#include "fatfs.h" #include "../filesystem_api_internal.h" #include "storage_ext.h" #include <furi_hal.h> #include "sd_notify.h" #include <furi_hal_sd.h> typedef FIL SDFile; typedef DIR SDDir; typedef FILINFO SDFileInfo; typedef FRESULT SDError; #define TAG "StorageExt" #define STORAGE_PATH "/ext" /********************* Definitions ********************/ typedef struct { FATFS* fs; const char* path; bool sd_was_present; } SDData; static FS_Error storage_ext_parse_error(SDError error); /******************* Core Functions *******************/ static bool sd_mount_card(StorageData* storage, bool notify) { bool result = false; const uint8_t max_init_counts = 10; uint8_t counter = max_init_counts; uint8_t bsp_result; SDData* sd_data = storage->data; storage_data_lock(storage); while(result == false && counter > 0 && hal_sd_detect()) { if(notify) { NotificationApp* notification = furi_record_open("notification"); sd_notify_wait(notification); furi_record_close("notification"); } if((counter % 2) == 0) { // power reset sd card bsp_result = BSP_SD_Init(true); } else { bsp_result = BSP_SD_Init(false); } if(bsp_result) { // bsp error storage->status = StorageStatusErrorInternal; } else { SDError status = f_mount(sd_data->fs, sd_data->path, 1); if(status == FR_OK || status == FR_NO_FILESYSTEM) { FATFS* fs; uint32_t free_clusters; status = f_getfree(sd_data->path, &free_clusters, &fs); if(status == FR_OK || status == FR_NO_FILESYSTEM) { result = true; } if(status == FR_OK) { storage->status = StorageStatusOK; } else if(status == FR_NO_FILESYSTEM) { storage->status = StorageStatusNoFS; } else { storage->status = StorageStatusNotAccessible; } } else { storage->status = StorageStatusNotMounted; } } if(notify) { NotificationApp* notification = furi_record_open("notification"); sd_notify_wait_off(notification); furi_record_close("notification"); } if(!result) { delay(1000); FURI_LOG_E( TAG, "init cycle %d, error: %s", counter, storage_data_status_text(storage)); counter--; } } storage_data_unlock(storage); return result; } FS_Error sd_unmount_card(StorageData* storage) { SDData* sd_data = storage->data; SDError error; storage_data_lock(storage); storage->status = StorageStatusNotReady; error = FR_DISK_ERR; // TODO do i need to close the files? f_mount(0, sd_data->path, 0); storage_data_unlock(storage); return storage_ext_parse_error(error); } FS_Error sd_format_card(StorageData* storage) { uint8_t* work_area; SDData* sd_data = storage->data; SDError error; storage_data_lock(storage); work_area = malloc(_MAX_SS); error = f_mkfs(sd_data->path, FM_ANY, 0, work_area, _MAX_SS); free(work_area); do { storage->status = StorageStatusNotAccessible; if(error != FR_OK) break; storage->status = StorageStatusNoFS; error = f_setlabel("Flipper SD"); if(error != FR_OK) break; storage->status = StorageStatusNotMounted; error = f_mount(sd_data->fs, sd_data->path, 1); if(error != FR_OK) break; storage->status = StorageStatusOK; } while(false); storage_data_unlock(storage); return storage_ext_parse_error(error); } FS_Error sd_card_info(StorageData* storage, SDInfo* sd_info) { uint32_t free_clusters, free_sectors, total_sectors; FATFS* fs; SDData* sd_data = storage->data; SDError error; // clean data memset(sd_info, 0, sizeof(SDInfo)); // get fs info storage_data_lock(storage); error = f_getlabel(sd_data->path, sd_info->label, NULL); if(error == FR_OK) { error = f_getfree(sd_data->path, &free_clusters, &fs); } storage_data_unlock(storage); if(error == FR_OK) { // calculate size total_sectors = (fs->n_fatent - 2) * fs->csize; free_sectors = free_clusters * fs->csize; uint16_t sector_size = _MAX_SS; #if _MAX_SS != _MIN_SS sector_size = fs->ssize; #endif sd_info->fs_type = fs->fs_type; sd_info->kb_total = total_sectors / 1024 * sector_size; sd_info->kb_free = free_sectors / 1024 * sector_size; sd_info->cluster_size = fs->csize; sd_info->sector_size = sector_size; } return storage_ext_parse_error(error); } static void storage_ext_tick_internal(StorageData* storage, bool notify) { SDData* sd_data = storage->data; if(sd_data->sd_was_present) { if(hal_sd_detect()) { FURI_LOG_I(TAG, "card detected"); sd_mount_card(storage, notify); if(storage->status != StorageStatusOK) { FURI_LOG_E(TAG, "sd init error: %s", storage_data_status_text(storage)); if(notify) { NotificationApp* notification = furi_record_open("notification"); sd_notify_error(notification); furi_record_close("notification"); } } else { FURI_LOG_I(TAG, "card mounted"); if(notify) { NotificationApp* notification = furi_record_open("notification"); sd_notify_success(notification); furi_record_close("notification"); } } sd_data->sd_was_present = false; if(!hal_sd_detect()) { FURI_LOG_I(TAG, "card removed while mounting"); sd_unmount_card(storage); sd_data->sd_was_present = true; } } } else { if(!hal_sd_detect()) { FURI_LOG_I(TAG, "card removed"); sd_data->sd_was_present = true; sd_unmount_card(storage); if(notify) { NotificationApp* notification = furi_record_open("notification"); sd_notify_eject(notification); furi_record_close("notification"); } } } } static void storage_ext_tick(StorageData* storage) { storage_ext_tick_internal(storage, true); } /****************** Common Functions ******************/ static FS_Error storage_ext_parse_error(SDError error) { FS_Error result; switch(error) { case FR_OK: result = FSE_OK; break; case FR_NOT_READY: result = FSE_NOT_READY; break; case FR_NO_FILE: case FR_NO_PATH: case FR_NO_FILESYSTEM: result = FSE_NOT_EXIST; break; case FR_EXIST: result = FSE_EXIST; break; case FR_INVALID_NAME: result = FSE_INVALID_NAME; break; case FR_INVALID_OBJECT: case FR_INVALID_PARAMETER: result = FSE_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; case FR_DENIED: result = FSE_DENIED; break; default: result = FSE_INTERNAL; break; } return result; } /******************* File Functions *******************/ static bool storage_ext_file_open( void* ctx, File* file, const char* path, FS_AccessMode access_mode, FS_OpenMode open_mode) { StorageData* storage = ctx; uint8_t _mode = 0; if(access_mode & FSAM_READ) _mode |= FA_READ; if(access_mode & FSAM_WRITE) _mode |= FA_WRITE; if(open_mode & FSOM_OPEN_EXISTING) _mode |= FA_OPEN_EXISTING; if(open_mode & FSOM_OPEN_ALWAYS) _mode |= FA_OPEN_ALWAYS; if(open_mode & FSOM_OPEN_APPEND) _mode |= FA_OPEN_APPEND; if(open_mode & FSOM_CREATE_NEW) _mode |= FA_CREATE_NEW; if(open_mode & FSOM_CREATE_ALWAYS) _mode |= FA_CREATE_ALWAYS; SDFile* file_data = malloc(sizeof(SDFile)); storage_set_storage_file_data(file, file_data, storage); file->internal_error_id = f_open(file_data, path, _mode); file->error_id = storage_ext_parse_error(file->internal_error_id); return (file->error_id == FSE_OK); } static bool storage_ext_file_close(void* ctx, File* file) { StorageData* storage = ctx; SDFile* file_data = storage_get_storage_file_data(file, storage); file->internal_error_id = f_close(file_data); file->error_id = storage_ext_parse_error(file->internal_error_id); free(file_data); return (file->error_id == FSE_OK); } static uint16_t storage_ext_file_read(void* ctx, File* file, void* buff, uint16_t const bytes_to_read) { StorageData* storage = ctx; SDFile* file_data = storage_get_storage_file_data(file, storage); uint16_t bytes_readed = 0; file->internal_error_id = f_read(file_data, buff, bytes_to_read, &bytes_readed); file->error_id = storage_ext_parse_error(file->internal_error_id); return bytes_readed; } static uint16_t storage_ext_file_write(void* ctx, File* file, const void* buff, uint16_t const bytes_to_write) { StorageData* storage = ctx; SDFile* file_data = storage_get_storage_file_data(file, storage); uint16_t bytes_written = 0; file->internal_error_id = f_write(file_data, buff, bytes_to_write, &bytes_written); file->error_id = storage_ext_parse_error(file->internal_error_id); return bytes_written; } static bool storage_ext_file_seek(void* ctx, File* file, const uint32_t offset, const bool from_start) { StorageData* storage = ctx; SDFile* file_data = storage_get_storage_file_data(file, storage); if(from_start) { file->internal_error_id = f_lseek(file_data, offset); } else { uint64_t position = f_tell(file_data); position += offset; file->internal_error_id = f_lseek(file_data, position); } file->error_id = storage_ext_parse_error(file->internal_error_id); return (file->error_id == FSE_OK); } static uint64_t storage_ext_file_tell(void* ctx, File* file) { StorageData* storage = ctx; SDFile* file_data = storage_get_storage_file_data(file, storage); uint64_t position = 0; position = f_tell(file_data); file->error_id = FSE_OK; return position; } static bool storage_ext_file_truncate(void* ctx, File* file) { StorageData* storage = ctx; SDFile* file_data = storage_get_storage_file_data(file, storage); file->internal_error_id = f_truncate(file_data); file->error_id = storage_ext_parse_error(file->internal_error_id); return (file->error_id == FSE_OK); } static bool storage_ext_file_sync(void* ctx, File* file) { StorageData* storage = ctx; SDFile* file_data = storage_get_storage_file_data(file, storage); file->internal_error_id = f_sync(file_data); file->error_id = storage_ext_parse_error(file->internal_error_id); return (file->error_id == FSE_OK); } static uint64_t storage_ext_file_size(void* ctx, File* file) { StorageData* storage = ctx; SDFile* file_data = storage_get_storage_file_data(file, storage); uint64_t size = 0; size = f_size(file_data); file->error_id = FSE_OK; return size; } static bool storage_ext_file_eof(void* ctx, File* file) { StorageData* storage = ctx; SDFile* file_data = storage_get_storage_file_data(file, storage); bool eof = f_eof(file_data); file->internal_error_id = 0; file->error_id = FSE_OK; return eof; } /******************* Dir Functions *******************/ static bool storage_ext_dir_open(void* ctx, File* file, const char* path) { StorageData* storage = ctx; SDDir* file_data = malloc(sizeof(SDDir)); storage_set_storage_file_data(file, file_data, storage); file->internal_error_id = f_opendir(file_data, path); file->error_id = storage_ext_parse_error(file->internal_error_id); return (file->error_id == FSE_OK); } static bool storage_ext_dir_close(void* ctx, File* file) { StorageData* storage = ctx; SDDir* file_data = storage_get_storage_file_data(file, storage); file->internal_error_id = f_closedir(file_data); file->error_id = storage_ext_parse_error(file->internal_error_id); free(file_data); return (file->error_id == FSE_OK); } static bool storage_ext_dir_read( void* ctx, File* file, FileInfo* fileinfo, char* name, const uint16_t name_length) { StorageData* storage = ctx; SDDir* file_data = storage_get_storage_file_data(file, storage); SDFileInfo _fileinfo; file->internal_error_id = f_readdir(file_data, &_fileinfo); file->error_id = storage_ext_parse_error(file->internal_error_id); if(fileinfo != NULL) { fileinfo->size = _fileinfo.fsize; fileinfo->flags = 0; if(_fileinfo.fattrib & AM_DIR) fileinfo->flags |= FSF_DIRECTORY; } if(name != NULL) { snprintf(name, name_length, "%s", _fileinfo.fname); } if(_fileinfo.fname[0] == 0) { file->error_id = FSE_NOT_EXIST; } return (file->error_id == FSE_OK); } static bool storage_ext_dir_rewind(void* ctx, File* file) { StorageData* storage = ctx; SDDir* file_data = storage_get_storage_file_data(file, storage); file->internal_error_id = f_readdir(file_data, NULL); file->error_id = storage_ext_parse_error(file->internal_error_id); return (file->error_id == FSE_OK); } /******************* Common FS Functions *******************/ static FS_Error storage_ext_common_stat(void* ctx, const char* path, FileInfo* fileinfo) { SDFileInfo _fileinfo; SDError result = f_stat(path, &_fileinfo); if(fileinfo != NULL) { fileinfo->size = _fileinfo.fsize; fileinfo->flags = 0; if(_fileinfo.fattrib & AM_DIR) fileinfo->flags |= FSF_DIRECTORY; } return storage_ext_parse_error(result); } static FS_Error storage_ext_common_remove(void* ctx, const char* path) { SDError result = f_unlink(path); return storage_ext_parse_error(result); } static FS_Error storage_ext_common_rename(void* ctx, const char* old_path, const char* new_path) { SDError result = f_rename(old_path, new_path); return storage_ext_parse_error(result); } static FS_Error storage_ext_common_mkdir(void* ctx, const char* path) { SDError result = f_mkdir(path); return storage_ext_parse_error(result); } static FS_Error storage_ext_common_fs_info( void* ctx, const char* fs_path, uint64_t* total_space, uint64_t* free_space) { StorageData* storage = ctx; SDData* sd_data = storage->data; DWORD free_clusters; FATFS* fs; SDError fresult = f_getfree(sd_data->path, &free_clusters, &fs); if((FRESULT)fresult == FR_OK) { uint32_t total_sectors = (fs->n_fatent - 2) * fs->csize; uint32_t free_sectors = free_clusters * fs->csize; uint16_t sector_size = _MAX_SS; #if _MAX_SS != _MIN_SS sector_size = fs->ssize; #endif if(total_space != NULL) { *total_space = (uint64_t)total_sectors * (uint64_t)sector_size; } if(free_space != NULL) { *free_space = (uint64_t)free_sectors * (uint64_t)sector_size; } } return storage_ext_parse_error(fresult); } /******************* Init Storage *******************/ void storage_ext_init(StorageData* storage) { SDData* sd_data = furi_alloc(sizeof(SDData)); sd_data->fs = &USERFatFS; sd_data->path = "0:/"; sd_data->sd_was_present = true; storage->data = sd_data; storage->api.tick = storage_ext_tick; storage->fs_api.file.open = storage_ext_file_open; storage->fs_api.file.close = storage_ext_file_close; storage->fs_api.file.read = storage_ext_file_read; storage->fs_api.file.write = storage_ext_file_write; storage->fs_api.file.seek = storage_ext_file_seek; storage->fs_api.file.tell = storage_ext_file_tell; storage->fs_api.file.truncate = storage_ext_file_truncate; storage->fs_api.file.size = storage_ext_file_size; storage->fs_api.file.sync = storage_ext_file_sync; storage->fs_api.file.eof = storage_ext_file_eof; storage->fs_api.dir.open = storage_ext_dir_open; storage->fs_api.dir.close = storage_ext_dir_close; storage->fs_api.dir.read = storage_ext_dir_read; storage->fs_api.dir.rewind = storage_ext_dir_rewind; storage->fs_api.common.stat = storage_ext_common_stat; storage->fs_api.common.mkdir = storage_ext_common_mkdir; storage->fs_api.common.rename = storage_ext_common_rename; storage->fs_api.common.remove = storage_ext_common_remove; storage->fs_api.common.fs_info = storage_ext_common_fs_info; hal_sd_detect_init(); // do not notify on first launch, notifications app is waiting for our thread to read settings storage_ext_tick_internal(storage, false); }