coreglitch 1fbfc5a61a
Blink strobe ()
* blink all led and control freq by button
* rename to strobe
2020-11-07 12:24:40 +03:00

58 lines
1.7 KiB

#include "flipper_v2.h"
static void event_cb(const void* value, void* ctx) {
const InputEvent* event = value;
uint32_t* delay_time = acquire_mutex(ctx, 0);
if(delay_time == NULL) return;
if(event->input == InputUp && *delay_time < 1000) {
*delay_time += 5;
if(event->input == InputDown && *delay_time > 10) {
*delay_time -= 5;
release_mutex(ctx, delay_time);
void application_strobe(void* p) {
// WAT
// create pins
GpioPin red = {.pin = LED_RED_Pin, .port = LED_RED_GPIO_Port};
GpioPin green = {.pin = LED_GREEN_Pin, .port = LED_GREEN_GPIO_Port};
GpioPin blue = {.pin = LED_BLUE_Pin, .port = LED_BLUE_GPIO_Port};
GpioPin* red_record = &red;
GpioPin* green_record = &green;
GpioPin* blue_record = &blue;
// configure pins
gpio_init(red_record, GpioModeOutputOpenDrain);
gpio_init(green_record, GpioModeOutputOpenDrain);
gpio_init(blue_record, GpioModeOutputOpenDrain);
uint32_t delay_time_holder = 100;
ValueMutex delay_mutex;
init_mutex(&delay_mutex, &delay_time_holder, sizeof(delay_time_holder));
PubSub* event_record = furi_open("input_events");
subscribe_pubsub(event_record, event_cb, &delay_mutex);
while(1) {
uint32_t delay_time = 100;
read_mutex_block(&delay_mutex, &delay_time, sizeof(delay_time));
gpio_write(red_record, false);
gpio_write(green_record, false);
gpio_write(blue_record, false);
osDelay(delay_time / 10);
gpio_write(red_record, true);
gpio_write(green_record, true);
gpio_write(blue_record, true);