Import("ENV", "fw_build_meta") from SCons.Errors import UserError from SCons.Node import FS import itertools from fbt_extra.util import ( should_gen_cdb_and_link_dir, link_elf_dir_as_latest, ) # Building initial C environment for libs env = ENV.Clone( tools=[ ("compilation_db", {"COMPILATIONDB_COMSTR": "\tCDB\t${TARGET}"}), "fwbin", "fbt_apps", "pvsstudio", "fbt_hwtarget", ], COMPILATIONDB_USE_ABSPATH=False, BUILD_DIR=fw_build_meta["build_dir"], IS_BASE_FIRMWARE=fw_build_meta["type"] == "firmware", FW_FLAVOR=fw_build_meta["flavor"], LIB_DIST_DIR=fw_build_meta["build_dir"].Dir("lib"), LINT_SOURCES=[ Dir("applications"), ], LIBPATH=[ "${LIB_DIST_DIR}", ], CPPPATH=[ "#/furi", *(f"#/{app_dir[0]}" for app_dir in ENV["APPDIRS"] if app_dir[1]), "#/firmware/targets/furi_hal_include", ], # Specific flags for building libraries - always do optimized builds FW_LIB_OPTS={ "Default": { "CCFLAGS": [ "-Og" if ENV["LIB_DEBUG"] else "-Os", ], "CPPDEFINES": [ "NDEBUG", "FURI_DEBUG" if ENV["LIB_DEBUG"] else "FURI_NDEBUG", ], # You can add other entries named after libraries # If they are present, they have precedence over Default }, # for furi_check to respect build type "furi": { "CCFLAGS": [ "-Os", ], "CPPDEFINES": [ "NDEBUG", "FURI_DEBUG" if ENV["DEBUG"] else "FURI_NDEBUG", ], }, "flipper_application": { "CCFLAGS": [ "-Og", ], "CPPDEFINES": [ "NDEBUG", "FURI_DEBUG" if ENV["DEBUG"] else "FURI_NDEBUG", ], }, }, SDK_APISYMS=None, _APP_ICONS=None, ) if env["IS_BASE_FIRMWARE"]: env.Append( FIRMWARE_BUILD_CFG="firmware", RAM_EXEC=False, ) else: env.Append( FIRMWARE_BUILD_CFG="updater", RAM_EXEC=True, CPPDEFINES=[ "FURI_RAM_EXEC", ], ) env.ConfigureForTarget(env.subst("${TARGET_HW}")) Export("env") # Invoke child SCopscripts to populate global `env` + build their own part of the code lib_targets = env.BuildModules( [ "lib", "assets", "firmware", "furi", ], ) # Now, env is fully set up with everything to build apps fwenv = env.Clone(FW_ARTIFACTS=[]) fw_artifacts = fwenv["FW_ARTIFACTS"] # Set up additional app-specific build flags SConscript("site_scons/firmwareopts.scons", exports={"ENV": fwenv}) # Set up app configuration if env["IS_BASE_FIRMWARE"]: fwenv.Append(APPS=fwenv["FIRMWARE_APPS"].get(fwenv.subst("$FIRMWARE_APP_SET"))) else: fwenv.Append(APPS=["updater"]) if extra_int_apps := GetOption("extra_int_apps"): fwenv.Append(APPS=extra_int_apps.split(",")) for app_dir, _ in fwenv["APPDIRS"]: app_dir_node = env.Dir("#").Dir(app_dir) for entry in app_dir_node.glob("*"): if isinstance(entry, FS.Dir) and not str(entry).startswith("."): fwenv.LoadAppManifest(entry) fwenv.PrepareApplicationsBuild() # Build external apps + configure SDK if env["IS_BASE_FIRMWARE"]: fwenv.SetDefault(FBT_FAP_DEBUG_ELF_ROOT="${BUILD_DIR}/.extapps") fwenv["FW_EXTAPPS"] = SConscript( "site_scons/extapps.scons", exports={"ENV": fwenv}, ) fw_artifacts.append(fwenv["FW_EXTAPPS"].sdk_tree) # Add preprocessor definitions for current set of apps fwenv.Append( CPPDEFINES=fwenv["APPBUILD"].get_apps_cdefs(), ) # Build applications.c for selected services & apps # Depends on virtual value-only node, so it only gets rebuilt when set of apps changes apps_c = fwenv.ApplicationsC( "applications/applications.c", [Value(fwenv["APPS"]), Value(fwenv["LOADER_AUTOSTART"])], ) # Adding dependency on manifest files so apps.c is rebuilt when any manifest is changed for app_dir, _ in env["APPDIRS"]: app_dir_node = env.Dir("#").Dir(app_dir) fwenv.Depends(apps_c, app_dir_node.glob("*/application.fam")) # Sanity check - certain external apps are using features that are not available in base firmware if advanced_faps := list( filter( lambda app: app.fap_extbuild or app.fap_private_libs or app.fap_icon_assets, fwenv["APPBUILD"].get_builtin_apps(), ) ): raise UserError( "An Application that is using fap-specific features cannot be built into base firmware." f" Offending app(s): {', '.join(app.appid for app in advanced_faps)}" ) sources = [apps_c] # Gather sources only from app folders in current configuration sources.extend( itertools.chain.from_iterable( fwenv.GlobRecursive(source_type, appdir.relpath, exclude=["lib"]) for appdir, source_type in fwenv["APPBUILD"].get_builtin_app_folders() ) ) # Debug # print(fwenv.Dump()) # Full firmware definition fwelf = fwenv["FW_ELF"] = fwenv.Program( "${FIRMWARE_BUILD_CFG}", sources, LIBS=fwenv["TARGET_CFG"].linker_dependencies, ) # Firmware depends on everything child builders returned # Depends(fwelf, lib_targets) # Output extra details after building firmware AddPostAction(fwelf, fwenv["APPBUILD_DUMP"]) AddPostAction( fwelf, Action( '${PYTHON3} "${BIN_SIZE_SCRIPT}" elf ${TARGET}', "Firmware size", ), ) # Produce extra firmware files fwhex = fwenv["FW_HEX"] = fwenv.HEXBuilder("${FIRMWARE_BUILD_CFG}") fwbin = fwenv["FW_BIN"] = fwenv.BINBuilder("${FIRMWARE_BUILD_CFG}") AddPostAction( fwbin, Action('@${PYTHON3} "${BIN_SIZE_SCRIPT}" bin ${TARGET}'), ) fwdfu = fwenv["FW_DFU"] = fwenv.DFUBuilder("${FIRMWARE_BUILD_CFG}") Alias(fwenv["FIRMWARE_BUILD_CFG"] + "_dfu", fwdfu) fwdump = fwenv.ObjDump("${FIRMWARE_BUILD_CFG}") Alias(fwenv["FIRMWARE_BUILD_CFG"] + "_list", fwdump) fw_artifacts.extend( [ fwhex, fwbin, fwdfu, fwenv["FW_VERSION_JSON"], ] ) fwcdb = fwenv.CompilationDatabase() # without filtering, both updater & firmware commands would be generated in same file fwenv.Replace( COMPILATIONDB_PATH_FILTER=fwenv.subst("*${FW_FLAVOR}*"), COMPILATIONDB_SRCPATH_FILTER="*.c*", ) AlwaysBuild(fwcdb) Precious(fwcdb) NoClean(fwcdb) Alias(fwenv["FIRMWARE_BUILD_CFG"] + "_cdb", fwcdb) pvscheck = fwenv.PVSCheck("pvsreport.log", fwcdb) Depends( pvscheck, [ fwenv["FW_VERSION_JSON"], fwenv["FW_ASSETS_HEADERS"], fwenv["SDK_APISYMS"], fwenv["_APP_ICONS"], ], ) Alias(fwenv["FIRMWARE_BUILD_CFG"] + "_pvscheck", pvscheck) AlwaysBuild(pvscheck) Precious(pvscheck) pvsreport = fwenv.PVSReport(None, pvscheck, REPORT_DIR=Dir("pvsreport")) Alias(fwenv["FIRMWARE_BUILD_CFG"] + "_pvs", pvsreport) AlwaysBuild(pvsreport) # If current configuration was explicitly requested, generate compilation database # and link its directory as build/latest if should_gen_cdb_and_link_dir(fwenv, BUILD_TARGETS): fw_artifacts.append(fwcdb) # Adding as a phony target, so folder link is updated even if elf didn't change link_dir_command = fwenv.PhonyTarget( fwenv.subst("${FIRMWARE_BUILD_CFG}_latest"), Action( lambda source, target, env: link_elf_dir_as_latest(env, source[0]), None, ), source=fwelf, ) fw_artifacts.append(link_dir_command) Alias(fwenv["FIRMWARE_BUILD_CFG"] + "_all", fw_artifacts) Return("fwenv")