This is made for the [Digital Design and FPGA workshop](FPGA_Workshop "wikilink") run in Fall 2009. == makefile == Assumptions: You have iverilog, vvp and gtkwave in your \$PATH. iverilog and vvp are the Icarus Verilog package. gtkwave is the GTKWave+ package. In order to use this makfile, the TOOL INPUT section must be modified to match your needs. This involves the following - Change the SRC macro to include your verilog source code files. - Change the TESTBENCH macro to include your verilog testbench. - Change the TBOUTPUT macro to the name of the file your dumping your testbench output too. The posted makefile shows the TOOL INPUT macros pre-populated for targeting an Arithmetic Logic Unit (alu). ############################################################################### # # ICARUS VERILOG & GTKWAVE MAKEFILE # MADE BY WILLIAM GIBB FOR HACDC # # # USE THE FOLLOWING COMMANDS WITH THIS MAKEFILE # "make check" - compiles your verilog design - good for checking code # "make simulate" - compiles your design+TB & simulates your design # "make display" - compiles, simulates and displays waveforms # ############################################################################### # # CHANGE THESE THREE LINES FOR YOUR DESIGN # #TOOL INPUT SRC = alu.v alu_func.v alu_regn.v dff.v TESTBENCH = alu_tb.v TBOUTPUT = waves.lxt #THIS NEEDS TO MATCH THE OUTPUT FILE #FROM YOUR TESTBENCH ############################################################################### # BE CAREFUL WHEN CHANGING ITEMS BELOW THIS LINE ############################################################################### #TOOLS COMPILER = iverilog SIMULATOR = vvp VIEWER = gtkwave #TOOL OPTIONS COFLAGS = -v -o SFLAGS = -v SOUTPUT = -lxt #SIMULATOR OUTPUT TYPE #TOOL OUTPUT COUTPUT = compiler.out #COMPILER OUTPUT ############################################################################### #MAKE DIRECTIVES check : $(TESTBENCH) $(SRC) $(COMPILER) -v $(SRC) simulate: $(COUTPUT) $(SIMULATOR) $(SFLAGS) $(COUTPUT) $(SOUTPUT) display: $(TBOUTPUT) $(VIEWER) $(TBOUTPUT) & #MAKE DEPENDANCIES $(TBOUTPUT): $(COUTPUT) $(SIMULATOR) $(SOPTIONS) $(COUTPUT) $(SOUTPUT) $(COUTPUT): $(TESTBENCH) $(SRC) $(COMPILER) $(COFLAGS) $(COUTPUT) $(TESTBENCH) $(SRC) ## convenient file copy script Convenient file to copy the makefile from ~/resources/makefile to your current directory. copy the script into a file, chmod +x the file and place the file in your \$PATH. this assumes that ~/resources/makefile does not have write permissions granted to it. #!/bin/bash # # William Gibb # Written for HacDC Digital Design and FPGA workshop # #variables! fileofjustice=~/resources/makefile #script it up! echo "Copying iVerilog makfile" if [ -r $fileofjustice ]; then cp $fileofjustice . chmod u+w ./makefile echo "makefile copied" else echo "You don't have the makefile at $fileofjustice" fi [Category:FPGAWorkshop](Category:FPGAWorkshop "wikilink")