/* USER CODE BEGIN Header */
  * @file    hw_if.h
  * @author  MCD Application Team
  * @brief   Hardware Interface
  * @attention
  * <h2><center>&copy; Copyright (c) 2019 STMicroelectronics.
  * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
  * This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license
  * SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with
  * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
  *                             www.st.com/SLA0044
/* USER CODE END Header */

/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
#ifndef HW_IF_H
#define HW_IF_H

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

  /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "stm32wbxx.h"
#include "stm32wbxx_ll_exti.h"
#include "stm32wbxx_ll_system.h"
#include "stm32wbxx_ll_rcc.h"
#include "stm32wbxx_ll_ipcc.h"
#include "stm32wbxx_ll_bus.h"
#include "stm32wbxx_ll_pwr.h"
#include "stm32wbxx_ll_cortex.h"
#include "stm32wbxx_ll_utils.h"
#include "stm32wbxx_ll_hsem.h"
#include "stm32wbxx_ll_gpio.h"
#include "stm32wbxx_ll_rtc.h"

#include "stm32wbxx_usb_dongle.h"
#include "stm32wbxx_nucleo.h"
#include "x_nucleo_epd.h"

/* Private includes ----------------------------------------------------------*/
/* USER CODE BEGIN Includes */

/* USER CODE END Includes */

   * HW UART
  typedef enum
  } hw_uart_id_t;

  typedef enum
  } hw_status_t;

  void HW_UART_Init(hw_uart_id_t hw_uart_id);
  void HW_UART_Receive_IT(hw_uart_id_t hw_uart_id, uint8_t *pData, uint16_t Size, void (*Callback)(void));
  void HW_UART_Transmit_IT(hw_uart_id_t hw_uart_id, uint8_t *pData, uint16_t Size,  void (*Callback)(void));
  hw_status_t HW_UART_Transmit(hw_uart_id_t hw_uart_id, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t size,  uint32_t timeout);
  hw_status_t HW_UART_Transmit_DMA(hw_uart_id_t hw_uart_id, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t size, void (*Callback)(void));
  void HW_UART_Interrupt_Handler(hw_uart_id_t hw_uart_id);
  void HW_UART_DMA_Interrupt_Handler(hw_uart_id_t hw_uart_id);

   * HW TimerServer
  /* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/
   * This setting is used when standby mode is supported.
   * hw_ts_InitMode_Limited should be used when the device restarts from Standby Mode. In that case, the Timer Server does
   * not re-initialized its context. Only the Hardware register which content has been lost is reconfigured
   * Otherwise, hw_ts_InitMode_Full should be requested (Start from Power ON) and everything is re-initialized.
  typedef enum
  } HW_TS_InitMode_t;

   * When a Timer is created as a SingleShot timer, it is not automatically restarted when the timeout occurs. However,
   * the timer is kept reserved in the list and could be restarted at anytime with HW_TS_Start()
   * When a Timer is created as a Repeated timer, it is automatically restarted when the timeout occurs.
  typedef enum
  } HW_TS_Mode_t;

   * hw_ts_Successful is returned when a Timer has been successfully created with HW_TS_Create(). Otherwise, hw_ts_Failed
   * is returned. When hw_ts_Failed is returned, that means there are not enough free slots in the list to create a
   * Timer. In that case, CFG_HW_TS_MAX_NBR_CONCURRENT_TIMER should be increased
  typedef enum

  typedef void (*HW_TS_pTimerCb_t)(void);

   * @brief  Initialize the timer server
   *         This API shall be called by the application before any timer is requested to the timer server. It
   *         configures the RTC module to be connected to the LSI input clock.
   * @param  TimerInitMode: When the device restarts from Standby, it should request hw_ts_InitMode_Limited so that the
   *         Timer context is not re-initialized. Otherwise, hw_ts_InitMode_Full should be requested
   * @param  hrtc: RTC Handle
   * @retval None
  void HW_TS_Init(HW_TS_InitMode_t TimerInitMode, RTC_HandleTypeDef *hrtc);

   * @brief  Interface to create a virtual timer
   *         The user shall call this API to create a timer. Once created, the timer is reserved to the module until it
   *         has been deleted. When creating a timer, the user shall specify the mode (single shot or repeated), the
   *         callback to be notified when the timer expires and a module ID to identify in the timer interrupt handler
   *         which module is concerned. In return, the user gets a timer ID to handle it.
   * @param  TimerProcessID:  This is an identifier provided by the user and returned in the callback to allow
   *                          identification of the requester
   * @param  pTimerId: Timer Id returned to the user to request operation (start, stop, delete)
   * @param  TimerMode: Mode of the virtual timer (Single shot or repeated)
   * @param  pTimerCallBack: Callback when the virtual timer expires
   * @retval HW_TS_ReturnStatus_t: Return whether the creation is sucessfull or not
  HW_TS_ReturnStatus_t HW_TS_Create(uint32_t TimerProcessID, uint8_t *pTimerId, HW_TS_Mode_t TimerMode, HW_TS_pTimerCb_t pTimerCallBack);

   * @brief  Stop a virtual timer
   *         This API may be used to stop a running timer. A timer which is stopped is move to the pending state.
   *         A pending timer may be restarted at any time with a different timeout value but the mode cannot be changed.
   *         Nothing is done when it is called to stop a timer which has been already stopped
   * @param  TimerID:  Id of the timer to stop
   * @retval None
  void HW_TS_Stop(uint8_t TimerID);

   * @brief  Start a virtual timer
   *         This API shall be used to start a timer. The timeout value is specified and may be different each time.
   *         When the timer is in the single shot mode, it will move to the pending state when it expires. The user may
   *         restart it at any time with a different timeout value. When the timer is in the repeated mode, it always
   *         stay in the running state. When the timer expires, it will be restarted with the same timeout value.
   *         This API shall not be called on a running timer.
   * @param  TimerID:  The ID Id of the timer to start
   * @param  timeout_ticks: Number of ticks of the virtual timer (Maximum value is (0xFFFFFFFF-0xFFFF = 0xFFFF0000)
   * @retval None
  void HW_TS_Start(uint8_t TimerID, uint32_t timeout_ticks);

   * @brief  Delete a virtual timer from the list
   *         This API should be used when a timer is not needed anymore by the user. A deleted timer is removed from
   *         the timer list managed by the timer server. It cannot be restarted again. The user has to go with the
   *         creation of a new timer if required and may get a different timer id
   * @param  TimerID:  The ID of the timer to remove from the list
   * @retval None
  void HW_TS_Delete(uint8_t TimerID);

   * @brief  Schedule the timer list on the timer interrupt handler
   *         This interrupt handler shall be called by the application in the RTC interrupt handler. This handler takes
   *         care of clearing all status flag required in the RTC and EXTI peripherals
   * @param  None
   * @retval None
  void HW_TS_RTC_Wakeup_Handler(void);

   * @brief  Return the number of ticks to count before the interrupt
   *         This API returns the number of ticks left to be counted before an interrupt is generated by the
   *         Timer Server. This API may be used by the application for power management optimization. When the system
   *         enters low power mode, the mode selection is a tradeoff between the wakeup time where the CPU is running
   *         and the time while the CPU will be kept in low power mode before next wakeup. The deeper is the
   *         low power mode used, the longer is the wakeup time. The low power mode management considering wakeup time
   *         versus time in low power mode is implementation specific
   *         When the timer is disabled (No timer in the list), it returns 0xFFFF
   * @param  None
   * @retval The number of ticks left to count
  uint16_t HW_TS_RTC_ReadLeftTicksToCount(void);

   * @brief  Notify the application that a registered timer has expired
   *         This API shall be implemented by the user application.
   *         This API notifies the application that a timer expires. This API is running in the RTC Wakeup interrupt
   *         context. The application may implement an Operating System to change the context priority where the timer
   *         callback may be handled. This API provides the module ID to identify which module is concerned and to allow
   *         sending the information to the correct task
   * @param  TimerProcessID: The TimerProcessId associated with the timer when it has been created
   * @param  TimerID: The TimerID of the expired timer
   * @param  pTimerCallBack: The Callback associated with the timer when it has been created
   * @retval None
  void HW_TS_RTC_Int_AppNot(uint32_t TimerProcessID, uint8_t TimerID, HW_TS_pTimerCb_t pTimerCallBack);

   * @brief  Notify the application that the wakeupcounter has been updated
   *         This API should be implemented by the user application
   *         This API notifies the application that the counter has been updated. This is expected to be used along
   *         with the HW_TS_RTC_ReadLeftTicksToCount () API. It could be that the counter has been updated since the
   *         last call of HW_TS_RTC_ReadLeftTicksToCount () and before entering low power mode. This notification
   *         provides a way to the application to solve that race condition to reevaluate the counter value before
   *         entering low power mode
   * @param  None
   * @retval None
  void HW_TS_RTC_CountUpdated_AppNot(void);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /*HW_IF_H */

/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/