Anna Prosvetova 4303945748
Simpler build, less dependencies ()
* Simpler build, less dependencies
* Follow ugly python linter
* Introduce Brewfile & Update Readme
* Make target-specific
* Tidy up make output
* Get rid of cat and truncate (I still love cats tho)
* Suppress dd output
* Long live the cat
2021-11-18 11:46:47 +03:00

44 lines
1.4 KiB

PROJECT_ROOT = $(abspath $(dir $(abspath $(firstword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))..)
PROJECT = bootloader
include $(PROJECT_ROOT)/make/
CFLAGS += -I$(PROJECT_ROOT) -Itargets/furi-hal-include
ASM_SOURCES += $(wildcard src/*.s)
C_SOURCES += $(wildcard src/*.c)
CPP_SOURCES += $(wildcard src/*.cpp)
include $(PROJECT_ROOT)/make/
TARGET_DIR = targets/$(TARGET)
include $(TARGET_DIR)/
# U8G2 display library
U8G2_DIR = $(LIB_DIR)/u8g2
C_SOURCES += $(U8G2_DIR)/u8g2_glue.c
C_SOURCES += $(U8G2_DIR)/u8g2_intersection.c
C_SOURCES += $(U8G2_DIR)/u8g2_setup.c
C_SOURCES += $(U8G2_DIR)/u8g2_d_memory.c
C_SOURCES += $(U8G2_DIR)/u8x8_cad.c
C_SOURCES += $(U8G2_DIR)/u8x8_byte.c
C_SOURCES += $(U8G2_DIR)/u8x8_gpio.c
C_SOURCES += $(U8G2_DIR)/u8x8_display.c
C_SOURCES += $(U8G2_DIR)/u8x8_setup.c
C_SOURCES += $(U8G2_DIR)/u8g2_hvline.c
C_SOURCES += $(U8G2_DIR)/u8g2_line.c
C_SOURCES += $(U8G2_DIR)/u8g2_ll_hvline.c
C_SOURCES += $(U8G2_DIR)/u8g2_circle.c
C_SOURCES += $(U8G2_DIR)/u8g2_box.c
C_SOURCES += $(U8G2_DIR)/u8g2_buffer.c
C_SOURCES += $(U8G2_DIR)/u8g2_font.c
C_SOURCES += $(U8G2_DIR)/u8g2_fonts.c
C_SOURCES += $(U8G2_DIR)/u8x8_8x8.c
C_SOURCES += $(U8G2_DIR)/u8g2_bitmap.c
include $(PROJECT_ROOT)/make/
include $(PROJECT_ROOT)/make/
include $(PROJECT_ROOT)/make/