from SCons.Builder import Builder from SCons.Action import Action from SCons.Errors import UserError import SCons from fbt.appmanifest import ( FlipperAppType, AppManager, ApplicationsCGenerator, FlipperManifestException, ) # Adding objects for application management to env # AppManager env["APPMGR"] - loads all manifests; manages list of known apps # AppBuildset env["APPBUILD"] - contains subset of apps, filtered for current config def LoadApplicationManifests(env): appmgr = env["APPMGR"] = AppManager() for entry in env.Glob("#/applications/*"): if isinstance(entry, SCons.Node.FS.Dir) and not str(entry).startswith("."): try: appmgr.load_manifest(entry.File("application.fam").abspath, except FlipperManifestException as e: raise UserError(e) def PrepareApplicationsBuild(env): env["APPBUILD"] = env["APPMGR"].filter_apps(env["APPS"]) env["APPBUILD_DUMP"] = env.Action( DumpApplicationConfig, "\tINFO\t", ) def DumpApplicationConfig(target, source, env): print(f"Loaded {len(env['APPMGR'].known_apps)} app definitions.") print("Firmware modules configuration:") for apptype in FlipperAppType: app_sublist = env["APPBUILD"].get_apps_of_type(apptype) if app_sublist: print( f"{apptype.value}:\n\t", ", ".join(app.appid for app in app_sublist), ) def build_apps_c(target, source, env): target_file_name = target[0].path gen = ApplicationsCGenerator(env["APPBUILD"]) with open(target_file_name, "w") as file: file.write(gen.generate()) def generate(env): env.AddMethod(LoadApplicationManifests) env.AddMethod(PrepareApplicationsBuild) env.Append( BUILDERS={ "ApplicationsC": Builder( action=Action( build_apps_c, "${APPSCOMSTR}", ), ), } ) def exists(env): return True