#include "furi_hal_version.h" #include "furi_hal_usb_i.h" #include "furi_hal_usb.h" #include #include "usb.h" #define TAG "FuriHalUsb" #define USB_RECONNECT_DELAY 500 static FuriHalUsbInterface* usb_if_cur; static FuriHalUsbInterface* usb_if_next; static const struct usb_string_descriptor dev_lang_desc = USB_ARRAY_DESC(USB_LANGID_ENG_US); static uint32_t ubuf[0x20]; usbd_device udev; static FuriHalUsbStateCallback callback; static void* cb_ctx; static usbd_respond usb_descriptor_get(usbd_ctlreq* req, void** address, uint16_t* length); static void reset_evt(usbd_device* dev, uint8_t event, uint8_t ep); static void susp_evt(usbd_device* dev, uint8_t event, uint8_t ep); static void wkup_evt(usbd_device* dev, uint8_t event, uint8_t ep); struct UsbCfg { osTimerId_t reconnect_tmr; bool enabled; bool connected; bool mode_changing; } usb_config; static void furi_hal_usb_tmr_cb(void* context); /* Low-level init */ void furi_hal_usb_init(void) { LL_GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStruct = {0}; LL_PWR_EnableVddUSB(); GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = LL_GPIO_PIN_11 | LL_GPIO_PIN_12; GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = LL_GPIO_MODE_ALTERNATE; GPIO_InitStruct.Speed = LL_GPIO_SPEED_FREQ_VERY_HIGH; GPIO_InitStruct.OutputType = LL_GPIO_OUTPUT_PUSHPULL; GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = LL_GPIO_PULL_NO; GPIO_InitStruct.Alternate = LL_GPIO_AF_10; LL_GPIO_Init(GPIOA, &GPIO_InitStruct); usbd_init(&udev, &usbd_hw, USB_EP0_SIZE, ubuf, sizeof(ubuf)); usbd_enable(&udev, true); usbd_reg_descr(&udev, usb_descriptor_get); usbd_reg_event(&udev, usbd_evt_susp, susp_evt); usbd_reg_event(&udev, usbd_evt_wkup, wkup_evt); // Reset callback will be enabled after first mode change to avoid getting false reset events usb_config.enabled = false; usb_config.reconnect_tmr = NULL; HAL_NVIC_SetPriority(USB_LP_IRQn, 5, 0); NVIC_EnableIRQ(USB_LP_IRQn); FURI_LOG_I(TAG, "Init OK"); } void furi_hal_usb_set_config(FuriHalUsbInterface* new_if) { if((new_if != usb_if_cur) && (usb_config.enabled)) { // Interface mode change - first stage usb_config.mode_changing = true; usb_if_next = new_if; if(usb_config.reconnect_tmr == NULL) usb_config.reconnect_tmr = osTimerNew(furi_hal_usb_tmr_cb, osTimerOnce, NULL, NULL); furi_hal_usb_disable(); usb_config.mode_changing = true; osTimerStart(usb_config.reconnect_tmr, USB_RECONNECT_DELAY); } else if( (usb_config.mode_changing) && (usb_if_next != new_if)) { // Last interface mode change wasn't completed osTimerStop(usb_config.reconnect_tmr); usb_if_next = new_if; osTimerStart(usb_config.reconnect_tmr, USB_RECONNECT_DELAY); } else { // Interface mode change - second stage if(usb_if_cur != NULL) usb_if_cur->deinit(&udev); if(new_if != NULL) { new_if->init(&udev, new_if); usbd_reg_event(&udev, usbd_evt_reset, reset_evt); FURI_LOG_I(TAG, "USB Mode change done"); usb_config.enabled = true; usb_if_cur = new_if; usb_config.mode_changing = false; } } } void furi_hal_usb_reinit() { // Temporary disable callback to avoid getting false reset events usbd_reg_event(&udev, usbd_evt_reset, NULL); FURI_LOG_I(TAG, "USB Reinit"); furi_hal_usb_disable(); usbd_enable(&udev, false); usbd_enable(&udev, true); if(usb_config.reconnect_tmr == NULL) usb_config.reconnect_tmr = osTimerNew(furi_hal_usb_tmr_cb, osTimerOnce, NULL, NULL); usb_config.mode_changing = true; usb_if_next = usb_if_cur; osTimerStart(usb_config.reconnect_tmr, USB_RECONNECT_DELAY); } FuriHalUsbInterface* furi_hal_usb_get_config() { return usb_if_cur; } void furi_hal_usb_disable() { if(usb_config.enabled) { susp_evt(&udev, 0, 0); usbd_connect(&udev, false); usb_config.enabled = false; FURI_LOG_I(TAG, "USB Disable"); } } void furi_hal_usb_enable() { if((!usb_config.enabled) && (usb_if_cur != NULL)) { usbd_connect(&udev, true); usb_config.enabled = true; FURI_LOG_I(TAG, "USB Enable"); } } static void furi_hal_usb_tmr_cb(void* context) { furi_hal_usb_set_config(usb_if_next); } /* Get device / configuration descriptors */ static usbd_respond usb_descriptor_get(usbd_ctlreq* req, void** address, uint16_t* length) { const uint8_t dtype = req->wValue >> 8; const uint8_t dnumber = req->wValue & 0xFF; const void* desc; uint16_t len = 0; if(usb_if_cur == NULL) return usbd_fail; switch(dtype) { case USB_DTYPE_DEVICE: if(callback != NULL) { callback(FuriHalUsbStateEventDescriptorRequest, cb_ctx); } desc = usb_if_cur->dev_descr; break; case USB_DTYPE_CONFIGURATION: desc = usb_if_cur->cfg_descr; len = ((struct usb_string_descriptor*)(usb_if_cur->cfg_descr))->wString[0]; break; case USB_DTYPE_STRING: if(dnumber == UsbDevLang) { desc = &dev_lang_desc; } else if((dnumber == UsbDevManuf) && (usb_if_cur->str_manuf_descr != NULL)) { desc = usb_if_cur->str_manuf_descr; } else if((dnumber == UsbDevProduct) && (usb_if_cur->str_prod_descr != NULL)) { desc = usb_if_cur->str_prod_descr; } else if((dnumber == UsbDevSerial) && (usb_if_cur->str_serial_descr != NULL)) { desc = usb_if_cur->str_serial_descr; } else return usbd_fail; break; default: return usbd_fail; } if(desc == NULL) return usbd_fail; if(len == 0) { len = ((struct usb_header_descriptor*)desc)->bLength; } *address = (void*)desc; *length = len; return usbd_ack; } void furi_hal_usb_set_state_callback(FuriHalUsbStateCallback cb, void* ctx) { callback = cb; cb_ctx = ctx; } static void reset_evt(usbd_device* dev, uint8_t event, uint8_t ep) { if(callback != NULL) { callback(FuriHalUsbStateEventReset, cb_ctx); } } static void susp_evt(usbd_device* dev, uint8_t event, uint8_t ep) { if((usb_if_cur != NULL) && (usb_config.connected == true)) { usb_config.connected = false; usb_if_cur->suspend(&udev); } if(callback != NULL) { callback(FuriHalUsbStateEventSuspend, cb_ctx); } } static void wkup_evt(usbd_device* dev, uint8_t event, uint8_t ep) { if((usb_if_cur != NULL) && (usb_config.connected == false)) { usb_config.connected = true; usb_if_cur->wakeup(&udev); } if(callback != NULL) { callback(FuriHalUsbStateEventWakeup, cb_ctx); } }