all DWT counters\n") gdb.write("dwt cyccnt\n") gdb.write("\tDisplay the cycle count\n") gdb.write("\td(default):decimal, x: hex, o: octal, b: binary\n") return # Registers our class to GDB when sourced: DWT()