## Time and Location Date: December 21st 2021 Called to order at 6:40pm BOD Members present: Brian, Tayeb, Matt, John, Michelle Members present: Members remote: None Others present: [Quorum](Quorum "wikilink") Quorum met? `   yes` ## Director Reports (Governance related stuff) ### President's Report ### Vice President's Report ### Treasurer's Report ### Secretary's Report ### Director-at-Large Reports ## Agenda ### Agenda Item \#1: Decision-making: requiring a quorum for all meetings - General agreement this was the way to continue to schedule meetings and re-schedule meetings as necessary - Where a quorum to meet = 1/4th of board members; quorum to pay \$1000 item = 1/3rd of board members ### Agenda Item \#2: Board elections: clarification of roles and setting a date for elections - must be in Feb or Mar (according to bylaws) - Kevin open to being At-Large - Tayeb planning on departing - Karen can be asked for a position - John glad to be At-Large - set to vote on members meeting last meeting Mar 9th - Matt glad to be Treasurer - Michelle glad to be President ### Agenda Item \#3: Equipment - donations. Requesting and receiving donations - Michelle will respond to donors and copy board and know who's nearby (Gabe, John, Tayeb are close by). - Include in email "want it to be tax deductible? might take a little research on our end." to get estimate and receipt. ### Agenda Item \#4: Getting (and keeping) additional helpers - Supporting instructors & potential new instructors - Managing volunteers & types of volunteers we need & volunteer projects - Volunteers can do Remote - given that we meet them, a BOD vouches for them; can get into the space if supervised ### Agenda Item \#5: Membership. Policy for non-members attending virtual classes/events. ### Agenda Item \#6: Membership. Should institute a virtual membership plan? ### Agenda Item \#7: Communications - committee. ???Unified Data??? Phase 1: Wiki-Website-Meetup-Google - Michelle: doing the web work - Michelle: for designs, will send out draft text to BOD for review - Michelle: will create a distribution email list (something like: data-unifed@hacdc.org) - Ken: doing the wiki work and backups ### Agenda Item \#8: Covid - Health. Air quality monitor (to replace Ken???s) via Raspberry Pi HomeBridge OS - Michelle: we've had Ken's air quality monitors over a year and we need to make a plan to return them and use our own system. Maybe do a DIY system and can use Ken's tools to compare/quality control before final return to him. - John: has logged air quality monitor; will gradually phase out and use Ken's to QA our raspberry pi. - Matt: open to trying a solution for HacDC space - Matt: uses OpenHat (spelling?) now control home lighting - Michelle: some (possibly) helpful videos: - [Arduino system but maybe no logging, no wifi? @ YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esY_OtDLv7g&t=135s%7CSimple) - [Quality Raspberry Pi Homekit (buuut...Apple?) @ YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=air+quality+raspberry+pi+homekit%7CAir) - [complete house system hook-up @ YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/user/SuperHouseTV%7CGuy's) ### Agenda Item \#9: Safety - Waiver. Hold harmless agreement for existing and new members - Tayeb: has anyone know what our insurance policy is? - John: who would we even put a claim into with? - Matt: wants quarterly / semi-annually to list everything and keep informed - John: would get insurance for the space - Michelle: should start that process now for new equipment - Tayeb: should request this ### Agenda Item \#10: Basement improvements. Decluttering and organizing the basement. ### Agenda Item \#11: Government contracts. Apply for a SAM code & DUNS number. - Michelle: will get this started end of Spring ### Agenda Item \#12: Comms Systems. TechSoup access for free Zoom access (see John). - John/Matt: needs to reset his password: ### Agenda Item \#13: Newsletter. Regular newsletter. - John: start with post-election news - Tayeb: will solicit to membership for help to get this done every other month. Simultaneous announcement on Twitter, FB, Instagram, etc. - New elections - New grant - New website (ie. unified data) ### Agenda Item \#14: Membership clarifying information and changes. - Meetup events are entirely open - nonmembers welcome - Courses (on-site) =\> members only no charge; nonmembers for a charge - Open Nights - MicroFab; AutoCAD - more social, more club events - Virtual membership - tabled until we can be in the space ### Agenda Item \#15: The Space. Someone to man the space - - Way to track and equipment and fix equipment (must be person easy to get along with) - Way to decide when something reached end of useful life =\> announce available to members (two week wait for anyone to take) =\> two weeks before for anyone to throw away =\> sell stuff on eBay Decommission space / Health Check of Equipment - John: do another annual "Spring Cleaning" clean-out to get rid of stuff not worth fixing Basement space - Matt: noticed there was water in the basement; space floods a lot but not to the level where its too high - Tayeb: there is drainage outside the door (John thinks is part of the problem) Roof work - John: (question really for HAM Radio Club) Spring Cleaning: Feb / Mar -- probably multi-day; when new board takes over - basement - roof - space decommission ### Agenda Item: Miscellaneous. - Due to holidays - cancelling all events until non until Jan 1st (even virtual ones) ## Adjournment Adjourned by at 8:01p by Tayeb [Category:Meeting Minutes](Category:Meeting_Minutes "wikilink")