#pragma once #include "main.h" #include <furi.h> #include <stm32wbxx.h> #include <stm32wbxx_ll_gpio.h> #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #define POWER_I2C_SCL_Pin LL_GPIO_PIN_9 #define POWER_I2C_SCL_GPIO_Port GPIOA #define POWER_I2C_SDA_Pin LL_GPIO_PIN_10 #define POWER_I2C_SDA_GPIO_Port GPIOA #define POWER_I2C I2C1 /** Timing register value is computed with the STM32CubeMX Tool, * Fast Mode @100kHz with I2CCLK = 64 MHz, * rise time = 0ns, fall time = 0ns */ #define POWER_I2C_TIMINGS 0x10707DBC /* Input Related Constants */ #define INPUT_DEBOUNCE_TICKS 20 /* Input Keys */ typedef enum { InputKeyUp, InputKeyDown, InputKeyRight, InputKeyLeft, InputKeyOk, InputKeyBack, } InputKey; /* Light */ typedef enum { LightRed, LightGreen, LightBlue, LightBacklight, } Light; typedef struct { const GPIO_TypeDef* port; const uint16_t pin; const InputKey key; const bool inverted; } InputPin; extern const InputPin input_pins[]; extern const size_t input_pins_count; extern const GpioPin vibro_gpio; extern const GpioPin ibutton_gpio; extern const GpioPin cc1101_g0_gpio; extern const GpioPin gpio_subghz_cs; extern const GpioPin gpio_display_cs; extern const GpioPin gpio_subghz_cs; extern const GpioPin gpio_display_cs; extern const GpioPin gpio_display_rst; extern const GpioPin gpio_display_di; extern const GpioPin gpio_sdcard_cs; extern const GpioPin gpio_nfc_cs; extern const GpioPin gpio_spi_d_miso; extern const GpioPin gpio_spi_d_mosi; extern const GpioPin gpio_spi_d_sck; extern const GpioPin gpio_spi_r_miso; extern const GpioPin gpio_spi_r_mosi; extern const GpioPin gpio_spi_r_sck; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif