#include "thread.h" #include "kernel.h" #include "memmgr.h" #include "memmgr_heap.h" #include "check.h" #include "common_defines.h" #include #include #define THREAD_NOTIFY_INDEX 1 // Index 0 is used for stream buffers struct FuriThread { FuriThreadState state; int32_t ret; FuriThreadCallback callback; void* context; FuriThreadStateCallback state_callback; void* state_context; char* name; configSTACK_DEPTH_TYPE stack_size; FuriThreadPriority priority; TaskHandle_t task_handle; bool heap_trace_enabled; size_t heap_size; }; /** Catch threads that are trying to exit wrong way */ __attribute__((__noreturn__)) void furi_thread_catch() { asm volatile("nop"); // extra magic furi_crash("You are doing it wrong"); } static void furi_thread_set_state(FuriThread* thread, FuriThreadState state) { furi_assert(thread); thread->state = state; if(thread->state_callback) { thread->state_callback(state, thread->state_context); } } static void furi_thread_body(void* context) { furi_assert(context); FuriThread* thread = context; furi_assert(thread->state == FuriThreadStateStarting); furi_thread_set_state(thread, FuriThreadStateRunning); TaskHandle_t task_handle = xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle(); if(thread->heap_trace_enabled == true) { memmgr_heap_enable_thread_trace((FuriThreadId)task_handle); } thread->ret = thread->callback(thread->context); if(thread->heap_trace_enabled == true) { furi_delay_ms(33); thread->heap_size = memmgr_heap_get_thread_memory((FuriThreadId)task_handle); memmgr_heap_disable_thread_trace((FuriThreadId)task_handle); } furi_assert(thread->state == FuriThreadStateRunning); furi_thread_set_state(thread, FuriThreadStateStopped); vTaskDelete(thread->task_handle); furi_thread_catch(); } FuriThread* furi_thread_alloc() { FuriThread* thread = malloc(sizeof(FuriThread)); return thread; } void furi_thread_free(FuriThread* thread) { furi_assert(thread); furi_assert(thread->state == FuriThreadStateStopped); if(thread->name) free((void*)thread->name); free(thread); } void furi_thread_set_name(FuriThread* thread, const char* name) { furi_assert(thread); furi_assert(thread->state == FuriThreadStateStopped); if(thread->name) free((void*)thread->name); thread->name = strdup(name); } void furi_thread_set_stack_size(FuriThread* thread, size_t stack_size) { furi_assert(thread); furi_assert(thread->state == FuriThreadStateStopped); furi_assert(stack_size % 4 == 0); thread->stack_size = stack_size; } void furi_thread_set_callback(FuriThread* thread, FuriThreadCallback callback) { furi_assert(thread); furi_assert(thread->state == FuriThreadStateStopped); thread->callback = callback; } void furi_thread_set_context(FuriThread* thread, void* context) { furi_assert(thread); furi_assert(thread->state == FuriThreadStateStopped); thread->context = context; } void furi_thread_set_priority(FuriThread* thread, FuriThreadPriority priority) { furi_assert(thread); furi_assert(thread->state == FuriThreadStateStopped); furi_assert(priority >= FuriThreadPriorityIdle && priority <= FuriThreadPriorityIsr); thread->priority = priority; } void furi_thread_set_state_callback(FuriThread* thread, FuriThreadStateCallback callback) { furi_assert(thread); furi_assert(thread->state == FuriThreadStateStopped); thread->state_callback = callback; } void furi_thread_set_state_context(FuriThread* thread, void* context) { furi_assert(thread); furi_assert(thread->state == FuriThreadStateStopped); thread->state_context = context; } FuriThreadState furi_thread_get_state(FuriThread* thread) { furi_assert(thread); return thread->state; } void furi_thread_start(FuriThread* thread) { furi_assert(thread); furi_assert(thread->callback); furi_assert(thread->state == FuriThreadStateStopped); furi_assert(thread->stack_size > 0 && thread->stack_size < 0xFFFF * 4); furi_thread_set_state(thread, FuriThreadStateStarting); BaseType_t ret = xTaskCreate( furi_thread_body, thread->name, thread->stack_size / 4, thread, thread->priority ? thread->priority : FuriThreadPriorityNormal, &thread->task_handle); furi_check(ret == pdPASS); furi_check(thread->task_handle); } bool furi_thread_join(FuriThread* thread) { furi_assert(thread); while(thread->state != FuriThreadStateStopped) { furi_delay_ms(10); } return FuriStatusOk; } FuriThreadId furi_thread_get_id(FuriThread* thread) { furi_assert(thread); return thread->task_handle; } void furi_thread_enable_heap_trace(FuriThread* thread) { furi_assert(thread); furi_assert(thread->state == FuriThreadStateStopped); furi_assert(thread->heap_trace_enabled == false); thread->heap_trace_enabled = true; } void furi_thread_disable_heap_trace(FuriThread* thread) { furi_assert(thread); furi_assert(thread->state == FuriThreadStateStopped); furi_assert(thread->heap_trace_enabled == true); thread->heap_trace_enabled = false; } size_t furi_thread_get_heap_size(FuriThread* thread) { furi_assert(thread); furi_assert(thread->heap_trace_enabled == true); return thread->heap_size; } int32_t furi_thread_get_return_code(FuriThread* thread) { furi_assert(thread); furi_assert(thread->state == FuriThreadStateStopped); return thread->ret; } FuriThreadId furi_thread_get_current_id() { return xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle(); } void furi_thread_yield() { furi_assert(!FURI_IS_IRQ_MODE()); taskYIELD(); } /* Limits */ #define MAX_BITS_TASK_NOTIFY 31U #define MAX_BITS_EVENT_GROUPS 24U #define THREAD_FLAGS_INVALID_BITS (~((1UL << MAX_BITS_TASK_NOTIFY) - 1U)) #define EVENT_FLAGS_INVALID_BITS (~((1UL << MAX_BITS_EVENT_GROUPS) - 1U)) uint32_t furi_thread_flags_set(FuriThreadId thread_id, uint32_t flags) { TaskHandle_t hTask = (TaskHandle_t)thread_id; uint32_t rflags; BaseType_t yield; if((hTask == NULL) || ((flags & THREAD_FLAGS_INVALID_BITS) != 0U)) { rflags = (uint32_t)FuriStatusErrorParameter; } else { rflags = (uint32_t)FuriStatusError; if(FURI_IS_IRQ_MODE()) { yield = pdFALSE; (void)xTaskNotifyIndexedFromISR(hTask, THREAD_NOTIFY_INDEX, flags, eSetBits, &yield); (void)xTaskNotifyAndQueryIndexedFromISR( hTask, THREAD_NOTIFY_INDEX, 0, eNoAction, &rflags, NULL); portYIELD_FROM_ISR(yield); } else { (void)xTaskNotifyIndexed(hTask, THREAD_NOTIFY_INDEX, flags, eSetBits); (void)xTaskNotifyAndQueryIndexed(hTask, THREAD_NOTIFY_INDEX, 0, eNoAction, &rflags); } } /* Return flags after setting */ return (rflags); } uint32_t furi_thread_flags_clear(uint32_t flags) { TaskHandle_t hTask; uint32_t rflags, cflags; if(FURI_IS_IRQ_MODE()) { rflags = (uint32_t)FuriStatusErrorISR; } else if((flags & THREAD_FLAGS_INVALID_BITS) != 0U) { rflags = (uint32_t)FuriStatusErrorParameter; } else { hTask = xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle(); if(xTaskNotifyAndQueryIndexed(hTask, THREAD_NOTIFY_INDEX, 0, eNoAction, &cflags) == pdPASS) { rflags = cflags; cflags &= ~flags; if(xTaskNotifyIndexed(hTask, THREAD_NOTIFY_INDEX, cflags, eSetValueWithOverwrite) != pdPASS) { rflags = (uint32_t)FuriStatusError; } } else { rflags = (uint32_t)FuriStatusError; } } /* Return flags before clearing */ return (rflags); } uint32_t furi_thread_flags_get(void) { TaskHandle_t hTask; uint32_t rflags; if(FURI_IS_IRQ_MODE()) { rflags = (uint32_t)FuriStatusErrorISR; } else { hTask = xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle(); if(xTaskNotifyAndQueryIndexed(hTask, THREAD_NOTIFY_INDEX, 0, eNoAction, &rflags) != pdPASS) { rflags = (uint32_t)FuriStatusError; } } return (rflags); } uint32_t furi_thread_flags_wait(uint32_t flags, uint32_t options, uint32_t timeout) { uint32_t rflags, nval; uint32_t clear; TickType_t t0, td, tout; BaseType_t rval; if(FURI_IS_IRQ_MODE()) { rflags = (uint32_t)FuriStatusErrorISR; } else if((flags & THREAD_FLAGS_INVALID_BITS) != 0U) { rflags = (uint32_t)FuriStatusErrorParameter; } else { if((options & FuriFlagNoClear) == FuriFlagNoClear) { clear = 0U; } else { clear = flags; } rflags = 0U; tout = timeout; t0 = xTaskGetTickCount(); do { rval = xTaskNotifyWaitIndexed(THREAD_NOTIFY_INDEX, 0, clear, &nval, tout); if(rval == pdPASS) { rflags &= flags; rflags |= nval; if((options & FuriFlagWaitAll) == FuriFlagWaitAll) { if((flags & rflags) == flags) { break; } else { if(timeout == 0U) { rflags = (uint32_t)FuriStatusErrorResource; break; } } } else { if((flags & rflags) != 0) { break; } else { if(timeout == 0U) { rflags = (uint32_t)FuriStatusErrorResource; break; } } } /* Update timeout */ td = xTaskGetTickCount() - t0; if(td > tout) { tout = 0; } else { tout -= td; } } else { if(timeout == 0) { rflags = (uint32_t)FuriStatusErrorResource; } else { rflags = (uint32_t)FuriStatusErrorTimeout; } } } while(rval != pdFAIL); } /* Return flags before clearing */ return (rflags); } uint32_t furi_thread_enumerate(FuriThreadId* thread_array, uint32_t array_items) { uint32_t i, count; TaskStatus_t* task; if(FURI_IS_IRQ_MODE() || (thread_array == NULL) || (array_items == 0U)) { count = 0U; } else { vTaskSuspendAll(); count = uxTaskGetNumberOfTasks(); task = pvPortMalloc(count * sizeof(TaskStatus_t)); if(task != NULL) { count = uxTaskGetSystemState(task, count, NULL); for(i = 0U; (i < count) && (i < array_items); i++) { thread_array[i] = (FuriThreadId)task[i].xHandle; } count = i; } (void)xTaskResumeAll(); vPortFree(task); } return (count); } const char* furi_thread_get_name(FuriThreadId thread_id) { TaskHandle_t hTask = (TaskHandle_t)thread_id; const char* name; if(FURI_IS_IRQ_MODE() || (hTask == NULL)) { name = NULL; } else { name = pcTaskGetName(hTask); } return (name); } uint32_t furi_thread_get_stack_space(FuriThreadId thread_id) { TaskHandle_t hTask = (TaskHandle_t)thread_id; uint32_t sz; if(FURI_IS_IRQ_MODE() || (hTask == NULL)) { sz = 0U; } else { sz = (uint32_t)(uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark(hTask) * sizeof(StackType_t)); } return (sz); }