## Purpose From the HacDC Bylaws, Article III, Section 2: *At the annual meeting, the voting members shall elect the Board of Directors, review and vote on the standing rules and policies of the corporation, receive reports on the activities of the corporation, approve the budget and determine the direction of corporation in the coming year.* ## Time and Location `   Date: Change me` `   Location: HacDC` Meeting called to order at `   Time: Change me` ## Participants - Members Present: - Add me - Add me - Others Present: - Add me [Quorum](Quorum "wikilink") met? `   Unknown` ## Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes ## Recognition ## Director Reports ### President's Report ### Vice President's Report ### Treasurer's Report ### Secretary's Report ### Director-at-Large Reports #### Matt #### Kevin ## [Project Awesome](:Category:Project_Awesome "wikilink") Reports ### Project HAMRADIO ### Project SEM ### Project SUPPLIES ### Project EXPANSION ## Audit Committee Report Nobody bothered to form a committee so there's no report. All financial statements including receipts for all purchases are at the space, in the BOD locker, treasurer's folder. The Dwolla statements include member names, the rest don't. -Enrique ## Member Reports ## Old Business ### Bylaws Amendments ## New Business ## Board of Directors Elections Results of the elections are as follows: `   President: ''??? stood for election unopposed.` `   Vice President:  ''??? and ??? stand for VP.` `   ''??? won with ??? votes to ???` `    Treasurer: ''??? stood for election unopposed.` `    Secretary: ''??? stood for election unopposed.` `   At large seats: ''???, ???, and ??? stand for at large seats.` `   ''??? and ??? won the ranked choice vote.` ## New Members ## Adjournment Adjourned at `   Time: Change me` [Category:Meeting Minutes](Category:Meeting_Minutes "wikilink")