#include <furi.h> #include <furi_hal.h> #include <cli/cli.h> #include <lib/toolbox/args.h> #include <lib/toolbox/md5.h> #include <lib/toolbox/dir_walk.h> #include <storage/storage.h> #include <storage/storage_sd_api.h> #include <power/power_service/power.h> #define MAX_NAME_LENGTH 255 static void storage_cli_print_usage() { printf("Usage:\r\n"); printf("storage <cmd> <path> <args>\r\n"); printf("The path must start with /int or /ext\r\n"); printf("Cmd list:\r\n"); printf("\tinfo\t - get FS info\r\n"); printf("\tformat\t - format filesystem\r\n"); printf("\tlist\t - list files and dirs\r\n"); printf("\ttree\t - list files and dirs, recursive\r\n"); printf("\tremove\t - delete the file or directory\r\n"); printf("\tread\t - read text from file and print file size and content to cli\r\n"); printf( "\tread_chunks\t - read data from file and print file size and content to cli, <args> should contain how many bytes you want to read in block\r\n"); printf("\twrite\t - read text from cli and append it to file, stops by ctrl+c\r\n"); printf( "\twrite_chunk\t - read data from cli and append it to file, <args> should contain how many bytes you want to write\r\n"); printf("\tcopy\t - copy file to new file, <args> must contain new path\r\n"); printf("\trename\t - move file to new file, <args> must contain new path\r\n"); printf("\tmkdir\t - creates a new directory\r\n"); printf("\tmd5\t - md5 hash of the file\r\n"); printf("\tstat\t - info about file or dir\r\n"); printf("\ttimestamp\t - last modification timestamp\r\n"); }; static void storage_cli_print_error(FS_Error error) { printf("Storage error: %s\r\n", storage_error_get_desc(error)); } static void storage_cli_info(Cli* cli, FuriString* path) { UNUSED(cli); Storage* api = furi_record_open(RECORD_STORAGE); if(furi_string_cmp_str(path, STORAGE_INT_PATH_PREFIX) == 0) { uint64_t total_space; uint64_t free_space; FS_Error error = storage_common_fs_info(api, STORAGE_INT_PATH_PREFIX, &total_space, &free_space); if(error != FSE_OK) { storage_cli_print_error(error); } else { printf( "Label: %s\r\nType: LittleFS\r\n%luKiB total\r\n%luKiB free\r\n", furi_hal_version_get_name_ptr() ? furi_hal_version_get_name_ptr() : "Unknown", (uint32_t)(total_space / 1024), (uint32_t)(free_space / 1024)); } } else if(furi_string_cmp_str(path, STORAGE_EXT_PATH_PREFIX) == 0) { SDInfo sd_info; FS_Error error = storage_sd_info(api, &sd_info); if(error != FSE_OK) { storage_cli_print_error(error); } else { printf( "Label: %s\r\nType: %s\r\n%luKiB total\r\n%luKiB free\r\n", sd_info.label, sd_api_get_fs_type_text(sd_info.fs_type), sd_info.kb_total, sd_info.kb_free); } } else { storage_cli_print_usage(); } furi_record_close(RECORD_STORAGE); }; static void storage_cli_format(Cli* cli, FuriString* path) { if(furi_string_cmp_str(path, STORAGE_INT_PATH_PREFIX) == 0) { storage_cli_print_error(FSE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } else if(furi_string_cmp_str(path, STORAGE_EXT_PATH_PREFIX) == 0) { printf("Formatting SD card, All data will be lost! Are you sure (y/n)?\r\n"); char answer = cli_getc(cli); if(answer == 'y' || answer == 'Y') { Storage* api = furi_record_open(RECORD_STORAGE); printf("Formatting, please wait...\r\n"); FS_Error error = storage_sd_format(api); if(error != FSE_OK) { storage_cli_print_error(error); } else { printf("SD card was successfully formatted.\r\n"); } furi_record_close(RECORD_STORAGE); } else { printf("Cancelled.\r\n"); } } else { storage_cli_print_usage(); } }; static void storage_cli_list(Cli* cli, FuriString* path) { UNUSED(cli); if(furi_string_cmp_str(path, "/") == 0) { printf("\t[D] int\r\n"); printf("\t[D] ext\r\n"); printf("\t[D] any\r\n"); } else { Storage* api = furi_record_open(RECORD_STORAGE); File* file = storage_file_alloc(api); if(storage_dir_open(file, furi_string_get_cstr(path))) { FileInfo fileinfo; char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; bool read_done = false; while(storage_dir_read(file, &fileinfo, name, MAX_NAME_LENGTH)) { read_done = true; if(fileinfo.flags & FSF_DIRECTORY) { printf("\t[D] %s\r\n", name); } else { printf("\t[F] %s %lub\r\n", name, (uint32_t)(fileinfo.size)); } } if(!read_done) { printf("\tEmpty\r\n"); } } else { storage_cli_print_error(storage_file_get_error(file)); } storage_dir_close(file); storage_file_free(file); furi_record_close(RECORD_STORAGE); } } static void storage_cli_tree(Cli* cli, FuriString* path) { if(furi_string_cmp_str(path, "/") == 0) { furi_string_set(path, STORAGE_INT_PATH_PREFIX); storage_cli_tree(cli, path); furi_string_set(path, STORAGE_EXT_PATH_PREFIX); storage_cli_tree(cli, path); } else { Storage* api = furi_record_open(RECORD_STORAGE); DirWalk* dir_walk = dir_walk_alloc(api); FuriString* name; name = furi_string_alloc(); if(dir_walk_open(dir_walk, furi_string_get_cstr(path))) { FileInfo fileinfo; bool read_done = false; while(dir_walk_read(dir_walk, name, &fileinfo) == DirWalkOK) { read_done = true; if(fileinfo.flags & FSF_DIRECTORY) { printf("\t[D] %s\r\n", furi_string_get_cstr(name)); } else { printf( "\t[F] %s %lub\r\n", furi_string_get_cstr(name), (uint32_t)(fileinfo.size)); } } if(!read_done) { printf("\tEmpty\r\n"); } } else { storage_cli_print_error(dir_walk_get_error(dir_walk)); } furi_string_free(name); dir_walk_free(dir_walk); furi_record_close(RECORD_STORAGE); } } static void storage_cli_read(Cli* cli, FuriString* path) { UNUSED(cli); Storage* api = furi_record_open(RECORD_STORAGE); File* file = storage_file_alloc(api); if(storage_file_open(file, furi_string_get_cstr(path), FSAM_READ, FSOM_OPEN_EXISTING)) { const uint16_t buffer_size = 128; uint16_t read_size = 0; uint8_t* data = malloc(buffer_size); printf("Size: %lu\r\n", (uint32_t)storage_file_size(file)); do { read_size = storage_file_read(file, data, buffer_size); for(uint16_t i = 0; i < read_size; i++) { printf("%c", data[i]); } } while(read_size > 0); printf("\r\n"); free(data); } else { storage_cli_print_error(storage_file_get_error(file)); } storage_file_close(file); storage_file_free(file); furi_record_close(RECORD_STORAGE); } static void storage_cli_write(Cli* cli, FuriString* path) { Storage* api = furi_record_open(RECORD_STORAGE); File* file = storage_file_alloc(api); const uint16_t buffer_size = 512; uint8_t* buffer = malloc(buffer_size); if(storage_file_open(file, furi_string_get_cstr(path), FSAM_WRITE, FSOM_OPEN_APPEND)) { printf("Just write your text data. New line by Ctrl+Enter, exit by Ctrl+C.\r\n"); uint32_t read_index = 0; while(true) { uint8_t symbol = cli_getc(cli); if(symbol == CliSymbolAsciiETX) { uint16_t write_size = read_index % buffer_size; if(write_size > 0) { uint16_t written_size = storage_file_write(file, buffer, write_size); if(written_size != write_size) { storage_cli_print_error(storage_file_get_error(file)); } break; } } buffer[read_index % buffer_size] = symbol; printf("%c", buffer[read_index % buffer_size]); fflush(stdout); read_index++; if(((read_index % buffer_size) == 0)) { uint16_t written_size = storage_file_write(file, buffer, buffer_size); if(written_size != buffer_size) { storage_cli_print_error(storage_file_get_error(file)); break; } } } printf("\r\n"); } else { storage_cli_print_error(storage_file_get_error(file)); } storage_file_close(file); free(buffer); storage_file_free(file); furi_record_close(RECORD_STORAGE); } static void storage_cli_read_chunks(Cli* cli, FuriString* path, FuriString* args) { Storage* api = furi_record_open(RECORD_STORAGE); File* file = storage_file_alloc(api); uint32_t buffer_size; int parsed_count = sscanf(furi_string_get_cstr(args), "%lu", &buffer_size); if(parsed_count != 1) { storage_cli_print_usage(); } else if(storage_file_open(file, furi_string_get_cstr(path), FSAM_READ, FSOM_OPEN_EXISTING)) { uint64_t file_size = storage_file_size(file); printf("Size: %lu\r\n", (uint32_t)file_size); if(buffer_size) { uint8_t* data = malloc(buffer_size); while(file_size > 0) { printf("\r\nReady?\r\n"); cli_getc(cli); uint16_t read_size = storage_file_read(file, data, buffer_size); for(uint16_t i = 0; i < read_size; i++) { putchar(data[i]); } file_size -= read_size; } free(data); } printf("\r\n"); } else { storage_cli_print_error(storage_file_get_error(file)); } storage_file_close(file); storage_file_free(file); furi_record_close(RECORD_STORAGE); } static void storage_cli_write_chunk(Cli* cli, FuriString* path, FuriString* args) { Storage* api = furi_record_open(RECORD_STORAGE); File* file = storage_file_alloc(api); uint32_t buffer_size; int parsed_count = sscanf(furi_string_get_cstr(args), "%lu", &buffer_size); if(parsed_count != 1) { storage_cli_print_usage(); } else { if(storage_file_open(file, furi_string_get_cstr(path), FSAM_WRITE, FSOM_OPEN_APPEND)) { printf("Ready\r\n"); if(buffer_size) { uint8_t* buffer = malloc(buffer_size); for(uint32_t i = 0; i < buffer_size; i++) { buffer[i] = cli_getc(cli); } uint16_t written_size = storage_file_write(file, buffer, buffer_size); if(written_size != buffer_size) { storage_cli_print_error(storage_file_get_error(file)); } free(buffer); } } else { storage_cli_print_error(storage_file_get_error(file)); } storage_file_close(file); } storage_file_free(file); furi_record_close(RECORD_STORAGE); } static void storage_cli_stat(Cli* cli, FuriString* path) { UNUSED(cli); Storage* api = furi_record_open(RECORD_STORAGE); if(furi_string_cmp_str(path, "/") == 0) { printf("Storage\r\n"); } else if( furi_string_cmp_str(path, STORAGE_EXT_PATH_PREFIX) == 0 || furi_string_cmp_str(path, STORAGE_INT_PATH_PREFIX) == 0 || furi_string_cmp_str(path, STORAGE_ANY_PATH_PREFIX) == 0) { uint64_t total_space; uint64_t free_space; FS_Error error = storage_common_fs_info(api, furi_string_get_cstr(path), &total_space, &free_space); if(error != FSE_OK) { storage_cli_print_error(error); } else { printf( "Storage, %luKiB total, %luKiB free\r\n", (uint32_t)(total_space / 1024), (uint32_t)(free_space / 1024)); } } else { FileInfo fileinfo; FS_Error error = storage_common_stat(api, furi_string_get_cstr(path), &fileinfo); if(error == FSE_OK) { if(fileinfo.flags & FSF_DIRECTORY) { printf("Directory\r\n"); } else { printf("File, size: %lub\r\n", (uint32_t)(fileinfo.size)); } } else { storage_cli_print_error(error); } } furi_record_close(RECORD_STORAGE); } static void storage_cli_timestamp(Cli* cli, FuriString* path) { UNUSED(cli); Storage* api = furi_record_open(RECORD_STORAGE); uint32_t timestamp = 0; FS_Error error = storage_common_timestamp(api, furi_string_get_cstr(path), ×tamp); if(error != FSE_OK) { printf("Invalid arguments\r\n"); } else { printf("Timestamp %lu\r\n", timestamp); } furi_record_close(RECORD_STORAGE); } static void storage_cli_copy(Cli* cli, FuriString* old_path, FuriString* args) { UNUSED(cli); Storage* api = furi_record_open(RECORD_STORAGE); FuriString* new_path; new_path = furi_string_alloc(); if(!args_read_probably_quoted_string_and_trim(args, new_path)) { storage_cli_print_usage(); } else { FS_Error error = storage_common_copy( api, furi_string_get_cstr(old_path), furi_string_get_cstr(new_path)); if(error != FSE_OK) { storage_cli_print_error(error); } } furi_string_free(new_path); furi_record_close(RECORD_STORAGE); } static void storage_cli_remove(Cli* cli, FuriString* path) { UNUSED(cli); Storage* api = furi_record_open(RECORD_STORAGE); FS_Error error = storage_common_remove(api, furi_string_get_cstr(path)); if(error != FSE_OK) { storage_cli_print_error(error); } furi_record_close(RECORD_STORAGE); } static void storage_cli_rename(Cli* cli, FuriString* old_path, FuriString* args) { UNUSED(cli); Storage* api = furi_record_open(RECORD_STORAGE); FuriString* new_path; new_path = furi_string_alloc(); if(!args_read_probably_quoted_string_and_trim(args, new_path)) { storage_cli_print_usage(); } else { FS_Error error = storage_common_rename( api, furi_string_get_cstr(old_path), furi_string_get_cstr(new_path)); if(error != FSE_OK) { storage_cli_print_error(error); } } furi_string_free(new_path); furi_record_close(RECORD_STORAGE); } static void storage_cli_mkdir(Cli* cli, FuriString* path) { UNUSED(cli); Storage* api = furi_record_open(RECORD_STORAGE); FS_Error error = storage_common_mkdir(api, furi_string_get_cstr(path)); if(error != FSE_OK) { storage_cli_print_error(error); } furi_record_close(RECORD_STORAGE); } static void storage_cli_md5(Cli* cli, FuriString* path) { UNUSED(cli); Storage* api = furi_record_open(RECORD_STORAGE); File* file = storage_file_alloc(api); if(storage_file_open(file, furi_string_get_cstr(path), FSAM_READ, FSOM_OPEN_EXISTING)) { const uint16_t buffer_size = 512; const uint8_t hash_size = 16; uint8_t* data = malloc(buffer_size); uint8_t* hash = malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * hash_size); md5_context* md5_ctx = malloc(sizeof(md5_context)); md5_starts(md5_ctx); while(true) { uint16_t read_size = storage_file_read(file, data, buffer_size); if(read_size == 0) break; md5_update(md5_ctx, data, read_size); } md5_finish(md5_ctx, hash); free(md5_ctx); for(uint8_t i = 0; i < hash_size; i++) { printf("%02x", hash[i]); } printf("\r\n"); free(hash); free(data); } else { storage_cli_print_error(storage_file_get_error(file)); } storage_file_close(file); storage_file_free(file); furi_record_close(RECORD_STORAGE); } void storage_cli(Cli* cli, FuriString* args, void* context) { UNUSED(context); FuriString* cmd; FuriString* path; cmd = furi_string_alloc(); path = furi_string_alloc(); do { if(!args_read_string_and_trim(args, cmd)) { storage_cli_print_usage(); break; } if(!args_read_probably_quoted_string_and_trim(args, path)) { storage_cli_print_usage(); break; } if(furi_string_cmp_str(cmd, "info") == 0) { storage_cli_info(cli, path); break; } if(furi_string_cmp_str(cmd, "format") == 0) { storage_cli_format(cli, path); break; } if(furi_string_cmp_str(cmd, "list") == 0) { storage_cli_list(cli, path); break; } if(furi_string_cmp_str(cmd, "tree") == 0) { storage_cli_tree(cli, path); break; } if(furi_string_cmp_str(cmd, "read") == 0) { storage_cli_read(cli, path); break; } if(furi_string_cmp_str(cmd, "read_chunks") == 0) { storage_cli_read_chunks(cli, path, args); break; } if(furi_string_cmp_str(cmd, "write") == 0) { storage_cli_write(cli, path); break; } if(furi_string_cmp_str(cmd, "write_chunk") == 0) { storage_cli_write_chunk(cli, path, args); break; } if(furi_string_cmp_str(cmd, "copy") == 0) { storage_cli_copy(cli, path, args); break; } if(furi_string_cmp_str(cmd, "remove") == 0) { storage_cli_remove(cli, path); break; } if(furi_string_cmp_str(cmd, "rename") == 0) { storage_cli_rename(cli, path, args); break; } if(furi_string_cmp_str(cmd, "mkdir") == 0) { storage_cli_mkdir(cli, path); break; } if(furi_string_cmp_str(cmd, "md5") == 0) { storage_cli_md5(cli, path); break; } if(furi_string_cmp_str(cmd, "stat") == 0) { storage_cli_stat(cli, path); break; } if(furi_string_cmp_str(cmd, "timestamp") == 0) { storage_cli_timestamp(cli, path); break; } storage_cli_print_usage(); } while(false); furi_string_free(path); furi_string_free(cmd); } static void storage_cli_factory_reset(Cli* cli, FuriString* args, void* context) { UNUSED(args); UNUSED(context); printf("All data will be lost! Are you sure (y/n)?\r\n"); char c = cli_getc(cli); if(c == 'y' || c == 'Y') { printf("Data will be wiped after reboot.\r\n"); furi_hal_rtc_set_flag(FuriHalRtcFlagFactoryReset); power_reboot(PowerBootModeNormal); } else { printf("Safe choice.\r\n"); } } void storage_on_system_start() { #ifdef SRV_CLI Cli* cli = furi_record_open(RECORD_CLI); cli_add_command(cli, RECORD_STORAGE, CliCommandFlagParallelSafe, storage_cli, NULL); cli_add_command( cli, "factory_reset", CliCommandFlagParallelSafe, storage_cli_factory_reset, NULL); furi_record_close(RECORD_CLI); #else UNUSED(storage_cli_factory_reset); #endif }