#pragma once
#include "file_worker.h"

 * @brief File operations helper class.
 * Automatically opens API records, shows error message on error.
class FileWorkerCpp {
    FileWorkerCpp(bool silent = false);

     * @brief Open file
     * @param filename 
     * @param access_mode 
     * @param open_mode 
     * @return true on success
    bool open(const char* filename, FS_AccessMode access_mode, FS_OpenMode open_mode);

     * @brief Close file
     * @return true on success
    bool close();

     * @brief Creates a directory. Doesn't show error if directory exist. 
     * @param dirname 
     * @return true on success
    bool mkdir(const char* dirname);

     * @brief Removes the file. Doesn't show error if file doesn't exist.
     * @param filename 
     * @return true on success  
    bool remove(const char* filename);

     * @brief Reads data from a file.
     * @param buffer 
     * @param bytes_to_read 
     * @return true on success  
    bool read(void* buffer, uint16_t bytes_to_read = 1);

     * @brief Reads data from a file until separator or EOF is found. 
     * Moves seek pointer to the next symbol after the separator. The separator is not included in the result.
     * @param result 
     * @param separator 
     * @return true on success  
    bool read_until(string_t result, char separator = '\n');

     * @brief Reads data in hexadecimal space-delimited format. For example "AF FF" in a file - [175, 255] in a read buffer.
     * @param buffer 
     * @param bytes_to_read 
     * @return true on success  
    bool read_hex(uint8_t* buffer, uint16_t bytes_to_read = 1);

     * @brief Read seek pointer value
     * @param position 
     * @return true on success  
    bool tell(uint64_t* position);

     * @brief Set seek pointer value
     * @param position 
     * @param from_start 
     * @return true on success  
    bool seek(uint64_t position, bool from_start);

     * @brief Write data to file.
     * @param buffer 
     * @param bytes_to_write 
     * @return true on success  
    bool write(const void* buffer, uint16_t bytes_to_write = 1);

     * @brief Write data to file in hexadecimal space-delimited format. For example [175, 255] in a write buffer - "AF FF" in a file.
     * @param buffer 
     * @param bytes_to_write 
     * @return true on success  
    bool write_hex(const uint8_t* buffer, uint16_t bytes_to_write = 1);

     * @brief Show system file error message
     * @param error_text 
    void show_error(const char* error_text);

     * @brief Show system file select widget
     * @param path 
     * @param extension 
     * @param result 
     * @param result_size 
     * @param selected_filename 
     * @return true if file was selected
    bool file_select(
        const char* path,
        const char* extension,
        char* result,
        uint8_t result_size,
        const char* selected_filename);

     * @brief Reads data from a file until separator or EOF is found.
     * Moves seek pointer to the next symbol after the separator. The separator is included in the result.
     * @param result
     * @param file_buf
     * @param file_buf_cnt
     * @param max_length
     * @param separator
     * @return true on success
    bool read_until_buffered(
        string_t str_result,
        char* file_buf,
        size_t* file_buf_cnt,
        size_t max_length,
        char separator = '\n');

     * @brief Gets value from key
     * @param file_worker FileWorker instance
     * @param key key
     * @param delimeter key-value delimeter
     * @param value value for given key
     * @return true on success
    bool get_value_from_key(string_t key, char delimiter, string_t value);

     * @brief Check whether file exist or not
     * @param file_worker FileWorker instance
     * @param filename
     * @param exist - flag to show file exist
     * @return true on success
    bool is_file_exist(const char* filename, bool* exist);

     * @brief Rename file or directory
     * @param old_filename
     * @param new_filename
     * @return true on success
    bool rename(const char* old_path, const char* new_path);

     * @brief Check errors
     * @return true if no errors
    bool check_errors();

    FileWorker* file_worker;