#include "gap.h" #include "ble.h" #include "cmsis_os.h" #include "otp.h" #include "dev_info_service.h" #include "battery_service.h" #include "serial_service.h" #include #define GAP_TAG "BLE" #define FAST_ADV_TIMEOUT 30000 #define INITIAL_ADV_TIMEOUT 60000 #define BD_ADDR_SIZE_LOCAL 6 typedef struct { uint16_t gap_svc_handle; uint16_t dev_name_char_handle; uint16_t appearance_char_handle; uint16_t connection_handle; uint8_t adv_svc_uuid_len; uint8_t adv_svc_uuid[20]; } GapSvc; typedef struct { GapSvc gap_svc; GapState state; osMutexId_t state_mutex; uint8_t mac_address[BD_ADDR_SIZE_LOCAL]; BleEventCallback on_event_cb; void* context; osTimerId advertise_timer; osThreadAttr_t thread_attr; osThreadId_t thread_id; osMessageQueueId_t command_queue; bool enable_adv; } Gap; typedef enum { GapCommandAdvFast, GapCommandAdvLowPower, GapCommandAdvStop, } GapCommand; // Identity root key static const uint8_t gap_irk[16] = {0x12,0x34,0x56,0x78,0x9a,0xbc,0xde,0xf0,0x12,0x34,0x56,0x78,0x9a,0xbc,0xde,0xf0}; // Encryption root key static const uint8_t gap_erk[16] = {0xfe,0xdc,0xba,0x09,0x87,0x65,0x43,0x21,0xfe,0xdc,0xba,0x09,0x87,0x65,0x43,0x21}; // Appearence characteristic UUID static const uint8_t gap_appearence_char_uuid[] = {0x00, 0x86}; // Default MAC address static const uint8_t gap_default_mac_addr[] = {0x6c, 0x7a, 0xd8, 0xac, 0x57, 0x72}; static Gap* gap = NULL; static void gap_advertise_start(GapState new_state); static void gap_app(void *arg); SVCCTL_UserEvtFlowStatus_t SVCCTL_App_Notification( void *pckt ) { hci_event_pckt *event_pckt; evt_le_meta_event *meta_evt; evt_blue_aci *blue_evt; hci_le_phy_update_complete_event_rp0 *evt_le_phy_update_complete; uint8_t tx_phy; uint8_t rx_phy; tBleStatus ret = BLE_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS; event_pckt = (hci_event_pckt*) ((hci_uart_pckt *) pckt)->data; osMutexAcquire(gap->state_mutex, osWaitForever); switch (event_pckt->evt) { case EVT_DISCONN_COMPLETE: { hci_disconnection_complete_event_rp0 *disconnection_complete_event = (hci_disconnection_complete_event_rp0 *) event_pckt->data; if (disconnection_complete_event->Connection_Handle == gap->gap_svc.connection_handle) { gap->gap_svc.connection_handle = 0; gap->state = GapStateIdle; FURI_LOG_I(GAP_TAG, "Disconnect from client. Reason: %d", disconnection_complete_event->Reason); } if(gap->enable_adv) { // Restart advertising gap_start_advertising(); furi_hal_power_insomnia_exit(); } BleEvent event = {.type = BleEventTypeDisconnected}; gap->on_event_cb(event, gap->context); } break; case EVT_LE_META_EVENT: meta_evt = (evt_le_meta_event*) event_pckt->data; switch (meta_evt->subevent) { case EVT_LE_CONN_UPDATE_COMPLETE: FURI_LOG_D(GAP_TAG, "Connection update event"); break; case EVT_LE_PHY_UPDATE_COMPLETE: evt_le_phy_update_complete = (hci_le_phy_update_complete_event_rp0*)meta_evt->data; if(evt_le_phy_update_complete->Status) { FURI_LOG_E(GAP_TAG, "Update PHY failed, status %d", evt_le_phy_update_complete->Status); } else { FURI_LOG_I(GAP_TAG, "Update PHY succeed"); } ret = hci_le_read_phy(gap->gap_svc.connection_handle,&tx_phy,&rx_phy); if(ret) { FURI_LOG_E(GAP_TAG, "Read PHY failed, status: %d", ret); } else { FURI_LOG_I(GAP_TAG, "PHY Params TX = %d, RX = %d ", tx_phy, rx_phy); } break; case EVT_LE_CONN_COMPLETE: furi_hal_power_insomnia_enter(); hci_le_connection_complete_event_rp0* connection_complete_event = (hci_le_connection_complete_event_rp0 *) meta_evt->data; FURI_LOG_I(GAP_TAG, "Connection complete for connection handle 0x%x", connection_complete_event->Connection_Handle); // Stop advertising as connection completed osTimerStop(gap->advertise_timer); // Update connection status and handle gap->state = GapStateConnected; gap->gap_svc.connection_handle = connection_complete_event->Connection_Handle; // Start pairing by sending security request aci_gap_slave_security_req(connection_complete_event->Connection_Handle); break; default: break; } break; case EVT_VENDOR: blue_evt = (evt_blue_aci*) event_pckt->data; switch (blue_evt->ecode) { aci_gap_pairing_complete_event_rp0 *pairing_complete; case EVT_BLUE_GAP_LIMITED_DISCOVERABLE: FURI_LOG_I(GAP_TAG, "Limited discoverable event"); break; case EVT_BLUE_GAP_PASS_KEY_REQUEST: { // Generate random PIN code uint32_t pin = rand() % 999999; aci_gap_pass_key_resp(gap->gap_svc.connection_handle, pin); FURI_LOG_I(GAP_TAG, "Pass key request event. Pin: %d", pin); BleEvent event = {.type = BleEventTypePinCodeShow, .data.pin_code = pin}; gap->on_event_cb(event, gap->context); } break; case EVT_BLUE_GAP_AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST: FURI_LOG_I(GAP_TAG, "Authorization request event"); break; case EVT_BLUE_GAP_SLAVE_SECURITY_INITIATED: FURI_LOG_I(GAP_TAG, "Slave security initiated"); break; case EVT_BLUE_GAP_BOND_LOST: FURI_LOG_I(GAP_TAG, "Bond lost event. Start rebonding"); aci_gap_allow_rebond(gap->gap_svc.connection_handle); break; case EVT_BLUE_GAP_DEVICE_FOUND: FURI_LOG_I(GAP_TAG, "Device found event"); break; case EVT_BLUE_GAP_ADDR_NOT_RESOLVED: FURI_LOG_I(GAP_TAG, "Address not resolved event"); break; case EVT_BLUE_GAP_KEYPRESS_NOTIFICATION: FURI_LOG_I(GAP_TAG, "Key press notification event"); break; case EVT_BLUE_GAP_NUMERIC_COMPARISON_VALUE: FURI_LOG_I(GAP_TAG, "Hex_value = %lx", ((aci_gap_numeric_comparison_value_event_rp0 *)(blue_evt->data))->Numeric_Value); aci_gap_numeric_comparison_value_confirm_yesno(gap->gap_svc.connection_handle, 1); break; case EVT_BLUE_GAP_PAIRING_CMPLT: pairing_complete = (aci_gap_pairing_complete_event_rp0*)blue_evt->data; if (pairing_complete->Status) { FURI_LOG_E(GAP_TAG, "Pairing failed with status: %d. Terminating connection", pairing_complete->Status); aci_gap_terminate(gap->gap_svc.connection_handle, 5); } else { FURI_LOG_I(GAP_TAG, "Pairing complete"); BleEvent event = {.type = BleEventTypeConnected}; gap->on_event_cb(event, gap->context); } break; case EVT_BLUE_GAP_PROCEDURE_COMPLETE: FURI_LOG_I(GAP_TAG, "Procedure complete event"); break; } default: break; } osMutexRelease(gap->state_mutex); return SVCCTL_UserEvtFlowEnable; } static void set_advertisment_service_uid(uint8_t* uid, uint8_t uid_len) { gap->gap_svc.adv_svc_uuid_len = 1; if(uid_len == 2) { gap->gap_svc.adv_svc_uuid[0] = AD_TYPE_16_BIT_SERV_UUID; } else if (uid_len == 4) { gap->gap_svc.adv_svc_uuid[0] = AD_TYPE_32_BIT_SERV_UUID; } else if(uid_len == 16) { gap->gap_svc.adv_svc_uuid[0] = AD_TYPE_128_BIT_SERV_UUID_CMPLT_LIST; } memcpy(&gap->gap_svc.adv_svc_uuid[1], uid, uid_len); gap->gap_svc.adv_svc_uuid_len += uid_len; } GapState gap_get_state() { return gap->state; } void gap_init_mac_address(Gap* gap) { uint8_t *otp_addr; uint32_t udn; uint32_t company_id; uint32_t device_id; udn = LL_FLASH_GetUDN(); if(udn != 0xFFFFFFFF) { company_id = LL_FLASH_GetSTCompanyID(); device_id = LL_FLASH_GetDeviceID(); gap->mac_address[0] = (uint8_t)(udn & 0x000000FF); gap->mac_address[1] = (uint8_t)( (udn & 0x0000FF00) >> 8 ); gap->mac_address[2] = (uint8_t)( (udn & 0x00FF0000) >> 16 ); gap->mac_address[3] = (uint8_t)device_id; gap->mac_address[4] = (uint8_t)(company_id & 0x000000FF);; gap->mac_address[5] = (uint8_t)( (company_id & 0x0000FF00) >> 8 ); } else { otp_addr = OTP_Read(0); if(otp_addr) { memcpy(gap->mac_address, ((OTP_ID0_t*)otp_addr)->bd_address, sizeof(gap->mac_address)); } else { memcpy(gap->mac_address, gap_default_mac_addr, sizeof(gap->mac_address)); } } } static void gap_init_svc(Gap* gap) { tBleStatus status; uint32_t srd_bd_addr[2]; // HCI Reset to synchronise BLE Stack hci_reset(); // Configure mac address gap_init_mac_address(gap); aci_hal_write_config_data(CONFIG_DATA_PUBADDR_OFFSET, CONFIG_DATA_PUBADDR_LEN, (uint8_t*)gap->mac_address); /* Static random Address * The two upper bits shall be set to 1 * The lowest 32bits is read from the UDN to differentiate between devices * The RNG may be used to provide a random number on each power on */ srd_bd_addr[1] = 0x0000ED6E; srd_bd_addr[0] = LL_FLASH_GetUDN(); aci_hal_write_config_data( CONFIG_DATA_RANDOM_ADDRESS_OFFSET, CONFIG_DATA_RANDOM_ADDRESS_LEN, (uint8_t*)srd_bd_addr ); // Set Identity root key used to derive LTK and CSRK aci_hal_write_config_data( CONFIG_DATA_IR_OFFSET, CONFIG_DATA_IR_LEN, (uint8_t*)gap_irk ); // Set Encryption root key used to derive LTK and CSRK aci_hal_write_config_data( CONFIG_DATA_ER_OFFSET, CONFIG_DATA_ER_LEN, (uint8_t*)gap_erk ); // Set TX Power to 0 dBm aci_hal_set_tx_power_level(1, 0x19); // Initialize GATT interface aci_gatt_init(); // Initialize GAP interface const char *name = furi_hal_version_get_device_name_ptr(); aci_gap_init(GAP_PERIPHERAL_ROLE, 0, strlen(name), &gap->gap_svc.gap_svc_handle, &gap->gap_svc.dev_name_char_handle, &gap->gap_svc.appearance_char_handle); // Set GAP characteristics status = aci_gatt_update_char_value(gap->gap_svc.gap_svc_handle, gap->gap_svc.dev_name_char_handle, 0, strlen(name), (uint8_t *) name); if (status) { FURI_LOG_E(GAP_TAG, "Failed updating name characteristic: %d", status); } status = aci_gatt_update_char_value(gap->gap_svc.gap_svc_handle, gap->gap_svc.appearance_char_handle, 0, 2, gap_appearence_char_uuid); if(status) { FURI_LOG_E(GAP_TAG, "Failed updating appearence characteristic: %d", status); } // Set default PHY hci_le_set_default_phy(ALL_PHYS_PREFERENCE, TX_2M_PREFERRED, RX_2M_PREFERRED); // Set I/O capability aci_gap_set_io_capability(IO_CAP_DISPLAY_ONLY); // Setup authentication aci_gap_set_authentication_requirement(1, 1, 1, 0, 8, 16, 1, 0, PUBLIC_ADDR); // Configure whitelist aci_gap_configure_whitelist(); } static void gap_advertise_start(GapState new_state) { tBleStatus status; uint16_t min_interval; uint16_t max_interval; if (new_state == GapStateAdvFast) { min_interval = 0x80; // 80 ms max_interval = 0xa0; // 100 ms } else { min_interval = 0x0640; // 1 s max_interval = 0x0fa0; // 2.5 s } // Stop advertising timer osTimerStop(gap->advertise_timer); if ((new_state == GapStateAdvLowPower) && ((gap->state == GapStateAdvFast) || (gap->state == GapStateAdvLowPower))) { // Stop advertising status = aci_gap_set_non_discoverable(); if (status) { FURI_LOG_E(GAP_TAG, "Stop Advertising Failed, result: %d", status); } } // Configure advertising const char* name = furi_hal_version_get_ble_local_device_name_ptr(); status = aci_gap_set_discoverable(ADV_IND, min_interval, max_interval, PUBLIC_ADDR, 0, strlen(name), (uint8_t*)name, gap->gap_svc.adv_svc_uuid_len, gap->gap_svc.adv_svc_uuid, 0, 0); if(status) { FURI_LOG_E(GAP_TAG, "Set discoverable err: %d", status); } gap->state = new_state; BleEvent event = {.type = BleEventTypeStartAdvertising}; gap->on_event_cb(event, gap->context); osTimerStart(gap->advertise_timer, INITIAL_ADV_TIMEOUT); } static void gap_advertise_stop() { if(gap->state == GapStateConnected) { // Terminate connection aci_gap_terminate(gap->gap_svc.connection_handle, 0x13); } if(gap->state > GapStateIdle) { // Stop advertising osTimerStop(gap->advertise_timer); aci_gap_set_non_discoverable(); gap->state = GapStateIdle; } BleEvent event = {.type = BleEventTypeStopAdvertising}; gap->on_event_cb(event, gap->context); } void gap_start_advertising() { FURI_LOG_I(GAP_TAG, "Start advertising"); gap->enable_adv = true; GapCommand command = GapCommandAdvFast; furi_check(osMessageQueuePut(gap->command_queue, &command, 0, 0) == osOK); } void gap_stop_advertising() { FURI_LOG_I(GAP_TAG, "Stop advertising"); gap->enable_adv = false; GapCommand command = GapCommandAdvStop; furi_check(osMessageQueuePut(gap->command_queue, &command, 0, 0) == osOK); } static void gap_advetise_timer_callback(void* context) { GapCommand command = GapCommandAdvLowPower; furi_check(osMessageQueuePut(gap->command_queue, &command, 0, 0) == osOK); } bool gap_init(BleEventCallback on_event_cb, void* context) { if (ble_glue_get_status() != BleGlueStatusStarted) { return false; } gap = furi_alloc(sizeof(Gap)); srand(DWT->CYCCNT); // Create advertising timer gap->advertise_timer = osTimerNew(gap_advetise_timer_callback, osTimerOnce, NULL, NULL); // Initialization of GATT & GAP layer gap_init_svc(gap); // Initialization of the BLE Services SVCCTL_Init(); // Initialization of the GAP state gap->state_mutex = osMutexNew(NULL); gap->state = GapStateIdle; gap->gap_svc.connection_handle = 0xFFFF; gap->enable_adv = true; // Thread configuration gap->thread_attr.name = "BleGapWorker"; gap->thread_attr.stack_size = 1024; gap->thread_id = osThreadNew(gap_app, NULL, &gap->thread_attr); // Command queue allocation gap->command_queue = osMessageQueueNew(8, sizeof(GapCommand), NULL); // Start Device Information service dev_info_svc_start(); // Start Battery service battery_svc_start(); // Start Serial application serial_svc_start(); // Configure advirtise service UUID uint8_t adv_service_uid[2]; adv_service_uid[0] = 0x80 | furi_hal_version_get_hw_color(); adv_service_uid[1] = 0x30; set_advertisment_service_uid(adv_service_uid, sizeof(adv_service_uid)); // Set callback gap->on_event_cb = on_event_cb; gap->context = context; return true; } static void gap_app(void *arg) { GapCommand command; while(1) { furi_check(osMessageQueueGet(gap->command_queue, &command, NULL, osWaitForever) == osOK); osMutexAcquire(gap->state_mutex, osWaitForever); if(command == GapCommandAdvFast) { gap_advertise_start(GapStateAdvFast); } else if(command == GapCommandAdvLowPower) { gap_advertise_start(GapStateAdvLowPower); } else if(command == GapCommandAdvStop) { gap_advertise_stop(); } osMutexRelease(gap->state_mutex); } }