* Add F5 target, lp5562 driver and api-hal-light. Update api-usage, switch to F5 by default. * API HAL: add i2c and hardware version api. Dolphin: show hardware version. * OTP version generator and flashing utility. * Assets script: fix code formatting * Backport F5 changes to F4 * F4: disable insomnia, prevent damage to BLE RX path * F5 HAL API Light: remove magic delay to fix magic BLE * Dolphin: HW target validation on start * invert RSSI indication in sub-1 * API HAL: rename board to body in version api * Gpio tester: detach and release viewport on exit Co-authored-by: aanper <mail@s3f.ru>
486 lines
16 KiB
486 lines
16 KiB
#include <furi.h>
#include <api-hal.h>
#include "cc1101-workaround/cc1101.h"
#include "spi.h"
#include <math.h>
// ******************************************************************************
#define WRITE_BURST 0x40
#define READ_SINGLE 0x80
#define READ_BURST 0xC0
#define BYTES_IN_FIFO 0x7F //used to detect FIFO underflow or overflow
/*********************ss_pin as global variable****************************** */
/* cc1101 */
GpioPin ss_pin;
CC1101::CC1101(GpioPin* ss_pin) {
pinMode(gdo0_pin, OUTPUT); //GDO0 as asynchronous serial mode input
pinMode(gdo2_pin, INPUT); //GDO2 as asynchronous serial mode output
gpio_init(ss_pin, GpioModeOutputPushPull);
this->ss_pin = ss_pin;
// TODO open record
this->miso_pin = MISO_PIN;
this->miso_pin_record = &this->miso_pin;
extern SPI_HandleTypeDef SPI_R;
void CC1101::SpiInit(void) {
//initialize spi pins
//Enable spi master, MSB, SPI mode 0, FOSC/4
void CC1101::SpiEnd(void) {
SPCR = ((0<<SPE) | // SPI Enable
(0<<SPIE)| // SPI Interupt Enable
(0<<DORD)| // Data Order (0:MSB first / 1:LSB first)
(1<<MSTR)| // Master/Slave select
(0<<SPR1)|(0<<SPR0)| // SPI Clock Rate ( 0 0 = osc/4; 0 1 = osc/16; 1 0 = osc/64; 1 1= 0sc/128)
(0<<CPOL)| // Clock Polarity (0:SCK low / 1:SCK hi when idle)
(0<<CPHA)); // Clock Phase (0:leading / 1:trailing edge sampling)
//SPSR = (0<<SPI2X); // Double Clock Rate
Function: SpiMode
*INPUT : config mode
(0<<CPOL) | (0 << CPHA) 0
(0<<CPOL) | (1 << CPHA) 1
(1<<CPOL) | (0 << CPHA) 2
(1<<CPOL) | (1 << CPHA) 3
*OUTPUT :none
void CC1101::SpiMode(uint8_t config) {
uint8_t tmp;
// enable SPI master with configuration byte specified
SPCR = 0;
SPCR = (config & 0x7F) | (1<<SPE) | (1<<MSTR);
tmp = SPSR;
tmp = SPDR;
*FUNCTION :spi transfer
*INPUT :value: data to send
*OUTPUT :data to receive
uint8_t CC1101::SpiTransfer(uint8_t value) {
uint8_t buf[1] = {value};
uint8_t rxbuf[1] = {0};
HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive(&SPI_R, buf, rxbuf, 1, HAL_MAX_DELAY);
return rxbuf[0];
uint8_t last_status;
*FUNCTION :CC1101 write data to register
*INPUT :addr: register address; value: register value
*OUTPUT :none
void CC1101::SpiWriteReg(uint8_t addr, uint8_t value) {
gpio_write(ss_pin, false);
last_status = SpiTransfer(addr);
last_status = SpiTransfer(value);
gpio_write(ss_pin, true);
*FUNCTION :CC1101 write burst data to register
*INPUT :addr: register address; buffer:register value array; num:number to write
*OUTPUT :none
void CC1101::SpiWriteBurstReg(uint8_t addr, uint8_t* buffer, uint8_t num) {
gpio_write(ss_pin, false);
last_status = SpiTransfer(addr | WRITE_BURST);
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < num; i++) {
last_status = SpiTransfer(buffer[i]);
gpio_write(ss_pin, true);
*FUNCTION :CC1101 Strobe
*INPUT :strobe: command; //refer define in CC1101.h//
*OUTPUT :none
void CC1101::SpiStrobe(uint8_t strobe) {
gpio_write(ss_pin, false);
last_status = SpiTransfer(strobe);
gpio_write(ss_pin, true);
*FUNCTION :CC1101 read data from register
*INPUT :addr: register address
*OUTPUT :register value
uint8_t CC1101::SpiReadReg(uint8_t addr) {
gpio_write(ss_pin, false);
last_status = SpiTransfer(addr | READ_SINGLE);
uint8_t value = SpiTransfer(0);
gpio_write(ss_pin, true);
return value;
*FUNCTION :CC1101 read burst data from register
*INPUT :addr: register address; buffer:array to store register value; num: number to read
*OUTPUT :none
void CC1101::SpiReadBurstReg(uint8_t addr, uint8_t* buffer, uint8_t num) {
gpio_write(ss_pin, false);
last_status = SpiTransfer(addr | READ_BURST);
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < num; i++) {
buffer[i] = SpiTransfer(0);
gpio_write(ss_pin, true);
*FUNCTION :CC1101 read status register
*INPUT :addr: register address
*OUTPUT :status value
uint8_t CC1101::SpiReadStatus(uint8_t addr) {
gpio_write(ss_pin, false);
last_status = SpiTransfer(addr | READ_BURST);
uint8_t value = SpiTransfer(0);
gpio_write(ss_pin, true);
return value;
*FUNCTION :CC1101 reset //details refer datasheet of CC1101/CC1100//
*INPUT :none
*OUTPUT :none
void CC1101::Reset(void) {
gpio_write(ss_pin, false);
gpio_write(ss_pin, true);
gpio_write(ss_pin, false);
last_status = SpiTransfer(CC1101_SRES);
gpio_write(ss_pin, true);
bool CC1101::SpiSetRegValue(uint8_t reg, uint8_t value, uint8_t msb, uint8_t lsb) {
if((msb > 7) || (lsb > 7) || (lsb > msb)) {
return false;
uint8_t current_value = SpiReadReg(reg);
uint8_t mask = ~((0b11111111 << (msb + 1)) | (0b11111111 >> (8 - lsb)));
uint8_t new_value = (current_value & ~mask) | (value & mask);
SpiWriteReg(reg, new_value);
return true;
*FUNCTION :CC1101 initialization
*INPUT :none
*OUTPUT :none
uint8_t CC1101::Init(void) {
#ifdef CC1101_DEBUG
printf("Init SPI...\r\n");
SpiInit(); //spi initialization
gpio_write(ss_pin, true);
// gpio_write(SCK_PIN, true);
// gpio_write(MOSI_PIN, false);
#ifdef CC1101_DEBUG
printf("Reset CC1101...\r\n");
Reset(); // CC1101 reset
uint8_t partnum __attribute__((unused));
uint8_t version;
partnum = SpiReadStatus(CC1101_PARTNUM);
version = SpiReadStatus(CC1101_VERSION);
#ifdef CC1101_DEBUG
printf("Partnum:0x%02X, Version:0x%02X\n", partnum, version);
#ifdef CC1101_DEBUG
printf("Init CC1101...");
// RegConfigSettings(); //CC1101 register config
#ifdef CC1101_DEBUG
return version;
*FUNCTION :CC1101 modulation type
*INPUT :byte mode
*OUTPUT :none
void CC1101::SetMod(uint8_t mode) {
SpiWriteReg(CC1101_MDMCFG2, mode); //no sync/preamble; ASK/OOK only support up to -1dbm
if((mode | 0x30) == ASK) {
SpiWriteReg(CC1101_FREND0, 0x11); //use first up to PATABLE(0)
uint8_t PaTabel[8] = {0x00, POWER, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
SpiWriteBurstReg(CC1101_PATABLE, PaTabel, 8); //CC1101 PATABLE config
} else {
SpiWriteReg(CC1101_FREND0, 0x10); //use first up to PATABLE(0)
uint8_t PaTabel[8] = {POWER, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
SpiWriteBurstReg(CC1101_PATABLE, PaTabel, 8); //CC1101 PATABLE config
#ifdef CC1101_DEBUG
switch(mode | 0x30) {
case GFSK: {
printf("CC1101 Modulation: GFSK");
case MSK: {
printf("CC1101 Modulation: MSK");
case ASK: {
printf("CC1101 Modulation: ASK/OOK");
case FSK2: {
printf("CC1101 Modulation: 2-FSK");
case FSK4: {
printf("CC1101 Modulation: 4-FSK");
default: //default to GFSK
printf("Modulation mode not supported");
*FUNCTION NAME:RegConfigSettings
*FUNCTION :CC1101 register config //details refer datasheet of CC1101/CC1100//
*INPUT :none
*OUTPUT :none
void CC1101::RegConfigSettings(void) {
SpiWriteReg(CC1101_FSCTRL1, 0x06); //IF frequency
SpiWriteReg(CC1101_FSCTRL0, 0x00); //frequency offset before synthesizer
SpiWriteReg(CC1101_MDMCFG4, 0xCC); // RX filter bandwidth 100k(0xcc)
CC1101_MDMCFG3, 0x43); //datarate config 512kBaud for the purpose of fast rssi measurement
SpiWriteReg(CC1101_MDMCFG1, 0x21); //FEC preamble etc. last 2 bits for channel spacing
SpiWriteReg(CC1101_MDMCFG0, 0xF8); //100khz channel spacing
//CC1101_CHANNR moved to SetChannel func
//SpiWriteReg(CC1101_DEVIATN, 0x47);
CC1101_MCSM0, 0x18); // calibrate when going from IDLE to RX or TX ; 149 - 155 μs timeout
SpiWriteReg(CC1101_FOCCFG, 0x16); //frequency compensation
//SpiWriteReg(CC1101_BSCFG, 0x1C); //bit synchronization config
SpiWriteReg(CC1101_AGCCTRL2, 0x43);
SpiWriteReg(CC1101_AGCCTRL1, 0x49);
SpiWriteReg(CC1101_AGCCTRL0, 0x91);
//freq synthesizer calibration
SpiWriteReg(CC1101_FSCAL3, 0xEA);
SpiWriteReg(CC1101_FSCAL2, 0x2A);
SpiWriteReg(CC1101_FSCAL1, 0x00);
SpiWriteReg(CC1101_FSCAL0, 0x1F);
SpiWriteReg(CC1101_TEST2, 0x81);
SpiWriteReg(CC1101_TEST1, 0x35);
SpiWriteReg(CC1101_TEST0, 0x0B); //should be 0x0B for lower than 430.6MHz and 0x09 for higher
//SpiWriteReg(CC1101_FREND1, 0x56);
//SpiWriteReg(CC1101_IOCFG2, 0x0B); //serial clock.synchronous to the data in synchronous serial mode
//SpiWriteReg(CC1101_IOCFG0, 0x06); //asserts when sync word has been sent/received, and de-asserts at the end of the packet
SpiWriteReg(CC1101_IOCFG2, 0x0D); //data output pin for asynchronous mode
0x2E); //High impedance (3-state), GDO0 configed as data input for asynchronous mode
//SpiWriteReg(CC1101_PKTCTRL0, 0x05); //whitening off;CRC Enable;variable length packets, packet length configured by the first byte after sync word
CC1101_PKTCTRL0, 0x33); //whitening off; asynchronous serial mode; CRC diable;reserved
//SpiWriteReg(CC1101_PKTLEN, 0x3D); //61 bytes max length
0x47); //Adc_retention enabled for RX filter bandwidth less than 325KHz; defalut fifo threthold.
*INPUT :Freq2, Freq1, Freq0
*OUTPUT :none
void CC1101::SetFreq(uint8_t freq2, uint8_t freq1, uint8_t freq0) {
SpiWriteReg(CC1101_FREQ2, freq2);
SpiWriteReg(CC1101_FREQ1, freq1);
SpiWriteReg(CC1101_FREQ0, freq0);
*FUNCTION :SetChannel
*INPUT :int channel
*OUTPUT :none
void CC1101::SetChannel(int channel) {
#ifdef CC1101_DEBUG
printf("Set CC1101 channel to: %d \n", channel);
SpiWriteReg(CC1101_CHANNR, (uint8_t)channel); //related to channel numbers
*FUNCTION :SetReceive
*INPUT :none
*OUTPUT :none
void CC1101::SetReceive(void) {
while(SpiReadStatus(CC1101_MARCSTATE) ^ CC1101_STATUS_RX) {
// delay(1);
// printf("wait status\r\n");
*INPUT :none
*OUTPUT :none
void CC1101::SetTransmit(void) {
while(SpiReadStatus(CC1101_MARCSTATE) ^ CC1101_STATUS_TX)
//cc1101 cc1101;
bool CC1101::setRxBandwidth(float bandwidth) {
if(bandwidth < 58.0 || bandwidth > 821.0) return false;
// set mode to standby
// calculate exponent and mantissa values
for(int8_t e = 3; e >= 0; e--) {
for(int8_t m = 3; m >= 0; m--) {
float point = (F_OSC) / (8 * (m + 4) * ((uint32_t)1 << e));
if(fabs((bandwidth * 1000.0) - point) <= 1000) {
// set Rx channel filter bandwidth
SpiSetRegValue(CC1101_MDMCFG4, (e << 6) | (m << 4), 7, 4);
return true;
return false;
static void getExpMant(
float target,
uint16_t mantOffset,
uint8_t divExp,
uint8_t expMax,
uint8_t& exp,
uint8_t& mant) {
// get table origin point (exp = 0, mant = 0)
float origin = (mantOffset * F_OSC) / ((uint32_t)1 << divExp);
// iterate over possible exponent values
for(int8_t e = expMax; e >= 0; e--) {
// get table column start value (exp = e, mant = 0);
float intervalStart = ((uint32_t)1 << e) * origin;
// check if target value is in this column
if(target >= intervalStart) {
// save exponent value
exp = e;
// calculate size of step between table rows
float stepSize = intervalStart / (float)mantOffset;
// get target point position (exp = e, mant = m)
mant = ((target - intervalStart) / stepSize);
// we only need the first match, terminate
bool CC1101::setBitRate(float bitrate) {
if(bitrate < 0.6 || bitrate > 500.0) return false;
// set mode to standby
// calculate exponent and mantissa values
uint8_t e = 0;
uint8_t m = 0;
getExpMant(bitrate * 1000.0, 256, 28, 14, e, m);
// set bit rate value
SpiSetRegValue(CC1101_MDMCFG4, e, 3, 0);
SpiSetRegValue(CC1101_MDMCFG3, m, 7, 0);
return true;