#include #include #include #include #include #include "helpers/rfid_reader.h" #include "helpers/rfid_timer_emulator.h" static void lfrfid_cli(Cli* cli, string_t args, void* context); // app cli function extern "C" void lfrfid_on_system_start() { #ifdef SRV_CLI Cli* cli = static_cast(furi_record_open("cli")); cli_add_command(cli, "rfid", CliCommandFlagDefault, lfrfid_cli, NULL); furi_record_close("cli"); #else UNUSED(lfrfid_cli); #endif } void lfrfid_cli_print_usage() { printf("Usage:\r\n"); printf("rfid read \r\n"); printf("rfid \r\n"); printf("\t choose from:\r\n"); printf("\tEM4100, EM-Marin (5 bytes key_data)\r\n"); printf("\tH10301, HID26 (3 bytes key_data)\r\n"); printf("\tI40134, Indala (3 bytes key_data)\r\n"); printf("\tIoProxXSF, IoProx (4 bytes key_data)\r\n"); printf("\t are hex-formatted\r\n"); }; static bool lfrfid_cli_get_key_type(string_t data, LfrfidKeyType* type) { bool result = false; if(string_cmp_str(data, "EM4100") == 0 || string_cmp_str(data, "EM-Marin") == 0) { result = true; *type = LfrfidKeyType::KeyEM4100; } else if(string_cmp_str(data, "H10301") == 0 || string_cmp_str(data, "HID26") == 0) { result = true; *type = LfrfidKeyType::KeyH10301; } else if(string_cmp_str(data, "I40134") == 0 || string_cmp_str(data, "Indala") == 0) { result = true; *type = LfrfidKeyType::KeyI40134; } else if(string_cmp_str(data, "IoProxXSF") == 0 || string_cmp_str(data, "IoProx") == 0) { result = true; *type = LfrfidKeyType::KeyIoProxXSF; } return result; } static void lfrfid_cli_read(Cli* cli, string_t args) { RfidReader reader; string_t type_string; string_init(type_string); bool simple_mode = true; LfrfidKeyType type; RfidReader::Type reader_type = RfidReader::Type::Normal; static const uint8_t data_size = LFRFID_KEY_SIZE; uint8_t data[data_size] = {0}; if(args_read_string_and_trim(args, type_string)) { simple_mode = false; if(string_cmp_str(type_string, "normal") == 0) { reader_type = RfidReader::Type::Normal; } else if(string_cmp_str(type_string, "indala") == 0) { reader_type = RfidReader::Type::Indala; } else { lfrfid_cli_print_usage(); string_clear(type_string); return; } } if(simple_mode) { reader.start(); } else { reader.start_forced(reader_type); } printf("Reading RFID...\r\nPress Ctrl+C to abort\r\n"); while(!cli_cmd_interrupt_received(cli)) { if(reader.read(&type, data, data_size, simple_mode)) { printf("%s", lfrfid_key_get_type_string(type)); printf(" "); for(uint8_t i = 0; i < lfrfid_key_get_type_data_count(type); i++) { printf("%02X", data[i]); } printf("\r\n"); break; } furi_delay_ms(100); } printf("Reading stopped\r\n"); reader.stop(); string_clear(type_string); } static void lfrfid_cli_write(Cli* cli, string_t args) { UNUSED(cli); UNUSED(args); // TODO implement rfid write printf("Not implemented :(\r\n"); } static void lfrfid_cli_emulate(Cli* cli, string_t args) { string_t data; string_init(data); RfidTimerEmulator emulator; static const uint8_t data_size = LFRFID_KEY_SIZE; uint8_t key_data[data_size] = {0}; uint8_t key_data_size = 0; LfrfidKeyType type; if(!args_read_string_and_trim(args, data)) { lfrfid_cli_print_usage(); string_clear(data); return; } if(!lfrfid_cli_get_key_type(data, &type)) { lfrfid_cli_print_usage(); string_clear(data); return; } key_data_size = lfrfid_key_get_type_data_count(type); if(!args_read_hex_bytes(args, key_data, key_data_size)) { lfrfid_cli_print_usage(); string_clear(data); return; } emulator.start(type, key_data, key_data_size); printf("Emulating RFID...\r\nPress Ctrl+C to abort\r\n"); while(!cli_cmd_interrupt_received(cli)) { furi_delay_ms(100); } printf("Emulation stopped\r\n"); emulator.stop(); string_clear(data); } static void lfrfid_cli(Cli* cli, string_t args, void* context) { UNUSED(context); string_t cmd; string_init(cmd); if(!args_read_string_and_trim(args, cmd)) { string_clear(cmd); lfrfid_cli_print_usage(); return; } if(string_cmp_str(cmd, "read") == 0) { lfrfid_cli_read(cli, args); } else if(string_cmp_str(cmd, "write") == 0) { lfrfid_cli_write(cli, args); } else if(string_cmp_str(cmd, "emulate") == 0) { lfrfid_cli_emulate(cli, args); } else { lfrfid_cli_print_usage(); } string_clear(cmd); }