JeeMesh is a mesh protocol in development at HacDC to extend the [JeeNode]( [RF12]( low power wireless protocol for mesh routing, packet fragmentation, and (more) reliable delivery. RF12 has the following limitations: - up to 30 nodes (typically 26 nodes and 4 servers/gateways) - MTU 66 bytes - range of about 30' to 50' at 915mhz We intend to extend these limits somewhat: - MTU 1023 bytes - range up to 200' by routing through up to four nodes on a mesh A 16 bit header is added using the first two bytes of the RF12 packet data as follows: - 5 bits for original source node - 5 bits for final destination node - 2 bits for ttl - 4 bits for fragment sequence This allows us to reconstruct 1024 byte JeeMesh packet from 16 64-byte packet fragments. We further add another 8 bit header to the first packet fragment, reducing the MTU to 1023 bytes: - 4 bits number of fragments - 4 bits packet type [Category:Previous_Projects](Category:Previous_Projects "wikilink")