DrZlo13 59513b05ee
Simple sd card driver ()
* fixed inline functions for modern C standart

* more stack for application

* added library

* init fatfs library

* fatfs example application

* Merge with current master

* fix typo and delete old files

* cmsis os 2 reentrance fix

* Reworked dependency wait to support multiple dependency

* Build FatFS on local target, syscall.c is target-specific.

* run local target ok

* testcase for fatfs

Co-authored-by: aanper <mail@s3f.ru>
2020-10-08 17:37:19 +03:00

120 lines
4.1 KiB

/* Sample code of OS dependent controls for FatFs */
/* (C)ChaN, 2014 */
/* Portions COPYRIGHT 2017 STMicroelectronics */
/* Portions Copyright (C) 2014, ChaN, all right reserved */
* @attention
* Copyright (c) 2017 STMicroelectronics. All rights reserved.
* This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
* the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
#include "fatfs/ff.h"
/* Create a Synchronization Object */
/* This function is called in f_mount() function to create a new
/ synchronization object, such as semaphore and mutex. When a 0 is returned,
/ the f_mount() function fails with FR_INT_ERR.
int ff_cre_syncobj ( /* 1:Function succeeded, 0:Could not create the sync object */
BYTE vol, /* Corresponding volume (logical drive number) */
_SYNC_t *sobj /* Pointer to return the created sync object */
return 0;
/* Delete a Synchronization Object */
/* This function is called in f_mount() function to delete a synchronization
/ object that created with ff_cre_syncobj() function. When a 0 is returned,
/ the f_mount() function fails with FR_INT_ERR.
int ff_del_syncobj ( /* 1:Function succeeded, 0:Could not delete due to any error */
_SYNC_t sobj /* Sync object tied to the logical drive to be deleted */
return 0;
/* Request Grant to Access the Volume */
/* This function is called on entering file functions to lock the volume.
/ When a 0 is returned, the file function fails with FR_TIMEOUT.
int ff_req_grant ( /* 1:Got a grant to access the volume, 0:Could not get a grant */
_SYNC_t sobj /* Sync object to wait */
return 0;
/* Release Grant to Access the Volume */
/* This function is called on leaving file functions to unlock the volume.
void ff_rel_grant (
_SYNC_t sobj /* Sync object to be signaled */
#if _USE_LFN == 3 /* LFN with a working buffer on the heap */
/* Allocate a memory block */
/* If a NULL is returned, the file function fails with FR_NOT_ENOUGH_CORE.
void* ff_memalloc ( /* Returns pointer to the allocated memory block */
UINT msize /* Number of bytes to allocate */
return ff_malloc(msize); /* Allocate a new memory block with POSIX API */
/* Free a memory block */
void ff_memfree (
void* mblock /* Pointer to the memory block to free */
ff_free(mblock); /* Discard the memory block with POSIX API */