あく 37d7870e52
[FL-1666] Bootloader: info screen when we going to DFU. FuriHal: port SPI to LL. Cleanup. ()
* FuriHal: port spi to ll. Bootloader: add spi and display.
* Makefile: rollback disabled freertos introspection
* FuriHal: spi lock asserts. F6: minor cleanup port sdcard shenanigans to furi_hal_gpio.
* SdCard: port missing bits to furi-hal-gpio
* FuriHal: fix broken RX in SPI, update SPI API usage. RFAL: more asserts in SPI platform code.
* GUI: clear canvas on start. FuriHal: no pullup on radio spi bus.
* FuriHal: use check instead of assert in spi lock routines
* FuriHal: remove timeouts
* SdHal: add guard time to SDCARD CS PIN control.
* FuriHal: proper name for SPI device reconfigure routine. SdHal: one more enterprise delay and better documentation.
* Bootloader: update DFU text and add image.
* FuriHal: drop unused ST HAL modules.
* SdHal: fixed swapped hal_gpio_init_ex arguments
* SpiHal: fixed swapped hal_gpio_init_ex arguments
* IrdaHal: use hal_gpio_init instead of hal_gpio_init_ex
* RfidHal: fixed swapped hal_gpio_init_ex arguments

Co-authored-by: DrZlo13 <who.just.the.doctor@gmail.com>
2021-08-12 11:48:05 +03:00

45 lines
1.4 KiB

PROJECT_ROOT = $(abspath $(dir $(abspath $(firstword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))..)
PROJECT = bootloader
include $(PROJECT_ROOT)/make/base.mk
CFLAGS += -I$(PROJECT_ROOT) -Itargets/furi-hal-include
ASM_SOURCES += $(wildcard src/*.s)
C_SOURCES += $(wildcard src/*.c)
CPP_SOURCES += $(wildcard src/*.cpp)
TARGET ?= f6
TARGET_DIR = targets/$(TARGET)
include $(TARGET_DIR)/target.mk
# U8G2 display library
U8G2_DIR = $(LIB_DIR)/u8g2
C_SOURCES += $(U8G2_DIR)/u8x8_d_st7565.c
C_SOURCES += $(U8G2_DIR)/u8g2_d_setup.c
C_SOURCES += $(U8G2_DIR)/u8g2_intersection.c
C_SOURCES += $(U8G2_DIR)/u8g2_setup.c
C_SOURCES += $(U8G2_DIR)/u8g2_d_memory.c
C_SOURCES += $(U8G2_DIR)/u8x8_cad.c
C_SOURCES += $(U8G2_DIR)/u8x8_byte.c
C_SOURCES += $(U8G2_DIR)/u8x8_gpio.c
C_SOURCES += $(U8G2_DIR)/u8x8_display.c
C_SOURCES += $(U8G2_DIR)/u8x8_setup.c
C_SOURCES += $(U8G2_DIR)/u8g2_hvline.c
C_SOURCES += $(U8G2_DIR)/u8g2_line.c
C_SOURCES += $(U8G2_DIR)/u8g2_ll_hvline.c
C_SOURCES += $(U8G2_DIR)/u8g2_circle.c
C_SOURCES += $(U8G2_DIR)/u8g2_box.c
C_SOURCES += $(U8G2_DIR)/u8g2_buffer.c
C_SOURCES += $(U8G2_DIR)/u8g2_font.c
C_SOURCES += $(U8G2_DIR)/u8g2_fonts.c
C_SOURCES += $(U8G2_DIR)/u8x8_8x8.c
C_SOURCES += $(U8G2_DIR)/u8g2_bitmap.c
include $(PROJECT_ROOT)/make/git.mk
include $(PROJECT_ROOT)/make/toolchain.mk
include $(PROJECT_ROOT)/make/rules.mk