# Dolphin assets Dolphin assets are split into 3 parts: - blocking - Essential animations that are used for blocking system notifications. They are packed to `assets_dolphin_blocking.[h,c]`. - internal - Internal animations that are used for idle dolphin animation. Converted to `assets_dolphin_internal.[h,c]`. - external - External animations that are used for idle dolphin animation. Packed to resource folder and placed on SD card. # Files - `manifest.txt` - contains animations enumeration that is used for random animation selection. Starting point for Dolphin. - `meta.txt` - contains data that describes how animation is drawn. - `frame_X.png` - animation frame. ## File manifest.txt Flipper Format File with ordered keys. Header: ``` Filetype: Flipper Animation Manifest Version: 1 ``` - `Name` - name of animation. Must be exact animation directory name. - `Min butthurt`, `Max butthurt` - range of dolphin's butthurt for this animation. - `Min level`, `Max level` - range of dolphin's level for this animation. If 0, this animation doesn't participate in random idle animation selection and can only be selected by exact name. - `Weight` - chance of this animation to be choosen at random animation selection. Some animations can be excluded from participation in random animation selection, such as `L1_NoSd_128x49`. ## File meta.txt Flipper Format File with ordered keys. Header: ``` Filetype: Flipper Animation Version: 1 ``` - `Width` - animation width in px (<= 128) - `Height` - animation height in px (<= 64) - `Passive frames` - number of bitmap frames for passive animation state - `Active frames` - number of bitmap frames for active animation state (can be 0) - `Frames order` - order of bitmap frames where first N frames are passive and following M are active. Each X number in order refers to bitmap frame, with name frame\_X.bm. This file must exist. Any X number can be repeated to refer same frame in animation. - `Active cycles` - cycles to repeat of N active frames for full active period. E.g. if frames for active cycles are 6 and 7, and active cycles is 3, so full active period plays 6 7 6 7 6 7. Full period of passive + active period are called *total period*. - `Frame rate` - number of frames to play for 1 second. - `Duration` - total amount of seconds to play 1 animation. - `Active cooldown` - amount of seconds (after passive mode) to pass before entering next active mode. - `Bubble slots` - amount of bubble sequences. - Any bubble sequence plays whole sequence during active mode. There can be many bubble sequences and bubbles inside it. Bubbles in 1 bubble sequence have to reside in 1 slot. Bubbles order in 1 bubble sequence is determined by occurance in file. As soon as frame index goes out of EndFrame index of bubble - next animation bubble is choosen. There can also be free of bubbles frames between 2 bubbles. - `Slot` - number to unite bubbles for same sequence. - `X`, `Y` - are coordinates of left top corner of bubble. - `Text` - text in bubble. New line is `\n` - `AlignH` - horizontal place of bubble corner (Left, Center, Right) - `AlignV` - vertical place of bubble corner (Top, Center, Bottom) - `StartFrame`, `EndFrame` - frame index range inside whole period to show bubble. ### Understanding of frame indexes For example we have ``` Passive frames: 6 Active frames: 2 Frames order: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Active cycles: 4 ``` Then we have indexes ``` passive(6) active (2 * 4) Real frames order: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 Frames indexes: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ```