#include "ibutton-app.h" #include #include #include #include const char* iButtonApp::app_folder = "ibutton"; const char* iButtonApp::app_extension = ".ibtn"; void iButtonApp::run(void* args) { iButtonEvent event; bool consumed; bool exit = false; if(args && load_key((const char*)args)) { current_scene = Scene::SceneEmulate; } scenes[current_scene]->on_enter(this); while(!exit) { view.receive_event(&event); consumed = scenes[current_scene]->on_event(this, &event); if(!consumed) { if(event.type == iButtonEvent::Type::EventTypeBack) { exit = switch_to_previous_scene(); } } }; scenes[current_scene]->on_exit(this); } iButtonApp::iButtonApp() : notification{"notification"} { api_hal_power_insomnia_enter(); key_worker = new KeyWorker(&ibutton_gpio); // we need random srand(DWT->CYCCNT); } iButtonApp::~iButtonApp() { for(std::map::iterator it = scenes.begin(); it != scenes.end(); ++it) { delete it->second; scenes.erase(it); } delete key_worker; api_hal_power_insomnia_exit(); } iButtonAppViewManager* iButtonApp::get_view_manager() { return &view; } void iButtonApp::switch_to_next_scene(Scene next_scene) { previous_scenes_list.push_front(current_scene); if(next_scene != Scene::SceneExit) { scenes[current_scene]->on_exit(this); current_scene = next_scene; scenes[current_scene]->on_enter(this); } } void iButtonApp::search_and_switch_to_previous_scene(std::initializer_list scenes_list) { Scene previous_scene = Scene::SceneStart; bool scene_found = false; while(!scene_found) { previous_scene = get_previous_scene(); for(Scene element : scenes_list) { if(previous_scene == element || previous_scene == Scene::SceneStart) { scene_found = true; break; } } } scenes[current_scene]->on_exit(this); current_scene = previous_scene; scenes[current_scene]->on_enter(this); } bool iButtonApp::switch_to_previous_scene(uint8_t count) { Scene previous_scene = Scene::SceneStart; for(uint8_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { previous_scene = get_previous_scene(); if(previous_scene == Scene::SceneExit) break; } if(previous_scene == Scene::SceneExit) { return true; } else { scenes[current_scene]->on_exit(this); current_scene = previous_scene; scenes[current_scene]->on_enter(this); return false; } } iButtonApp::Scene iButtonApp::get_previous_scene() { Scene scene = previous_scenes_list.front(); previous_scenes_list.pop_front(); return scene; } const GpioPin* iButtonApp::get_ibutton_pin() { // TODO open record return &ibutton_gpio; } KeyWorker* iButtonApp::get_key_worker() { return key_worker; } iButtonKey* iButtonApp::get_key() { return &key; } char* iButtonApp::get_file_name() { return file_name; } uint8_t iButtonApp::get_file_name_size() { return file_name_size; } void iButtonApp::notify_green_blink() { notification_message(notification, &sequence_blink_green_10); } void iButtonApp::notify_yellow_blink() { notification_message(notification, &sequence_blink_yellow_10); } void iButtonApp::notify_red_blink() { notification_message(notification, &sequence_blink_red_10); } void iButtonApp::notify_error() { notification_message(notification, &sequence_error); } void iButtonApp::notify_success() { notification_message(notification, &sequence_success); } void iButtonApp::notify_green_on() { notification_message_block(notification, &sequence_set_green_255); } void iButtonApp::notify_green_off() { notification_message(notification, &sequence_reset_green); } void iButtonApp::notify_red_on() { notification_message_block(notification, &sequence_set_red_255); } void iButtonApp::notify_red_off() { notification_message(notification, &sequence_reset_red); } void iButtonApp::set_text_store(const char* text...) { va_list args; va_start(args, text); vsnprintf(text_store, text_store_size, text, args); va_end(args); } char* iButtonApp::get_text_store() { return text_store; } uint8_t iButtonApp::get_text_store_size() { return text_store_size; } void iButtonApp::generate_random_name(char* name, uint8_t max_name_size) { const uint8_t prefix_size = 9; const char* prefix[prefix_size] = { "ancient", "hollow", "strange", "disappeared", "unknown", "unthinkable", "unnamable", "nameless", "my", }; const uint8_t suffix_size = 8; const char* suffix[suffix_size] = { "door", "entrance", "doorway", "entry", "portal", "entree", "opening", "crack", }; sniprintf( name, max_name_size, "%s_%s", prefix[rand() % prefix_size], suffix[rand() % suffix_size]); // to upper name[0] = name[0] - 0x20; } // file managment bool iButtonApp::save_key(const char* key_name) { FileWorkerCpp file_worker; string_t key_file_name; bool result = false; // Create ibutton directory if necessary if(!file_worker.mkdir(app_folder)) { return false; }; // First remove key if it was saved string_init_printf(key_file_name, "%s/%s%s", app_folder, get_key()->get_name(), app_extension); if(!file_worker.remove(string_get_cstr(key_file_name))) { string_clear(key_file_name); return false; }; // Save the key get_key()->set_name(key_name); string_printf(key_file_name, "%s/%s%s", app_folder, get_key()->get_name(), app_extension); bool res = file_worker.open(string_get_cstr(key_file_name), FSAM_WRITE, FSOM_CREATE_ALWAYS); string_clear(key_file_name); if(res) { // type header const char* key_type = "E "; switch(get_key()->get_key_type()) { case iButtonKeyType::KeyCyfral: key_type = "C "; break; case iButtonKeyType::KeyDallas: key_type = "D "; break; case iButtonKeyType::KeyMetakom: key_type = "M "; break; } if(!file_worker.write(key_type, 2)) { file_worker.close(); return false; } if(!file_worker.write_hex(get_key()->get_data(), get_key()->get_type_data_size())) { file_worker.close(); return false; } result = true; } file_worker.close(); return result; } bool iButtonApp::load_key_data(string_t key_path) { FileWorkerCpp file_worker; // Open key file if(!file_worker.open(string_get_cstr(key_path), FSAM_READ, FSOM_OPEN_EXISTING)) { file_worker.close(); return false; } const uint8_t byte_text_size = 4; char byte_text[byte_text_size] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; // Load type header if(!file_worker.read(byte_text, 2)) { file_worker.close(); return false; } iButtonKeyType key_type = iButtonKeyType::KeyCyfral; if(strcmp(byte_text, "C ") == 0) { key_type = iButtonKeyType::KeyCyfral; } else if(strcmp(byte_text, "M ") == 0) { key_type = iButtonKeyType::KeyMetakom; } else if(strcmp(byte_text, "D ") == 0) { key_type = iButtonKeyType::KeyDallas; } else { file_worker.show_error("Cannot parse\nkey file"); file_worker.close(); return false; } iButtonKeyType old_type = get_key()->get_key_type(); get_key()->set_type(key_type); uint8_t key_data[IBUTTON_KEY_DATA_SIZE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; if(!file_worker.read_hex(key_data, get_key()->get_type_data_size())) { get_key()->set_type(old_type); file_worker.close(); return false; } file_worker.close(); get_key()->set_data(key_data, IBUTTON_KEY_DATA_SIZE); return true; } bool iButtonApp::load_key(const char* key_name) { bool result = false; string_t key_path; string_init_set_str(key_path, key_name); if(!string_start_with_str_p(key_path, app_folder) || !string_end_with_str_p(key_path, app_extension)) { string_clear(key_path); return false; } result = load_key_data(key_path); if(result) { uint8_t folder_end = strlen(app_folder) + 1; uint8_t extension_start = string_size(key_path) - strlen(app_extension); string_mid(key_path, folder_end, extension_start - folder_end); get_key()->set_name(string_get_cstr(key_path)); } string_clear(key_path); return result; } bool iButtonApp::load_key() { bool result = false; FileWorkerCpp file_worker; // Input events and views are managed by file_select bool res = file_worker.file_select( app_folder, app_extension, get_file_name(), get_file_name_size(), get_key()->get_name()); if(res) { string_t key_str; // Get key file path string_init_printf(key_str, "%s/%s%s", app_folder, get_file_name(), app_extension); result = load_key_data(key_str); if(result) { get_key()->set_name(get_file_name()); } string_clear(key_str); } return result; } bool iButtonApp::delete_key() { string_t file_name; bool result = false; FileWorkerCpp file_worker; string_init_printf(file_name, "%s/%s%s", app_folder, get_key()->get_name(), app_extension); result = file_worker.remove(string_get_cstr(file_name)); string_clear(file_name); return result; }