gornekich c2535f4269
[FL-1937] Bluetooth new assets ()
* assets: add new ble assets
* bt: update pairing screen with new icon
* bt: add bt status and update status bar
* bt: update statusbar width from thread
* Icons: new BT icon

Co-authored-by: Aleksandr Kutuzov <alleteam@gmail.com>
2021-10-21 19:27:58 +03:00

169 lines
9.1 KiB

/* Automatically generated nanopb header */
/* Generated by nanopb-0.4.5 */
#include <pb.h>
#include "storage.pb.h"
#include "status.pb.h"
#include "application.pb.h"
#error Regenerate this file with the current version of nanopb generator.
/* Enum definitions */
typedef enum _PB_CommandStatus {
PB_CommandStatus_OK = 0,
PB_CommandStatus_ERROR = 1, /* *< Unknown error */
PB_CommandStatus_ERROR_DECODE = 2, /* *< Command can't be decoded successfully - command_id in response may be wrong! */
PB_CommandStatus_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 3, /* *< Command succesfully decoded, but not implemented (deprecated or not yet implemented) */
PB_CommandStatus_ERROR_BUSY = 4, /* *< Somebody took global lock, so not all commands are available */
PB_CommandStatus_ERROR_CONTINUOUS_COMMAND_INTERRUPTED = 14, /* *< Not received has_next == 0 */
PB_CommandStatus_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERS = 15, /* *< not provided (or provided invalid) crucial parameters to perform rpc */
PB_CommandStatus_ERROR_STORAGE_NOT_READY = 5, /* *< FS not ready */
PB_CommandStatus_ERROR_STORAGE_EXIST = 6, /* *< File/Dir alrady exist */
PB_CommandStatus_ERROR_STORAGE_NOT_EXIST = 7, /* *< File/Dir does not exist */
PB_CommandStatus_ERROR_STORAGE_INVALID_PARAMETER = 8, /* *< Invalid API parameter */
PB_CommandStatus_ERROR_STORAGE_DENIED = 9, /* *< Access denied */
PB_CommandStatus_ERROR_STORAGE_INVALID_NAME = 10, /* *< Invalid name/path */
PB_CommandStatus_ERROR_STORAGE_INTERNAL = 11, /* *< Internal error */
PB_CommandStatus_ERROR_STORAGE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 12, /* *< Functon not implemented */
PB_CommandStatus_ERROR_STORAGE_ALREADY_OPEN = 13, /* *< File/Dir already opened */
PB_CommandStatus_ERROR_APP_CANT_START = 16, /* *< Can't start app - or internal error */
PB_CommandStatus_ERROR_APP_SYSTEM_LOCKED = 17 /* *< Another app is running */
} PB_CommandStatus;
/* Struct definitions */
/* There are Server commands (e.g. Storage_write), which have no body message
in response. But 'oneof' obligate to have at least 1 encoded message
in scope. For this needs Empty message is implemented. */
typedef struct _PB_Empty {
char dummy_field;
} PB_Empty;
typedef struct _PB_Main {
uint32_t command_id;
PB_CommandStatus command_status;
bool has_next;
pb_callback_t cb_content;
pb_size_t which_content;
union {
PB_Empty empty;
PB_Status_PingRequest ping_request;
PB_Status_PingResponse ping_response;
PB_Storage_ListRequest storage_list_request;
PB_Storage_ListResponse storage_list_response;
PB_Storage_ReadRequest storage_read_request;
PB_Storage_ReadResponse storage_read_response;
PB_Storage_WriteRequest storage_write_request;
PB_Storage_DeleteRequest storage_delete_request;
PB_Storage_MkdirRequest storage_mkdir_request;
PB_Storage_Md5sumRequest storage_md5sum_request;
PB_Storage_Md5sumResponse storage_md5sum_response;
PB_App_Start app_start;
PB_App_LockStatusRequest app_lock_status_request;
PB_App_LockStatusResponse app_lock_status_response;
} content;
} PB_Main;
/* Helper constants for enums */
#define _PB_CommandStatus_MIN PB_CommandStatus_OK
#define _PB_CommandStatus_MAX PB_CommandStatus_ERROR_APP_SYSTEM_LOCKED
#define _PB_CommandStatus_ARRAYSIZE ((PB_CommandStatus)(PB_CommandStatus_ERROR_APP_SYSTEM_LOCKED+1))
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* Initializer values for message structs */
#define PB_Empty_init_default {0}
#define PB_Main_init_default {0, _PB_CommandStatus_MIN, 0, {{NULL}, NULL}, 0, {PB_Empty_init_default}}
#define PB_Empty_init_zero {0}
#define PB_Main_init_zero {0, _PB_CommandStatus_MIN, 0, {{NULL}, NULL}, 0, {PB_Empty_init_zero}}
/* Field tags (for use in manual encoding/decoding) */
#define PB_Main_command_id_tag 1
#define PB_Main_command_status_tag 2
#define PB_Main_has_next_tag 3
#define PB_Main_empty_tag 4
#define PB_Main_ping_request_tag 5
#define PB_Main_ping_response_tag 6
#define PB_Main_storage_list_request_tag 7
#define PB_Main_storage_list_response_tag 8
#define PB_Main_storage_read_request_tag 9
#define PB_Main_storage_read_response_tag 10
#define PB_Main_storage_write_request_tag 11
#define PB_Main_storage_delete_request_tag 12
#define PB_Main_storage_mkdir_request_tag 13
#define PB_Main_storage_md5sum_request_tag 14
#define PB_Main_storage_md5sum_response_tag 15
#define PB_Main_app_start_tag 16
#define PB_Main_app_lock_status_request_tag 17
#define PB_Main_app_lock_status_response_tag 18
/* Struct field encoding specification for nanopb */
#define PB_Empty_FIELDLIST(X, a) \
#define PB_Empty_CALLBACK NULL
#define PB_Empty_DEFAULT NULL
#define PB_Main_FIELDLIST(X, a) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, UINT32, command_id, 1) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, UENUM, command_status, 2) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, BOOL, has_next, 3) \
X(a, STATIC, ONEOF, MSG_W_CB, (content,empty,content.empty), 4) \
X(a, STATIC, ONEOF, MSG_W_CB, (content,ping_request,content.ping_request), 5) \
X(a, STATIC, ONEOF, MSG_W_CB, (content,ping_response,content.ping_response), 6) \
X(a, STATIC, ONEOF, MSG_W_CB, (content,storage_list_request,content.storage_list_request), 7) \
X(a, STATIC, ONEOF, MSG_W_CB, (content,storage_list_response,content.storage_list_response), 8) \
X(a, STATIC, ONEOF, MSG_W_CB, (content,storage_read_request,content.storage_read_request), 9) \
X(a, STATIC, ONEOF, MSG_W_CB, (content,storage_read_response,content.storage_read_response), 10) \
X(a, STATIC, ONEOF, MSG_W_CB, (content,storage_write_request,content.storage_write_request), 11) \
X(a, STATIC, ONEOF, MSG_W_CB, (content,storage_delete_request,content.storage_delete_request), 12) \
X(a, STATIC, ONEOF, MSG_W_CB, (content,storage_mkdir_request,content.storage_mkdir_request), 13) \
X(a, STATIC, ONEOF, MSG_W_CB, (content,storage_md5sum_request,content.storage_md5sum_request), 14) \
X(a, STATIC, ONEOF, MSG_W_CB, (content,storage_md5sum_response,content.storage_md5sum_response), 15) \
X(a, STATIC, ONEOF, MSG_W_CB, (content,app_start,content.app_start), 16) \
X(a, STATIC, ONEOF, MSG_W_CB, (content,app_lock_status_request,content.app_lock_status_request), 17) \
X(a, STATIC, ONEOF, MSG_W_CB, (content,app_lock_status_response,content.app_lock_status_response), 18)
#define PB_Main_DEFAULT NULL
#define PB_Main_content_empty_MSGTYPE PB_Empty
#define PB_Main_content_ping_request_MSGTYPE PB_Status_PingRequest
#define PB_Main_content_ping_response_MSGTYPE PB_Status_PingResponse
#define PB_Main_content_storage_list_request_MSGTYPE PB_Storage_ListRequest
#define PB_Main_content_storage_list_response_MSGTYPE PB_Storage_ListResponse
#define PB_Main_content_storage_read_request_MSGTYPE PB_Storage_ReadRequest
#define PB_Main_content_storage_read_response_MSGTYPE PB_Storage_ReadResponse
#define PB_Main_content_storage_write_request_MSGTYPE PB_Storage_WriteRequest
#define PB_Main_content_storage_delete_request_MSGTYPE PB_Storage_DeleteRequest
#define PB_Main_content_storage_mkdir_request_MSGTYPE PB_Storage_MkdirRequest
#define PB_Main_content_storage_md5sum_request_MSGTYPE PB_Storage_Md5sumRequest
#define PB_Main_content_storage_md5sum_response_MSGTYPE PB_Storage_Md5sumResponse
#define PB_Main_content_app_start_MSGTYPE PB_App_Start
#define PB_Main_content_app_lock_status_request_MSGTYPE PB_App_LockStatusRequest
#define PB_Main_content_app_lock_status_response_MSGTYPE PB_App_LockStatusResponse
extern const pb_msgdesc_t PB_Empty_msg;
extern const pb_msgdesc_t PB_Main_msg;
/* Defines for backwards compatibility with code written before nanopb-0.4.0 */
#define PB_Empty_fields &PB_Empty_msg
#define PB_Main_fields &PB_Main_msg
/* Maximum encoded size of messages (where known) */
#define PB_Empty_size 0
#if defined(PB_Storage_ListRequest_size) && defined(PB_Storage_ListResponse_size) && defined(PB_Storage_ReadRequest_size) && defined(PB_Storage_ReadResponse_size) && defined(PB_Storage_WriteRequest_size) && defined(PB_Storage_DeleteRequest_size) && defined(PB_Storage_MkdirRequest_size) && defined(PB_Storage_Md5sumRequest_size) && defined(PB_App_Start_size)
#define PB_Main_size (10 + sizeof(union PB_Main_content_size_union))
union PB_Main_content_size_union {char f7[(6 + PB_Storage_ListRequest_size)]; char f8[(6 + PB_Storage_ListResponse_size)]; char f9[(6 + PB_Storage_ReadRequest_size)]; char f10[(6 + PB_Storage_ReadResponse_size)]; char f11[(6 + PB_Storage_WriteRequest_size)]; char f12[(6 + PB_Storage_DeleteRequest_size)]; char f13[(6 + PB_Storage_MkdirRequest_size)]; char f14[(6 + PB_Storage_Md5sumRequest_size)]; char f16[(7 + PB_App_Start_size)]; char f0[36];};
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern "C" */