# Structure - `app-scened-template` - Scened template app library - `app-template` - Template app library - `callback-connector` - Callback connector library - `common-api` - Common api declaration library - `cyfral` - Cyfral library - `drivers` - Drivers that we wrote - `fatfs` - External storage file system - `flipper_file` - Flipper File Format library - `fnv1a-hash` - Fnv1a hash library - `infrared` - Infrared library - `libusb_stm32` - STM32 USB library - `littlefs` - Internal storage file system - `micro-ecc` - Elyptic Curve Crpytography library - `mlib` - Algorithms and containers - `nanopb` - Nano Protobuf library - `nfc_protocols` - Nfc protocols library - `onewire` - One wire library - `qrcode` - Qr code generator library - `ST25RFAL002` - ST253916 driver and NFC hal - `STM32CubeWB` - STM32WB series cube package - `subghz` - SubGhz library - `toolbox` - Toolbox of things that we are using but don't place in core - `u8g2` - Graphics library that we use to draw GUI