あく 389ff92cc1
Naming and coding style convention, new linter tool. ()
* Makefile, Scripts: new linter
* About: remove ID from IC
* Firmware: remove double define for DIVC/DIVR
* Scripts: check folder names too. Docker: replace syntax check with make lint.
* Reformat Sources and Migrate to new file naming convention
* Docker: symlink clang-format-12 to clang-format
* Add coding style guide
2022-01-05 19:10:18 +03:00

177 lines
5.0 KiB

#include "cc1101.h"
#include <cmsis_os2.h>
#include <furi_hal_delay.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
CC1101Status cc1101_strobe(FuriHalSpiBusHandle* handle, uint8_t strobe) {
uint8_t tx[1] = {strobe};
CC1101Status rx[1] = {0};
furi_hal_spi_bus_trx(handle, tx, (uint8_t*)rx, 1, CC1101_TIMEOUT);
assert(rx[0].CHIP_RDYn == 0);
return rx[0];
CC1101Status cc1101_write_reg(FuriHalSpiBusHandle* handle, uint8_t reg, uint8_t data) {
uint8_t tx[2] = {reg, data};
CC1101Status rx[2] = {0};
furi_hal_spi_bus_trx(handle, tx, (uint8_t*)rx, 2, CC1101_TIMEOUT);
assert((rx[0].CHIP_RDYn | rx[1].CHIP_RDYn) == 0);
return rx[1];
CC1101Status cc1101_read_reg(FuriHalSpiBusHandle* handle, uint8_t reg, uint8_t* data) {
assert(sizeof(CC1101Status) == 1);
uint8_t tx[2] = {reg | CC1101_READ, 0};
CC1101Status rx[2] = {0};
furi_hal_spi_bus_trx(handle, tx, (uint8_t*)rx, 2, CC1101_TIMEOUT);
assert((rx[0].CHIP_RDYn) == 0);
*data = *(uint8_t*)&rx[1];
return rx[0];
uint8_t cc1101_get_partnumber(FuriHalSpiBusHandle* handle) {
uint8_t partnumber = 0;
cc1101_read_reg(handle, CC1101_STATUS_PARTNUM | CC1101_BURST, &partnumber);
return partnumber;
uint8_t cc1101_get_version(FuriHalSpiBusHandle* handle) {
uint8_t version = 0;
cc1101_read_reg(handle, CC1101_STATUS_VERSION | CC1101_BURST, &version);
return version;
uint8_t cc1101_get_rssi(FuriHalSpiBusHandle* handle) {
uint8_t rssi = 0;
cc1101_read_reg(handle, CC1101_STATUS_RSSI | CC1101_BURST, &rssi);
return rssi;
void cc1101_reset(FuriHalSpiBusHandle* handle) {
cc1101_strobe(handle, CC1101_STROBE_SRES);
CC1101Status cc1101_get_status(FuriHalSpiBusHandle* handle) {
return cc1101_strobe(handle, CC1101_STROBE_SNOP);
void cc1101_shutdown(FuriHalSpiBusHandle* handle) {
cc1101_strobe(handle, CC1101_STROBE_SPWD);
void cc1101_calibrate(FuriHalSpiBusHandle* handle) {
cc1101_strobe(handle, CC1101_STROBE_SCAL);
void cc1101_switch_to_idle(FuriHalSpiBusHandle* handle) {
cc1101_strobe(handle, CC1101_STROBE_SIDLE);
void cc1101_switch_to_rx(FuriHalSpiBusHandle* handle) {
cc1101_strobe(handle, CC1101_STROBE_SRX);
void cc1101_switch_to_tx(FuriHalSpiBusHandle* handle) {
cc1101_strobe(handle, CC1101_STROBE_STX);
void cc1101_flush_rx(FuriHalSpiBusHandle* handle) {
cc1101_strobe(handle, CC1101_STROBE_SFRX);
void cc1101_flush_tx(FuriHalSpiBusHandle* handle) {
cc1101_strobe(handle, CC1101_STROBE_SFTX);
uint32_t cc1101_set_frequency(FuriHalSpiBusHandle* handle, uint32_t value) {
uint64_t real_value = (uint64_t)value * CC1101_FDIV / CC1101_QUARTZ;
// Sanity check
assert((real_value & CC1101_FMASK) == real_value);
cc1101_write_reg(handle, CC1101_FREQ2, (real_value >> 16) & 0xFF);
cc1101_write_reg(handle, CC1101_FREQ1, (real_value >> 8) & 0xFF);
cc1101_write_reg(handle, CC1101_FREQ0, (real_value >> 0) & 0xFF);
uint64_t real_frequency = real_value * CC1101_QUARTZ / CC1101_FDIV;
return (uint32_t)real_frequency;
uint32_t cc1101_set_intermediate_frequency(FuriHalSpiBusHandle* handle, uint32_t value) {
uint64_t real_value = value * CC1101_IFDIV / CC1101_QUARTZ;
assert((real_value & 0xFF) == real_value);
cc1101_write_reg(handle, CC1101_FSCTRL0, (real_value >> 0) & 0xFF);
uint64_t real_frequency = real_value * CC1101_QUARTZ / CC1101_IFDIV;
return (uint32_t)real_frequency;
void cc1101_set_pa_table(FuriHalSpiBusHandle* handle, const uint8_t value[8]) {
uint8_t tx[9] = {CC1101_PATABLE | CC1101_BURST};
CC1101Status rx[9] = {0};
memcpy(&tx[1], &value[0], 8);
furi_hal_spi_bus_trx(handle, tx, (uint8_t*)rx, sizeof(rx), CC1101_TIMEOUT);
assert((rx[0].CHIP_RDYn | rx[8].CHIP_RDYn) == 0);
uint8_t cc1101_write_fifo(FuriHalSpiBusHandle* handle, const uint8_t* data, uint8_t size) {
uint8_t buff_tx[64];
uint8_t buff_rx[64];
buff_tx[0] = CC1101_FIFO | CC1101_BURST;
memcpy(&buff_tx[1], data, size);
// Start transaction
// Wait IC to become ready
// Tell IC what we want
furi_hal_spi_bus_trx(handle, buff_tx, (uint8_t*)buff_rx, size + 1, CC1101_TIMEOUT);
return size;
uint8_t cc1101_read_fifo(FuriHalSpiBusHandle* handle, uint8_t* data, uint8_t* size) {
uint8_t buff_tx[64];
buff_tx[0] = CC1101_FIFO | CC1101_READ | CC1101_BURST;
uint8_t buff_rx[2];
// Start transaction
// Wait IC to become ready
// First byte - packet length
furi_hal_spi_bus_trx(handle, buff_tx, buff_rx, 2, CC1101_TIMEOUT);
// Check that the packet is placed in the receive buffer
if(buff_rx[1] > 64) {
*size = 64;
} else {
*size = buff_rx[1];
furi_hal_spi_bus_trx(handle, &buff_tx[1], data, *size, CC1101_TIMEOUT);
return *size;