あく 8116bfcbab
[FL-1443, FL-1289] Move assets compilation to separate Makefile. Add scripts folder. Add OTP flashing with DFU. ()
* Assets: move assets compilation to separate Makefile. Move all scripts to scripts folder. Add scripts ReadMe. Add precompiled assets.
* Split assets.py into separate entities. Option bytes for FL-1289 and checker/setter.
* Cli: explicitly initialize variable befor use in api_hal_vcp_rx_with_timeout
* Rename ob_check script to ob.
2021-06-23 17:58:44 +03:00

24 lines
662 B

PROJECT_ROOT = $(abspath $(dir $(abspath $(firstword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))..)
PROJECT = firmware
include $(PROJECT_ROOT)/make/base.mk
include $(PROJECT_ROOT)/assets/assets.mk
include $(PROJECT_ROOT)/core/core.mk
include $(PROJECT_ROOT)/applications/applications.mk
include $(PROJECT_ROOT)/lib/lib.mk
CFLAGS += -Werror -Wno-address-of-packed-member
CPPFLAGS += -Werror
TARGET ?= f6
TARGET_DIR = targets/$(TARGET)
include $(TARGET_DIR)/target.mk
CFLAGS += -Itargets/api-hal-include
include $(PROJECT_ROOT)/make/git.mk
include $(PROJECT_ROOT)/make/toolchain.mk
include $(PROJECT_ROOT)/make/rules.mk