#!/usr/bin/env python """ This file is part of PyCortexMDebug PyCortexMDebug is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. PyCortexMDebug is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PyCortexMDebug. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. """ import gdb import re import math import sys import struct import pkg_resources from .svd import SVDFile BITS_TO_UNPACK_FORMAT = { 8: "B", 16: "H", 32: "I", } class LoadSVD(gdb.Command): """A command to load an SVD file and to create the command for inspecting that object """ def __init__(self): self.vendors = {} try: vendor_names = pkg_resources.resource_listdir("cmsis_svd", "data") for vendor in vendor_names: fnames = pkg_resources.resource_listdir( "cmsis_svd", "data/{}".format(vendor) ) self.vendors[vendor] = [ fname for fname in fnames if fname.lower().endswith(".svd") ] except: pass if len(self.vendors) > 0: gdb.Command.__init__(self, "svd_load", gdb.COMMAND_USER) else: gdb.Command.__init__( self, "svd_load", gdb.COMMAND_DATA, gdb.COMPLETE_FILENAME ) def complete(self, text, word): args = gdb.string_to_argv(text) num_args = len(args) if text.endswith(" "): num_args += 1 if not text: num_args = 1 # "svd_load <tab>" or "svd_load ST<tab>" if num_args == 1: prefix = word.lower() return [ vendor for vendor in self.vendors if vendor.lower().startswith(prefix) ] # "svd_load STMicro<tab>" or "svd_load STMicro STM32F1<tab>" elif num_args == 2 and args[0] in self.vendors: prefix = word.lower() filenames = self.vendors[args[0]] return [fname for fname in filenames if fname.lower().startswith(prefix)] return gdb.COMPLETE_NONE @staticmethod def invoke(args, from_tty): args = gdb.string_to_argv(args) argc = len(args) if argc == 1: gdb.write("Loading SVD file {}...\n".format(args[0])) f = args[0] elif argc == 2: gdb.write("Loading SVD file {}/{}...\n".format(args[0], args[1])) f = pkg_resources.resource_filename( "cmsis_svd", "data/{}/{}".format(args[0], args[1]) ) else: raise gdb.GdbError( "Usage: svd_load <vendor> <device.svd> or svd_load <path/to/filename.svd>\n" ) try: SVD(SVDFile(f)) except Exception as e: raise gdb.GdbError("Could not load SVD file {} : {}...\n".format(f, e)) if __name__ == "__main__": # This will also get executed by GDB # Create just the svd_load command LoadSVD() class SVD(gdb.Command): """The CMSIS SVD (System View Description) inspector command This allows easy access to all peripheral registers supported by the system in the GDB debug environment """ def __init__(self, svd_file): gdb.Command.__init__(self, "svd", gdb.COMMAND_DATA) self.svd_file = svd_file def _print_registers(self, container_name, form, registers): if len(registers) == 0: return try: regs_iter = registers.itervalues() except AttributeError: regs_iter = registers.values() gdb.write("Registers in %s:\n" % container_name) reg_list = [] for r in regs_iter: if r.readable(): try: data = self.read(r.address(), r.size) data = self.format(data, form, r.size) if form == "a": data += ( " <" + re.sub( r"\s+", " ", gdb.execute( "info symbol {}".format(data), True, True ).strip(), ) + ">" ) except gdb.MemoryError: data = "(error reading)" else: data = "(not readable)" desc = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", r.description) reg_list.append((r.name, data, desc)) column1_width = max(len(reg[0]) for reg in reg_list) + 2 # padding column2_width = max(len(reg[1]) for reg in reg_list) for reg in reg_list: gdb.write( "\t{}:{}{}".format( reg[0], "".ljust(column1_width - len(reg[0])), reg[1].rjust(column2_width), ) ) if reg[2] != reg[0]: gdb.write(" {}".format(reg[2])) gdb.write("\n") def _print_register_fields(self, container_name, form, register): gdb.write("Fields in {}:\n".format(container_name)) fields = register.fields if not register.readable(): data = 0 else: data = self.read(register.address(), register.size) field_list = [] try: fields_iter = fields.itervalues() except AttributeError: fields_iter = fields.values() for f in fields_iter: desc = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", f.description) if register.readable(): val = data >> f.offset val &= (1 << f.width) - 1 if f.enum: if val in f.enum: desc = f.enum[val][1] + " - " + desc val = f.enum[val][0] else: val = "Invalid enum value: " + self.format(val, form, f.width) else: val = self.format(val, form, f.width) else: val = "(not readable)" field_list.append((f.name, val, desc)) column1_width = max(len(field[0]) for field in field_list) + 2 # padding column2_width = max(len(field[1]) for field in field_list) # padding for field in field_list: gdb.write( "\t{}:{}{}".format( field[0], "".ljust(column1_width - len(field[0])), field[1].rjust(column2_width), ) ) if field[2] != field[0]: gdb.write(" {}".format(field[2])) gdb.write("\n") def invoke(self, args, from_tty): s = str(args).split(" ") form = "" if s[0] and s[0][0] == "/": if len(s[0]) == 1: gdb.write("Incorrect format\n") return else: form = s[0][1:] if len(s) == 1: return s = s[1:] if s[0].lower() == "help": gdb.write("Usage:\n") gdb.write("=========\n") gdb.write("svd:\n") gdb.write("\tList available peripherals\n") gdb.write("svd [peripheral_name]:\n") gdb.write("\tDisplay all registers pertaining to that peripheral\n") gdb.write("svd [peripheral_name] [register_name]:\n") gdb.write("\tDisplay the fields in that register\n") gdb.write("svd/[format_character] ...\n") gdb.write("\tFormat values using that character\n") gdb.write("\td(default):decimal, x: hex, o: octal, b: binary\n") gdb.write("\n") gdb.write( "Both prefix matching and case-insensitive matching is supported for peripherals, registers, clusters and fields.\n" ) return if not len(s[0]): gdb.write("Available Peripherals:\n") try: peripherals = self.svd_file.peripherals.itervalues() except AttributeError: peripherals = self.svd_file.peripherals.values() column_width = max(len(p.name) for p in peripherals) + 2 # padding try: peripherals = self.svd_file.peripherals.itervalues() except AttributeError: peripherals = self.svd_file.peripherals.values() for p in peripherals: desc = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", p.description) gdb.write( "\t{}:{}{}\n".format( p.name, "".ljust(column_width - len(p.name)), desc ) ) return def warn_if_ambiguous(smart_dict, key): if smart_dict.is_ambiguous(key): gdb.write( "Warning: {} could prefix match any of: {}\n".format( key, ", ".join(smart_dict.prefix_match_iter(key)) ) ) registers = None if len(s) >= 1: peripheral_name = s[0] if peripheral_name not in self.svd_file.peripherals: gdb.write("Peripheral {} does not exist!\n".format(s[0])) return warn_if_ambiguous(self.svd_file.peripherals, peripheral_name) peripheral = self.svd_file.peripherals[peripheral_name] if len(s) == 1: self._print_registers(peripheral.name, form, peripheral.registers) if len(peripheral.clusters) > 0: try: clusters_iter = peripheral.clusters.itervalues() except AttributeError: clusters_iter = peripheral.clusters.values() gdb.write("Clusters in %s:\n" % peripheral.name) reg_list = [] for r in clusters_iter: desc = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", r.description) reg_list.append((r.name, "", desc)) column1_width = max(len(reg[0]) for reg in reg_list) + 2 # padding column2_width = max(len(reg[1]) for reg in reg_list) for reg in reg_list: gdb.write( "\t{}:{}{}".format( reg[0], "".ljust(column1_width - len(reg[0])), reg[1].rjust(column2_width), ) ) if reg[2] != reg[0]: gdb.write(" {}".format(reg[2])) gdb.write("\n") return cluster = None if len(s) == 2: if s[1] in peripheral.clusters: warn_if_ambiguous(peripheral.clusters, s[1]) cluster = peripheral.clusters[s[1]] container = peripheral.name + " > " + cluster.name self._print_registers(container, form, cluster.registers) elif s[1] in peripheral.registers: warn_if_ambiguous(peripheral.registers, s[1]) register = peripheral.registers[s[1]] container = peripheral.name + " > " + register.name self._print_register_fields(container, form, register) else: gdb.write( "Register/cluster {} in peripheral {} does not exist!\n".format( s[1], peripheral.name ) ) return if len(s) == 3: if s[1] not in peripheral.clusters: gdb.write( "Cluster {} in peripheral {} does not exist!\n".format( s[1], peripheral.name ) ) return warn_if_ambiguous(peripheral.clusters, s[1]) cluster = peripheral.clusters[s[1]] if s[2] not in cluster.registers: gdb.write( "Register {} in cluster {} in peripheral {} does not exist!\n".format( s[2], cluster.name, peripheral.name ) ) return warn_if_ambiguous(cluster.registers, s[2]) register = cluster.registers[s[2]] container = " > ".join([peripheral.name, cluster.name, register.name]) self._print_register_fields(container, form, register) return if len(s) == 4: if s[1] not in peripheral.registers: gdb.write( "Register {} in peripheral {} does not exist!\n".format( s[1], peripheral.name ) ) return warn_if_ambiguous(peripheral.registers, s[1]) reg = peripheral.registers[s[1]] if s[2] not in reg.fields: gdb.write( "Field {} in register {} in peripheral {} does not exist!\n".format( s[2], reg.name, peripheral.name ) ) return warn_if_ambiguous(reg.fields, s[2]) field = reg.fields[s[2]] if not field.writable() or not reg.writable(): gdb.write( "Field {} in register {} in peripheral {} is read-only!\n".format( field.name, reg.name, peripheral.name ) ) return try: val = int(s[3], 0) except ValueError: gdb.write( "{} is not a valid number! You can prefix numbers with 0x for hex, 0b for binary, or any python " "int literal\n".format(s[3]) ) return if val >= 1 << field.width or val < 0: gdb.write( "{} not a valid number for a field with width {}!\n".format( val, field.width ) ) return if not reg.readable(): data = 0 else: data = self.read(reg.address(), reg.size) data &= ~(((1 << field.width) - 1) << field.offset) data |= val << field.offset self.write(reg.address(), data, reg.size) return gdb.write("Unknown input\n") def complete(self, text, word): """Perform tab-completion for the command""" text = str(text) s = text.split(" ") # Deal with the possibility of a '/' parameter if s[0] and s[0][0] == "/": if len(s) > 1: s = s[1:] else: return [] # completion after e.g. "svd/x" but before trailing space if len(s) == 1: return list(self.svd_file.peripherals.prefix_match_iter(s[0])) if len(s) == 2: reg = s[1].upper() if len(reg) and reg[0] == "&": reg = reg[1:] if s[0] not in self.svd_file.peripherals: return [] per = self.svd_file.peripherals[s[0]] return list(per.registers.prefix_match_iter(s[1])) return [] @staticmethod def read(address, bits=32): """Read from memory and return an integer""" value = gdb.selected_inferior().read_memory(address, bits / 8) unpack_format = "I" if bits in BITS_TO_UNPACK_FORMAT: unpack_format = BITS_TO_UNPACK_FORMAT[bits] # gdb.write("{:x} {}\n".format(address, binascii.hexlify(value))) return struct.unpack_from("<" + unpack_format, value)[0] @staticmethod def write(address, data, bits=32): """Write data to memory""" gdb.selected_inferior().write_memory(address, bytes(data), bits / 8) @staticmethod def format(value, form, length=32): """Format a number based on a format character and length""" # get current gdb radix setting radix = int( re.search(r"\d+", gdb.execute("show output-radix", True, True)).group(0) ) # override it if asked to if form == "x" or form == "a": radix = 16 elif form == "o": radix = 8 elif form == "b" or form == "t": radix = 2 # format the output if radix == 16: # For addresses, probably best in hex too l = int(math.ceil(length / 4.0)) return "0x" + "{:X}".format(value).zfill(l) if radix == 8: l = int(math.ceil(length / 3.0)) return "0" + "{:o}".format(value).zfill(l) if radix == 2: return "0b" + "{:b}".format(value).zfill(length) # Default: Just return in decimal return str(value) def peripheral_list(self): try: keys = self.svd_file.peripherals.iterkeys() except AttributeError: keys = self.svd_file.peripherals.keys() return list(keys) def register_list(self, peripheral): try: try: keys = self.svd_file.peripherals[peripheral].registers.iterkeys() except AttributeError: keys = self.svd_file.peripherals[peripheral].registers.keys() return list(keys) except: gdb.write("Peripheral {} doesn't exist\n".format(peripheral)) return [] def field_list(self, peripheral, register): try: periph = self.svd_file.peripherals[peripheral] reg = periph.registers[register] try: regs = reg.fields.iterkeys() except AttributeError: regs = reg.fields.keys() return list(regs) except: gdb.write("Register {} doesn't exist on {}\n".format(register, peripheral)) return []