coreglitch c1c069e95f
F2 F3 deprecate ()
* move f3-1 to f4, remove f3
* remove f2
* remove firmware F3 for pipeline
* remove patch for F4 makefile
* fix fw makefile
* migrate bootloader to f4
2020-12-14 19:36:07 +03:00

24 lines
633 B

PROJECT_ROOT = $(abspath $(dir $(abspath $(firstword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))..)
PROJECT = firmware
CFLAGS += -Werror
CPPFLAGS += -Werror
include $(PROJECT_ROOT)/make/
include $(PROJECT_ROOT)/assets/
include $(PROJECT_ROOT)/core/
include $(PROJECT_ROOT)/make/
include $(PROJECT_ROOT)/applications/
include $(PROJECT_ROOT)/lib/
TARGET ?= f4
TARGET_DIR = targets/$(TARGET)
include $(TARGET_DIR)/
CFLAGS += -Itargets/api-hal-include
include $(PROJECT_ROOT)/make/
include $(PROJECT_ROOT)/make/
include $(PROJECT_ROOT)/make/