#include "bit_lib.h" #include #include void bit_lib_push_bit(uint8_t* data, size_t data_size, bool bit) { size_t last_index = data_size - 1; for(size_t i = 0; i < last_index; ++i) { data[i] = (data[i] << 1) | ((data[i + 1] >> 7) & 1); } data[last_index] = (data[last_index] << 1) | bit; } void bit_lib_set_bit(uint8_t* data, size_t position, bool bit) { if(bit) { data[position / 8] |= 1UL << (7 - (position % 8)); } else { data[position / 8] &= ~(1UL << (7 - (position % 8))); } } void bit_lib_set_bits(uint8_t* data, size_t position, uint8_t byte, uint8_t length) { furi_check(length <= 8); furi_check(length > 0); for(uint8_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) { uint8_t shift = (length - 1) - i; bit_lib_set_bit(data, position + i, (byte >> shift) & 1); } } bool bit_lib_get_bit(const uint8_t* data, size_t position) { return (data[position / 8] >> (7 - (position % 8))) & 1; } uint8_t bit_lib_get_bits(const uint8_t* data, size_t position, uint8_t length) { uint8_t shift = position % 8; if(shift == 0) { return data[position / 8] >> (8 - length); } else { // TODO fix read out of bounds uint8_t value = (data[position / 8] << (shift)); value |= data[position / 8 + 1] >> (8 - shift); value = value >> (8 - length); return value; } } uint16_t bit_lib_get_bits_16(const uint8_t* data, size_t position, uint8_t length) { uint16_t value = 0; if(length <= 8) { value = bit_lib_get_bits(data, position, length); } else { value = bit_lib_get_bits(data, position, 8) << (length - 8); value |= bit_lib_get_bits(data, position + 8, length - 8); } return value; } uint32_t bit_lib_get_bits_32(const uint8_t* data, size_t position, uint8_t length) { uint32_t value = 0; if(length <= 8) { value = bit_lib_get_bits(data, position, length); } else if(length <= 16) { value = bit_lib_get_bits(data, position, 8) << (length - 8); value |= bit_lib_get_bits(data, position + 8, length - 8); } else if(length <= 24) { value = bit_lib_get_bits(data, position, 8) << (length - 8); value |= bit_lib_get_bits(data, position + 8, 8) << (length - 16); value |= bit_lib_get_bits(data, position + 16, length - 16); } else { value = bit_lib_get_bits(data, position, 8) << (length - 8); value |= bit_lib_get_bits(data, position + 8, 8) << (length - 16); value |= bit_lib_get_bits(data, position + 16, 8) << (length - 24); value |= bit_lib_get_bits(data, position + 24, length - 24); } return value; } bool bit_lib_test_parity_32(uint32_t bits, BitLibParity parity) { #if !defined __GNUC__ #error Please, implement parity test for non-GCC compilers #else switch(parity) { case BitLibParityEven: return __builtin_parity(bits); case BitLibParityOdd: return !__builtin_parity(bits); default: furi_crash("Unknown parity"); } #endif } bool bit_lib_test_parity( const uint8_t* bits, size_t position, uint8_t length, BitLibParity parity, uint8_t parity_length) { uint32_t parity_block; bool result = true; const size_t parity_blocks_count = length / parity_length; for(size_t i = 0; i < parity_blocks_count; ++i) { switch(parity) { case BitLibParityEven: case BitLibParityOdd: parity_block = bit_lib_get_bits_32(bits, position + i * parity_length, parity_length); if(!bit_lib_test_parity_32(parity_block, parity)) { result = false; } break; case BitLibParityAlways0: if(bit_lib_get_bit(bits, position + i * parity_length + parity_length - 1)) { result = false; } break; case BitLibParityAlways1: if(!bit_lib_get_bit(bits, position + i * parity_length + parity_length - 1)) { result = false; } break; } if(!result) break; } return result; } size_t bit_lib_add_parity( const uint8_t* data, size_t position, uint8_t* dest, size_t dest_position, uint8_t source_length, uint8_t parity_length, BitLibParity parity) { uint32_t parity_word = 0; size_t j = 0, bit_count = 0; for(int word = 0; word < source_length; word += parity_length - 1) { for(int bit = 0; bit < parity_length - 1; bit++) { parity_word = (parity_word << 1) | bit_lib_get_bit(data, position + word + bit); bit_lib_set_bit( dest, dest_position + j++, bit_lib_get_bit(data, position + word + bit)); } // if parity fails then return 0 switch(parity) { case BitLibParityAlways0: bit_lib_set_bit(dest, dest_position + j++, 0); break; // marker bit which should be a 0 case BitLibParityAlways1: bit_lib_set_bit(dest, dest_position + j++, 1); break; // marker bit which should be a 1 default: bit_lib_set_bit( dest, dest_position + j++, (bit_lib_test_parity_32(parity_word, BitLibParityOdd) ^ parity) ^ 1); break; } bit_count += parity_length; parity_word = 0; } // if we got here then all the parities passed // return bit count return bit_count; } size_t bit_lib_remove_bit_every_nth(uint8_t* data, size_t position, uint8_t length, uint8_t n) { size_t counter = 0; size_t result_counter = 0; uint8_t bit_buffer = 0; uint8_t bit_counter = 0; while(counter < length) { if((counter + 1) % n != 0) { bit_buffer = (bit_buffer << 1) | bit_lib_get_bit(data, position + counter); bit_counter++; } if(bit_counter == 8) { bit_lib_set_bits(data, position + result_counter, bit_buffer, 8); bit_counter = 0; bit_buffer = 0; result_counter += 8; } counter++; } if(bit_counter != 0) { bit_lib_set_bits(data, position + result_counter, bit_buffer, bit_counter); result_counter += bit_counter; } return result_counter; } void bit_lib_copy_bits( uint8_t* data, size_t position, size_t length, const uint8_t* source, size_t source_position) { for(size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) { bit_lib_set_bit(data, position + i, bit_lib_get_bit(source, source_position + i)); } } void bit_lib_reverse_bits(uint8_t* data, size_t position, uint8_t length) { size_t i = 0; size_t j = length - 1; while(i < j) { bool tmp = bit_lib_get_bit(data, position + i); bit_lib_set_bit(data, position + i, bit_lib_get_bit(data, position + j)); bit_lib_set_bit(data, position + j, tmp); i++; j--; } } uint8_t bit_lib_get_bit_count(uint32_t data) { #if defined __GNUC__ return __builtin_popcountl(data); #else #error Please, implement popcount for non-GCC compilers #endif } void bit_lib_print_bits(const uint8_t* data, size_t length) { for(size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) { printf("%u", bit_lib_get_bit(data, i)); } } void bit_lib_print_regions( const BitLibRegion* regions, size_t region_count, const uint8_t* data, size_t length) { // print data bit_lib_print_bits(data, length); printf("\r\n"); // print regions for(size_t c = 0; c < length; ++c) { bool print = false; for(size_t i = 0; i < region_count; i++) { if(regions[i].start <= c && c < regions[i].start + regions[i].length) { print = true; printf("%c", regions[i].mark); break; } } if(!print) { printf(" "); } } printf("\r\n"); // print regions data for(size_t c = 0; c < length; ++c) { bool print = false; for(size_t i = 0; i < region_count; i++) { if(regions[i].start <= c && c < regions[i].start + regions[i].length) { print = true; printf("%u", bit_lib_get_bit(data, c)); break; } } if(!print) { printf(" "); } } printf("\r\n"); } uint16_t bit_lib_reverse_16_fast(uint16_t data) { uint16_t result = 0; result |= (data & 0x8000) >> 15; result |= (data & 0x4000) >> 13; result |= (data & 0x2000) >> 11; result |= (data & 0x1000) >> 9; result |= (data & 0x0800) >> 7; result |= (data & 0x0400) >> 5; result |= (data & 0x0200) >> 3; result |= (data & 0x0100) >> 1; result |= (data & 0x0080) << 1; result |= (data & 0x0040) << 3; result |= (data & 0x0020) << 5; result |= (data & 0x0010) << 7; result |= (data & 0x0008) << 9; result |= (data & 0x0004) << 11; result |= (data & 0x0002) << 13; result |= (data & 0x0001) << 15; return result; } uint8_t bit_lib_reverse_8_fast(uint8_t byte) { byte = (byte & 0xF0) >> 4 | (byte & 0x0F) << 4; byte = (byte & 0xCC) >> 2 | (byte & 0x33) << 2; byte = (byte & 0xAA) >> 1 | (byte & 0x55) << 1; return byte; } uint16_t bit_lib_crc8( uint8_t const* data, size_t data_size, uint8_t polynom, uint8_t init, bool ref_in, bool ref_out, uint8_t xor_out) { uint8_t crc = init; for(size_t i = 0; i < data_size; ++i) { uint8_t byte = data[i]; if(ref_in) bit_lib_reverse_bits(&byte, 0, 8); crc ^= byte; for(size_t j = 8; j > 0; --j) { if(crc & TOPBIT(8)) { crc = (crc << 1) ^ polynom; } else { crc = (crc << 1); } } } if(ref_out) bit_lib_reverse_bits(&crc, 0, 8); crc ^= xor_out; return crc; } uint16_t bit_lib_crc16( uint8_t const* data, size_t data_size, uint16_t polynom, uint16_t init, bool ref_in, bool ref_out, uint16_t xor_out) { uint16_t crc = init; for(size_t i = 0; i < data_size; ++i) { uint8_t byte = data[i]; if(ref_in) byte = bit_lib_reverse_16_fast(byte) >> 8; for(size_t j = 0; j < 8; ++j) { bool c15 = (crc >> 15 & 1); bool bit = (byte >> (7 - j) & 1); crc <<= 1; if(c15 ^ bit) crc ^= polynom; } } if(ref_out) crc = bit_lib_reverse_16_fast(crc); crc ^= xor_out; return crc; }