name: 'Static C/C++ analysis with PVS-Studio' on: push: branches: - dev - "release*" tags: - '*' pull_request: env: TARGETS: f7 DEFAULT_TARGET: f7 FBT_TOOLCHAIN_PATH: /runner/_work jobs: analyse_c_cpp: if: ${{ !github.event.pull_request.head.repo.fork }} runs-on: [self-hosted, FlipperZeroShell] steps: - name: 'Decontaminate previous build leftovers' run: | if [ -d .git ]; then git submodule status || git checkout "$(git rev-list --max-parents=0 HEAD | tail -n 1)" fi - name: 'Checkout code' uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: fetch-depth: 0 ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }} - name: 'Get commit details' id: names run: | if [[ ${{ github.event_name }} == 'pull_request' ]]; then TYPE="pull" elif [[ "${{ github.ref }}" == "refs/tags/"* ]]; then TYPE="tag" else TYPE="other" fi python3 scripts/ "--event_file=${{ github.event_path }}" "--type=$TYPE" - name: 'Make reports directory' run: | rm -rf reports/ mkdir reports - name: 'Generate compile_comands.json' run: | ./fbt COMPACT=1 version_json proto_ver icons firmware_cdb dolphin_internal dolphin_blocking _fap_icons api_syms - name: 'Static code analysis' run: | source scripts/toolchain/ pvs-studio-analyzer credentials ${{ secrets.PVS_STUDIO_CREDENTIALS }} pvs-studio-analyzer analyze \ @.pvsoptions \ -C gccarm \ -j$(grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo) \ -f build/f7-firmware-DC/compile_commands.json \ -o PVS-Studio.log - name: 'Convert PVS-Studio output to html and detect warnings' id: pvs-warn run: | WARNINGS=0 plog-converter \ -a GA:1,2,3 \ -t fullhtml \ --indicate-warnings \ PVS-Studio.log \ -o reports/${DEFAULT_TARGET}-${SUFFIX} || WARNINGS=1 echo "warnings=${WARNINGS}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT - name: 'Upload artifacts to update server' if: ${{ !github.event.pull_request.head.repo.fork && (steps.pvs-warn.outputs.warnings != 0) }} run: | mkdir -p ~/.ssh ssh-keyscan -p ${{ secrets.RSYNC_DEPLOY_PORT }} -H ${{ secrets.RSYNC_DEPLOY_HOST }} > ~/.ssh/known_hosts echo "${{ secrets.RSYNC_DEPLOY_KEY }}" > deploy_key; chmod 600 ./deploy_key; rsync -avrzP --mkpath \ -e 'ssh -p ${{ secrets.RSYNC_DEPLOY_PORT }} -i ./deploy_key' \ reports/ ${{ secrets.RSYNC_DEPLOY_USER }}@${{ secrets.RSYNC_DEPLOY_HOST }}:/home/data/firmware-pvs-studio-report/"${BRANCH_NAME}/"; rm ./deploy_key; - name: 'Find Previous Comment' if: ${{ !github.event.pull_request.head.repo.fork && github.event.pull_request && (steps.pvs-warn.outputs.warnings != 0) }} uses: peter-evans/find-comment@v2 id: fc with: issue-number: ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }} comment-author: 'github-actions[bot]' body-includes: 'PVS-Studio report for commit' - name: 'Create or update comment' if: ${{ !github.event.pull_request.head.repo.fork && github.event.pull_request && (steps.pvs-warn.outputs.warnings != 0) }} uses: peter-evans/create-or-update-comment@v1 with: comment-id: ${{ steps.fc.outputs.comment-id }} issue-number: ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }} body: | **PVS-Studio report for commit `${{steps.names.outputs.commit_sha}}`:** - [Report](${{steps.names.outputs.branch_name}}/${{steps.names.outputs.default_target}}-${{steps.names.outputs.suffix}}/index.html) edit-mode: replace - name: 'Raise exception' if: ${{ steps.pvs-warn.outputs.warnings != 0 }} run: | echo "Please fix all PVS varnings before merge" exit 1