## Main menu * [443/866Mhz Transceiver](Sub-1-GHz-radio) * [Proximity tag 125khz](125-kHz-RFID) * [Bad USB](USB) * [Infrared](Infrared) * [iButton (1-Wire)](iButton-contact-keys) * [Plugins](Plugins) * Settings * [Dolphin](Tamagotchi) ## Settings menu * Display * Power ## Pass-code lock Flipper will store your secrets like U2F token and house keys. What if Flipper gets lost? Well, no problem! For this case, we made a locking feature. You can lock Flipper and unlock it with the special pass-combo, like in good old fighting games (for example, →↑↑←↓↑↓). Users can set a pass-combo of any length, and all functions will be blocked until the combo is entered, including firmware flashing. ![](https://ksr-ugc.imgix.net/assets/030/153/925/13404091a9c1bb3390a67afe279a0051_original.gif?ixlib=rb-2.1.0&w=700&fit=max&v=1597158235&auto=format&gif-q=50&q=92&s=06a640ecaa809487b004c1bead0fd9cc)