#include <furi_hal_rtc.h> #include <furi_hal_light.h> #include <furi_hal_debug.h> #include <stm32wbxx_ll_bus.h> #include <stm32wbxx_ll_pwr.h> #include <stm32wbxx_ll_rcc.h> #include <stm32wbxx_ll_rtc.h> #include <stm32wbxx_ll_utils.h> #include <furi.h> #define TAG "FuriHalRtc" #define FURI_HAL_RTC_LSE_STARTUP_TIME 300 #define FURI_HAL_RTC_CLOCK_IS_READY() (LL_RCC_LSE_IsReady() && LL_RCC_LSI1_IsReady()) #define FURI_HAL_RTC_HEADER_MAGIC 0x10F1 #define FURI_HAL_RTC_HEADER_VERSION 0 typedef struct { uint16_t magic; uint8_t version; uint8_t unused; } FuriHalRtcHeader; typedef struct { uint8_t log_level : 4; uint8_t log_reserved : 4; uint8_t flags; uint8_t boot_mode : 4; uint16_t reserved : 12; } DeveloperReg; _Static_assert(sizeof(DeveloperReg) == 4, "DeveloperReg size mismatch"); #define FURI_HAL_RTC_SECONDS_PER_MINUTE 60 #define FURI_HAL_RTC_SECONDS_PER_HOUR (FURI_HAL_RTC_SECONDS_PER_MINUTE * 60) #define FURI_HAL_RTC_SECONDS_PER_DAY (FURI_HAL_RTC_SECONDS_PER_HOUR * 24) #define FURI_HAL_RTC_MONTHS_COUNT 12 #define FURI_HAL_RTC_EPOCH_START_YEAR 1970 #define FURI_HAL_RTC_IS_LEAP_YEAR(year) \ ((((year) % 4 == 0) && ((year) % 100 != 0)) || ((year) % 400 == 0)) static const uint8_t furi_hal_rtc_days_per_month[][FURI_HAL_RTC_MONTHS_COUNT] = { {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31}, {31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31}}; static const uint16_t furi_hal_rtc_days_per_year[] = {365, 366}; static void furi_hal_rtc_reset() { LL_RCC_ForceBackupDomainReset(); LL_RCC_ReleaseBackupDomainReset(); } static bool furi_hal_rtc_start_clock_and_switch() { // Clock operation require access to Backup Domain LL_PWR_EnableBkUpAccess(); // Enable LSI and LSE LL_RCC_LSI1_Enable(); LL_RCC_LSE_SetDriveCapability(LL_RCC_LSEDRIVE_HIGH); LL_RCC_LSE_Enable(); // Wait for LSI and LSE startup uint32_t c = 0; while(!FURI_HAL_RTC_CLOCK_IS_READY() && c < FURI_HAL_RTC_LSE_STARTUP_TIME) { LL_mDelay(1); c++; } if(FURI_HAL_RTC_CLOCK_IS_READY()) { LL_RCC_SetRTCClockSource(LL_RCC_RTC_CLKSOURCE_LSE); LL_RCC_EnableRTC(); return LL_RCC_GetRTCClockSource() == LL_RCC_RTC_CLKSOURCE_LSE; } else { return false; } } static void furi_hal_rtc_recover() { FuriHalRtcDateTime datetime = {0}; // Handle fixable LSE failure if(LL_RCC_LSE_IsCSSDetected()) { furi_hal_light_sequence("rgb B"); // Shutdown LSE and LSECSS LL_RCC_LSE_DisableCSS(); LL_RCC_LSE_Disable(); } else { furi_hal_light_sequence("rgb R"); } // Temporary switch to LSI LL_RCC_SetRTCClockSource(LL_RCC_RTC_CLKSOURCE_LSI); if(LL_RCC_GetRTCClockSource() == LL_RCC_RTC_CLKSOURCE_LSI) { // Get datetime before RTC Domain reset furi_hal_rtc_get_datetime(&datetime); } // Reset RTC Domain furi_hal_rtc_reset(); // Start Clock if(!furi_hal_rtc_start_clock_and_switch()) { // Plan C: reset RTC and restart furi_hal_light_sequence("rgb R.r.R.r.R.r"); furi_hal_rtc_reset(); NVIC_SystemReset(); } // Set date if it valid if(datetime.year != 0) { furi_hal_rtc_set_datetime(&datetime); } } void furi_hal_rtc_init_early() { // Enable RTCAPB clock LL_APB1_GRP1_EnableClock(LL_APB1_GRP1_PERIPH_RTCAPB); // Prepare clock if(!furi_hal_rtc_start_clock_and_switch()) { // Plan B: try to recover furi_hal_rtc_recover(); } // Verify header register uint32_t data_reg = furi_hal_rtc_get_register(FuriHalRtcRegisterHeader); FuriHalRtcHeader* data = (FuriHalRtcHeader*)&data_reg; if(data->magic != FURI_HAL_RTC_HEADER_MAGIC || data->version != FURI_HAL_RTC_HEADER_VERSION) { // Reset all our registers to ensure consistency for(size_t i = 0; i < FuriHalRtcRegisterMAX; i++) { furi_hal_rtc_set_register(i, 0); } data->magic = FURI_HAL_RTC_HEADER_MAGIC; data->version = FURI_HAL_RTC_HEADER_VERSION; furi_hal_rtc_set_register(FuriHalRtcRegisterHeader, data_reg); } if(furi_hal_rtc_is_flag_set(FuriHalRtcFlagDebug)) { furi_hal_debug_enable(); } else { furi_hal_debug_disable(); } } void furi_hal_rtc_deinit_early() { } void furi_hal_rtc_init() { LL_RTC_InitTypeDef RTC_InitStruct = {0}; RTC_InitStruct.HourFormat = LL_RTC_HOURFORMAT_24HOUR; RTC_InitStruct.AsynchPrescaler = 127; RTC_InitStruct.SynchPrescaler = 255; LL_RTC_Init(RTC, &RTC_InitStruct); furi_log_set_level(furi_hal_rtc_get_log_level()); FURI_LOG_I(TAG, "Init OK"); } uint32_t furi_hal_rtc_get_register(FuriHalRtcRegister reg) { return LL_RTC_BAK_GetRegister(RTC, reg); } void furi_hal_rtc_set_register(FuriHalRtcRegister reg, uint32_t value) { LL_RTC_BAK_SetRegister(RTC, reg, value); } void furi_hal_rtc_set_log_level(uint8_t level) { uint32_t data_reg = furi_hal_rtc_get_register(FuriHalRtcRegisterSystem); DeveloperReg* data = (DeveloperReg*)&data_reg; data->log_level = level; furi_hal_rtc_set_register(FuriHalRtcRegisterSystem, data_reg); furi_log_set_level(level); } uint8_t furi_hal_rtc_get_log_level() { uint32_t data_reg = furi_hal_rtc_get_register(FuriHalRtcRegisterSystem); DeveloperReg* data = (DeveloperReg*)&data_reg; return data->log_level; } void furi_hal_rtc_set_flag(FuriHalRtcFlag flag) { uint32_t data_reg = furi_hal_rtc_get_register(FuriHalRtcRegisterSystem); DeveloperReg* data = (DeveloperReg*)&data_reg; data->flags |= flag; furi_hal_rtc_set_register(FuriHalRtcRegisterSystem, data_reg); if(flag & FuriHalRtcFlagDebug) { furi_hal_debug_enable(); } } void furi_hal_rtc_reset_flag(FuriHalRtcFlag flag) { uint32_t data_reg = furi_hal_rtc_get_register(FuriHalRtcRegisterSystem); DeveloperReg* data = (DeveloperReg*)&data_reg; data->flags &= ~flag; furi_hal_rtc_set_register(FuriHalRtcRegisterSystem, data_reg); if(flag & FuriHalRtcFlagDebug) { furi_hal_debug_disable(); } } bool furi_hal_rtc_is_flag_set(FuriHalRtcFlag flag) { uint32_t data_reg = furi_hal_rtc_get_register(FuriHalRtcRegisterSystem); DeveloperReg* data = (DeveloperReg*)&data_reg; return data->flags & flag; } void furi_hal_rtc_set_boot_mode(FuriHalRtcBootMode mode) { uint32_t data_reg = furi_hal_rtc_get_register(FuriHalRtcRegisterSystem); DeveloperReg* data = (DeveloperReg*)&data_reg; data->boot_mode = mode; furi_hal_rtc_set_register(FuriHalRtcRegisterSystem, data_reg); } FuriHalRtcBootMode furi_hal_rtc_get_boot_mode() { uint32_t data_reg = furi_hal_rtc_get_register(FuriHalRtcRegisterSystem); DeveloperReg* data = (DeveloperReg*)&data_reg; return (FuriHalRtcBootMode)data->boot_mode; } void furi_hal_rtc_set_datetime(FuriHalRtcDateTime* datetime) { furi_assert(datetime); /* Disable write protection */ LL_RTC_DisableWriteProtection(RTC); /* Enter Initialization mode and wait for INIT flag to be set */ LL_RTC_EnableInitMode(RTC); while(!LL_RTC_IsActiveFlag_INIT(RTC)) { } /* Set time */ LL_RTC_TIME_Config( RTC, LL_RTC_TIME_FORMAT_AM_OR_24, __LL_RTC_CONVERT_BIN2BCD(datetime->hour), __LL_RTC_CONVERT_BIN2BCD(datetime->minute), __LL_RTC_CONVERT_BIN2BCD(datetime->second)); /* Set date */ LL_RTC_DATE_Config( RTC, datetime->weekday, __LL_RTC_CONVERT_BIN2BCD(datetime->day), __LL_RTC_CONVERT_BIN2BCD(datetime->month), __LL_RTC_CONVERT_BIN2BCD(datetime->year - 2000)); /* Exit Initialization mode */ LL_RTC_DisableInitMode(RTC); /* If RTC_CR_BYPSHAD bit = 0, wait for synchro else this check is not needed */ if(!LL_RTC_IsShadowRegBypassEnabled(RTC)) { LL_RTC_ClearFlag_RS(RTC); while(!LL_RTC_IsActiveFlag_RS(RTC)) { }; } /* Enable write protection */ LL_RTC_EnableWriteProtection(RTC); } void furi_hal_rtc_get_datetime(FuriHalRtcDateTime* datetime) { furi_assert(datetime); uint32_t time = LL_RTC_TIME_Get(RTC); // 0x00HHMMSS uint32_t date = LL_RTC_DATE_Get(RTC); // 0xWWDDMMYY datetime->second = __LL_RTC_CONVERT_BCD2BIN((time >> 0) & 0xFF); datetime->minute = __LL_RTC_CONVERT_BCD2BIN((time >> 8) & 0xFF); datetime->hour = __LL_RTC_CONVERT_BCD2BIN((time >> 16) & 0xFF); datetime->year = __LL_RTC_CONVERT_BCD2BIN((date >> 0) & 0xFF) + 2000; datetime->month = __LL_RTC_CONVERT_BCD2BIN((date >> 8) & 0xFF); datetime->day = __LL_RTC_CONVERT_BCD2BIN((date >> 16) & 0xFF); datetime->weekday = __LL_RTC_CONVERT_BCD2BIN((date >> 24) & 0xFF); } bool furi_hal_rtc_validate_datetime(FuriHalRtcDateTime* datetime) { bool invalid = false; invalid |= (datetime->second > 59); invalid |= (datetime->minute > 59); invalid |= (datetime->hour > 23); invalid |= (datetime->year < 2000); invalid |= (datetime->year > 2099); invalid |= (datetime->month == 0); invalid |= (datetime->month > 12); invalid |= (datetime->day == 0); invalid |= (datetime->day > 31); invalid |= (datetime->weekday == 0); invalid |= (datetime->weekday > 7); return !invalid; } void furi_hal_rtc_set_fault_data(uint32_t value) { furi_hal_rtc_set_register(FuriHalRtcRegisterFaultData, value); } uint32_t furi_hal_rtc_get_fault_data() { return furi_hal_rtc_get_register(FuriHalRtcRegisterFaultData); } void furi_hal_rtc_set_pin_fails(uint32_t value) { furi_hal_rtc_set_register(FuriHalRtcRegisterPinFails, value); } uint32_t furi_hal_rtc_get_pin_fails() { return furi_hal_rtc_get_register(FuriHalRtcRegisterPinFails); } uint32_t furi_hal_rtc_datetime_to_timestamp(FuriHalRtcDateTime* datetime) { uint32_t timestamp = 0; uint8_t years = 0; uint8_t leap_years = 0; for(uint16_t y = FURI_HAL_RTC_EPOCH_START_YEAR; y < datetime->year; y++) { if(FURI_HAL_RTC_IS_LEAP_YEAR(y)) { leap_years++; } else { years++; } } timestamp += ((years * furi_hal_rtc_days_per_year[0]) + (leap_years * furi_hal_rtc_days_per_year[1])) * FURI_HAL_RTC_SECONDS_PER_DAY; uint8_t year_index = (FURI_HAL_RTC_IS_LEAP_YEAR(datetime->year)) ? 1 : 0; for(uint8_t m = 0; m < (datetime->month - 1); m++) { timestamp += furi_hal_rtc_days_per_month[year_index][m] * FURI_HAL_RTC_SECONDS_PER_DAY; } timestamp += (datetime->day - 1) * FURI_HAL_RTC_SECONDS_PER_DAY; timestamp += datetime->hour * FURI_HAL_RTC_SECONDS_PER_HOUR; timestamp += datetime->minute * FURI_HAL_RTC_SECONDS_PER_MINUTE; timestamp += datetime->second; return timestamp; }